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You Never Know

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Follow-up to Eclectic Tastes.
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This is the third story in a series. It follows "Same Time Next Year" and "Eclectic Tastes." Comments are always appreciated.


Cassie Chunko is pacing the floor of her one-bedroom apartment, waiting for a callback from her good friend Linette Culbert. She can't wait to hear more about Linette's incestuous romp in the sack with her dad Drake, aka The Viking. Cassie wants details, the sordid details of what they did. Some would cringe in horror at such a thing. Not Cassie, who finds it fascinating, not to mention a huge turn-on.

Only minutes ago, she and Linette were on the phone while Drake was in the shower over Linette's apartment, doing his best to erase the sweet scent of sex from his big body, least his wife Elaine, already suspicious, questions him once again about what he and Linette might be up to. Cassie's interest goes beyond mere intellectual curiosity about deviant sex. No doubt, that's part of it, but she's also involved on a personal level. First off, she's harbored fantasies of getting intimate with older men for years, and Drake, a forty-something generation Xer, fits her image of what such an older man would look like—tall, broad-shouldered, ruddy complexion and "successful." 'I'd give you a mouthful of my boobs,' she thought when she noticed Drake admiring her at the father-daughter dance, when she, Drake, Linette and her own dad sat at the same table. As if that wasn't enough, later on, she and Linette ducked into the ladies' room and indulged in a few minutes of lesbian hijinks—an act of erotic spontaneity that has Linette wanting more. In fact, that's what Cassie and Linette were discussing on the phone when Linette cut their conversation short.

So now she's pacing the room in her bare feet, panties and bra, her sexuality turbo-charged with memories of that bathroom tryst, coupled with anticipating what Linette might tell her regarding she and Drake. She pulls at her long blond hair, then shoves a hand down her blue panties to feel the dampness that's been there ever since she and Linette spoke. When her cell goes off, she sits on the edge of the bed to take Linette's call.

"The Viking just left, I presume," she says.

"Yes," Linette says, "I just hope my mom doesn't give him a hard time."

"Sounds like you gave him enough of a HARD time. Sorry, Linnie, I couldn't resist. So, as you were saying before he left..."

"Like I said, my dad is quite the cox-swain, to use another relevant pun. I just consummated with the consummate considerate lover. He aims to please, and man, does he! He doesn't subordinate my needs for his. He makes love to me in the truest sense of the term. And I needn't tell you how awesome he looks in his birthday suit."

Cassie giggles. "Well, maybe you do, Linnie, I've never seen him that way. Not that I'd mind. He looks hunky enough in his suit suit."

"You find my dad hot, too, I know. He's built like a...Viking. Hairy and muscular and strong—he could crush me with one squeeze if he wanted. But he's gentle, at least when he hugs me. It got a little rough when he was pounding my pussy with that thick cock of his But you know what? It was the sort of rough I like. It didn't hurt, believe me."

This is almost too much to take, listening to Linette's experience with her sexy dad, a double whammy of sorts because Cassie's hot for both of them. "Gawd, Linnie, I'm practically coming just listening to you. Anytime you'd like an encore, I'm game."

Laughing, Linette says, "What have I turned you into? Just minutes ago, when we talked while my dad was in the shower, I was the one requesting an encore."

"Well, we're on the same page now it looks like." She drops a finger inside her pussy and sighs. "I can feel your tongue on my boobs now, your wet tongue swishing over my nipples, and your fingers inside my pussy, just as I did to you over the sink at the dance." She hears heavy breathing. "Linette?"

"Yes, I'm still here, picturing what your picturing and getting all worked up in the process. Ohmygod, Cass, I can still see those massive melons of yours hanging out your blouse. Damn right my tongue would be swishing! We'll need to get together soon."


Linette hangs up thinking what a tangled web she seems to be weaving. She's involved in an incestuous affair with Drake and now looks forward to another lesbian rodeo with Cassie. She never guessed that what she thought were innocent flirtations with her dad years ago would one day leave her confused about her sexuality. She now wonders if it's worth calling back Anderson Quick, a guy she just met. He's obviously interested—he recently left a voice message requesting a callback. She finds herself torn between choosing a "normal" relationship, one with a guy around her age, or sinking deeper into this crevasse of sexual deviancy, what some would call perversion.

