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Zombies, But So Much More


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Jack said, "What is it... Spill it."

in a very seductive manor Katelyn moved closer to her father, sitting on her feet brought her breasts clear of the water and Jack couldn't look up as he heard her talking. She was saying, "the research said that we actually need a partner. Daddy, I'm up here..."

She reached out and touched his chin bringing his eye to meet hers Jack said, "Oh baby, I'm not sure what you are saying."

Katelyn continued, "Whatever is wrong is causing us to become extremely horny. I tried this morning using, well using a toy if you get my drift. It did nothing to make this feeling go away."

Jack said, "I know baby, I saw you, and I have a confession to make. Not only did I see you but I also stayed and watched you. You are very beautiful. I relieved myself and I agree, it did nothing for me. There has to be another way than what you seem to be suggesting."

Katelyn pleaded, "Please come up with something then, I'm getting to the point where it seems really good to just ... oh daddy." She put her arms around his neck, hugging him tight, her breast pushing into his muscular chest.

Jack could feel her rock hard nipples pressing into his chest as her soft breast pressed into him. The sides of her boobs pressed against his arms as he wrapped them around her, one of his hands wondered down and was caressing her lower back until his pinky finger found the crack of her ass. He move his hand like he had touched a hot stove, their bodies separated with Katelyn's hand just running across his hard cock, slightly squeezing the head before totally parting.

Katelyn said, "Daddy I'm sorry... I really am.. I didn't mean that."

Jack said, "I know baby, you are right. Just then all I could think of was how good you felt."

Katelyn said, "Daddy figure something out, I know you can." Her breast bounced above the water for a second as she sat back.

Sitting there next to his daughter trying to relax and put the thought he just had of jumping her bones aside, Jack noticed that his daughter was all of a sudden really quiet. He had been trying to avoid looking over at her but the sudden silence made him worry a little. He looked over to her and found her eyes were closed with her right hand under the water.

Jack did the unthinkable for him, he put his right arm over her shoulders and pulled her against him, she leaned her head onto his chest and kept going with her right hand. Jack knew exactly when she had her orgasm, her body tensed and he felt her shake, and then she lay still on his chest. Jack heard her sigh, "Thank you daddy, I love you."

Katelyn could tell jack was about ready to give up, he had helped her, and it really did help her. She crossed her right hand across her body, grabbing her father's cock, saying, "relax Daddy, let me do this for you at least. It helped me just now. I can think again."

Jack held her tighter and without saying a word, his daughter did the unthinkable. Her little hand going up and down his monster sized cock. From her boyfriend, Jack, she could tell her father was close. With the head of his cock just breaking the water she was treated to the show. Sure, she gave her boyfriend a hand job, even a blowjob once; but she had never seen him actually cum. Her father's cum shot into the air, some of it landing onto her face but most falling into the water between them.

He held to him and said, "Thank you baby, but you know we "

She said, "Daddy, just take it for what it was, I helped you, you helped me."

Chapter 3- Finding help

In Atlanta - Thing were getting more under control. Once the group found out that the Immunity required them to have some sort of sexual contact they could dedicate themselves to working hard again to find answers. The need for sexual contact had proved to be daunting. The Immune individual could not self-pleasure, nor use any devices to aid the alone. It was found that they did not have to actually have intercourse, but that if they did they could go at longer between sessions without any other sexual contact. Of just the Immunes there are a total of 20 guys in the Atlanta facility and 3 Females. The Non-Immunes that need Factor X do not help with the Immunes problem of needing sex.

It has been found that regular intercourse of every other day for helps to keep the Immunes functioning at peak performance. The three females in the Atlanta facility are more than enough to handle the 20 guys on this schedule as their ramped up sex drive has 2 of the three addicted to sex. It was also found that male/male of female/female relations do not work to keep this matter under control.

Back in Cincinnati - Reading the research and doing their own, Jack and Katelyn found that one a day Mutual masturbation sessions seemed to keep the matter under control. They had started sleeping together at the start of this crisis just now at night they each help one another out before bed time,

Jack at first had a real issue with this, but without it they both started having trouble doing regular things, and became worked up emotionally. Jack also felt very comforted by having his daughter close to him at night. Many of the nights he would wake up and found her nestled in his arms or find her snuggled up to him.

