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Another Night in July

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Mom plays while Dad's away.
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Here it was, another Friday night In July, and I found myself fifty miles from home in heavy traffic. There was no way I would make it home before Sally had dinner ready. I knew she would really be disappointed. This was the night we had decided to play cards and maybe take some photos.

Earlier that day as I drove through Fresno, I stopped at a couple of small shops looking for just the right top for Sally to wear. I always enjoyed taking photos of Sally in a new reveling top or lingerie. I finally found one I knew I liked. I knew Sally would never wear it out of the house, or let anyone else see her wearing it.

It was a light brownish or tan, and virtually completely see through. The only exception was a few white designs of flowers here and there. It left nothing to the imagination!

Sally had no idea I bought a new top for her to model. It was to be a surprise from me to her. If I was lucky enough to win a couple of games of cards or dice or some other game I would give it to her to wear for my photos.

I was now forty-five minutes from home, and thought I had better stop and call to let Sally know I was going to be late. I tried three pay phones. All three were broken. I found a fourth phone and finally spoke to Sally. I told her I wouldn't be home until about 8:30. She wasn't very happy when she heard the news, but told me to hurry as she was waiting and dinner was ready.

It was a little after 8:30 when I pulled in the driveway and saw Gary's car parked on the street. He was a friend who came over once in a while after work. Sometimes he would play cards, dice, or dominos with Sally and me, but not always. I had no idea why he had come by tonight as he usually called me first.

When I open the door and went inside, I found both Sally and Gary in the bedroom. Sally was on the internet, checking her

e-mail, and Gary was sitting on the edge of the bed. Sally had on one of the night gowns I really like. I knew for sure Sally had not expected Gary to stop by the house. If Sally had some warning, she would not have put on that red night gown. It had thin straps with and was made of a lacey see through material.

The gown really didn't show much of her nipples when looking at it up close. Her shapely tits, however, were clearly visible. From about ten feet away, even Sally's nipples could be seen clearly!

Sally informed me my dinner was in the fridge and I could heat it up in the microwave. I remembered how hungry I was, and decided to heat up my dinner and eat. While I was in the kitchen Gary came in and said he came by to use my computer and apply for another job on line.

My computer is located in the spare bedroom across from Sally's room. I told Gary it would be ok and I would be there shortly to set it up. I started heating my dinner and turned on the computer and brought up the web site he wanted. Gary went to work on his application, and I brought my dinner into Sally's room to finish it.

Sally and I decided to play solitaire on her computer. She hardly ever looses at that game. Anyway, she went first. We play three games and the one with the highest score looses. Sally began playing, and I worked on my dinner.

Pretty soon Gary called for me to give him a hand at what he was trying to do. Between finishing my dinner and helping Gary, Sally had won the first round. Normally we played two out of three to decide the winner.

As the looser, I got to go first on the second round. While I was playing Gary came in and offered both Sally and I a couple hits off his crank pipe. I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, and neither is Sally. We both had a couple of good rips. I could tell Sally was feeling good by the way she moved closer to Gary, leaned up against him, and finished off the pipe.

I had a night job at that time running the 24 hour driving range at a local golf course from 11:30 at night until 5:30 in the morning. I had found a practice club earlier that week and brought it home. Gary likes golf but was not that good. I thought perhaps he might like to have it and try and improve his game. I went and got it from the garage and let him have it.

By the time he thanked me, I had won the second round of solitaire, and Sally had started the third and final round. Gary in the mean time went back to my computer and continued working on his application.

Before I knew it, Sally finished her third round with a score I knew I could beat, and did. It had been a while since I had beaten Sally. I dashed to the car and retrieved the top I had bought earlier that day.

I came back to the bedroom with it, handed it to Sally and asked if I could take a couple of photos. I remember her telling me she would not do it with Gary in the house. I told her he was busy in the other room and would never know. The answer was still no. She did say I could take one photo of her in the red night gown if I made it quick while Gary was still on my computer. I got my camera and had Sally lower the right strap on the night gown, then put the camera away.

After I took the photo, we decided to play one more round before I had to leave for the golf course.

Just then Gary came into the bedroom and said he had to leave. He would finish up the application another time if I would save the web page for him. Gary said he was going to pick up some crank for a friend of his and more for himself. We all said good bye, and then he left.