She stares into her bedroom mirror, her face a picture of bemused resignation to what she might have become, a bisexual, incestuous nymph. She laughs out loud thinking what a singles ad of hers might say: "smart, physically fit, attractive, bisexual, incestuous nymph seeking straight, good looking guy for a meaningful relationship." She wonders how Anderson would react to that one. She assumes he'd either take it as a joke or cringe in horror. Either way, she decides to put Anderson on hold. It wouldn't be fair to either of them, not when there's so much unfinished business to attend to.


Anyone in Drake Culbert's situation would think their life is complicated enough. The man is engaged in an incestuous relationship with Linette, his own daughter, while at the same time, denying it to Elaine, his suspicious wife. Yet he can't help but think of doing more than just conversing with the voluptuous young lady that approaches him in Fresh Foods while they push their carts through the produce section. The voluptuous young lady is Cassie Chunko, Linette's good friend, she with the Rubenesque but firm bod, adorable face, waist-long blond hair and boobs that tend to drive boob guys mad with desire—not to mention boob-obsessed young women like her friend Linette.

Drake still doesn't know about that bathroom tryst between his daughter and Cassie. What he does know is that he finds Miss Chunko sexy as fuck. Discreet as he tried to be at the father-daughter dance when they were all sitting at the same table, he could barely keep his eyes off Cassie, something she sensed all too well. Some millennial women would gag at even the thought of a friend's dad gawking at them. Not Cassie, who enjoyed the attention. After all, the attraction is mutual, a fact of which the forty-something, strapping, six-feet, four-inch Drake is still blissfully unaware. He thinks she's just being friendly when she approaches him and says, "Fancy meeting you here, Mr. Culbert."

"Cassie..." He clears his throat and pulls nervously on his tie. "Cassie Chunko."

"That's me. How goes it?"

"It goes fine." He's no more discreet here than when he eyed her at the father-daughter dance. Then, at least, she wore attire that covered more square inch of flesh. Here, her short-shorts and navel-revealing, low-cut blouse offer his wandering eyes a generous view of her big bare thighs and cleavage.

She giggles, peers inside his basket and notices the fruit he picked out. "Cantaloupes, huh? I like them, too. They're so big and sweet here."

He feels himself blush. "Um, yes, they sure are." Further conversation eludes him as he stands there in his brown loafers and preppie business attire, looking down on the barely five-foot, three-inch Cassie Chunko, smiling up at him, teasing or flirting, he can't tell which.

"So, I guess we'll be seeing more of each other this summer when our club's pool opens," she says. She refers to the Hillandale Club, the exclusive country club where the Chunkos and the Culberts belong and where the annual father-daughter dance is held every spring. She pats her tummy. "Maybe this year I can wear a bikini. I've been trying to shed a few pounds."

He nods, not sure what to say about that. Her bare midriff reveals a stomach that's remarkably flat. It's in other places that have earned her the "chunky" sobriquet—her big, round butt, thick legs and, as Linette said, her 'massive melons.' "Well, you're far from fat," he says, his eyes trained on her navel. He's beginning to relax. "Women are so critical about their bodies nowadays. You don't want to look like those anorexic catwalk models, do you?"

"No, of course not. But some men prefer that look. I'm glad to see that you're not one of them." She grins and runs her hands down the front of her curvy thighs. "But maybe I could lose an inch or so on my legs, reduce my boobs also. You think that rowing might help me do that? I can see that it's kept you and Linnie in great shape."

Oh, he could just take her into his arms and kiss that sweet, puckered mouth of hers, not to mention bury his face between the boobs she claims she'd like reduced. Instead, he keeps his cool as he talks about the importance of diet AND exercise in maintaining a desirable weight. "When you get right down to it," he says, "it's all about body image, what you see in the mirror. Linette used to complain that she didn't have enough on top. She's over much of that but not totally. She envies what you have."

Cassie laughs. "And I envy what she has, her height and long legs, her athletic body."

"See what I mean? Look, you could wear that bikini right now if you wanted to. The only one stopping you is you."

She lifts the back of her hair, then lets it fall against her back. "Hmm...So, if I'm reading you right—and please don't take this the wrong way—you'd still find me attractive wearing a bikini looking the way I do now?" She hits an exaggerated model's pose, bent leg, hand behind her head, wrist pressed against her hip.

