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Zoey's Threesome Plan

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Son, daughter and Dad have a loving bisexual threesome.
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My sister and I lay together naked in our room on her bed. I was spooning her from behind, holding her curvy body tight against mine. My softening cock pressed against her warm, soft ass. We'd been together for over two years at this point, and we were still making love multiple times a week. Zoey was a big, beautiful goth and I was a skinny nerd. We still lived in Dad's apartment, hiding our relationship from him and the rest of the world.

"Hey baby, can I tell you something...naughty? A little secret?" she teased, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Always." I was intrigued. After more than two years sneaking around as a couple, I thought we had already shared all our secrets.

"Okay, but you have to promise not to get mad."


"Well, lately - not while we're doing it of course - but lately I've kinda been...thinking, fantasizing, about...Dad."

Why Dad? Was I not good enough for her anymore?

"Zack? Are you mad?" She gripped my hand, concerned she'd upset me.

"No, beautiful. I just...Dad?" I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. Zoey was the one who first suggested we get together, so incest was obviously a big kink for her. "He's just...old. And he's getting bigger."

"Yeah, but so what? He's sexy in his own way. Just like you, my sweet little geek," she teased. "There's just something about the idea of being under him," she continued. "Of fucking my own father. Feeling his cock inside me..."

My cock twitched. I'm a weak guy, okay? I felt myself getting hard again while my twin sister described her fantasy of having sex with our father.

"Mmm, you like that idea too, don't you, baby?" Zoey moved her hips, rubbing her ass against my growing erection. "I'd let you watch, if you wanted. Watch me getting pounded by our Dad."

I grabbed one of her large, soft breasts and started grinding against her. I groaned softly in agreement.

She rolled onto her back and kissed me hungrily. I swiftly got on top of her, sucking her tongue, lining myself up with her wet pussy for the second time in 15 minutes.

"You wanna see our Dad's cock in my mouth, don't you?" She moaned as she started moving her hips, fucking me.

"Mmmm, watching you swallow the cock that made us," I agreed, my dick coated in my own fresh cum while I fucked Zoey.

"Oh fuck yeah, baby." She rubbed her clit while we fucked. "And you'd let him fuck me, wouldn't you? Both of you fucking me together..."

"Fuck yes," I agreed. Then, before I knew what I was saying, I told her, "I'd guide his hard cock into your eager pussy." I couldn't believe what I said, but it didn't matter. It turned both of us on more than ever.

I felt Zoey's pussy tighten around my cock. I fucked her faster and harder, both of us turned on by my unexpected admission.

"Oh shit, I'm close, baby," whispered. "Tell me more, tell me more," she demanded.

"Oh God, babe," I grunted. I could feel her getting closer, tighter. "You and me, on our knees..."

"Yes, yes," she pleaded.

"Taking turns sucking Dad's dick," I blurted out, squeezing her big tits while I came, pushed over the edge by my sudden gay admission.

She came immediately after me. Our bodies shuddered in unison; me pumping my second load of cum into her for the night, her eager pussy squeezing it all out of me. Both of us breathless, speechless. Spent.

When she'd finished cumming, I slipped out of her and fell back onto the bed beside her. We embraced, facing each other in the darkness.

"What...was that?" I asked.

"I think that was my baby admitting he's a bit bi-curious," she grinned.

"Yeah? Well, I mean, maybe only in fantasy. Not in, like, real life."

"Oh, don't be like that," she chided. "It's not the fucking 40s anymore. It's okay to admit these kinds of things, Zack. Especially to me."

"Really?" Over two years in, I was still worried about scaring her off; I was her brother, after all. For 99 percent of girls, that'd be enough of a dealbreaker.

"Of course, you idiot. You're my brother, and I'll always love you. Besides...I brought Dad up. And I've always thought two guys together is hot."

"Well...okay then. And I love you too, Zoey."

"So..?" she prompted

"So, what?"

"So...are you a bit bi, bi-curious, babe?"

"I don't think I've ever thought about it before. But, after that...I'm thinking maybe? Or maybe just for Dad. I dunno, maybe I've got some soul-searching to do. Saying those really did turn me on. And not just because it turned you on."

"See? That wasn't so hard, was it? And I love you just as much, if not more than before. You need to stop worrying about scaring me off." She was only 20 minutes older than me, but sometimes she felt like 5 years older.

