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Annabelle was 18

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English teen girl is seduced by American relatives.
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This was originally issued in my previous name of New Forester. Now re-issued under my new name of Rockycoveboy. Enjoy!!

Annabelle was 18

Annabelle was 18, precocious, obnoxious, and as sexy as hell.

She had been adopted at 6 months old by a rich couple in their late 30s, and now the couple were approaching 60, Annabelle was flowering and becoming aware of her feminine charms. She had wanted for nothing during her young life, been privately educated, and was now taking a year off before she went to University.

'Mummy' and 'Daddy' lived with Annabelle on the Devon coast in a beautiful house overlooking the sea and, having been reasonably successful at school, she played on 'Daddy's' soft heartedness and his cheque book to get whatever she wanted. But as they grew older, her parents were slowing down a bit and finding it difficult to keep up with Annabelle's search for adventure.

Her breasts had developed at an early age, and now the 5'6 tall girl sported a wonderful pair of 38DD tits on her slim frame. Her legs were long, her bottom tight and hard, she was fit from all the sport played at the private school, particularly tennis, and because she wore her mousy coloured hair long, sometimes in a pony tail, she was never short of admirers when she was out on her own or with girl friends.

She had discovered make-up two or three years previously, and Mummy always gave in to the requests for visits to Boots the chemist to stock up on the latest mascara, lipsticks, powders etc etc, to enhance the dark brown eyes, the full lips and the high cheek bones. The need for clothes also made up an important part of Annabelle's life, and if she wasn't being entertained by Mummy and Daddy, then she spent most of her free time walking round the local boutiques in the nearest town, buying the latest fashions with the generous monthly allowance that Daddy gave her.

These fashions were very often frowned upon by Mummy and Daddy because of their miniscule size and raunchiness, but they doted on and spoilt the girl so much that they always laughed off their objections, not wanting to upset their little cherub. Annabelle had a king size bedroom of her own, complete with large dressing table and mirrors, double bed, and sufficient wardrobe space for all her clothes and shoes, and she spent hours in front of the mirror, looking at herself and posing, pretending she was a super model who walked the famous cat walks in Milan, New York and Paris.

Annabelle's parents, although loving and very generous, obviously liked to keep an eye on their only child, knowing the temptations facing a horny, attractive teenager, and they were very strict about her time keeping and where she went and with whom, and because of this, the attractive school girl had found it very difficult to discover the delights of the opposite sex. She had only managed to fumble with a boy on one occasion, when she was given a lift home from a tennis tournament some time ago. He was a nice lad and Annabelle, naïve and eager, had allowed him to grope her in his sports car after they had driven up onto the cliffs one evening.

Having her panties pushed to one side and feeling masculine fingers explore her was wonderful, a totally new feeling for her, and she even let the boy push her skirt up and get between her legs after he had put a rubber condom on, but it had been a disaster. He had pushed into her and started to jerk back and forth but it was all over inside a minute, and Annabelle had got no satisfaction at all. You could say that she was no longer a virgin, that a boy had fucked her, but she knew there was more than this to sex!

To lie back uncomfortably in a car, legs open while some spotty incompetent got his brief satisfaction was not the ideal way to start your sex life, so Annabelle put it down to experience, but it was a start. Opportunities for more excitement were few and far between, but she continued to enjoy the benefits of rich parents and she did love her Mummy and Daddy.

Her great love was tennis, mainly because the house had a grass court in the grounds, and many a Sunday afternoon was spent playing the game in the hot sun, either with her parents or girlfriends that had been invited over for tea. But then it was up to her lovely bedroom for Annabelle, to look out over the sea and set her imagination running wild again. The latest mini dress and high heels would be put on, or tight shorts and boob tube, and she would watch herself in the mirror again, admiring her long, shapely legs, her big, firm breasts and her soft hair which she would brush endlessly.

Her desires were such now that she had discovered the joys of playing with herself, and after her first experience of a shattering orgasm while laying alone on her huge bed, Annabelle's imagination had started to run amok and very often she would bring herself to a climax like this two or three times a day.

But then a sudden offer from Mummy was to change her life.

'My cousin Debbie and her husband Chuck are over from the States for two weeks and have invited you up to stay with them, Annabelle. They've rented a house in Wimbledon because the tennis is on there and they know how you like tennis. What about it, Annabelle?' Annabelle almost jumped with glee.

'Oh Mummy, I'd love to, but I hardly know them. I can't even remember what they look like.' Debbie had gone to the US when Annabelle was only a year old, she had married Chuck, a real estate manager, and this was their first time back in the UK.

'Don't worry, darling,' said Mummy, 'they are lovely people, and you can watch the tennis with them, and I'm sure they'll take you out and show you London.'

