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A Taste of Slavery Ch. 41


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"Why don't you use my bathroom to fix your make-up, so it doesn't look as though you've been crying. We'll just tell the others you have some women troubles. That's usually enough to make men quit asking questions."

"Thank you."

I showed her the way to the bathroom and then Janet and I went outside. I warned her to speak to Chen in private.

"Alice has decided to take up our offer of employment," I said. "She starts on Monday."

"What was the problem?" Master asked. "You were gone quite a while."

"Woman troubles. You don't want to know, sir" I said.

"No, I probably don't."

"She's finishing up now. It's all good."

Alice came out ten minutes later; said goodbye to everyone and left. She whispered thank you to me as she hugged me. She told Shasta she was looking forward to working with her. Shasta took her leave shortly after, saying she'd see us on Monday. That was the men's cue to remove their clothing. Janet and Chen left thirty minutes later after they helped finish the bottle of wine. They didn't have to drive.

With everyone else gone, we adjourned to the bedroom where Master first fucked Rhonda as she licked Lisa. After I got him hard again, he fucked me while Lisa and Rhonda played together. Since it was late, we settled into bed for the night.


Alice and Shasta both showed up for work on Monday morning. I put Shasta in charge of Janet and Alice. Lisa and Reneé worked with me. Shasta was as good working with wood as Lucia had been, but more accustomed to power tools. She could work off Master's plans as well as I could. She used the other two for any heavy lifting and sat down frequently, to get the doctor recommended rest she was required to take. Since much of our job could be done, sitting or kneeling on the floor, it didn't slow work at all. We really started cranking out our product, those three working on one piece, while the other three worked on another. I put Alice with her so she could learn from a highly experienced carpenter and so she could work with her sister. I kept two more experienced workers because I was definitely slowing down.

At lunch, Shasta and Alice had both brought a lunch and took them out to eat.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but you're welcome to eat with us if you wish, if you don't mind mostly salads for lunch. You're welcome to heat up food in the microwave if you want hot food or leftovers you bring from home. We mostly eat together unless someone has an errand to run at lunch. Sometimes Janet will go next door for something."

"I'll keep it mind for tomorrow," Shasta said, holding up a sandwich. "This will get dry if I don't eat it today."

Both of the newcomers chose to wear clothes for working. I think they were both wondering about us working nude. I think they wanted to see what we did. When they saw we weren't having sex with each other constantly, nor acting in the slightest bit unprofessional except for our nudity, they relaxed a little, figuring we weren't going to attack them like sex starved lesbians.

It lasted about two weeks. We kept the house warmer to allow for our nudity. They were hotter than we were due their clothes. By the end of the first week, they were stripping down to their underwear. We let them shower or use the pool for a quick dip before they went home. The second week, both of them came to work wearing bikinis with a cover-up for driving.

On the second Friday, Shasta said, "Fuck this," and she stripped off her swimsuit. Alice looked at her for about five minutes as Shasta started working bare ass naked, and without another word removed her clothes as well. It made the drive home more comfortable. They could shower or swim for a couple minutes, dry off and go home in dry clothes. From then on, they came to work, got naked like the rest of us, then put their clothes on after a quick shower or dip and headed home. They were always dressed or gone before Master got home.

One month after Rhonda's slavery started, she asked to continue. After conferring, both Lisa and Master agreed she was a welcome addition to our home and we could continue indefinitely. To celebrate, Rhonda got another double penetration fucking, Master in her cunt, and me with the strapless vibrator fucking her ass. The following day, she gave notice she was vacating her apartment and changed to our address at her work as her primary address.


We didn't hear any more about Alice's troubles for a month. On a Wednesday night, she asked to speak to Janet and I after work. After Reneé and Shasta went home, we sat around the dining room table while Lisa and Rhonda made supper in the kitchen.

"I've been writing everything down in a diary which made me suspect Alex was having an affair as Zoe suggested. I confronted Alex with it yesterday. He denied everything despite the evidence I had. I even had pictures of lipstick on his collar. Said it got there when women would lean over in a meeting and whisper something during the meeting. Said it's all in my imagination. I swear he'd deny he was having an affair if I came home and caught him in bed with another woman. I didn't realize how often he was gone in the evenings due to my part time job, but he's gone four nights a week. Says he's working late or out with friends. He's a disgusting liar."

