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You Will Eat Pussy and You Will Like It! Pt. 01

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Young women are indoctrinated against their will into serving.
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This story is a work of fiction; any apparent resemblance between the characters in this story and any actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental and unintentional.

Do not read this story if you are under the age of 18 or if explicit sexual fiction is illegal in your jurisdiction.

WARNING: If lesbian sex, nonconsensual, restraint, and humiliation upset you - find something else to read. Some of my stories are/will be way, way over the top.


Story 1. "Initiating Her Pets"

Story 2. "Lost Inside Lisa's Twat"

Story 3. "Lesbian Day at the Beach"

Story 4. "Family Pussy House (part 1)"

Story 5. "Her Private Place"

This story is something else...


This work is copyrighted to the author (c) 2017. Please do not remove the author information nor make any changes to this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your consideration.



Young women are indoctrinated against their will into serving pussy.

by Rabbit Test 5


"Listen up ladies," the female cadet announced in a loud, stern voice. "You will all eat pussy and you will all like it. Make no mistake: You are here to fall in love with pussy. Eat pussy. Serve pussy."

The cadet, dressed in an authoritative navy and grey uniform, strolled back and forth holding her hands together behind her back. Her dark blonde hair was pulled tightly into a ponytail and was in contrasted to the other women in the room with loosely flowing locks and other various flamboyant hairstyles. She made a path through the collection of female misfits, glamour queens, divas, spoiled brats and defiant troublemakers.

Forty-three girls, mostly in the late teens and twenties, looked bewildered, yet resistant to the cadet's words. They were all dressed in assorted stages and styles, mostly overdone. There were brown girls, white girls, black girls and more. All of them young, shapely, attractive women, but with an air of superiority.

Most had to be thinking, "How dare this little girl, all by herself proclaim to us that we're going to be queer rug munchers?" The captive crowd surrounded the cadet as she continued.

"Most of you are not sure why you are here," she turned to read the closest of the women's faces in front of her. "I'll make it simple: You have been conscripted into lesbian servitude. Five or more of your peers wish it so. And so you should be. You are spoiled, uppity, judgmental, unforgiving, unconscionable, lazy, unfeeling miscreants."

"Bullshit!" one woman shouted.

The cadet singled the woman out and stood in front of her. "Lori Pagent, correct?" she said. "At least five people in your life want you to change. Five or more people you've worked with, lived with, interacted with who want you to come out of this academy a changed woman. And that is what we do here!"

The women shifted angrily and crowded the cadet menacingly. The cadet was nonplussed.

"I looking around at your pathetic, silly faces, and want to puke! You think the world belongs to you and everyone in it owes you something."

Suddenly, a garage like door lifted on one side of the large gymnasium and a matching number of larger, athletic, determined woman stood at its entrance staring down at the smaller more feminine collection of souls.

"I repeat: You are here to eat pussy. You will learn to love pussy. You will be able to think of nothing else except how to serve pussy." The cadet stepped aside and the women by the door pounced on the weaker women.

The air filled with screams as the little women ran in all directions away from the determined hoard of Amazons. Chasing them around the large room, one strong woman, about twenty-seven caught up with and yanked the long brown hair of one of the girls dragging her down to the floor. The larger woman immediately circled around the girl on the ground and dropped onto her, pinning the youth with her body.

Releasing the girl's hair, the woman took hold of the girl's head with both hands and mashed her lips to the girl's mouth. As the girl struggled under the weight of the woman, she opened her mouth in protest.

The older woman then saw her opportunity and plunged her tongue in the girl's mouth. Locked in a reluctant embrace, the two writhed.

One blonde woman with short hair wrapped her arms around another girl from behind and dropped onto her back. The girl struggled all she could to get away, but the larger woman was too strong. The Amazon then wrapped her legs around the girl's thighs as she tore at the girl's shirt, ripping away her dainty blouse. The girl had no bra. The blonde clutched the smaller girl's breast with one hand, and used her other hand to force the girl's head to the side - mouth to mouth where she similarly sank her tongue inside the girl's oral cavity.

The same happened to all of the bitches as each were dominated by a lesbian trainer. Figures squirmed in all corners of the gymnasium: All larger women were locked to a smaller femme mouth clamped together, arms and legs secured. The Amazons were under strict orders to only get to first base, second if they so desired, but that was it for the introductory lesson.

