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You, Me, and a Hotel Key

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Miranda hits the town and meets a handsome stranger.
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Miranda sat at the hotel bar playing with the stirrer in her Manhattan. She had been there already for a good 45 minutes by this point and while she had a few nice conversations, no one had truly sparked her interest. Mike had bought her this drink but then conveniently been called by work (his wife) and had to run. Steve was very friendly and Miranda especially loved hearing about his recent break-up with Jessica, the love of his life. Honestly, no one in here thrilled her like she had hoped until James walked in.

6'3" with dirty blonde hair and a kind face, James came over and took the seat next to Miranda. She went to say something and suddenly stopped herself. "No, Mir, tonight you are going with the flow. Let him start."

James noticed her hesitation and asked, "Oh, I'm sorry. Is this seat taken?"

"No," was about all Miranda could muster. She was currently drowning in those beautiful blue eyes.

"Oh, good. I just figured a woman as beautiful as you would have to have a husband."

Miranda looked down at the finger where her wedding ring usually lay and lied, "Divorced."

"Ah, his greatest regret, I'm sure."

"So what brings you here?" "What a walking cliche I am," Miranda thought to herself. Luckily James saved her and took control of the conversation.

"I'm in town on business but my meeting ran late so I came down to see if I could scrounge up some dinner. Maybe you would want to join me?"

"Wow, that was pretty forward", Miranda thought to herself. She paused for a second. It's only dinner. What was there to be nervous about? Was she expecting her husband to walk in and catch her having dinner with another man? She laughed as she decided that idea was pretty impossible. "Sure, why not", Miranda heard the sound of her voice but still couldn't believe it.

They were doing this, they were having dinner together. James asked the bartender if they could get a menu and led Miranda over to a quiet booth in the corner. She knew exactly what was on this man's mind and she was going to let the scenario play out. For better or for worse.

Miranda was slender, even after two kids, and had a body that James thought was pretty sexy. He did look at her ring finger when he first approached, just to check, and no, she was not wearing her wedding ring either but he could see the faint line where she usually did. James noticed the same thing on his own left hand and quickly brought his eyes back up to introduce himself to this gorgeous new woman in front of him. She was wearing a fancy black cocktail dress and her brunette hair hit right above her collarbone. She had a smile that James had seen from across the room and he knew that was the girl for him.

Miranda sat down at the booth and James sat next to her, pinning her close to him. She did not mind though, she trusted this man as much as you can trust any stranger you meet in a hotel bar. There was something familiar about him. Maybe he reminded her of her husband. "Thinking of your boring husband is not the way to start dinner with a stranger, missy", Miranda thought to herself. She knew exactly what she was in for when she decided to show up at the bar in her sexy dress and strappy heels. She was looking for stranger sex, and by the looks of James, she was going to get exactly what she wanted.

"What are you in the mood for, hun?", James broke the silence and Miranda's internal monologue. She glared at him and he quickly realized what he had done, talked to her like he speaks to his wife and not a sexy stranger in the bar. If this was going to work, he needed to be gruff and charming, not polite and caring. "Uh, I mean, babe. What do you want, babe?" Miranda almost decided this was the stupidest idea that she ever had in her 25-year marriage but James took that exact second to grab her hand and tell her he had her. "I can tell you are having second thoughts. I have you. Let me lead tonight and I promise you will not be disappointed. Just trust me."

Miranda looked her husband in the eyes and said, "I trust you....babe." They both laughed and decided they wanted cheeseburgers, fries, and milkshakes. They ate as they got to know each other again. It had been 25 years, two kids and three jobs later, but Miranda and James still had love for one another as they did when they were 22. When Miranda suggested they start roleplaying to spice things up in the bedroom, James was worried he could no longer keep his wife happy. He was also nervous that she was going to start looking for excitement elsewhere. Miranda saw the panic come over his face and immediately grabbed his wrist and walked him to their bed. "Hun, I'm not saying anything is wrong with us. I just know we both never had a chance to explore and I thought having stranger sex might be a fun idea."

