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A Case of Mistaken Identity

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Not knowingly, a mother gives her son a blowjob.
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My dad died when I was real young, I barely even remember him. For as long as I can remember, my life consisted only of me and mom (Cynthia Evans). She was always there for me and I tried to always be there for her. As time passed we grew very close, maybe a little too close.

We lived in a small one bedroom, one bathroom apartment on the outskirts of town for most of my childhood. The apartment we lived in was very tiny so we slept in the same bed. Everything worked out fine until I started high school and began dating.

Times were tough growing up, money was always short but somehow mom managed to always pay the bills. Immediately after my 18th birthday, I went and got a job at the local manufacturing plant and worked the graveyard shift.

The extra money was a godsend. We were even talking about moving into a bigger place but little did either one of us know, our decision would be made soon enough.

Everything came to a head right after I graduated from high school. I came home late one Friday night after going on a date with Sally Jenkins. We had our usual make out session and as was usually the case, I came home with a painfully aching hard-on.

I knew mom was working late so when I got home I went straight to the bathroom. In my haste to relieve myself, I forgot to close and lock the bathroom door. I yanked my pants down, grabbed some of mom's hand lotion and started stroking my cock immediately. I needed some relief quick.

I had just started stroking my cock when I noticed a pair mom's soiled panties lying on the bathroom floor. I picked them up and placed them to my nose, her smell was intoxicating.

My mind was a blur as I held my mother's panties against my nose and furiously stroked my cock. Naked visions of my mother were flowing through my mind, when suddenly, I heard a loud gasp. Mom was standing in the bathroom doorway with her hand over mouth.

There's nothing more embarrassing than having your mother catch you smelling her dirty panties while you are masturbating. Mom ran from the room immediately. I pulled my pants up and quickly followed her trying to explain.

She told me she understood what I was doing, but I should have at least had the decency to lock the door. We decided then and there, it was time for us to get a bigger place.

The next morning we went looking for a bigger place to live. Luckily, a friend of hers (Leslie Sampson) knew someone who had a small two bedroom house we could rent. It needed some work and only had one bathroom but it was quite affordable. After inspecting it we decided to rent it

Mom told Leslie we would take it and we set about fixing it up. After a new coat of paint and some minor repairs, the house was quite livable.

It was strange when we first moved into our new home because I'd never had my own bedroom. It was actually quite lonely without having mom lying next to me in bed. Pretty soon though, everything seemed to get back to normal except for one thing, I still couldn't get the intoxicating smell from her panties and the visions of her naked out of my mind.

There was a tension between the two of us after the bathroom incident that never quite went away.

Years passed and mom got a promotion at work. She would have to work more hours but the money was good. I kept working the graveyard shift at the plant and going to technical school during the day. I was training to be a computer programmer.

I brought a couple of old computers home from school and totally rebuilt them. I gave one of them to mom and taught her how to use it. She seemed to really enjoy the computer and it didn't take long before she had learned how to pay our bills with online banking.

With working and going to school, there wasn't much time for dating. More and more; my sexual fantasies were focused on mom. Mom stood about 5 foot 6 with a slim figure and a perky set of tits. She had long silky brown hair that flowed over her shoulders. At the young age of 41, time had treated her well and I thought she was the most absolutely beautiful woman in the world.

The woman I wanted more than life itself was living in the same house with me, yet I could not touch her. I was living a hell on earth.

On my 21st birthday, mom took me out to dinner. For the first time since she caught me masturbating, I didn't feel quite as much tension between us.

We went to a little private club in town and had a really good time. After dinner we went to the local watering hole so she could buy me my first legal drink. After a few drinks, a slow song was playing on the jukebox so I asked mom if she would like to dance. At first she said no but I was persistent and she finally agreed.

By the time we made it to the dance floor, the song had ended. I could see the disappointment in her eyes so I put a dollar in the jukebox and played some more music. When she gently laid her head on my shoulder, I was in heaven.

We were swaying to the music and everything was going great until I developed a hard-on. To my surprise, mom pulled herself closer to me. We danced close together for a long time until I'm leaned down and tried to kiss her. She pulled away with tears in her eyes and said. "I think it's best we call it a night."

