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Yes, I Tricked and Forced My Sister Ch. 03

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The ending of his night with his parents and sister.
9.3k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 07/08/2023
Created 01/08/2023
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The following very dark story has themes of incest, misogyny, non-consent sex, humiliation, abuse and other dark themes. If such content offends you, please do not read. This is an erotic FICTION story not meant as any sort of gender, political or societal protest. This is purely for entertainment and never meant to happen in reality. If you have issues with such kinks, please do not read.

"I'M SORRY!" My mother shrieks as I push her backward, my gun in her mouth. Her eyes have gone super wide and there's a look of honest fear on her face that is too real to fake. Overall I think she's seeing her own life pass in front of her eyes, as she made me do just a moment earlier when she attacked after getting herself free.

"Please, no! I'm sorry," she keeps begging, even if the words come out garbled as I keep the gun in her mouth. It's at this moment I recognize how my acting is the only thing keeping me in power. If she wasn't so freaked out, she would for sure notice that the gun isn't real. Afterall, it's plastic and not metal, which she should be able to taste. But due to the way I'm acting, she fully believes it.

After backing her up to the wall, I take a handful of my mom's hair and forcefully push her back to the kitchen table. I am very rough with her, yanking her hair and basically throwing her over the table. She lands over it, bending over it from the impact, right next to her daughter who is still bent over and in her own world.

For a moment I look at my sister and I'm not even sure she knows what planet she is on. I really do think I've broken her. For hours I've abused and fucked her in most ways I could think of. Not just that, I even had her own father fuck her until he unloaded his cum inside her. I'm pretty sure the poor girl is just about gone. I mean, it's pretty clear she's waiting for someone to start fucking her again, even if she's abused and tied down.

My mother struggles and tries to get up, unlike before. Before she was doing as she was told without much issue, but not any longer. Now, she's actively struggling and trying to stand to get away. Can't say I blame her. I mean, I did just tell her that her punishment for attacking me was to be fucked in the ass. And as that was the only words I've said out loud tonight, it was impactful.

My mother keeps struggling to the point I know I'm going to have an issue with it. Not wanting to do it, I slam my mother's head onto the table. I do it as lightly as I can, but do keep it down, smushing the side of her face against the table to show her how much stronger I am than she is. This finally calms her down as her struggling becomes very, very weak until she stops struggling and stays bent.

Turning, I point my gun at my father. Right before my mother tried to fight back, I was making him fuck her from behind as she was bent over the kitchen table. But she slammed her ass backward into him, forcing him to fall back and slam against the wall. From there, he fell to the ground and stayed there, his hard cock still pointing up due to the medication he took before he arrived home.

Motioning with the gun, I instruct him to stand up and move to the other side of the table. Scared, he gets up at once and rushes to the other side of the table. Like he's been doing the entire night, he is submissive and scared, keeping his head down and not having any shame about being naked.

When my father moves to the other side of the table, I can't help but think how strange this entire scene is. How crazy this whole night has been. I mean, the entire family is naked. Every one of us. Naked in our dining room, almost like this is a family activity. Yet none of them know it's me that's doing this to them. They think it's some crazed rapist here to cause havok.

All I was trying to do was provide a CNC scene with my sister. She never knew it was me she was talking to online while setting it up, nor will she ever find out. But I got a little too intense while playing with her and stayed around longer than I should have. That's when my parents came home, and everything went to shit. To protect myself in case they called the cops, I had the genius idea of having my father fuck my sister as well, so any DNA would be mixed as I did cum in her a few times. But like I said, everything got fucked up. My plan went to shit the moment I got drunk on power.

My mom softly pouts as she stays bent over, her pussy completely exposed. I stare at it for a moment, oddly tempted to fuck her again as I just had her a few minutes ago. I'm not sure why, but her pouting like that makes me want to fuck her even worse. Like the drunk off power feeling is made even stronger due to it.

Her crying gets harder when I grab her left arm and pull it in front of her, so it hangs off the side of the table. I repeat this for her right as well so both of her arms hang off. Being a good girl this time, she keeps them there, knowing doing anything more will make this worse for her. I'm not sure what more I could do that's worse than fucking her in the ass, but I'm sure I could think up something.

