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Young Boss, Unwilling Celebrity Pt. 31

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Tim and the office women get ready for their tv interview.
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Part 17 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/08/2024
Created 09/28/2022
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The next morning, Tim drove Pam back to her car, parked near the pizza place.

At his apartment that morning they had both been a little awkward around each other, not knowing exactly what to make of last night. For Tim, he knew that he had a lot of feelings for Pam, but he also knew that at least part of his stripping and spanking her had been a way to regain some of the control he'd lost when those devious co-eds had stripped and humiliated him outside of the pizza place.

For Pam, last night had made it very clear to her that while she loved seeing Tim exposed and embarrassed, she definitely had a submissive and kinky side of her own. She had gotten very excited by Tim taking control of her, baring her bottom and spanking her until her tush was stinging and pink.

When in the middle of her spanking she had told Tim that she wasn't going to let him trick her into blowing him again, the words were out of her mouth before she could really even process them. And when he rose to the challenge and gave her an excuse to give in, she was as aroused and wet as she'd ever been.

As Tim pulled up beside her car, she looked around the parking lot. Then she looked at Tim. "At least those girls are gone, so you don't have to give them an encore performance."

"Ooh, if I didn't have to get to work, I'd spank your naughty butt right now!"

She grinned. "Or maybe I'd trick you out of your shorts and jockstrap, and send you jogging home in your cute little birthday suit, like those schoolgirls did!"

Before he could say anything else, she leaned over and kissed him, then let herself out of the car. Before she closed her door, she leaned back in, her eyes sparkling. "Have a good day at work... Peachy Bottom!"

"You're a riot," he said, as she closed the door, got into her car, and gave him a little wave.

The next several days were hectic at the office. Tim threw himself into his work and tried not to think about his embarrassment at the pizza place. Or at the bar where Maria had stolen his clothes, or outside his apartment when four females took advantage of him getting stuck bare-ass and halfway through his bathroom window.

But there was a buzzing, excited energy in the office that he couldn't ignore.

Everyone knew that the second Naked Attraction ad would start airing in a couple of days, and the women in the office kept a running tally of the views of the first ad. It had taken the better part of a week to get to 100,000 views, but then it doubled in two days!

On Wednesday morning, Tim was nervous and everyone else was excited. The whole team assembled in the conference room at 9:00, and Danielle came in last, with a cup of coffee. "As you all know, we're going into a new phase of the Naked Attraction campaign today. The cast of the ad, along with Shawna and I, are going to appear on the "Lunch with Marcy" show at 12:30, to hype the first airing of the second commercial tonight."

Applause came from around the room, and Tim's employees all looked very happy about making their debut on live tv.

"Are we going to preview the second ad when we're on?" Anna asked.

"No," Shawna said, "we want to build a sense of mystery about the second ad." She smiled at Tim. "We're going to talk about the first ad and how successful it's been."

"Speaking of which," Danielle said, "Sandy, I think you've been crunching the numbers and analyzing the social media. Could you give us a quick update?"

"Certainly." The pretty strawberry blonde looked around the room quickly, before her green eyes settled on Tim, and she smiled. "As you all know, the first ad has been a great success. Even though our initial ad buy was fairly small, covering only our immediate area plus a few regional stations, it has started to go viral. Two days ago it first went over 100,000 views, and by yesterday evening it had hit 200,000.

And as of ten minutes ago, it's on pace to add another 100K views by the end of business today!"

The women in the office cheered.

Sandy consulted her laptop. "We don't have complete data on all viewers, but we do have some, and it looks like we're getting less than 20% of our views from males."

"So Mr. Johnson is a hit primarily with the ladies!" Anna said, to laughter in the room.

"It would appear so," Sandy continued, smiling at Tim. "The cross-tabs suggest that almost all females who watch it are sharing it, and there are a lot of clusters of heavy re-sharing and reaction. A local sorority linked to it on their page, and from there it spread to other sororities at the local college, then also to sister sorority chapters on other campuses. There's also a local community site that it exploded on, after some local influencer posted a positive review of the ad and linked to it."

Tim suddenly felt a panicked dread that Sandy or someone in the room was going to mention a report from the pizza place that some local girls had recognized Tim and partially stripped him last night. When Sandy went on without mentioning that, he breathed a short-lived sigh of relief.