"Not sure what you mean by the wrong way. But yes, I would." He pictures her on a chaise lounge, her smooth pale skin lathered with sun block, dripping sweet sweat.

She grins and nods, obviously gratified. "Thanks, that's nice to know. Care to hear what I mean by the wrong way?"

"If you care to tell me."

"I do." Pause. "Okay, it means doing things that go beyond mere flirtation. If you know what I mean. And I think you do." She drags her tongue across her lower lip and runs a hand down the side of her leg. "Don't you?"

Now he gets it. Or at least he thinks he gets it. She's either teasing him or trying to seduce him, and succeeding at both. He looks around, sees they're in earshot of other shoppers. He leans into her, leans so close he can smell her lovely scent, something between honeydew and plain honey. "Cassie, what's going on here?"

Giggling, she says, "Last time I looked we were shopping for produce." She reaches up and runs her fingers through his growing beard. "You look even handsomer with all that fuzz. You know that?"

He chuckles. "Thanks. Linette likes it too."

"So she told me. But seriously, to answer your question, I think some sort of chemistry is going on here. Yes, I know, you're a married man and your daughter is a good friend of mine. But chemistry's chemistry."

"Oh boy..." Where is this girl going with this? And if she's going where he thinks she's going, can he summon the discipline he needs to resist? "Okay, so there's chemistry. Now what?"

"Now what?" She stops when a curious shopper turns his head to listen. Then she leans closer and whispers. "That's kind of up to you. That said, I'm full of ideas." She pops her index finger into her mouth. Then, slow and sensuous, she drags it out and grins.

"Full of ideas...Look, what we're discussing here isn't meant for public consumption. Mind if we discuss this outside?"

The go their separate ways to pick up what they need, then meet outside in front of the store. The entrance is crowded enough to where they agree to talk in private, in Drake's white Chrysler 300. Cassie shoves her bags into the trunk of her red Chevy Volt, then hops into the passenger side of Drake's spacious car. He drops the windows, buttons back the seat a few inches, then turns to face her over the center console after tossing his tie on the back seat. Drake knows he shouldn't be doing this, knows this conversation should have ended back in the produce section. But he's intrigued, intrigued about her "ideas" and smitten enough to listen to them. "My efforts at trying to be discreet checking you out at the father-daughter dance were all in vain, weren't they? You saw right through them."

"You weren't discreet enough," she giggles. "Yes, I saw right through them. Any girl would have."

"Well, I'm not that perceptive because up to now, I had no idea that your thoughts about me went beyond being Linette's dad."

She leans forward to once again feel his beard and, in a slow, seductive voice, says, "Well, I wasn't exactly going to advertise it, not there anyway. Linnie knows I think you're hot." Pause. "And I also noticed something else."

"What's that?"

"That Linette thinks you're hot as well and vice-versa. I mean, who would have thought otherwise seeing the way you two danced together? I suspected that something was going on even before she told me."

"She told me she told you. Just please don't tell anyone else. If it gets back to Elaine, then—"

"It won't. It'll stay between us three." She pauses, takes a deep breath. "I just love the smell of the gray leather appointments in your car."

He feels himself drifting toward another taboo line he knows he shouldn't cross. Nevertheless, he drops a hand on her meaty thigh, then brushes strands of her blond bangs across her forehead. "And I just love the smell of YOU, Cassie Chunko."

Closing her eyes, she says, "Kiss me then. You just might love the way I taste as well."

He cups his hand over the back of her head, pulls her close and then presses his lips to hers. It lasts but seconds, long enough to agree with what she said, to taste the unmistakable flavor of something sweet and tangy. "You taste like cinnamon."

"My favorite flavored gum. You like?"

"I do."

She expects him to continue. Instead, he begins to gaze out the windshield. "What's wrong? You look so pensive all the sudden."

He nods. "Just thinking."

"I see that. What about?"

"About what I'm getting myself into."

"It's not too late to pull out, you know." She shakes her head and chuckles. "Sorry, I didn't mean that the way it sounded."

He takes her hand. "Look, I know this is hardly the time or place for self-examination. But here I am, a married man who's screwed his own daughter and is now closeted in his big car making hanky-panky with her beautiful, sexy friend. What sort of man does this?"