What sort of makes all of this hard is that I have to keep holding the gun. If I could, I would set it down and use both hands, which would make all this go faster, but I can't. I can't risk them finding out that it is a fake gun. If they did, I would be quickly overpowered as there are three of them.

With the gun in my hand, I walk over towards my box. It's a box I keep all the sex toys (and other items) I had brought to use on my sister. Again, I was only going to use a few of these and leave, but now I think every single thing in the box is going to be used before this is over. A few of them multiple times.

From the box I grab a bundle of soft black rope. Tossing it, my father catches it, unsure of why I threw it to him. I then motion for him to tie my mother's hands together. I have to do this a few times as he doesn't understand what I want at first.

Once again, my father shows how submissive or scared he is by immediately doing as I want. There's no fight in him at all. He doesn't try to grab the gun or even punch me. Instead he unwraps the rope then starts to loop it around my mom's wrist over and over again, his hard cock bouncing about.

When my mom's wrists are tied, I motion to my father to go under the table. Again, it takes a moment for him to understand, especially as I can't talk for fear they will recognize my voice, but he gets it after I do the motion. I want him to tie the rope from my mom's wrists to her feet to make sure she can't move.

"Don't do it, please," my mom begs my father as he crawls underneath the table. She can feel him pulling on the rope, which in turn pulls on her arms. I'm unable to fully see him under the table, but I do see him wrapping the rope around her ankles. From there he tightens in, making my mom bend over much more as the rope is taut and firm.

"No, don't!" my mom keeps begging him, and I must admit it feels rather arousing to hear. There's just so much humiliation dripping out of her voice. And why not? Her own husband is assisting in her rape, even if he doesn't want to do it. He's preparing her to take it up the ass without trying to help at all.

I step forward now that she's tied down. I don't have to fear that she's going to leap at me or anything else. She notices me getting closer as she keeps repeating the same thing to me over and over.

"Please...not there," my mom begs as she doesn't want to be fucked in the ass. She keeps on pouting, begging for me not to do this next part to her. In a rather surprising moment, she even offers to deep throat me instead.

It's very weird how I don't feel bad for her at all. In fact, I'm still pissed off at her. How dare she try to attack me the way she did. She was really going to hurt me. So what I fucked her? So what I made her watch as I fucked her daughter? I'm in charge here, not her. And afterall, she came multiple times. She should be on her knees, begging to take my cock however I want to give it.

Looking down at my mom and sister as they are bent over the table, I come to a conclusion. One that I hate to admit. I'm pretty well spent in terms of sex.

I've already cummed far more times than I'm used to. I'm not sure I can really go another ten rounds, so to speak, especially for something like anal sex. I mean, I could start it to prove a point, but this really should be something where it's done to completion. Where she takes it for like an hour or something.

I then get a horrible idea. A brilliant but horrible idea. One that I think will teach her a lesson for daring to attack me. One that will be pretty fun to watch, and something I won't soon forget.

Moving back to my box, I begin to search though one particular item. I quickly find it, which is one of the vibrators I've used tonight. There are three in the box, each a different size and purpose. This one is the one I need through. It is a vibrator, but it did come part of a set, so to speak.

I keep searching the box until I find the black harness. At least, that's what I call it. It's not really a harness but a multi-purpose thing. The harness is of thick straps that you can move and rearrange due to it being velco. There for you can use it as a gag, as cuffs or whatever you can think up.

With the harness in hand, I walk back to the table, but not to my mom. This time I move behind my sister as I mess with the harness. Fooling with it, I'm able to connect the straps so it looks something like a weird thong. Then I slide the vibrator into the pouch-thing that is meant for the vibrator, where it sticks out.

Holding the harness out, I test it a little by pulling on the fake cock that now sticks out. When the harness doesn't break, I chuckle and lay it on the ground behind my sister.

Not caring how badly she's hurts or how sore she is, I slap my sister's redden ass. Over and over I slap it, causing her to yelp out each time. She nearly tries to stand up at this, but I force her to stay bent over, damn near deciding to shove my cock back in her just to mess with her.