"There's a little bit of good news and bad news in the increasing view-rate, though," Sandy said.

"What could be bad about it?" Danielle asked.

"Well it's not around 240,000 unique viewers right now," Sandy said. "We're guessing that the total viewers is around 80K. Because almost everyone is watching the ad more than once."

"They must really like what they see," Shawna said, grinning at Tim. He felt his face getting warm, but forced what he hoped looked like a good-natured smile.

"That's why it's mostly good news," Sandy agreed. "They like it, they re-watch it, and then they send it to their friends." She cleared her throat and looked around the room, a faint smile on her face. "And as many ladies in this room have speculated, the internet version is killing the tv version in viewings, getting about 85% of the total views."

"Woo hoo!" Mia sang out. "That was a great idea to do an internet version too, Mr. Johnson!"

"Yeah," Julie said, "letting us bare your ass was really giving the audience what they wanted!"

As the others in the room laughed, Tim glared at Julie, and she suddenly blushed and cleared her throat. "I mean... sir."

That just made everyone else laugh harder, partly because of Julie's sudden discomfort, and partly because of Tim's.

The meeting broke up shortly afterwards. Everybody busied themselves with other tasks for a couple of hours, and then Danielle had a light, early lunch brought in around 11:00. As the ones who were going on tv prepared to car pool to the station, Pam stopped in to Tim's office for a quick goodbye.

"It's your live tv debut, Tim," she said, stating the obvious. "Are you nervous?"

"A little," he admitted. "This whole thing is still so weird."

"Don't worry about it," Pam said. "Everybody loves you. Including the camera," she

said, grinning. "You'll do great, and we'll all be watching you and cheering you on from here..." She opened the door to let herself out, then quickly looked around, and leaned toward Tim and quietly said, "... Peachy Bottom!"

Tim gave an exasperated sigh. "Stop calling me that!"

Pam laughed and winked at him.

Tim rode to the studio with Danielle and Shawna, with his four employees following in Kaitlyn's car.

Tim tried to get some info from Shawna and Danielle about what to expect. "Is the entire half-hour devoted to our ad campaign?"

"That's right," Shawna said. "Getting that much air-time is really a coup. Marcy usually does at least two different stories per show."

"How are we going to fill that much time?" Tim asked.

"Don't worry," Danielle said. "Marcy has a conversational interview style, so there's no script, and no prep necessary. Haven't you ever seen her show?"

Tim shook his head. "I don't watch much daytime tv. Isn't her program kind of a chick show?"

Shawna smiled. "Exactly. And that's our target audience."

Danielle said, "And I know that Marcy is looking forward to the topic and meeting you, Tim."

Tim didn't see the smile exchanged between the two women, but he didn't like the sound of that. "I'm not going to be the only one she talks to, am I?"

"No," Danielle said. "She's going to spread her questions around to all of us, and she's also going to have a psychologist on, too."

"What's he going to talk about?" Tim asked.

"I think the psychologist is a woman," Danielle said. Once again a small smile passed between Danielle and Shawna. "And I don't know what she's going to say."

Both cars arrived at the station simultaneously. All seven members of the ad team walked inside together, and were met by a pretty receptionist at the front desk. Her eyes lit up when she saw Tim.

"Well hello! I bet you're the group for Marcy's show at 12:30."

Shawna smiled. "That's us. Where do we need to go?"

The receptionist picked up a phone and said, "They're here." She put the phone back down and pointed to the right. "If you'll go through those doors, a production assistant will meet you."

"Thanks," Danielle said.

The girl smiled at the whole group, but her eyes stayed mostly on Tim. As they filed past her desk, she leaned forward and grinned at him, and said in a breathy, low voice, "I'm a big fan." Then she winked at Tim.

He immediately began to blush. "Oh... um... t- thanks."

Anna was next to him, and elbowed him gently. "I guess she's seen the ad," she said, giggling. Everyone but Tim was laughing as they went through the double doors.

They were met by a pretty redheaded 20-something wearing a business-length skirt and a white blouse with several buttons unbuttoned. Her full breasts pressed against the blouse, and a name tag reading "Debbie" rested just above the left one. She had a lightweight headset on with a tiny microphone on the end of a thin stalk, just to the left of her cupid's bow of a mouth.