We went back to the bar and finished our drinks without another word being spoken between us. I paid our tab and we went home to our separate bedrooms.

Distraught, I went online to one of my favorite websites. It was in an incest role-play site, where people go to live out their fantasies. My username was desperateson20.

The previous night I had left a message on the forum asking if any women would like to exchange erotic emails. Lucky enough there was an answer in my inbox. It was from a lady who's username was iwantmyson42. I looked at her profile and was extremely surprised to find out she lived in my hometown.

Her e-mail read like this. "Dear desperateson20, I would very much like to exchange erotic emails with you. I'm a sexually frustrated mother and have been, ever since I caught my son masturbating. His big hard cock is implanted in my mind. I am looking forward to your reply. Extremely horny, iwantmyson42"

I was ready to bust a nut when I read her e-mail. Almost instantaneously, I set about sending her my reply.

I wanted to make a good impression, so with careful thought, I began to type my reply. "Dear Mom, I have wanted you for such a very long time. When you walked in on me while I was masturbating, it was you I was thinking of. I was imagining your juicy lips wrapped around my big hard cock. I wanted to pull you close to me and give you all of the love you deserve. The gods have blessed you with the beauty of a goddess and if ever given the chance I would love to ravish you. I am dying to kiss your sweet lips and luscious breasts. I would slowly kiss my way down your body until I reached your treasure box, the place from whence I came. I would pay homage to it with gentle kisses until my tongue finally finds your sensitive clit. I would then apply gentle pressure with my tongue, only to tease you a little before I moved in for the kill. I would suck and gently bite your clit until I had you moaning for my hard cock. When you were ready, I would place the head of my big hard cock at the entrance of your inviting pussy, ever so slowly, I would descend deep inside of you. With hard deep strokes, I would thrust my hard cock deep into your hot wet pussy over and over until our incestuous coupling was finally consummated. After our lovemaking session was through, I would hold you in my arms and never let you go. We would finally be one, together in love, forever. I love you mom and I'm looking forward to hearing from you very soon."

I sent my e-mail to her but I really didn't expect a reply. The last few times I sent emails to women who answered my ad, I never heard from them again.

I decided I would watch some porn and masturbate before I went to bed, when suddenly I saw my inbox flashing. I opened it immediately and got the surprise of my life. She had already answered me back. "Dear son, my pussy is soaking wet, ever since I opened your e-mail I have been masturbating. I need to cum so bad! What I really need though, is your big, fat, hard, cock deep inside my sopping wet pussy. To hell with role-play, can you meet me somewhere tomorrow evening? I have only three rules, we both must wear masks and the lights in the room must be very dim; also, you or to be totally naked and ready to please me. If you agree with my terms I will be excitedly waiting your reply. Love, your horny Mother."

Immediately I picked up the phone and made a reservation at the local Holiday Inn. Once I had the reservation I began typing. "Of course I can meet you tomorrow evening. There is a Holiday Inn on route 64, there will be a room key left for you under the name Bill Simmons. I will be on pins and needles until I see you tomorrow. I am looking forward to finally giving you the love you deserve. Love, your extremely hard, Son."

I was so excited I masturbated three times before I could finally fall to sleep. The next day seemed to go on forever. I couldn't wait to get off work so I could go home and get ready to meet my mystery lover.

I had just got home from work and grabbed a beer out of the refrigerator when mom came into the kitchen. She was practically glowing. I told her. "Mom, what's going on, you look absolutely stunning!"

She touched me on the arm and said. "I don't know, maybe, it's because I have a date this evening."

I was floored. My mother had not been out on a date in nearly 5 years. Not only was I stunned, I was jealous too. I immediately asked her. "Is he somebody I know?"

"No honey, you haven't ever met him because even I haven't met him yet. Leslie from work set me up on a blind date. She said I needed to get out more often." Mom answered me.

I could feel my face burning I was so jealous. I exclaimed! "You mean to tell me, you are going out with someone you don't even know! He could be a rapist for all you know! Are you at least going to let me meet him?!"