Besides, some of the girls fought back harder than others and needed to be training proper. The cadet noted watching Mary and her captive, Olive; Olive had spit in Mary's face, but Mary only smiled and forced her thumb under the back of girl's jaw forcing her mouth open. Slowly Mary let a large gob of saliva form on her tongue and hung it over Olive's open mouth. The girl tried to fight it, but could not move her skull an inch in any direction. Mary's thick saliva ran down into the back of Olive's throat, slowly followed by

Mary's tongue as their lips met for another round of tonsil hockey.

After several minutes, the cadet walked around the room at a leisurely pace inspecting every reposed couple. She came up to Jeanie; strong and beautiful woman with long brown hair tied back into a ponytail, the woman had Stacy Palmer underneath her. Each time Jeanie would break her kiss and snuggle her face in an exploration of Stacy's facial features, or languidly suck on the smaller girl's neck, Stacy would strenuously curse and insult her captor in an uncontrolled manner. Jeanie didn't pay her no mind: She continued her gentle homosexual snog, nibbling on Stacy's ear lobe, tasting her skin, and returning to a deep, passionate, open mouth kiss.

The cadet bent down and lightly stroked Stacy's hair as Jeanie's tongue probed the girls mouth, "You're doing well, Stacy. Jeanie here really likes you. You both make a good couple." Stacy had a mortified look in her eye.

After ninety minutes, the spoiled women were thoroughly tamed. Some even seemed to enjoy the session as they were not a stranger to at least some lesbian ways. But the cadet pushed her point.

"Keep in mind ladies: Some of you might think this will be easy. I suspect some of you are already secretly between a woman's legs and no stranger to loving a woman..." the cadet looked down at a couple by her feet, Helen and little Lila staring into each other's eyes, kissing freely and holding one another intimately, willingly. "... but do not think this is our goal. We are not here to simply make you gay. Our goal here is to transform you all into pussy slaves. Falling in love with a woman will only be a secondary result. Primarily, your goal is to fall in love with pussy!"

The cadet watched Lila look up at her, embarrassed, but still slipping her hands in and out of Helen's sweat pants, caressing the larger woman's round ass. Helen maintained protocol though, only massaging her captive's chest and sensuously kissing her. The cadet moved on.

"You will eat many vaginas. You will swallow female ejaculate. Pussy is your girlfriend; Your lover; Your wife. You will be in every sense a living female cum bucket. We will marry you to pussy. And you will be in love with your bride!"

Stopping at Lisa and Marlene; Lisa, holding Marlene's head steady with her arm circled around the smaller woman's head - Lisa peacefully exploring her captive's ear with her tongue - the cadet bent down and wiped a tear from the corner of Marlene's eye with her index finger. Putting the finger in her mouth, the cadet looked at the frightened woman, "You'll be OK, honey. You may not know it by looking at me, but I've been eating pussy since I was real young. You will be surprised at how good it tastes.

"Besides, I'll bet the thought of becoming a homosexual has you wet right now..."

The cadet put her hand between Marlene's legs, with the passive aid of Lisa turning her leg like a pry bar opening the smaller woman's thighs enough for the cadet to slip her hand inside Marlene's panties.

After a few seconds, the cadet pulled her wet hand away. "Oh, yes..." She then sniffed her glistening fingers. "... you'll be eating pussy in no time." She said with a smile and then one at a time, dipped each finger into her mouth, cleaning them of the woman's pleasure-goo. Marlene couldn't help but watch the cadet's decadence until finally Lisa returned her lips to the newcomer's.

Standing, the cadet continued to patrol the relaxing crowd. After several hours, soothing instrumental music sounded softly, increasing in volume. The Amazon's gently withdrew from their prey and returned back to the small room from which they came; The large door dropped down until they were gone.

The captive woman groggily woke themselves from the lesbian introduction enough to slowly stand, and follow the cadet through the gymnasium exit.


The cadet walked into the cafeteria. She was the only one dressed. All the other women were in various stages of undress: some wore lingerie, some wore only panties, others were completely naked. The large screens up on the walls featured several different lesbian sex videos. The cadet focused on one where the women were kissing - she loved watching women kiss each other. It reminded her of why she was in this job to begin with.