She shrugs. "One with a strong, unconventional sex drive at war with his conventional sense of morality, I suppose. Hey, I'm no psychiatrist or sex therapist. Just a horny chick attracted to older men. Specifically, you, Drake Culbert. Like you, I have moral qualms of my own. I've never slept with a friend's dad before, much less one that was still married. I'm not completely okay with it, but okay enough that it wouldn't stop me from going further."

"You're not only sexy and beautiful, you have a way with words."

"Thanks, I need to be. I'm an editor, remember."

"At City Magazine is what Linette told me."


Moments pass in silence, broken only by the trading of light kisses and sighs. Then Drake says, "You said you're full of ideas. Name some."

She looks down, smiles shyly. "Actually, I've got just one but I doubt it's one you'd go for."

"Try me."

"Ever do a three-way?"

He laughs. "Can't say I have."

"Me neither. But I was thinking..." She shakes her head. "Like I said, I doubt you'd want in, not even sure the other party would want in."

"The other party..."


"Oh lord."

"Not cool, right? I guess your moral compass would fly off the rails."

"More like explode."

"I get it. Well, don't fret, I haven't asked her yet."

"But you will."

"Maybe, I'm not sure. She might not be that daring. Then again, she just might. I mean, she had sex with you, her own dad, and she also..." Cassie quickly shuts her mouth. She and Linette swore to keep that dalliance in the ladies' room just between them.


"Never mind. My feeling is, we'd groove together very well."

"You do?"

"I do. Of course, there's only one way to find out, and that's to be daring."

"Daring. Right."


He's intrigued, he's got to admit. Doing two women at once, two women with very different body types but equally sexy in their own way. Their naked bodies flash before him, the compact, voluptuous Cassie with her big boobs and the tall, athletic Linette with her powerful legs a mile long. His cock stirs. "How do you know that I could satisfy both of you at once?"

"Oh, I'm not worried. Linnie raved about your prowess in the bedroom. I've little doubt you could handle us both quite well."

His now raging hard-on is beginning to hurt. He squirms in his seat, puts his hand on his crotch. "My body says yes, my moral compass, as you put it, says no."

Seeing his bulge, she brushes his hand away and replaces it with hers. "Wow! I'd listen to my body if I were you. Let's see that thing." She ignores his lame protests and zips down his fly. "Ohmygod, Drake, no wonder Linnie gave you rave reviews! I wouldn't mind being on the receiving end of that thing myself." She begins to stroke it.

Nervously, he swivels his head from the windshield to the side and back windows to see shoppers walk to and from their cars on the lot. The car's tinted windows allow for some privacy, though not enough to where someone couldn't see what was going on if they came too close. He knows it would be more prudent to park somewhere else. However, he'd hate to disrupt the rhythm of what she's doing, bending over and working her pouty lips around his fully erect "thing." "Better let me get these," he says, and reaches into the center console for the pile of tissues he keeps there.

She sits up. "Good idea. Meanwhile, let's try these on for size." She cups her hands under her boobs, then reaches behind, unsnaps her bra and lifts her blouse. "I'd love for you to fuck my cantaloupes."

Drake's beyond caring about the shoppers. He's almost mesmerized watching this incredibly sexy girl bend over and squeeze her smooth, lightly veined "cantaloupes" around his cock. She's sideways on her seat on her knees, her long blond hair draped diagonally across her back. The sensuous feel of her tender young mammary skin around his sex is a novel experience for him. Elaine never did this nor did Linette. Then again, they aren't as well endowed. Cassie looks determined to finish what she began and he has every intention of letting her do it. Shoppers be damned. Propriety be damned. He's reached the point of no return. He senses the familiar roiling in his gonads. Then comes the rush. Then, oh, look out...here it comes!

"Woah!" she cries, watching his jizz gush onto her boobs. She grabs a handful of tissues. "Good thing you pack these."

"I didn't pack them anticipating anything like this, believe me," he says, wiping himself.

"No, I guess you didn't." She sponges the sicky stuff from her nipples and chest.

He feels a lot more relaxed after the cleanup, the sort of relaxed calm that settles in post-climax. "That was superb. That's all I can say, superb." He breaths deeply, then leans back in his seat.

"Superb enough to where it might persuade you to consider my idea?" She flashes a hopeful smile.

"Perhaps. First let's see if Linette's onboard. I'll leave it up to you to ask her. Meanwhile, I still need to think it over."

"Of course, no problem," Cassie says, before alighting from the car.


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