About 3 weeks in Jack and Katelyn decided to go to the lab, and generally around town, and another supply run. This time they rode together in the Police Excursion. Having to only hit the EMP twice when they were coming up on larger groups of Zombies. At one point they had a bullet strike the windshield as they were going through the city. Thankful for the bullet proof glass they kept going. Further down the road they came a couple side streets that were blocked off. A little further down the road they came to what looked like a road block made with concrete dividers called K-rails.

A single person was standing at the blocked point with a small handgun pointed at them yelling "Get out of the CAR NOW!"

Jack told Katelyn, "don't you dare."

She said, "Come on daddy I'm not crazy."

Jack said, "Today." With that three more people showed up waling behind them,

The small gang was demanding them to, "Get out of the car you fucking assholes."

Jack Lit up the light bar on top of the Ford Excursion the one in front jumped back out of site, one of the three behind them got close enough to strike the back windshield with a baseball bat. Katelyn scream at the impact, Jack hit the siren once put the big beast of a car into reverse, and without thinking about it slammed into 2 of the three gang members hard enough to throw them backwards into a car that was blocking the intersection hard enough that had anyone checked cracked their skulls. The third gang member ran up to where his buddy with the gun was, then as Jack and Katelyn watched started running their way yelling something. If they could have heard this they would have heard pleas for help us as they were being over taken by a literal herd of Zombies.

About 100 Zombies were closing in on the pair of thugs from behind. Jack backed up as the fastest round of the Zombies caught the two, ripping their throats out, followed by more personal parts. The heard soon turned onto the big SUV with it's pretty Blue and Red lights twirling on top. As the first reached the hood Jack remembered the EMP. When Jack pushed the red button that was meant to shut down the electrical system of a car the electrical impulse jammed the Lower brain function of the zombies and they all fell to the road really dead this time. It was just as simple as throwing a switch. From the second floor of the building beside them they heard cheers, and a lone person standing at the door with a white flag. The guys came over to the car, and they talked, discussing how the Zombies got taken down, and the thugs. They gave a couple of cattle prods to the group and told them what they needed.

The rest of the day, the drove around the city with their siren and lights going, about ever block they would sent off both the front and rear EMP. Zombies fell like flies.

The survivors that came out, all Immues were all told to gather in the big Stadium that thanks to 9-11 was pretty secure against Zombies.

Inside on the field was about 1500 people total, Jack and Katelyn was amazed. They heard stories of the Gang of 4 that they just took down, and Zombies and more Zombies. The confirmed the need for Sex to the group, which the people of Cincinnati had figured out on their own. They didn't know that Mutual Masturbation worked as an alternate to sex, you just had to do it more. With the Zombies gone from the city the people were free to go elsewhere, However, they decided to clean the city up.

Going back home without ever visiting the Lab, or restocking Jake and Katelyn were worn out. They showered and then went to soak naked in the hot tub and talk. The two had gotten used to their nightly sessions that the nudity was nothing. Well the talking turned into drinking. Jack remembers as he drank down his 4th bottle of a high power craft beer that he was going to miss when they were all gone that this was a bad idea.

Jack was thinking to himself, "The drinking, the hot tub, his naked supple young daughter, her flowing red hair, her milk white shoulders, her... oh my, her nipples begged for his attention." Sure they knew their way around masturbating one another, but they never went further than that, maybe a hug, they even dressed in Pj's to sleep afterwards. Jack still thinking, "I wonder if she's a good kisser, I wonder what she tastes like. I wonder how ..." HE TRIED TO STOP but he couldn't, "good in bed she is."

The both were feeling the effects of the drinking, and they decided it was time for bed. Their bedtime routine was for Jack to check the fencing to make sure it was turned on, which it was. Katelyn normally went upstairs and got dressed for bed while he was doing this, She was naked and it felt good so she just slipped between the sheets in their now shared bedroom, Jack slipped out of his clothes, and knowing the routine and he normally he would slip into boxers until they she was taken care of first. Jack was horny tonight, more so than normal he thought, He leaned over toward his daughter under the sheet, intending to slip his hand down into her panties and over her furry mound, into the hotness that was her pussy. Finding no resistance he naturally wrapped his leg over hers, his bare cock touching her thigh for the first time. Katelyn turned her head to her father opening her mouth to say, "Oh that feels nice" but instead found his mouth right there. She kissed him deeply, her tongue finding his, his tongue finding hers. Two lovers finally realizing their true need.