"Have you decided what you want to do?" Janet said.

"I want a divorce. I've contacted the attorney Zoe recommended and he's going to file a petition. I've made copies of our bank and brokerage statements so I know how much money we have."

"Are you sure you don't want to try counseling, see if you can resolve the problems in your marriage?" I asked.

"If he'd admitted to an affair, I might have tried counseling, but if he won't even come clean with the evidence I have, fuck him. I'm too tired to care anymore. I was wondering if I could move in with you tomorrow, Janet?"

"Master said it would be okay if you live with us, Alice, as long as you understand the rules we follow in our household. Both of us are naked all the time and he frequently fucks me in places other than our bedroom. You don't have to be nude yourself, nor are you expected to have sex with anyone, but be aware it's going to happen and not be shocked by it."

"I've been working nude for two weeks. Hell, I wouldn't even care if Chen fucked me. It would serve that asshole Alex good to know two people can play his fucking games."

"You can't fuck my Master, Alice. Like Julia, we've adopted similar rules. I will allow Master to fuck other slaves, but not anyone else who isn't a slave. I certainly can't have sex with you anyway. You're my sister and it would be incest. I'd feel odd if Master fucked you, because you are my sister. It would be like him fucking our mother or something."

"I'm not saying I want to fuck your fiancé. I merely point out it would serve Alex right for him to be the cuckold for once."

"Do you think you need further evidence of his infidelity for your divorce?" I asked. "I have a slave who could probably help get the goods on him."

"My divorce lawyer says I probably have enough, but I'd like to catch him in the act and find out who he's fucking."

"Rhonda, could you please join us for a minute or two"

She came to the dining room and said, "Yes, Domina."

"Janet strongly believes her husband is cheating on her and would like to find out who he's cheating with. Would you help us catch who it is in your off hours. We don't know anything about surveillance and tailing someone. Lucia was our expert when it came to that."

"Whatever you wish, Domina. I could help. We'd need a long lens camera and it's preferable to use two vehicles at least to tail someone. Three is better."

"My Master has a digital camera with a long lens," Janet said. "Photography is kind of his hobby."

"It would need to be in the evenings, or weekends, Alice. Rhonda needs to sleep during the day and she goes to work at midnight."

"Alex works during the day, so I suspect most of his bullshit goes on at night or weekends anyway," Alice said.

"Why don't we discuss it with Master tonight, Rhonda," I said. "Do you need to go home, Alice?"

"Fuck no. He's 'working' late tonight." She put her fingers up forming quotation marks when she said working. She started to cry a little again and Janet put her arms around her.

"Stay for dinner then, Alice," I said. "Lisa, do we have enough food tonight for three extra guests?" I asked.

"We can stretch it that far if I add another vegetable and more salad."

"Janet, why don't you and Chen come tonight as well. If we need to use several different vehicles to tail him, we have our car, Master's truck and Chen's truck."

"We can use my car as well, Domina," Rhonda said. "That gives us four different cars to do this with."

Alice sniffed, trying to dry her tears. "Why does Rhonda call you Domina, Julia?"

"You know I'm her Mistress. We didn't feel Mistress was an appropriate title for someone who is herself a slave. Our friend Lucia said the ancient Romans used the title, Domina, to address a slave who trained other slaves. Or Dominus if the slave was male. Thus, she calls me Domina."

Master came through the door by the rear entry. "Honey's, I'm home."

Alice hadn't put her clothes back on before our talk. "Wait there, Master. Alice isn't dressed yet."

"Okay, but hurry. I need to use the bathroom."

"Fuck it. I don't care if he see's me naked. Go ahead, Scott," Alice called out. "It's your house. Come in if you want."

Master stuck his head around the corner, peeking. "Are you sure?"

"My husband is fucking around on me. Serves him right if I sit around in my birthday suit with other adults."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Master said, ducking across the doorway. "Be happy to talk about it when I'm done."

"Feel free to dress comfortably, Scott, since I've been asked to supper," Alice said. "If you want to dress normally, it's fine by me.