The cadet believed all girls should have the opportunity to fall in love with another girl. Sure - later if they decided it wasn't for them, everyone had the freedom to choose what sex they preferred. Times were changing. The cadet remembered not so long ago, the social norm was toward a heterosexual bias.

Later in life, if the person realized or decided they were gay, they could follow that path.

The cadet worked toward the opposite. Promoting a homosexual lifestyle initially should be the plan, and then later if a woman decided she wanted cock, then so be it.

While getting her lunch in the lunch line, the cadet looked over to her left where the Amazons normally ate lunch. Most were sitting at the table; most had a smaller sized woman catering to them. One diminutive brunette had wrapped herself around one of the large woman; Her legs were around the Amazon's feet and her arms circled around her waist with her torso resting between the large woman's strong thighs, her head to one side sucking on the supple skin of the large woman's side.

Next to them, smaller heads bobbed up and down between the legs of the Amazon's compatriots. In a corner, one large black haired and large breasted woman wore two other little women like a dress: One girl sucked her pussy and fondling her big breasts as another knelt from behind with her face buried in the Amazon's big round butt.

The cadet smiled. God, I love watching women love each other. Taking her lunch tray across the room, women were watching the movies; some masturbating, some fondling the ones next to them.

Back into the hallway, she went on to her quarters.


As the cadet entered her room, the blonde diva tied to the platform redirected her gaze from the television to her captor. Holding her tray in one hand, the cadet paused the video that was one of her favorites: It was an instruction video teaching woman how to eat pussy.

(The black woman instructor in the video was gorgeous and between the legs of her subject - a white woman. The camera never panned above the supine woman's waist, and the teacher prodded and probed her test subject explaining the methods and intricacies of pleasuring a woman's genitalia. Once, a half hour or so, the show and tell was over, and the ebony instructor spread her dark lips over the pale flesh in demonstration.)

Back to her captive tied to the "X" shaped platform: Sitting directly in front of the naked and restrained, tall blonde, the cadet slowly ate her lunch studying the vixen's form.

At 6'2", this woman was a piece of art to the cadet; an Amazon with strong, thick ankles and calves. Her thighs were long and sinewy like that of a runner. The cadet loved the way the top of her captive's inner thighs curved inward at the pelvis - so much so that the smaller woman reached out with one hand and lightly ran her fingers up the trapped woman's inside thigh to the edge of her pelvic cavity only fleetingly brushing the back of her hand against the big woman's pussy lips.

The blonde gurgled into her gag and with what little movement she could muster, bent her knees outward in an attempt to further present herself to her observer. The cadet returned to her lunch, still fixated on her Amazon toy.

Looking up at her captive's flat abdomen, she was mesmerized at how it quivered with excitement.

Raising her gaze higher, the smaller woman marveled at the bottom of the larger woman's pendulous breasts swaying slightly, to and fro as the trapped woman's attempts to thrust her hips forward went unabated. The cadet could see the blonde's nipples grow before her eyes from soft nubs to hardened, stiff teats starving for attention.

"Do you want me to touch you, Jasmine?" The cadet asked.

Slobbering into her specially made pussy-gag, the blonde woman breath was heavy and could only grunt awkwardly in approval.

The pussy-gag was modeled from the cadet's own pussy and vaginal canal which was fitted over the mouth of her toy. The captor remembered the struggle the helpers had wrestling it onto Jasmine's face and over her mouth in the beginning. They used bite blocks before fastening the pink, fleshy, rubber molding.

The ingenious part about this special pussy-gag was that the Amazon could only feed and drink if she either buried her tongue into the vagina canal portion of the gag coaxing out the food bits into her own throat, or suck on the clit area for refreshing liquid. When she was not struggling to nourish herself, her tongue was free to memorize ever fold, rough patch and anatomy of the cadet's facsimile.

"Are you sure you want me to touch your pussy...?" The cadet stood up and cupped her hand over the tall woman's sex.

Jasmine went berserk with desire trying to grind her mons against the small woman's hand, and her chest contorted left and right causing her large breast to giggle and swing. The cadet watched the pussy canal portion of the gag expand as her captive forced her tongue into the rubber pussy.

