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Yo-yo Chronicles Ch. 01: Two Peas in a Pod


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She turned her head to Myra.

"How long was that?" she asked.

"Seven minutes."

"You'll have to do better than that, Ken," she scolded, but her voice told me she was happy that I came so fast. I looked up to see her scrubbing her face with a wet washcloth. She turned the cloth over, stuck out her tongue and scrubbed it, too, stopping to gag for a second.

"Remember the game," she said when she had finished. "You forgot that you're supposed to try hard not to come.

"I don't want you to accuse me that I didn't warn you later. Maybe I didn't make myself clear enough. Let me try a different way. Answer this question: Do you think there's a difference between the words 'regret' and 'sorry?'"

I didn't understand the question, so I said the first thing that came to mind.

"Of course."

"Good. If I say you'll regret it if you come fast and often, it's not strong enough. You'll be sorry if you don't try your hardest not to come. Remember that."

"I'll do my best."

I was only half-listening because I was still basking in the afterglow of my powerful orgasm.

"Are you ready for Part Two?"

"I guess so."

I would have preferred to lie down and take a nap.

"Okay, Myra," she said.

Myra's voice boomed out again as she read.

"Number two. Put him in the same position as number one. Blow him with only your mouth while one hand plays with his balls and you stick the index finger from your other hand into the lube and then into his ass. Slowly fuck him with the finger. In three minutes, when I give the signal, go back to what you did in number one. Eat his ass out as you give him a hand job. After three minutes of that, go back to sucking him. Keep alternating every three minutes until he comes."

Jory lifted my legs and began following Myra's instructions. When I felt the finger in my ass, I began squirming.

I knew she hated going down on me. She did it the first time I asked her, while we were dating, but when I started spurting into her mouth, she jerked her head away, screamed, ran to the bathroom, slammed the door and turned on the shower. It didn't cover up the sound of her heaving into the toilet bowl for five minutes.

When she came back, she apologized and told me she had never tasted or smelled anything as disgusting as my come. She had smelled it often, but when it was less than an inch from her nose, it was horrible.

I never asked her again. She sometimes gave me oral on my birthday or our anniversary, but I was always careful to let her know when I was ready to come, so she could finish me with her hands.

I heard Myra's voice saying, "Three minutes," and Jory's mouth released my cock. A few seconds later I felt her tongue in my ass.

This time I put a little effort into the game. I looked at Myra standing next to the bed to distract me from what Jory was doing. I tried to breathe in and out slowly and not think of the sensations in my ass.

When Myra said, "Six minutes," Jory lifted her head and took some deep breaths. Then her mouth was back on my cock

I got through nine minutes and then twelve minutes, but Jory decided not to take a few breaths before switching from my ass to my cock for the last three minutes, and she tripped me up.

I felt something too big to stop. I tried everything. I twitched my nose and stuck my tongue out and attempted to lick my nose. I moved my arms, legs and head. Nothing was working. I was going over the edge.

"Fifteen minutes," said Myra, and as she said it, my cock erupted into Jory's mouth.

I heard Jory scream "No!" in a strange gurgling voice. She coughed and sneezed come as she jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom. I lay there spent.

Five minutes later she was back with a freshly scrubbed face. She tried to sound upbeat as she spoke.

"You sure won that round. Not only did I not make you come, but you came the instant time was up. If you hadn't, I might have made you come fast in Round Three.

"Now that you've come twice, it's going to be even harder to get another orgasm out of you. I need to strategize."

It sounded as though she was talking about a board game.

"At least I'm not going to be sticking my tongue into your ass anymore," she continued. "Ugh! I don't know how those actresses do it. I wouldn't do it again for any amount of money. My mouth still tastes horrible and I'll never forget the smell. Are you ready for Part Three? Read it, Myra."

"Number three," Myra read. "Get on your hands and knees, and he'll get behind you and he'll slowly push his cock into your ass as deep as it will go. Then he'll slowly pull it all the way out and without stopping push it all the way in just a little faster. As he increases his speed, he'll start bumping your butt. He'll keep going faster and bumping you harder until he comes."

Jory shuddered for a second before she got on her hands and knees and looked at me.

"Time doesn't start until you're inside me," she said.