"Yeah...okay." I kissed her softly. I was exhausted. "All right, goodnight, Zoey."

"Goodnight, Zack. Love you, always."

"Love you always too," I replied before drifting off.

Surprisingly, after that night, Zoey and I went back to normal, never talking about Dad in a sexual way again, even as part of foreplay. Nevertheless, it took me a couple of days to not feel awkward around Dad at home. The next morning, I was a bumbling idiot, barely able to look him in the eyes.

At 5'11", Dad is a bit taller than me, and he's a bit more solid. He works for a removalist company, so he got pretty buff doing that, but as he got older, he moved more into the office side of the company, so he'd started losing his muscles. As a father, he was good - not great. But as I grew up, I realized he was away so much because he was working so hard. He worked so he could afford to keep the apartment and keep putting food on the table, with enough left over to still buy us nice presents for birthdays and Christmas when we were kids. It was just hard growing up because it felt like just me and Zoey a lot of the time. But spending so much time alone together after school also made Zoey and I bond much better than we otherwise would have. So in the end, I got it.

On the other hand, Dad was a hard guy to get to know. Buying him gifts was always an ordeal for us. What do you buy a single guy who you only see a couple hours a week, who never had much of a social life, who never told you anything personal about himself? For years, Zoey tried to get him to open up more, with very little to show for it. She eventually chalked it up to being "a generational thing" and grudgingly admitted defeat.

But how do you bond with a Dad who never came to your school on parents days, never watched your sister's debates, never came to plays where you did all the lighting and sound? I know I said I "got it" but for me, there was still a touch of childhood resentment inside me that I wasn't sure would ever really go away.

Looks wise, I could see where Zoey was coming from. And where I was coming from too, I guess. Like I said, Dad was tall and solid, even if he was starting to lose muscle and swap it for more of a gut. His green eyes were tired, but kind. He shaved his head bald and grew a (mostly gray) beard that he kept trimmed short. Meanwhile, I had a full head of hair and probably couldn't grow a beard in 5 months. And he had those big, rough hands. All of which is long way of saying that I jacked off in the shower while thinking about him a couple times, all part of the road to accepting my bisexuality.

But the thing I think we both appreciated about Dad the most was that he never made us feel like failures, moochers or weirdos for still living with him. In our shared room with our single beds. I'm sure plenty of other parents would've split us up and kicked us out well before we hit 24, but not Dad. And I don't think he ever suspected Zoey and I were together. As a parent, why would you? It's not the kind of thing you normally think your children would do together. No, I think he just assumed we were so close because for a long time, we were all we had. And that's true; Zoey and I were best friends for a long, long time before we ever became lovers.

But after weeks of thinking about Dad, whether I was really attracted to him (very much so), and guys in general (again, yes), and never talking about it with Zoey, I'd started to wonder if that one night's events were just an incredibly vivid dream. And then, one morning over breakfast, Zoey finally broke the silence. Dad, of course, had already left for work before we woke up.

"You know that night, when I thoughts about Dad?"

Like I could forget. I nodded.

"I know we haven't talked about it, but I've been thinking about that. Like, a lot." She sounded almost embarrassed to admit it.

"Oh, me too, don't worry."

She looked relieved. "And, I wanted to talk to you about it."

"Um, okay...what about it, exactly?"

"'s just..." She took a deep breath. "I think we should do it. For real. Or try, anyway."

I took a few mouthful of my coffee while I tried to work out what to say. In the end, I settled for, "Zoey. You can't be serious, babe."

"A hundred percent. It's the right thing." She reached across the table and clasped my hands in hers.

"Why? What happens to us? I thought what we had was special." I sounded like a whiny child and hated myself for it.

"It is! And it'll always be special. We lost our virginities to each other. Nothing will ever take that away from us. But Dad gave up, like, everything for us when we were kids. Fuck knows the last time he ever had sex. If this happens - and that's a big 'if' - try to think of it as saying thanks to him for holding everything together after Mom left."

I sighed. "Yeah, I guess." She was right. He did give up his life so the three of us could stay together and have something resembling a comfortable life. "But what makes you think he'd even want to have sex with you, let alone me? Incest isn't exactly a thing normal people go for."

"I...don't know, okay? I haven't figured out how we'd approach him yet. All I know is that I want this and I think Dad will too, once we explain it the right way. want this too, don't you?"

