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Zara's Discipline Pt. 01

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An older man teaches her a lesson, or ten.
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Zara approaches the bar giggling while staring at her phone. Clearly a little tipsy, she leans over the wooden plank towards the bartender who immediately beams when he sees her.

"Heyyy...ready for another drink?" he asks.

"Please!" She exclaims with a big smirk on her face as she gulped down the remainder of the gin martini in her glass, not even flinching. As the young man behind the bar starts mixing her a fresh drink, she bites her soft mouth and surveys the bar area to see if she can get some attention.

Ever since she was a teenager, the young girl loved the attention of men. Feeling their eyes scanning her body always made her wet, despite the fact that she tried to convince herself that she hated the male gaze.

She looked back at her group of friends huddled on the table taking selfies and rolled her eyes. Photos are for chumps, she thought to herself while tugging her snug jeans upwards as she continued to scan the bar area.

A couple that looked bored to death? Pass, although she had always wanted to flirt with a couple. A man with a goatee -- DEFINITE pass. Then she laid eyes on him, sitting alone at the edge of the bar in all his glory, and she instantly felt that gentle squeeze in her stomach.

Dressed in a dark grey t-shirt and nice jeans, he was the only man at the bar who had not taken the time to look at her as she approached. He had been quietly looking through his phone while drinking from a bottle of sparkling water. "Bingo," she thought. "There's my in."

Zara adjusted her shirt and made her way towards the older gentleman who had still not looked up by the time she landed right near his chair. She took a moment to clear her throat, hoping he would look up so she could hopefully charm the pants off of him, quite literally.

Just as she was about to open her mouth to speak, the bartender plopped another drink right in front of her, winking and saying, "cheers beautiful!"

"Cheers! Thank you," she responded warmly, smiling big before taking a long sip and looking over at her handsome bar crush of the hour. A bit of liquid courage and she went in for the kill, "just sparkling water?" she asked loudly. The man glanced up, catching her eyes. He was good looking but not threateningly so, with wide shoulders and a nice head of hair. He paused and his lips pursed slightly for a moment as he looked her face over. Her long brown hair was wavy and stunning. Her skin looked fresh, and lips were slightly pouty. "For now," he finally answered calmly.

Ugh. She hated when they played hard-to-get, especially since she would typically already have been making out by now.

Zara climbed up onto the barstool right near him, arching her back and flipping her hair seductively. That always worked, and she could feel his stance opening up slightly as he turned towards her.

"Well, maybe I can convince you to get a grown up drink," she quipped smartly.

He narrowed his eyes and frowned slightly, looking her over and asking, "and what would you consider to be 'a grown up drink'?"

"Oh, you know...gin, whiskey, vodka, I mean..whatever your poison is. Anything that may get things looser," she said smiling big, tipping the glass up to her perfect mouth and taking another long sip.

He waited until she put her drink down and raised his eyebrow. "Are you planning on downing that entire thing?" he asked. His tone was hasty, as if he was scolding her.

Zara felt her insides melt slightly, she fucking loved a dominant man. She chewed on her lower lip for a few seconds before looking up at him, "Is Daddy mad?" she said brazenly.

He let out a loud laugh instantly, his head shaking in seeming disbelief, "Jesus. You fucking young girls these days. Is this how you behave with strangers?" His eyes squared off and he looked over her body once again. She was younger than the type of girl he typically went out with. He never liked to play into the cliche of the older man chasing young girls, but her clever mouth had him intrigued.

Zara clutched her glass with both hands, her beautifully manicured nails wrapping around the icy cup. In realizing that she may just have offended this stranger who was quite possibly not interested in her, she began back-peddling. "Oh my god, I'm sorry. I was just messing around..." she mumbled. "I think I just had a few drinks and I was just being playful, honestly. I didn't mean to offend you..." her voice trailed off as he stared on calmly, almost expressionless.

"I'm not offended, what's your name?"

She lifted her glass for a moment then put it down instantly, remembering his comment about her drinking too fast. "Umm..Zara," she responded quietly. She felt her cheeks flushing slightly, why was her body reacting this way to him?

"I'm Isaac," he said. "Let's get you a glass of water," he stated and before she could voice her objections, he called over the bartender and ordered promptly. The flirtatious bartender took the opportunity to glance Zara's way and give her a wink before he walked off to grab their waters.

"I think he may like you," Isaac said flatly, his head nodding towards the barman. Before she could come up with one of her signature clever responses, two bottles of water are placed right in front of them. Isaac opens one of the bottles and pours the entire thing into a long glass. "Drink," he orders her.

Taken aback by his domineering tone, Zara hesitates for a moment before lifting the glass to her lips and taking a small sip and putting it back down. "So you always come here?" she asks.

Isaac's hand twitches. If this was his girl and she had just tried to pull that shit with him, he would have closed out the bill and belted her ass in the car until she cried. But alas, this was a stranger that he definitely did not own, he reminded himself.