"I don't know if I can do that."

"Watch this. I saw it on one of your sites."

She put her head down on a pillow and reached behind her and pulled her butt cheeks wide apart.

"Look," she said.

I looked straight into her butthole. I could swear it was winking at me. It pushed out and pulled back slowly a couple of times. Then Jory began to whistle a syncopated melody through her teeth, and she made her asshole wink in time with the rhythm. I laughed at the sight, but it worked. I was hard again.

I moved behind her and started slowly pushing into her ass. It stopped opening and closing and stayed tightly shut. The whistling stopped, too.

"Wait!" Jory screamed. "I almost forgot. Myra, I need lube."

Myra didn't bring the bowl I saw earlier. She had a bulging rubber pouch attached to a tube. She dipped the tube into the bowl of lube to grease it up and then slowly pushed it deep inside Jory's ass. She then lifted the pouch above her head in her strong arms and held it there.

Jory began squirming in front of me as the pouch got thinner. When it was almost flat, Jory said, "I think that's enough. Myra. I feel like the lube's filled me up to my eyeballs."

Myra slowly pulled the tube out of her. As she walked away with it and returned with her camera, Jory turned her head to look at me behind her and spoke.

"I already cleaned my insides before Myra arrived. This lube is to make your huge thing go in easier -- I hope. You can start now."

As I was watching the lube going into her, my cock was hard as a rock. I took it in my hand and started to gently push at Jory's rosebud. All of a sudden, I was in with a whoosh of lube squeezing out and a gasp from Jory.

"Stop, stop," she said. "Take it out. Let me try to relax. This feels horrible."

After a minute, she said, "Okay. Please start again."

I felt her tense up as I went into her again. She took deep breaths. When I was in her up to my balls, I stopped.

"Don't stop!" she said through clenched teeth.

I pulled slowly almost all the way out and then pushed slowly all the way in again. After I did this one more time, I heard Myra say "Bump!"

I remembered that I was supposed to begin bumping now. I hesitated because I didn't think Jory would be able to take it.

"Come on!" Jory said through her gritted teeth. "You're not playing fair."

I couldn't believe it. She was more concerned about her stupid game than her pain. I slowly began pulling out and then pushing in hard enough to hit her butt with my thighs. Each time I did, I heard a little shriek.

"Faster!" she screamed. Her teeth weren't clenched any longer. Her mouth was wide open and breathing in and out so fast I thought she would faint any second. I began to bump her harder, and she began to bump back as her shrieks got louder.


As I slammed into her, I began to feel a stirring in my balls. I was about to come again.

"Fifteen minutes."

As Myra spoke, Jory collapsed on the bed pulling my tool and me forward with her. I slowly pulled it out.

"That was hell," Jory said. "I thought nothing could be worse than putting my tongue inside you, but I was wrong."

She looked dispirited and demoralized, and I could see from her grimaces that she wasn't dealing well with the pain in her ass.

"I think we should stop all of this now," I said.

When I said that, her whole body seemed to jerk in reaction. The look on her face changed instantaneously to one of anger mixed with fierce determination.

"No way! You can't stop now. I've given you what you wanted, and you've enjoyed every second of it. Don't cheat me out of this. You've got to see it through to the end."

She managed a smile as she continued.

"I just missed getting you that time. Look at Moby Dick. He's a little minnow now, but I bet I can inflate him quickly now and get my second score. Let's go, Myra."

"Number four," said Myra. "Get on your side and have him lie down behind you so you're in the spoon position. He will lift your top leg high, and your hand will direct his cock into your ass. As before, he'll begin bumping you. After three minutes, you'll pull away, turn around and suck him off for three minutes. Three minutes later, you'll go back to the previous position. Alternate ass and mouth this way until he comes."

We followed the instructions. This time the insertion was easier, but for some reason, even though she pushed back at me to make the bumps harder, I didn't get as excited as before.

When Myra said "Three minutes," Jori scrambled away from me and turned around. She looked down at my shiny semi-hard cock covered with lube from inside her ass. She hesitated. I heard gagging sounds and some deep breaths before she sucked my cock into her mouth.