Mom gave me a disappointed look and said emphatically! "No, you are not going to meet him! I don't grill you about the little floozies you date! Listen here young man, I'm a grown woman and I can take care myself! You are just going to have to trust my judgment!"

Before storming out of the room I yelled out! "That's fine but don't expect me to be here waiting on you to come home! I have a date myself and believe me; I plan on getting lucky tonight!"

I needed to blow off some steam so I went to my room and started working out with my weights. I was about 15 minutes into my workout when there was a knock on the door. It was mom and she wanted to talk.

I unlocked the door and told her to come on in. When she sat down on my bed I began imagining holding her tight and ravishing her fantastic body. While my mind was focusing on all of the beautiful things I would love to do with my beautiful mother, I didn't realize she was already talking to me.

I was brought out of my daydream when I felt mom's hand touch mine. After she motioned for me to sit beside her, she told me. "Derek, I'm sorry for raising my voice to you earlier. I know you are only concerned for my safety, but really honey, I am a big girl and your mama can take care of herself."

"I know mom, I think my problem is I'm just a little jealous. You are so beautiful and I guess I'm afraid I'll lose you." I explained to her.

I saw mom's eyes light up when I told her she was beautiful. She looked into my eyes and asked. "Do you really think I'm beautiful or are you just saying that because I'm your mother?"

Immediately, I replied. "Of course I think you are beautiful! If I had a pick of any woman in the world to spend the rest of my life with, my pick would be you!"

I could see some small tears forming in her eyes and once again I felt the sexual tension in the air. Our faces were only mere inches apart when I lowered my head to kiss her. Just before my lips touched hers she turned her head and stammered. "Uh, Uh, I have to go. You, you have a good time tonight and be careful. I love you son."

I knew I had blown my chance because she practically ran from the room. The thing about it was, I did not want to just fuck her, I wanted to make love to her. I made up my mind, come tomorrow morning; I was going to tell her exactly how I really felt about her.

When mom left the house, I was still pissed at her because she was still going out on her date. I didn't really feel like going out to meet my mystery lover so I went to the website to see if she was online, but as fate would have it she wasn't there. As things would eventually turn out, I'm very glad she wasn't online.

I knew I had to at least go to the hotel and explain myself so I took a shower, got dressed and headed to the Holiday Inn. After I checked into the hotel, I went to the bar to have a few drinks.

I was about to head up to my room when I saw my mother's car pull in the parking lot. I thought, 'I can't believe it, she came here to meet her fuck buddy. Fuck it; if she can fuck anybody she wants, I can too.'

I went upstairs and set about following all of my mystery lover's demands. After I turned all of the lamps on low, I pulled the covers back on the bed and undressed. I turned the television on and started searching for an X rated movie to help me get in the mood.

When I finally found one that suited me, I lay down on the bed and began to stroke my cock. I was so excited it took no time for my cock to become fully hard. I was thinking I might go ahead and shoot a quick load before my lover arrived when there was a sudden knock on the door.

My mystery lover was here. I reached over to the bedside table and quickly put my mask on. I could not see her real well in the dimly lit room but I could see enough to know she had a fine body. Without saying a word, she undressed.

As she came closer to the bed, I started to say hello but she motioned for me to be silent. I had never been one to look a gift horse in the mouth and this time would be no different. The first thing she did was, climb upon the bed and immediately start sucking my rock hard cock.

She took inch by inch of my cock into her warm inviting mouth. Once she had all of my cock inside of her mouth, she began bobbing her head up and down my fat cock with such precision; I knew I would not be able to last long. Each time her mouth descended on my cock she would roll my balls in her hand. She was giving me the most glorious blowjob I had ever experienced in my young life.

I was holding on pretty well until she did something amazing, when she arrived at the head of my cock one more time, she took her tongue and tried to insert it into my piss-hole. It was an amazing sensation and sent me over the edge. I screamed. "Ooohhh my godd, I'm Cumming Mom! I'm Cumming in your mouth! Ooohhh, ooohhh, ooohhh nooo!"