"In a way, I guess so. I've been thinking about it a lot as well, and obviously the idea of a threesome with Dad is really hot, whether he and I do stuff together or not. But...I'm scared. Not just of his reaction, but of stuff between us changing. You're my sister-girlfriend and I love you with all my heart and I don't want to lose you."

"Oh Zacky, you'll never lose me, I promise. You're my brother-boyfriend and I love you too! Look, think of it this way. You and I were super close before we started fucking, right?"

I nodded.

"And once we crossed that line, we only got closer, didn't we? So, my theory is: we're not super close to Dad. So if we do convince him to have some 'family time' with us, it'll bring us closer to him, but not as close as we are. It's win-win-win in my mind."

Above all else, I love Zoey for her confidence and optimism. "All right, if you think that's what's gonna happen, you've convinced me, babe."

"I'm glad, honey." She smiled her sweet little grin. "And now for the hard part. How?"

"Fuck, don't ask me. You're the ideas girl." I cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher. "We can't just get him drunk and try to seduce him. This kinda thing, I think he'll need to be sober for."

Zoey hugged me from behind. "Yeah, we don't want a horrible, awkward morning-after type situation. And we don't want it to feel like a one-night-stand, do we?"

"Probably not, no." I had a terrible realization. "Oh God..."

She let me out of the hug. I turned around to face her again.

"We're gonna have to sit down and talk with him like fucking adults, aren't we?"

Zoey laughed. "Fuck. I think you're right, babe." She kissed me. "Maybe I'll cook one of his favorites for dinner or something before we do it. Butter him up that way." She adjusted her glasses - a longstanding nervous habit. "It's...gonna be a lot to dump on him all at once."

I put my hands on her wide hips. "But if anyone can make a hard pill easy to swallow, it's you, beautiful." I kissed her, holding her body tight against mine.

"Yeah, okay, enough with the flattery. I know you want me to do all the talking." She pushed me away, mostly joking. "Now let me get ready for work, I've gotta open the store today. We can talk about this more later." She kissed me goodbye before leaving to get into her work uniform. I'll never get used to the sight of my beautiful goth sister in the obnoxiously bright uniform the store makes her wear, with her jet black hair in a tight ponytail. That she still wears her dark, heavy makeup to work makes the contrast even greater. She's much more herself in black dresses, black boots, with her long hair flowing loose past her shoulder blades.

The next few days were a total write-off for me. I could barely concentrate at work, and I wasn't the best company for Zoey at home, either. I still couldn't quite believe we were going to tell Dad everything, and then hope he'd join us. Talking about it with Zoey, she made it make perfect sense. But in the cold light of day by myself, it was suicide. We could easily end up homeless and estranged from the only parent we ever really had. All for the chance of fucking our own father.

It took more than a week, but eventually Zoey and I decided we'd go through with it. A long weekend was approaching, and by some miracle of scheduling, none of us had to work. The plan was simple enough: on Friday night, we'd tell Dad about our relationship. Depending how that went, we'd move onto phase two - ask if he'd be interested in joining our incestuous liaisons. That could be the same night, or it might not even be until Sunday night. And hopefully by Tuesday morning, the shape of our family from that point on will have emerged.

Zoey made a very elaborate roast dinner, which Dad obviously enjoyed - he went back for seconds. Once everyone was done eating, Zoey and I gave each other "the look." It was go time. No turning back now. She turned to face Dad, who was seated at the head of the table. She and I were across from each other.

"Umm, so Dad..." Zoey hesitantly began. "Zack and I have something we want to talk with you about." She watched as she traced a pattern on the tablecloth with her black polished fingernail to hide how much her hands had started to shake.

Dad sat back in his chair, folding his arms. "What's that, kitten?"

"Well, it's..." She took a deep breath and gathered the courage to look Dad in the eyes. "Zack and I, we...almost two and a half years ago, we...started a physical relationship, and-"

"I know," he cut her off. "Jesus Christ, you two. I'm not stupid. Or deaf."

Somehow, I was the next to speak. "Wait, you knew?" And I thought we'd been so careful when he was at home. "Wh- for how long?"

He shrugged. "I don't exactly recall the exact fucking date, kiddo. Two years, maybe, give or take."

"How?" I asked, like that would make anything better.