Laughing at my sister and how helpless and pathetic she is, I bend over and I lift my sister's left leg and make her step into one of the leg holes of the harness. Then I do the same for her right foot. After this, I pull the harness up her legs, treating them like a weird set of panties. I keep pulling until the harness is all the way up her bare hips. Here I pull and set the strap around her waistband to keep them up.

With an evil smile, I point the gun at my father again. Like each time I do this, he jerks a little, hating having the gun pointed at him. This makes my cock throb as the power is just so intoxicating. I really do think I'm drunk, even if I've had nothing to drink nor smoke. The power of domination is truly a drug like none other.

Smiling my evil smile, I grab hold of my hard dick in my free hand, making it seem like I want him to do the same. Red faced, my father does this, grabbing his manhood and looking away from me for a moment as this is a weird experience to have with another man.

I then mime grabbing a head and putting my cock in it. The point of this couldn't be clearly since my mom's face is but inches in front of him. I want him to shove his cock inside my mother's mouth. I want him to face fuck her all over again to make her feel like a complete whore as I do this next part to her.

With an apologetic expression, my father looks down at my mom. He grabs hold of her face in both hands, looking like he wants to tell her something before he does anything more. In the end he doesn't say anything before he moves one hand to his manhood.

"No. Don't you dare," my mom warns my father as she remains bent over and helpless. My father then presses his cock against my mother's face. Only she's keeping her mouth closed. Her lips are pressed together tight, so even though he rubs his cock against them, she refuses to open up. But he keeps trying, rubbing and poking his cock against her, wishing she would open up not to make me mad.

I'm making him do this not just to be cruel towards her, but I need her gagged. I can't have her making too much noise or else the neighbors will hear. It's already super late, so there's a chance we might wake people up if we are too loud.

So I slap my mom's bare ass hard, then grab a good amount of her ass. I even dig my nails in to make her feel it. I hold onto her ass, wanting her to feel like a piece of meat as I grope her. I do this two more times in quick succession to make a point.

My mom cries out, where my father inserts his cock. He shoves it pretty far into her mouth as if scared she may try to pull it out somehow. For her credit, my mom just takes it. She lets him put his manhood in her mouth, where she blankly looks forward, still worried about how it's going to feel to be fucked in the ass by a rapist. And in a sort of funny moment, I can tell that most of my father's cock is in her mouth, to which she's basically deep-throating him.

Grabbing a handful of my sister's hair, I force her to stand. Acting drugged, she stands, not caring about being naked or that her parents are being molested right along with her. She's blindfolded at the moment so I bet she's using that as a clutch. Letting her sick, sexual fantasies blend into the darkness and saying she had no choice in doing as she was told.

With a smile on my face, I grab a condom from my box, as well as some lube. As my sister is still blindfolded, she doesn't know what she's about to do. I have a feeling if she did, she may try and stop me. Maybe. Then again, she's so broken that she may willingly do anything I ask.

As my sister stands there, her hands cuffed behind her back, I think of how sexy she looks. Her large breasts stick out, where they have so many markings from all that I did to them. Hell, I can even see the red marks between her tits where I titty-fucked her. Not to mention the lines around each boob where I tied them up while laughing at her.

Gosh, I'm such a bastard.

Now my sister stands there sporting a wild looking strap-on. The vibrator sticks out almost like a real cock, complete with a condom on it. I then pour lube over it, making sure to get every inch of it to make where it is going to go, easier.

My manhood starts to throb some at the though of what I'm about to do. It's enough that for a moment I consider just fucking my mom's ass myself, but I decide against it. For some reason the thought that she's going to have to live with the knowledge her own daughter fucked her ass is far too arousing to pass up.

Holding onto the fake cock, I pull my sister towards my mom's ass. Here I try to place the fake manhood where it needs to go, which is right between my mom's cheeks. I end up having to move the sex toy up and down my mom's ass cheeks as her legs are tied together, making it hard to see.