Fueled by the alcohol, the full body contact, and the lust inducing condition their immunity was causing found the two of them in heaven. Jack worked his way down his daughters milk white shoulder gently kissing until he made it to her breast where he paid each one their due homage. Her nipples felt so responsive in his mouth, he licked one feeling the vibrations going through his body as his tongue snake around the erect nipple to the soft areola below at it's base. Taking his time with each, bringing his sweet baby to the verge or orgasm, edging her there before dipping lower into the red fur lined valley between her legs.

The fragrance of her womanhood was strong in his nose, her pubic hair tickled his lips as his kissed her nether regions, inching closer and closer to the center of her being. Flicking his tongue out like a probe into uncharted space he finally made First Contact with her previously forbidden Clitoris. The taste on his tongue wase divine. He devoured her, teasing her, some by sucking on her wonderful pussy lips, letting his tongue slide into the crevice he desired.

Underneath her daddy Katelyn writhed in pleasure, each time her father brought her so close, so damn close and then backing of again. Finally she wrapped her legs around his head, pulled his face into her pussy, covering him with her juices and she found her release.

Once he escaped her clutches Jack moved up his daughter's body, admiring the sight of her milky skin now covered in sweat from her orgasm. Jack was oh so ready his cock in his hand, rubbing the head of his uncut cock on the little nub that just brought her so much pleasure. Looking into her blue eyes, asking what he thought he would never ask, "Baby are you ready?"

Katelyn shook her head, "Oh Daddy, I want it but I want to be sober so I remember my first time, Let's wait for tomorrow. Please Daddy Please."

No father could ever turn down his baby girl asking to wait one more day, and jack was okay. He moved off her body and she straddled him, kissing him, and working down his masculine body as he had worked down hers. Her pussy trailed over his cock and he could feel her clitoris rubbing over the exposed glands on the tip as she continued to go lower. Taking his cock into her mouth, finding out that all of it didn't fit like her boyfriend's did. Going up and down her father's cock, licking the outside of it like an ice cream cone. Trying to edge her father like he did her but not having the experience, she finds herself with the fountain going off into her mouth, painting the back of her throat and filling her mouth with his cum. Like a good daughter she swallowed every last drop, climbed back up his body, kissing her father's lips with just her lips and said, "Oh thank you Daddy, you are the best."

She lay down beside her father in all his wonderful nakedness. Their warm skin pressed together in love, they soon fell into the best deep restless sleep they have ever experienced.

In the morning when they woke up it was raining outside, April showers were coming down bring with them the rain that will work on making the world new again this spring. Love was in the air for Jack and Katelyn and across the whole area life was becoming new. Just as the EMP killed off the zombies, the electrical storms disrupted the electrical activity the zombies required. No one new this at the time, but over time the Zombies were just no more,

The day was spent naked, snuggled up in bed for a while, downstairs naked watching tv. In the kitchen naked, and in the hot tub at the end of the day naked with Katelyn sitting her dads lap kissing like the new lovers they are. As it got dark Katelyn said, "Daddy, can we talk about making love?"

Jack said, "Sure baby, but only if you want to, Last night was wonderful but you know it's always okay to say no to anything."

Katelyn looking a little aggravated said, "Daddy, I love you, and I want it. I want you to be my first tonight."

Jack said, "Your first? I assumed if you knew what James's ah... penis looked like you had ah... "

Katelyn Said, "James wanted to, but I wasn't ready. Basically all I ever did with him was what we did last night, and maybe not even that much. His ... His cock never touched me down there."

Jack said, "I never thought I would say this, but I would be honored to be your first. Tonight or whenever you say you are ready. I love you baby, you know that."

Katelyn said, "Daddy, I love you too and I want you to be my first.", Feeling between her legs she fishes for his cock bring it between her legs, the head of it sticking out the front size of her thighs, Rubbing his cock head with her hand, she says, "Just be gentle with me later."