Not wanting her toy to hurt herself, the smaller girl grasped one of Jasmine's tits with both hands and latched onto her nipple. Once the breast was part of her mouth, the cadet ran a hand deeper into the trapped woman's crease and pressed her body against the Amazon - for only moments - then she broke away.

Jasmine groaned loudly in disappointment. Still shaking her body for the cadet's attention, shoving her tongue into the gag's pussy canal; The cadet then pulled up her chair in front of the bound blonde and sat face level with the large woman's pussy. Legs tied apart, the cadet admired her captive's sex.

With both hands, the smaller woman grasped each meaty labia between thumb and fingers and massaged the significant, wet lips. "You have such a beautiful pussy, Jasmine. Do you know that?"

Jasmine could only coo into her pussy gag. The cadet opened up the trapped woman's vagina pulling the fleshy door open revealing the Amazon's pink and wondrously large clit and raggedy, elongated inner lips.

The smaller woman couldn't resist it any longer - she had to bury her face in the larger woman's open purse.

Leaning forward in her chair the cadet opened her mouth and with her tongue and lips pulled in the Amazon's inner fleshy pussy lips inside, assigning the left and right sides for safe keeping between her teeth and inner cheeks, sucking them in until the small woman's mouth was resting against the larger woman's flesh guiding the knobby clitoris directly and deeply into the center stage of the cadet's tongue. She began to suck.

Jasmine went wild as the cadet settled into the larger woman's sex; The smaller woman then took the pussy lips held open with her fingers and closed them against her cheeks making the small girl feel more inside and apart of her captive's gorgeous body.

The trapped woman swooned and shook. The melody of the cadet's sucking and slurping put the Amazon into a trance-like state, curling her fingers and toes open and close, her nipples aching to break erect free of her mortal coil; her inner female defining essence ready to burst out of her body into another female belly. Jasmine's homoerotic state had her over-sensitized to the cadet's attention having already succumbed to her Sapphic role.

At the same time, the cadet relished the idea of falling into Jasmine's womb.

She raked her teeth over the large woman's clit like orally trying to squeeze a tube of toothpaste as she forced her chin into and out of the blonde's vaginal entrance creating a deeper sucking noise adding to the trapped woman's labored breathing.

Jasmine's outer pussy flesh slid up and down the sides of the cadet's face as the smaller woman alternated her attention between clit and birth canal making a sloppy, filmy mess of the whole operation. The small girl swallowed all the moisture and occasional squirts she received - consuming all that was Jasmine's womanhood into her body for digestion.

Suddenly, there was a high pitched howl and the cadet braced herself for Jasmine's ejaculate. White cream exploded from Amazon's sex. The cadet locked her arms around the trapped woman's open thighs as she continued to comb her upper teeth over the Amazon's quivering, stiff clit. Dropping her jaw, she dug her tongue into the tall blonde's liquid center. The large woman tried to buck her hips but was locked against the platform preventing her from throwing the smaller woman from her lap.

Her tongue thrust in and out of the pussy gag canal furiously.

Absorbing all that the Amazon spewed out, the cadet adjusted her focus moving onto Jasmine's seeping hole, lapping at the larger woman's cunt canal and anus, jamming her tongue into both orifices as if lost and desperate to get any more girly substances into her throat before the trapped woman's orgasm had fully subsided.

And then, it was over. The tall blonde's struggles subsided and she seemed to collapse and hang from her bonds. The cadet slowly and gently finished cleaning her captive's pussy before fastening onto Jasmine's inner, upper thighs for some long love bites.

The trapped woman could barely move as the cadet had finished worshiping her sex.

Standing up on the chair, the smaller woman bent down a little and sucked on her earlobe. "I think you are ready, my Jasmine. Would you like to kiss me?"

The trapped woman's eyes opened a little wider. With hope in her eyes, she nodded.

Running her palm over one of the blonde's nipples and forcing the stiff nubbin to bend unnaturally from side to side, the cadet then kissed the pussy gag looking into her captive's eyes before stepping down off the chair. "Good then. I'll have the helpers clean you up and remove your gag.

"I'm sure your lips and tongue have my pussy memorized by now." The small girl said playfully, licking the cum from her lips, she stripped off her clothes in front of her captive, flirtingly.


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