Sally and I finished the second game, which she won. Loosing that game cost me twenty dollars. I reminded Sally I still had my first game winning photos to take. I started getting ready for my night job, which I considered a paid hobby. When I was done getting ready, it was about 10:45. I asked Sally again if I could take a couple of photos with her in the new top. Since Gary had left and we were alone, she said yes.

I got my camera and Sally put on the top. She looked really hot with it on. I wished she would have put it on when Gary was still here. I know he would have appreciated it as much, and probably more that I did!

I took 4 or 5 photos. My time was about to run out and I had to be leaving. When I went back into the computer room I saw that Gary had left his new training club behind. I knew Sally would be up for a while after doing the crank, so I gave Gary a call on his cell phone. He didn't answer so I left a message. I told him Sally would obviously be up for a while. If he wanted to come back and pick up the training club he was welcome to do so.

I left for work, and went to the gas station to fill up. I had forgotten my wallet at home and needed to go back and get it. When I returned home, Gary was already there and had parked his car in the driveway. I decided to go to a pay phone and call in sick.

After I made the call, I returned home, and quietly entered the house. I walked down the hall and went into the bedroom. There was Sally, still in her new top, playing solitaire on the computer. Gary was filling his crank pipe from a baggie that was about one third full. I explained I forgot my wallet and needed money for gas. I picked up the wallet and Gary handed me his pipe. I took three big hits and passed it to Sally.

Sally mentioned something about how she should cover up. I remember telling her it was a little late now. Gary already had the pleasure of seeing her with it on. Still, Sally went to her closet and picked out a brown short sleeve button down shirt and put it on just the same. I told Sally one more time I didn't think it was necessary to cover up. Then I left for work.

Sally and Gary had no clue I had called in sick for that night's shift. I drove about a third of a mile to the Red Lobster parking lot. I locked the car and walked back to the house. Gary's car was still in the driveway. I crept to the gate on the side of the house and walked into the back yard.

From the back yard, I could see both the kitchen area and Sally's bedroom. I sat on the hill in the back yard behind a small tree. From that height I could see through Sally's blinds. I saw that Sally and Gary were now playing a game on the computer, probably solitaire. I had not been there long before I could tell that Sally had lost the game.

I knew for sure when Sally removed the brown over shirt she had put on just prior to my leaving. I could tell Gary liked the new top without the over shirt by the big grin on his face. He looked like a cat that had just caught a mouse!

Sally and Gary both went into the kitchen for a drink. Sally poured two glasses of bourbon and coke, and they went back into the bedroom. Being the looser, Sally started another game of solitaire. I sat on the hill behind the tree as the game progressed.

It wasn't long before Gary filled his pipe again and they both took turns smoking. As the second game came to a conclusion, it wasn't hard to tell that Sally had won. Gary removed his shirt, threw it on the chair, and started another game.

It was now about 1:30 and I decided to walk back to a pay phone and call Sally. I wanted to tell her that I would not be home until about 8:00 AM. Sometimes a golf tournament required me to stay over and get practice balls ready for the players. That was a complete lie. It would, however, give me more time to observe, and Gary and Sally more time alone!

I went to the pay phone and back as quick as possible. I snuck back into the side yard and sat back down on the hill. Gary was still playing his game so I had not missed out on anything. In a couple of minutes, it was obvious that Gary had won another game. I saw Sally go to a drawer and take out a sex lotto card packet and hand it to Gary.

I had picked up the sex lotto cards at a small shop in Old Sacramento. They were not the fuck me type, but sort of a petting and foreplay type of card. Sally and I used them quite often, but this was the first time she had pulled the lotto cards out for someone other than me!

I could not tell from where I was what kind of card Gary had picked from the booklet. I found out soon enough though, as both Sally and Gary moved and sat on the end of the bed. Gary bent over and gave Sally a kiss as he slid the material of her new top off her shoulder. He began to fondle her right tit and it didn't take long before he was sucking and playing with them both. This went on about three minutes. Sally then rose, straightened herself out and started another game.

It was getting close to 2:30 now, and Gary filled his pipe once again. This game went by fast. Sally was left smoking the pipe, and Gary went out to his car. When he returned, he gave Sally a box wrapped with ribbon and a bow. When she opened it, to my surprise it was another outfit! I was amazed as I didn't think Gary was that type. I admit he had seen Sally before in a lot of her lingerie. I never dreamed he would bring any over for her!