Upon hearing me scream, she pulled her head from my cock and the first blast of cum shot straight up in the air and landed on my chest. As I looked down to my chest I heard a shriek. "Oh my god, it can't be! Derek, is that you?!"

I immediately recognized the voice and pulled my mask off. It was my turn to exclaim as I asked! "Mom?! Is that you, mom?! You are my mystery lover?"

It was true, my mother and I had unknowingly set up a private tryst with each other. I couldn't believe it. I knew mom had become computer savvy but I never guessed she would go to an incest website.

I started to laugh but mom did not see the humor in it. She immediately slapped me across the face and yelled! "How can you laugh, we just committed incest! We could go to jail if anybody finds out what we just did! Fuck me; I knew this was a mistake!"

She started grabbing her clothes to leave but I stopped her. This time, I wasn't letting her run from me. I pulled her to me and kissed her roughly, she tried to pull her head away but I wouldn't let her. After a short tussle her body relented and she began kissing me back.

I finally pulled myself from our embrace and firmly said. "Fuck the law, I have been in love with you my whole life and I don't give a damn who knows it. You are my soulmate! I know you feel the same way, why can't you admit it?"

Teary eyed, she looked up at me and said. "It's true, I do love you. I have been totally in love with you for a very long time. Still, it is wrong for a mother to love her son the way I love you. Besides, we could go to jail."

"We won't go to jail as long as nobody ever finds out. We can move away from here. We could go someplace where nobody knows who we are and then all we have to do is change our names. Hell, we can even get married." I told her.

When mom kissed me, it was the only response I needed. I picked her up and carried her to the bed and gently lay her down. It was time for us to consummate our relationship.

Derek slowly crawled up between his mother's legs to do what he had dreamed of for so long. Like the dew on an early morning rose, her pussy lips were already dripping with her sweet nectar. When he brushed his tongue against her highly sensitive clit, she moaned. "Mmmmmmmmm, Yessssssss."

With his chin pressed against her wetness, he began to explore the place he had so longed to be. After he was sure he had touched every area of his mother's slick hot cunt, he eagerly began teasing her clit with his tongue. While she groaned out her approval he could feel her hands pressing down on his head trying to force him deeper inside of her.

As she guided him to all of the right places, he was bringing her to a height of pleasure she had never known before. Continuing to suck on her clit, he began to furiously fuck her wet pussy with his fingers.

Grabbing a handful of Derek's hair and thrusting her cunt into his face she screamed! "That's it, oh no, ooohhh, oh nooo, I'm Cumming!"

When she came, her whole body twisted and contorted while she kept slamming her head up and down into her pillow. Her pussy began to flow as if a huge dam had burst. Derek's mouth was overflowing with her sweet juices. Derek continued to assault her swollen clit; he wanted her orgasm to last. He felt her whole body convulsing while he continued attack her sensitive clit.

When he felt her body beginning to relax, he pulled himself from her treasure box to admire his handiwork. He slowly lifted his juice smeared face to his mother's mouth and kissed her passionately. She could taste herself on his lips and found it to be unusually tasty.

He wickedly whispered in his mother's ear. "That was an appetizer, now it's time for the entree. I've been waiting for this moment for almost all of my life, now I'm going to make you forever mine."

Placing his steel hard cock at the entrance of his mother's forbidden pussy, he eased himself forward gently, making sure not to hurt her. As he pushed his large cock deeper into her sex, Cynthia knew their lives would never be the same. She had let her one and only son commit the worst sin, incest. The relationship they shared before tonight would be gone forever; they would have to embrace a new one, one of two lovers lost in forbidden passion.

Derek began to saw his big thick piece of man meat in and out of his mother's volcanic cunt. He loved the way his cock felt inside of her hot, wet, velvety pussy. It was a feeling of belonging, from now on; she would belong to him and only him.

It had been such a long time since Cynthia had been with a man, she had almost forgotten the intense pleasures one could receive from another during the act of sex.

She grunted with each vicious thrust of her son's large cock. Her son was giving her what she had so longed for, a hard loving fuck. She would not be deprived of this pleasure ever again, Derek would see to that.


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