Master looked at me. I nodded and said, "Janet and Chen are coming too, sir. Janet's about to go home and tell him. Rhonda is going to discuss how to get the goods on him."

Master nodded and left. Janet left as well to get her Master. When Master joined us, he joined us in all of his splendor, giving each of his slaves a kiss. Chen and Janet came about fifteen minutes later. Seeing everyone else was bare, including his future sister-in-law, Chen stripped too.

I was fed by Master tonight. Alice was a little surprised when I sat in his lap and he fed me pieces of food between bites for himself. She was even more surprised when Master finger fucked me to two quick orgasms at the conclusion of the meal. Alice had previously been exposed to a little of our life when she came over for her interview, but nothing since. She saw how unashamed I was to cum in front of others. When I had Rhonda suck Master off, she was less startled by our behavior by this point, but still amazed we were so open about sex. Rhonda was happy to get Master off, as this was usually her only outlet to receiving orgasms herself. After she cleaned Master off, she took a seat and explained what we would need to do to catch Alex in the act of cheating. It was one of the few times she wasn't totally subservient as she started going into her professional mode.

"It would be best if we tail Alex from home instead of work. It may be most of you are still working yourselves when he leaves work, although as a last resort, I could try tailing him from work, but it's usually better if multiple cars are involved in trying to tail someone. Subconsciously, unless you're totally oblivious to what's going on around you, you tend to notice a car of the same make, model and color following you for a lengthy period of time. It's worse at night where the same headlamp style will really stick out in your rearview mirror.

"If possible, you want to stay two or three cars behind as much as possible, but that's difficult when your suspect turns and you're the only one turning with them. That's where it's beneficial to have another car or truck pick up the tail so you can drop out. Even if someone is driving straight and you're a few cars behind, it's helpful not to continue tailing someone much past two or three miles. When they stop, or pull over, you need to drive past them. Stopping behind someone else is suspicious as hell."

"That's how we were sure someone was following us to LA. Lucia made Master pull over and since he was by himself and had to pull over as well, we knew we were being followed," I said.

"Yes, so it's very important the tailing teams are in constant contact, probably using cell phones since we don't have radios available to us. We let another car know he stopped and where so someone else can pick up the tail. The same applies to stake outs. The same vehicle sitting around with people in it becomes obvious after awhile. Sit low in the vehicle and switch vehicles on occasion so the same car doesn't sit in the same place. Unless you've got a van to set up for surveillance, you almost have to do it that way. And if it's the same type and color van all the time, you will get made. I'd like to make a suggestion to Alice. I heard you planned on moving out. Don't do it yet."

"Why?" Alice asked.

"Once you move out, Alex can do anything he wants. If he wants to sleep with someone else, the court will recognize you're intending to divorce. You want to do it before he knows, so everyone knows he was cheating on you."

"I can barely stand being around him anymore. I haven't had sex with him since I started working here."

"Does she really need to do any of this stuff if this is a community property, no fault divorce state?" Master asked.

"It's only no fault if both parties agree to the divorce. If Alex wants to remain married, the court can prescribe marital counseling for some period of time to ensure the break up is irrevocable. If you want to the divorce to be over quickly, you need to have grounds for divorce. Infidelity works. So does sexual, emotional or physical abuse, drugs or alcoholism. The court doesn't expect you to try repairing a marriage with a cheating spouse," Rhonda said.

"Isn't fucking around with other people emotional abuse?" Alice asked.

"It is if you have proof he's fucking around, hence what we're trying to prove."

Alice went to her purse and got the diary she'd been working on. She showed it to Rhonda.

"This is what I have so far."

Rhonda paged through the diary, reading sundry entries. "Is Alex salaried or wage earning?"

"Salaried. Why does it make a difference?" Alice asked.

"All these extra hours worked. If he earns wages, he should get more money for overtime worked. If he's salaried, it wouldn't show up as extra pay."

After reading it, Rhonda closed it. "It's compelling, but not conclusive. If you have the right judge, he'd probably accept Alex is a cheat. The wrong one, not so much."

"So what do I do?"