"No," he answered hastily. "I asked you to drink, not sip," he said, nudging the glass towards her yet again. When he saw her open her mouth to protest he interrupted, "I'm not interested in hearing that you are not thirsty. I asked you to drink because you've had three martinis in a little over an hour, and I assure you that's over-serving your frame. Now, be a good girl so we can continue having our conversation. Take a proper drink so you don't stumble home."

'In a little over an hour? So he had been watching her!' She thought to herself.

Zara was speechless. On the one hand, she wanted to lash out and laugh at him, maybe even ask him if speaking to her like this made him feel like he had a big dick. That's what she would have typically done to anyone who dared speak to her like that. But Isaac seemed different. More in control, more serious, and definitely less desperate.

"I...okay," she mumbled, lifting the glass and taking a long drink.

His serious expression broke. "Good girl," he breathed out.

Oh fuck, she loved hearing that. Zara could feel her nipples perk up as she imagined him fucking her.

"Now which of your friends is in charge of driving tonight? Because you all look a little bit gone..."

Oh shit, her friends! She had totally forgotten that her friends were there. They were probably bitching about how she had ditched them to flirt with an older man at the bar, again.

"Umm...I think Katy's driving," said Zara. "She's the one with the blonde highlights." She nodded towards her friends table.

"Ah. Well. Katy is certainly not in a good position to drive. You girls should order an Uber."

Zara chortled, his charm had slightly worn off. "You girls? Thanks, man!" she said sarcastically. "And who's going to drive you home after all those sparkling waters?"

Isaac tilted his head slightly. Nobody usually speaks to him that way. Zara was bratty, and seemed like a headache, but she was smart - something he always found irresistible. He clicked his tongue and looked around. "Why don't I just ask the questions, hmm? How old are you, Zara?"

"Twenty-two," she replied.

Fuck. He was more than twice her age. He hated cliches. "Right. I'm 46. Do you always chat up older men at bars?"

"I like older men," she retorted proudly, taking another sip of her martini. Before she put her glass down, she was startled by her friend Katy who came up behind her.

"Heyyyyy...where've you been?" said the blonde, sloppily hugging her friend from behind.

Zara sat up and snapped back into reality, "Katy this is Isaac."

The blonde glanced up at him unimpressed, "Oh. Hi. Well listen, we're about to leave so..."

"Oh...sure, I just...I think actually might stay a little longer..." she said looking over at Isaac. She could NOT miss the opportunity of being fucked by a strong, older man like this. The last few guys she had dated had been such losers, Isaac seemed so together and in control.

Isaac took a breath. This gorgeous young girl was throwing herself at him, and she was submissive - he could tell. 'How messy are we going to get young Zara?', he thought to himself.

Clearing his throat, the gentleman gave Katy a small smile. "Katy, it's nice to meet you. If you don't mind, I'd like to spend some more time with your friend and I'll make sure she gets home alright."

The rude blonde semi rolled her eyes. "Alright, whatever. Enjoy!" She leaned over Zara for a hug again, kissing her on the cheek and whispering audibly, "Fucking call me if he's a creep, and text me when you get home!" before running off.

Zara's cheeks were red. She wasn't sure why his words made her stomach flip, she could feel her insides melting. She lifted the martini glass to her lips and swallowed the remainder of the drink. Oh fuck, was he going to chastise her again? She squirmed in her chair as she was invaded yet again with thoughts of him behind her over the bar and sliding his cock into her soft cunt over and over.

"Hmm...more water?" His voice snaps her back to reality

She shook her head no defiantly. 'Let's see how hard we can push you Isaac,' she thought to herself.

His jaw visibly clenches. Brat, he thought to himself. Zara suddenly leans towards him, kissing him quickly square on the mouth and sliding her soft tongue right against his. He lets out a soft moan against her lips, his hands finding their way down to her waist. Fuck, she smelled like heaven.

As she quickly sat back in her seat and smirked, he could tell she was proud of herself for making a move. 'So this is your MO, huh?' He thought to himself. Zara scours bars for older gentlemen, then teases the hell out of them and insults them until they fuck her the way she likes. Well, she was in for a treat.

"Can we have the bill please?" he says calling over the bartender.

Zara quickly reaches back for her purse that is draped over the edge of the chair, opening it to grab her wallet. Isaac's hand comes over quickly and holds hers in place.

"No...please, it would be my pleasure," he says in earnest.

"Oh, no I couldn't accept." Fuck no, I'm not letting a strange man pay for my shit, she thought to herself.

Before she could make a move, Isaac had passed his card over to the bartender and shooed him away. "Like I said, it's my pleasure...."

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


MadmervynMadmervynover 1 year ago

Extremely disappointed. Flash in the pan writer. Writes a decent lead in and then doesn't follow through.

Kb7rpiKb7rpiover 2 years ago

Oh goodness, another mystery to leave the reader hanging.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Um, so is Isaac single?

DwaynedomentntDwaynedomentntabout 3 years ago

Hope you continue this, definitely a good story.

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