Sally went into the bathroom and changed. When she came out, I could see it was not just a top, it was a complete outfit. It also had a pair of tight fitting short shorts for the bottom. It was blue with some sort of colored pattern to it. As Sally walked out of the bathroom, I could tell it was almost as see through as the one I had bought earlier in the day.

The top was low cut in the front, with lots of cleavage. Sally's nipples were clearly visible through the material. She really looked hot! Gary helped her tie the strings in the back while he grabbed a feel of both tits. It did not appear that the strings in the back were tied very tight. Sally's tits almost fell free when she laid back down on the bed to start another game!

I knew that Sally liked Gary, and had some feelings for him. She was, however, usually more reserved than she had been tonight. If I had been home, this would never have happened! Not because I wouldn't let it go on, but because Sally would have no part of it with me there. I never could understand that mental frame of mind.

I found it strange, that it would be ok for Sally to play around if I were not there, but not ok if I was there! At any rate, their next gin rummy game went on for what seemed a long time. Finally, it was evident that Sally had won. I saw Gary had unzipped his pants and threw them on the chair with his shirt. There he was with only his boxers and a big lump in the front!

This time Sally was wearing the grin.

Gary filled his pipe one more time and passed it to Sally as he began to deal. Gary and Sally were now lying on the bed while playing cards. Gary's back was toward me, while Sally was facing me and Gary. With the strings in the back not tight, Sally's right tit had just about completely fallen out of the top.

The game ended with Gary winning again. This time Sally removed the new top and started the next game topless. As Sally was dealing, her tits were swaying back and forth. Gary got up to refill his pipe once again. I could see that his dick was just about out of his boxers.

I don't know if they changed games or what, but it seemed like just a few minutes when Gary stood up and removed his boxers. They were tossed on the chair with his shirt and pants.

Sally got up and retrieved the pipe. She took a couple of big hits, a sip of her drink, and handed Gary the cards to deal once more.

Gary delt the cards, took a hit off the pipe, and a swallow of his drink. Play continued for a few minutes, when Sally threw her cards on the pile and got off the bed. She walked over to Gary and rolled him over on his back. Sally straddled his legs and grabbed hold of his cock. His cock got stiff and thick as Sally continued to stroke it.

I could see Gary's veins get bigger as he struggled not to blow his wad too quickly. He reached up and pulled Sally toward him and began sucking and feeling both tits. It took only a few minutes, and he shot his cum all over Sally's tits and belly.

Sally got up and went into the bathroom to clean herself up. She tossed Gary a towel and he did the same. I guess some cum had shot on Sally's bottom outfit. When she came out, she went to the closet and put on different teddy. They began to play a new game. Gary was still naked, but now lying on the bed facing me. Sally with a new teddy on as facing Gary so he back was toward me.

This particular teddy was one of my favorites. It showed a lot of class, and yet was just exciting enough. Gary and Sally got back on the bed and started to play another game. It was now about 3:30 in the morning and I could hear the birds starting to rustle around in the trees.

Sally began to deal and the game started. This game took longer than the others, but it appeared Sally lost again. She removed the strap from her right shoulder and allowed her tit to fall free. Gary slid over and began playing and sucking on it for about three minutes. I noticed Sally was also stroking Gary's cock while this was going on. His cock got hard and straight, but he never shot his load that I could see.

Time seemed to stand still as they began to play another game. It was now about 4:45 and it would be light soon. I couldn't stay on the backyard hill much longer without being seen. I decided to go to the pay phone and call Sally. I wanted to let her know someone else had shown up to handle the driving range for the tournament and I would be home on time.

Before I had time to leave, the game was over. Gary had placed Sally on her back. He lowered the other shoulder strap, and unsnapped the bottom of her teddy. It was rolled up on the middle of her stomach. Her hands were searching for his cock while he was sucking on her tits and playing with her clit.

Just then Gary mounted her and drove his cock deep into Sally's pussy. I could tell by the look on Sally's face he shot his load deep inside her. They continued playing as I snuck off to use the phone and return home.

When I did arrive home, Sally was sleeping or at least pretending to be asleep. Gary had left and was nowhere in sight. To this day Sally and Gary have no idea that I was outside the entire time they played around. One of these days it may possibly happen again. Maybe this time I will be allowed to play too!

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