"Like I said, I'm not deaf. I heard you. Together." He shifted in his chair, clearly as uncomfortable as we were.

"I'm sorry, Dad," Zoe offered. "I guess we weren't as careful as we thought. But-"

Dad cut her off again. "So why are you telling me now? Are you pregnant or moving away or something?"

"No..." Zoe began. This wasn't going the way she predicted.

"No, what?"

"No to either. I'm not pregnant, and we're not moving away." She pushed her glasses up her nose. "We just thought..." She paused. She was starting to lose her nerve.

And Dad was starting to lose his patience. He scratched at his beard. "Come on you two. Out with it! It's been a long day and this isn't how I want to spend my whole long weekend, talking about how my kids have been fucking each other," he spat.

I couldn't stand the way he was talking to Zoey any longer. She was on the verge of tears. I hated being across the table from her. I should've sat beside her before this started. I felt my face flush red with anger. "Fucking hell, we were going to ask you to join us," I said.

The room went silent. Still. Nobody even breathed. I immediately regretted saying it. Nobody knew where to look. Zoey fought back tears, I studied the backs of my hands intently, and Dad stared at both of us, his mouth agape.

After what felt like an hour, Dad broke the silence. He cleared his throat. "Um, what...what did you just say?"

"We-" I began.

Zoey cut me off. "Dad, let me explain first. Please."

Dad looked at her, back at me, then back to her. "Yeah, I think you better."

She nodded. "Okay, so it was meant to come after this speech about how you gave up everything for us once Mom left, how your life has just been work, work, work. And - aargh - this sounded much better in my head. I rehearsed it so many times, and...shit." She clenched her fists.

"Take a breath, babe," I suggested.

As she did so, Dad cut in again. "So what you're telling me is that my own children were going to offer me a pity fuck?!"

Once he put it that way, it was kind of hard to frame it any other way.

"Not in so many words, but...I guess so," Zoey admitted, defeated.

"Look, that wasn't our intent, but-" I started to say.

"I get it." He hung his head. "God help me, I see your fucked up train of thought, and I get why you'd do this." He lifted his head and looked at us. "I haven't really missed any of that stuff, though. The first couple of years after your Mom left, sure. But you get used to it. Just put your head down and throw yourself into work. And I did try dating, a while ago. But it's not for me. I'm better off single, I guess."

He paused, but we could tell he wasn't done.

"And as for your...situation. Jesus fucking Christ, I don't even know where to begin. I was outraged, beyond disgusted at first. But like being single for 20-plus years, I got used to that too. 'If that's what makes them happy, then fine,' I thought. 'Just keep it to yourselves. And don't make any fucking inbred babies.' But now, now you want me to be a part of that?"

We nodded. Zoey spoke again. "I - we - know it's a lot. We didn't do this lightly. We thought it might help us bond together better as a family. But in hindsight..."

"I'm not saying no, exactly," Dad replied quietly, his face glowing red. "Just...give me some time, all right? This isn't the kind of thing a guy's faced with every day."

"That's fine, Dad," I replied. "Take as much time as you need."

"Yeah...for now, how about you go have a beer or three, watch some TV or something. Zack and I can clean up and we'll leave you alone until you're ready to discuss things more."

"Okay...sounds good." He sounded tired. But at least he wasn't angry anymore. We stayed put while he stood up. Before he left, he put his hand on Zoey's shoulder. "Food was good, kitten," he said quietly, then walked away.

Zoey and I waited until he turned on the TV, then started clearing the table and commenced washing up in silence. When we were done, I hugged her tight.

"I'm sorry, honey," I whispered. "That was rough."

She sighed, hugging me back just as tight. "I mean, kinda. He didn't say no, though." I heard her smile in her voice. She's very hard to keep down.

"Don't count your chickens, beautiful," I cautioned. "But you're right, at least we're not out on the street. And he did compliment your cooking, which was delicious."

"Thanks, my love." Zoey kissed me, then suggested we leave Dad alone for the rest of the night. I agreed.

We spent the night in our room, on our laptops wasting time on various social media and listening to music through headphones - her with her heavy metal, me with my video game soundtracks. After we heard Dad go to bed, we spent over an hour talking about the night's events. Obviously, we didn't have sex; there was too much uncertainty in the atmosphere. After reassuring each other that regardless of the outcome, our hearts were in the right place, we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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