After they got out of the hot tub, the rest of the evening was spent with Katelyn getting ready for the big event, while Jack got in with the group on the video conference.

Doctor Acot was speaking, "The good news is that the Zombies are basically dead or dying out, the bad news is that it's estimated that about 95% of the earth's population has died. The Zombies themselves after they shut down return to dust due to the cosmic radiation breaking down the cellular walls if they are no longer have any current flowing in them. This makes disease control and clean up rather easy. The electrical storms we have experience has had a couple other effects that were unexpected. The first is, the people requiring Factor X no long need them, the second much deeper reaching effect is that while people are still wanting sex as they have gotten used to it, the need for it no longer threatening. It seems the worst is behind us now. Ours worst enemy now is our fellow survivors. Another note worth mentioning, The Clearwater Channel 700 on the AM dial which can around be heard around the world when on high power will start broadcasting in the Morning at 8am EST."

With that, New data packets were sent out with detailed notes via the email servers. Jack signed off, He had to tell his daughter the news and still hope that she want to continue with their love.

Jack went upstairs, going to their bedroom. Upon entering the now candlelit room he found his baby girl laying propped up pillows, looking at him. Wearing a long nightshirt like she wore as a youngster. It was a faded pink and on it was a whinny the pooh head. In her best little girl voice she said, "Daddy are you coming to nighty night with me?"

Jack smiled, "Yes baby I am, but I want to tell you something first."

Katelyn said, "Whatever it is daddy it can wait, I am so sweepy."

Jack smiled even more, "Okay my baby girl, I'll tuck you in and give you your good night kiss."

Katelyn said, "Daddy, will you tell me a nighty night story... Pweaseeeee"

Jack started, "Once upon a time there was this daddy..."

Katelyn said, "Oh Daddy... Just take your clothes off and come to bed, I want.. I want.. I want to "

Undressing Jack said, "Your is Daddy working on it baby girl."

As his boxers hit the floor Katelyn said, "Oh my Daddy, what a big ..."

Jack brought his mouth to Katelyn's stifling the words she was about to say. Her hands darted to his fully erect cock, pulling back his foreskin, smearing a droplet of his precum over the glands below. Katelyn still in her little girl voice, "Oh daddy, you are so ready for nighty night time."

As the night before, Jack was not going to go with an unknown. Lifting long T-shit over her head, underneath he found A yellow teddy with blue lace trim, and crotch less panties to match.

Jack sighed, "On baby doll, you are so.. so.. god.. you're totally. I mean.." At a total loss for words Jack laid her down and buried his face in the silky folds of lace, pubic hair and pussy lips between her legs. Licking for all he was worth, he quickly brought her through at least three orgasms that ran into each other.

She lifted his head up from between her legs leading him up her body allowing his cock to find the entrance to her pussy, kissing him passionately on the lips, pulling him tight against her body, whispering into his ears, "Oh my sweet daddy, please, please, make love to me."

He reached down between them, rubbing his cock against her waiting hole. She was wet enough and he was ready. He kissed her on the lips as he entered her waiting vice like pussy. He felt some resistance but pushed onward, taking he baby girl's virginity. She winced with the pain of the invasion of her body, it wasn't as bad as she feared more like a pinch with a slight burn.

Her father true to his word Jack was very gentle, his baby girl was all grown up now. The lush warmth of her pussy surrounded and held his cock tight, gripping him like a vice. Jack could tell she was having some pain and ask her, "Baby, It's done, do I need to stop?"

Katelyn said, "Oh daddy, it only hurts a little now, just go slow please."

Jack looked his daughter in the eyes, feeling his heart racing as he lay still, his cock buried deep in the velvet warmth of her. His lips met hers passionately kissing her on the lips before his tongue darted into her waiting mouth. Their tongues met in a forbidden dance spurring on action in the rest of their bodies. Her hips rose to meet the invader, over and over for what seemed like an eternity to Jack. The age old instinct of making love was taking over and Jjack was getting lost in his daughter. Looking into Katelyn's big blue eyes was like gauzing on infinity. Katelyn kissing Jjack drew his tongue into her mouth, sucking it into her mouth, sending shivers of pleasure at her father.


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