"If he tells you he has to work late or leaves in the evening to go drinking with his buddies, you need to tell us as soon as you can. If he's leaving from work, I can try to get there before he leaves. Hopefully, someone else can pick him up before he realizes I'm tailing him. Leaving from your house is better because it's usually later in the evening or on a weekend and we'll all be available to work him."

"And I have to remain with the prick?"

"If you want to claim infidelity, you may have to. Once you've moved out of the house, the court won't care who he fucks. The question becomes does he also want the divorce, or will he fight you on it?"

"I would think if he wanted a divorce, he'd have admitted to his infidelity and we could just part ways. If he's denying it, he must want to remain married for some reason. I don't know why. I'm barely speaking to him."

"Maybe he wants to stash money prior to the divorce so he doesn't lose half of everything?" Rhonda said.

"Zoe suggested he might try. I'm making copies of our accounts once a week so I can see if money disappears."

"Let me and the divorce attorney know if he tries anything like that. I may be able to get his accounts frozen and she can slap him with his divorce papers immediately."


"From here on in, call us if you have any problems. Don't remain with him if he becomes emotionally, physically, or sexually abusive. Move in with Janet and he can be arrested for either of the last two."

"What would constitute sexual abuse?" Alice asked.

"If he forces you. Even married you still have the right to say no. If he does something like spank you preparatory to sex, it can be viewed as abusive."

"That's the same behavior you people engage in on a regular basis," Alice said.

"It's consensual. The law recognizes a lot of things as legal if it's consensual. You can't kill someone as part of your sex play, or maim them, but other than that, there's a lot of latitude. It can be different depending on the jurisdiction, but if no one is complaining, it's generally okay."

Alice nodded. "It would almost be worth the divorce lasting longer if I could move out now."

"That's up to you," Janet said. "You have our support no matter what you decide."

Alice thought for awhile, then said, "Fuck it. I'll tough it out a little longer."

Janet squeezed her hand.


We didn't get a call from Alice on Thursday. A good thing as it was Master's and Lisa's poker night and it was at our house. I didn't make Rhonda serve the winners. Instead she was part of the snacks. I tied her tightly to the dining room table, then blindfolded her. Whenever someone folded early or during any breaks they took, Rhonda was available to be licked orally. Like most slaves, being confined really released her to enjoy her sexuality as she had no choice in the matter. For three and a half hours, the players would wander over and lick her. Even the other slaves took an occasional turn. More often than not, she'd orgasm, squirming delightfully as they took turns tasting her delicious cum. I released her at 10:30 to shower and rest before she had to work. She could barely stand when I untied her, being restricted to a single position and the intensity of her orgasms leaving her weak. There was a puddle of her cum under her buttocks when I released her.

"Did you enjoy that, slave?" I asked. "Really makes the tension melt away."

"Fuck yes, Domina."

"I always find being tied and blindfolded makes me cum harder."


"Because we can hold nothing back. We have no choice but to surrender to our sexuality. Being tied down frees me to be the biggest slut I can be, and not knowing who's licking or fucking me makes it more erotic."

I helped her shower and she lay down on the bed for fifteen minutes before she had to get up and dress for work. The poker game was breaking up after she left.

"That was the tastiest snack you put out to eat tonight," Regina said.

Edward and Rob echoed her sentiments.

"I'm glad you enjoyed her. Something different for her."

"I wouldn't mind if she served as a snack every week," Jerry said. "Nor did Reneé mind dining on her cunt."

"I like to mix things up a little. I don't want her to get used to anything too much, Masters."

I kissed everyone goodbye as they left, then joined Lisa in fucking my Master before he went to sleep. He allowed Lisa and I to fuck as he went to sleep, provided we were quiet. Our cries of pleasure were smothered in each others cunts as Master slept.


On Friday, Alice called to say that Alex was going drinking with his buddies at seven. It didn't give us time to eat, so we put the food away. Rhonda and I went in her car, Lisa and Janet went in our car and Master and Chen went in Chen's truck. They stopped to get Subway sandwiches for the rest of us while we started our tail job. Janet knew the way to Alice's house so we followed her to get there before seven. The slaves dressed appropriately for driving out in public, but none of us had underthings on.

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