For some reason, her distaste and reluctance fired me up. I think the blowjob would have brought me off if Myra hadn't stopped Jory after three minutes. Then it was back to the spoon position, which felt good but wasn't as exciting, and I managed to control myself.

After another three minutes, she didn't hesitate, and her mouth made a beeline for me. I responded, but not as much as before because I was more prepared. Or maybe because this time I didn't see as much reluctance, so I wasn't as excited. How sick was I?

As I finished the fifteen minutes in her rear, Jory didn't try to hide her disappointment. She nodded to Myra to continue immediately.

"Number five," said Myra. "Lie on your back and lift your legs up high. As he gets between them, lift them onto his shoulders. He'll attack your ass again, and as he gradually increases his speed, he'll slam into your thighs and belly and make your breasts jump in all directions until he comes."

Once her beautiful breasts started going wild, I couldn't hold back for long. As I plunged into her and let loose, I heard her yell out "Hooray!" Her voice didn't sound happy. I looked down at her. Her body was jerking, tears were running down her cheeks and she was grimacing in pain. She called to Myra.

"How many minutes was that?"

"Eight minutes."

"Eight minutes," Jory repeated, sounding pleased. "That's better. What's next, Myra?"

Before Myra could answer, all of us in the room were startled by a sounds like the crack of lightning, followed by leaves shaking like they were being blown by a strong wind. A second later there was a huge thud that made the entire house shake.

"What was that?" Jory asked in a frightened voice as she looked all around her.

"I don't know," I said as I went to the window. I took a quick look outside and turned back to her.

"It was that huge branch I told you about last week. You were supposed to schedule the tree guy. It's a good thing nobody is in the yard, or there would be a dead body under it now."

"I'm sorry," she said. "It's my fault. I was busy working on this. You warned me, but I ignored it. I'm glad no one was hurt."

We both sat deep in thought for a few minutes. I was thinking about our narrow escape, but when she broke the silence, I found out her thoughts went in another direction.

"I'm totally to blame about the tree, but I was thinking that maybe it happened just now for a reason."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"I got you in eight minutes that time. I think you forgot about the game. I need to remind you again because I'm still worried that when it's over, you'll say I took advantage of you for my scores.

"The tree branch falling is symbolic of what I've been trying to get you to understand."

"What are you talking about?"

"You're not taking me seriously. I ignored your warning about the tree, and it could have been a disaster. You're ignoring me."

"Are you saying I'll be killed if I can't keep from coming?"

"Of course not. This is a sex game, not Russian roulette."

"It's a sex game that you're taking awfully seriously to bring in being killed by a falling tree branch."

"Maybe you're right. You can tell me later if I'm exaggerating. I don't think I can find anything more powerful to convince you, so this is the last warning anyway. If you continue to make it easy for me, I'm just going to take advantage of you. Myra?"

"Number six," Myra said. "Get back on your hands and knees while he squats behind and above you. He will crouch over you and direct his cock into your ass. He'll do squats straight up and down into you instead of forward and back.

"As he speeds up, he'll begin bumping into your butt and slamming your entire body into the mattress. The mattress springs will bounce it back up. As he goes faster and bumps you harder, he will bounce your body so hard that it will look like you're on a trampoline until he comes."

We got into position, but I was still limp. I managed to squeeze some of me inside her because she was now a little looser and there was still plenty of lubricant to grease the way.

I felt something for the first time. She was using muscles inside her to squeeze me. She squeezed, relaxed and squeezed some more. She gave out a pained laugh and spoke.

"How do you like that, Ken. I practiced on a pen, but I didn't know if I could do it with you. Is it working?"

She knew it was because I was already halfway hard as I slowly began squatting up and down on her. Soon I was hard enough to speed up and bump her. She began bouncing up and down on the bed.

I was enjoying the strange feeling around my cock, but then I heard her shrieks of pain grow louder, and I slowed down.

"No, no," she cried out until I sped up again, but the shrieks didn't stop and they bothered me enough that I didn't feel much excitement. I felt like a mechanical torture machine.

When we were finished, she was sobbing loudly and ignoring me.

"Number Six was a killer, Myra," she said. "Both the incredible burning pain inside and the humiliation of being bounced like a ball made me lose my focus. But I'm going to concentrate now."