"Noooooo, pleeassseeee!" My mom cries out as she feels the cock at her private place, but it barely comes out thanks to my father's cock in her mouth. Her words are gagged and muffled, to which I hear her spit and drool start to come out.

My mom does wiggle and struggle some, but knows better than to make me mad. Not just that, but she's tied down pretty hardcore. I hadn't realized just how tight dad tied her hands to her feet. It must be pretty painful for her as she is bent over that table.

Moving behind my sister, I press my naked crotch against her bare ass. When I do this, I let my own hard cock rest against her ass cheeks and back. I then reach around and grab hold of the fake cock in my free hand.

Pressing my own crotch against my sister's ass allows the two of us to slowly push the strap-on forward, sending the fake cock to press against our mom's ass. At once my mom begins to groan and moan as she feels the object pressing against her. She even panics for a moment from it, but there's nothing she can do.

Inch by inch I push against my sister harder to make her push the strap-on deeper. My mom keeps tensing up and trying to send the cock out of her, but thankfully we get enough inside of her that she can't. Once the head of the fake cock is in her ass, she's not able to push it out, no matter how hard she tries.

After pushing against my sister a bit more, which sends the fake cock deeper up my mom's ass, my mom sort of calms down. Instead of struggling and wiggling, she becomes rather calm and stares forward. All she does now is pout as she knows there's no use fighting, that this is going to happen. Maybe now she's apologize for trying to attack me.

When my mom calms down, she relaxes completely, probably because it'll be easier for her. Her doing this allows my sister and I to push way more of the cock inside her ass. It becomes way much easier, where I push rather forcefully to try and get all of the vibrator into her tight ass.

Doing this while pressing against my sister is a rather odd feeling as I have no real clue how deep the fake cock is unless I feel it. It's only when I feel my sister grunt that I find we've put all of the fake cock inside our mom. That my sister is pressing up against my mom completely. That every single inch of that eight inch cock is in my mom's butt.

Stepping back, I look around to see just how it looks to see my sister with a fake cock in my mom. Not to mention that my mom has a cock in her mouth as well.

Looking at her, a feeling of anger hits me. I want so badly to yell at her and tell her that this is what she gets. That she should have never attacked me. If she hadn't, I would be gone by now. But because she just had to be a bitch, she's got a cock up her ass, like a whore.

Moving back behind my sister, I wrap an arm around my sister's hips. The anger I feel powers me, so even though I'm not saying anything, I still want my mom to feel my rage. So I pull my sister back some, then thrust against her bare ass, causing her to thrust into our mom.

Doing this makes my mom cry out a pained groan as she feels the violation of her ass. I have no idea how it must feel, but I bet it's humiliating to feel. That's why I pull my sister back again, and thrust again, even harder. I want our mother to feel forced open in ways she didn't know existed.

I'm very happy when my sister understands her role and begins to pull back and thrust on her own. She does it slow and jerky at first, pulling back a little then thrusting a bit too hard. The way she does it is almost like she's scared to go back too far so the cock falls out. But after a little bit, she seems to get a steady go of it, moving back and forward, sending the fake dick into her own mother's ass.

My moan lets out the same yelp sound each time the cock is shoved in. It's a sound of shame, pain and humiliation. And each time my mom whines and groans from it, she is made to learn a powerful lesson about who is in charge.

To make a further point, I make a lewd motion with my own cock towards my father. He, like his daughter, understands at once what I want and begins to do it without question. His hips thrust forward and back, starting to face fuck his wife as she is anally taken.

This causes my mom to make a gagged, wet sound each time he shoves his cock in her mouth. He makes sure to shove his manhood deep too, to which she doesn't protest. Instead she remains calm and allows her husband to fuck her face in such a demeaning manner.

As I watch this happening to my mother, I want so badly to yell that this is what happens when you mess with me. That all you had to do is what you were told and we would have been done. But now you're getting fucked in the ass. And that's on top of how sore your cunt must be from be fucking it so hard earlier.

With my father and sister kknowing what to do, I slowly back up. I try to be quiet so they don't notice what I'm doing. I want them to keep doing as they are, no matter where I am or what I'm doing.

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