James almost had a heart attack right on the spot. If he had, they would have found Miranda guilty of attempted murder by a landslide. Miranda started chuckling, "Honey, we're going to roleplay that we are meeting as strangers. You're still the only guy for me. Never mind, I shouldn't have even brought it up."

"No, wait. I want to hear more. You mean you want me to pretend to be another guy and then we will have sex?"

"Well yes, and no. I was kinda thinking we make a weekend out of it. The kids are still away at school and we can ask my mom to dogsit Rudy. Not that I've been fantasizing, but you could check in at that fancy new hotel downtown, run into me in the hotel bar, and invite me back to your room."

And that's how they got here. James rented a room, Miranda got dressed up at home and took a Lyft into the city. She sat at the bar and waited. Sure, Manhattan Mike and Brokenhearted Steve had seen her first, but she was waiting for one specific stranger.

"Listen, I have to get on an hour-long phone call with India right now, but here's my room key if you wanna join me tonight." "Gruff and charming", James thought to himself, "that oughta do it."

"Oh really? And what makes you think sharing a milkshake will make me want to come back to your room with you?"

"I just think you are really gorgeous and I leave town tomorrow. I could never live with myself if I didn't at least try."

"I'll think about it", Miranda smirked, knowing full well she intended to be there.

One short hour later, Miranda was knocking on the door of Room 346. James did not disappoint. He had ordered room service - champagne and chocolate-covered strawberries. He took Miranda's jacket and a spark shot through her as they touched. They both felt the magic between them and James moved in for a sensual kiss.

A very long minute later, James broke the kiss, picked Miranda up, and carried her to the king-sized bed. "Tonight is your fantasy and I'm going to give you the wildest sex of your life. Your husband doesn't know what he gave up."

Miranda lay on the bed while James kneeled before her and removed her hot pink thong. He put it in his pocket and simply said, "souvenir" much to Miranda's surprise. Then James grabbed his wife's ankles and pulled her closer to the edge of the bed. He lifted the skirt of her dress up and spread her legs so he could get to work on her needy pussy. In all honesty, James hadn't been treating his wife like the dirty slut she wanted to be. But tonight that was going to change.

James started with his hands, running them up and down Miranda's shaking legs. He stopped short of her aching sex. Instead of using his finger, James put his head between his wife's legs and started licking up and down. He found her waiting clit and took it inside his mouth until she was moaning in satisfaction. James did not stop licking and sucking until his wife was moaning and shaking and squirting all over him. Miranda grabbed his shirt and begged, "Please, I need your cock inside me."

"Do you? Tell me why my pretty little slut needs to be fucked hard."

"You are making me feel so good, Sir. I need more. Please, please fuck me hard."

James did not need to be begged twice. He unzipped his dress pants and pulled out his hard cock. He took the head and rubbed it up and down her pussy lips until he knew they both could not stand it anymore. James plunged himself deep inside her and Miranda let out a gasp. Although he was the only cock she ever had, this time something was different, wilder, more intense.

After Miranda had cum 3 times, she was ready to be filled. "Sir, please cum for me. I need you to fill me up. Please."

James did as his sub wished and filled Miranda's tight pussy with his hot load. After their bodies stopped shaking, he pulled his cock out and told his slut what to do next. "Clean it off, you dirty little girl. Make your Sir happy and maybe you'll be rewarded." Miranda was fully in sub-space and went to work as he commanded. She cleaned off his cock as she would have when they were first married. After he was both hard and clean, he went back inside her for round two.

The sex continued like this for 3 entire rounds. Licking, moaning, sucking, and fucking until they could not move from exhaustion. Miranda slipped herself under the covers and told her hubby to join. They slept like 22-year-olds who had just lost their virginity; cuddled up, half-clothed, and completely exhausted.

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Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 1 year ago

You do what you have to do to keep the spark alive!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Roleplaying spouses is hardly an original storyline here. But it was well written. Thank you for contributing! 4 stars

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