She cried a while longer and took a few deep breaths. She never looked at me as she called out to Myra again.

"Just three to go. What's next?"

"Number seven. Put some pillows between his back and the headboard, so he's lying against them and reclining slightly. Now face him and squat down over him and insert him into your asshole. Ride him hard until he comes."

This was one of her favorite positions when we were making love, except then she had me in her vagina. I loved to watch the expressions of pleasure that went across her face as she slammed down on me.

She was slamming just as hard now, but with each slam, there was a tiny whimper. She was working hard to keep from making a sound, but the pain was too much, and her face couldn't hide what was going on inside her. Although I was hard, I felt no urge to come.

"That wasn't as bad, Myra," she said when the fifteen minutes was over. "At least compared to Number Six. But now I've only got two more chances to win. I need to put it all out there and use everything I've got. What's next?"

She didn't look at me. I felt terrible.

"Number Eight," said Myra, "Reverse your position and squat over him facing his feet. Insert him into your asshole. Lean back against him and put your hands on your butt cheeks as he lifts you by putting his arms behind your knees and pulling you back. He will pull them all the way back so that your feet are up over his head and your lower legs are draped over his arms.

"While holding your legs back, he will put his hands behind your neck and lock them there in the full-nelson position. From that position, he will push your head down with his locked hands so you can't lift it up.

"Once his hands are locked, he'll rock you back and forth on his cock so it goes in all the way and then pulls most of the way out. After a while, he'll let go of your head and use his hands and arms to pull you back so his cock rips out of your ass. He'll put his cock back in you and repeat a little faster, so his cock is wrenched out more violently. He'll gradually increase his speed and repeat as many times as it takes to make him come."

"That sounds pretty complicated," Jory said. "I just thought of something. Myra, would you please push one of your monitors over here in front of us, so we can see what we're doing and get it right."

Once we got to the part where my cock was jerked out of her ass, I realized the real reason Jory asked for the monitor. It was like I was watching a website in my hotel room. Except the woman on the screen with the gaping ass was my wife. As I opened the huge hole between her butt cheeks, I saw her face twist in pain and her body squirm like a crazy snake.

Suddenly I felt myself about to come. I tried to turn my head away from the screen, but it was too late. The next time I pulled out of her ass, my cock waved around spreading come like a lawn sprinkler. I heard another cheer from Jory, but with it came a sob.

After she recovered, she said, "Oh my god, Myra. That was the worst one yet. My neck hurts like I was in a car accident. But at least I won. How many minutes, Myra?"

"Eight," said Myra.

"I equaled my record, and thank goodness," she said. "I felt like my entire insides were being pulled out of me. Give me a couple of minutes to rest. I've got three scores, and I'm not going to give up until I get one more in the last fifteen minutes."

She was still sitting on my lap with her back to me. I could see her face in the monitor. She had a strange look in her eyes as she said, "Myra, I was supposed to remind you that there was a call you had to make."

Myra didn't reply, but she put down her camera and left the room. I heard her going into the office and speaking on the phone for a few seconds.

"Let's hear the last one," Jory said when Myra came back. "This is it. Can I win one more?"

"Number nine," said Myra. "Lie on your back and put your legs on his shoulders again as he pushes toward you on his knees. As his shoulders move down, your legs will be pushed back into your body, and your ass will be lifted off the bed as your thighs are pressed into your breasts.

"He will put his cock into your ass and begin slowly moving in and out. As he speeds up, his knees and thighs will bump your butt harder and harder, slamming your rear down into the bed, where the springs will launch it back at him. Your ass will eventually bounce so fast between him and the bed that it will look like a blur on the video, except on the camera that is shooting slow motion. Continue until he comes."

I sighed. It was almost over. I was limp and I didn't think I could get hard again. Suddenly I felt Jory's mouth sucking me in and her fingers playing with my balls. I couldn't believe it, but I got hard.

She released me and said, "Sorry. That's not in the script, but time doesn't begin until you can put it into me, and we don't have all day."

She sounded pathetic.

I got on top of her. Soon her ass was bouncing wildly up and down as I pounded her. I didn't feel excited at first, because when she began bouncing, she started screaming in pain, and her screams grew louder and more agonized as we collided harder.

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