"Hello," she said, extending a hand to Tim, whose eyes inadvertently dropped to her breasts for a moment, which he tried to pass off by also looking at her name tag. "I'm Debby, the floor director for today's show."

"I'm--" Tim began, but Debbie interrupted.

"Oh, I know who you are." She smiled and looked at the other women around him and said, "I've seen your ad." Her eyes quickly returned to Tim, and she gave him a quick visual once-over, before looking up into his eyes. "You did a great job," she said, then held his eyes for a long moment before looking back at those around him, and saying, "All of you."

"Thanks so much," Kaitlyn sang out, playing along with Debbie's obvious focus on Tim. "We all did our part."

Debbie grinned at Kaitlyn. "Absolutely. Anyway, Marcy asked me to bring you to her for just a second. She's about to do the noon broadcast but wanted to say hello beforehand."

They followed Debbie down a hallway and through another set of doors that led to a studio. Even though Tim hadn't watched Marcy's interview show, he'd seen her co-hosting the news enough times to recognize her. She was an attractive and well-put-together blonde, probably around 40, and looked like most female co-anchors: good make-up and hair, perfect teeth and lipstick, and a well-tailored blouse and skirt combo that showed off her curvy figure.

She was reading some copy at the desk on a low stage when she looked up and saw them. She smiled and stood up, coming around the desk and walking to Shawna first. She shook her hand and said, "Hello Shawna, it's nice to see you again."

"And you too, Marcy," Shawna said. She turned back to the group and made the introductions. Marcy shook Danielle's hand, and then each of Tim's employees' so that she got to him last. Before Shawna could introduce Tim, Marcy gave him a quick up-and-down look that seemed a little blatant to Tim.

"And I'd recognize you anywhere," she said, smiling up at him and offering her hand. "Hello, Tim. I'm so glad to have you today."

"It's great to be here," he said, a little uncertainly, and shook her hand.

"You're going to be great." She looked at the others. "You're all going to be great. Now I have to finish prepping for the noon news. Debbie will take you to our green rooms so you can touch up makeup and get prepped. We'll be shooting our segment on the usual, smaller set."

She looked at Tim. "Have you seen my show before, Tim?"

Tim's face froze in panic. "I... um..."

Marcy laughed and put a small hand on his upper arm. "Oh don't worry about it, I'm not offended. You're not our target audience, so I pretty much expected this." She looked at Shawna and Danielle, and then at Tim's pretty employees, before smiling at him again. "I've seen WAY more of you," and here she paused long enough to run her eyes down Tim's body and back up again, "than you have of me!"

All of the women around Tim laughed, and he gave Marcy a weak smile, which made her laugh a little more.

"Okay," she said briskly, "I'll see you in about 30 minutes. In the meantime," she said, turning Tim to his right as Debbie stepped forward, "I'll leave you in Debbie's capable hands. Debbie, be gentle with him."

As she said this, Marcy sneakily dropped her hand from Tim's shoulder, and firmly patted his round behind. Tim flinched in surprise, and the women with him covered their mouths or pretended not to have seen the liberty that Marcy had just taken with their hunky boss' backside.

Debbie gave him a big smile and said, "Right this way."

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Ahahaha By Jove, I think our pathetic, horny little timy is on to something! It totally makes sense that those conniving women get TJ on live TV and air his humiliation! And the worst humiliation, the internet version of the advertisement…edited for TV…strategically placed black dots. Come on Barefan, give it to us!

timytimy11 months ago

Barefan, are you going to have Tim sit there on live TV while they air a redaxed version of the internet ad? A little black dot strategically placed, but he'll still be humiliated and have a raging erection! And what will the women do? Please post!

timytimy11 months ago

Barefan please! Please! Please! What have I got to do to get you to post Tim Johnson's next humiliating adventure? I'm going nuts 🤪. And my penis is constantly drooling! Please post soon.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I am hoping their commercial gets 1,000,000 views soon.

timytimy11 months ago

Thanks Anonymous, but all I ask is that Barefan post Tim Johnson's on-air humiliation, please.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

All I ask for is that Tim is fingered and cums on his face during the interview!

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