So, Annabelle travelled up by train and was met at Wimbledon tube station by both Debbie and Chuck. She had packed lots of her nice clothes and nearly every piece of make-up she had and, of course, Daddy had given her a wad full of his endless money for the two weeks. Debbie and Chuck were in their early forties, both very attractive, and the house they had rented was wonderful. Again, Annabelle had a double bedroom, there was a huge garden, and the walk to the All England tennis courts was less than ten minutes away. They all seemed to get along well, and Annabelle enjoyed being away from Mummy and Daddy for a while, particularly as the American couple were that much younger and seemed to have a bit more energy than her parents.

Somehow, they managed to get tickets to see the first two days play of tennis, and Annabelle made sure she dressed in a different outfit each day to go to the courts. She always sat between Chuck and Debbie and she always knew that her attire drew attention from those around her. Debbie encouraged her to look glamorous, and both she and Chuck were quick to pay the teenager compliments.

'My, Annabelle, that looks really sexy today, doesn't it, Chuck? Where do you get those outfits from?' asked Debbie. Annabelle had on a little, short white skirt, very tight round her slim waist and a purple paisley blouse that accentuated her firm, young breasts. The high heels showed off her bare legs as they walked to the courts, and Chuck and his wife couldn't help notice the wonderful thighs on their young guest as they sat and enjoyed another afternoon of tennis.

'I tell you what, Annabelle. We don't have tickets for tomorrow's tennis, so why don't Chuck and I take you to the boutiques on the King's Road in Chelsea tomorrow, and you could choose some clothes that you like. It would be our treat as we haven't seen you for years and years, since you were a tiny baby, and then in the evening we could go to the West End and have a meal in a nice restaurant. How does that grab you?' and Debbie laughed, knowing that Annabelle would really jump at the chance.

'Do you mean that, Debbie? Oh, goodness, that would be lovely, oh thankyou, thankyou,' and she leaned over and gave Debbie a big hug and kiss, and went back to the Wimbledon home really looking forward to her first ever visit to London's West End.

Annabelle had quickly got to like her American hosts, mainly because they were very attentive, and were always complimenting her, either on her outfits or the way her face was made up, or the way she had put her hair in the pony tail. They were quite open about giving her a cuddle when they were laughing or talking about her, and Annabelle could not get enough of the attention and praise, nor was she embarrassed about walking about the house in just her shorts and a skimpy tee shirt.

She also found it easier to talk to Debbie and Chuck than she did with her parents, and she was able to tell them that she had no boyfriend at the time, but that she was in no hurry to get a steady partner, and just wanted to enjoy herself for the time being.

'That's right Annabelle,' replied Debbie. 'Don't be in a hurry to settle down. You're such a beautiful young lady, I'm sure you'll have loads of boyfriends and young men queuing at your door,' and again Debbie put her arm round Annabelle's shoulders and squeezed the young body to her. 'Isn't that right, Chuck? She'll have no worries in that department, will she?'

'No worries at all,' agreed Chuck. 'I think she's one hell of a sexy young woman, and it's a pity I'm married and that you're here, Debbie,' and the three of them laughed as they gently teased the shapely teenager.

The following day was just as warm and sunny, and the three of them went for a long walk in the morning on Wimbledon Common for an hour or so. It was slow and leisurely before they got ready for the trip into London, and Annabelle was so excited.

'What should I wear, Debbie, to visit the capital. I've never been there before.'

'Oh my goodness, Annabelle. It's full of trendy people, who all look smart and chic, especially down the King's Road. And don't forget we're going for a meal later, so we'll have to wear something really sexy and alluring, won't we, Chuck?'

'Absolutely. If this is your first time, Annabelle, you want to look really good, don't you? Why don't you have a look at Annabelle's outfits with her, and help her choose, Debbie? Is that a good idea?'

'Would you mind, Annabelle? If I gave you a hand in picking something to wear?' smiled Debbie. Annabelle jumped at the chance.

Back at the house, the two women were soon rummaging through the clothes and shoes that the young girl had brought on her visit. There were lots of skirts and shirts, dresses and shorts, but Debbie soon plucked a dress from the wardrobe and held it up.

'There, Annabelle. This looks fantastic. Just right. Try it on for me, will you?' While Debbie held the dress, Annabelle slipped off her shorts and tee shirt, and she was standing now in just a little black bra and tiny panties.

'Oh Annabelle, don't you have a glorious figure,' enthused the older woman. 'Your skin is beautiful, so slim and shapely. I didn't realise how attractive you were,' and she ran her hand through the long hair and down Annabelle's shoulder and down to her waist. 'Turn round. I bet you have a beautiful bottom and legs.' Annabelle, gloating with more praise, turned round so Debbie could admire the back of her body. Once again, she felt the soft hand run from her neck, down her straight back and then caress her shapely, firm bottom, and then the fingers touched the top of her thigh. It sent shivers down Annabelle's spine.

'My goodness, you have a glorious figure, Annabelle. This dress is going to look fabulous on that beautiful body. Come on, let's get it on.' Annabelle blushed.

'Mummy doesn't like me to wear this out, she says it's too revealing for a young girl like me. Do you think it's too revealing?'

'Nonsense, it's beautiful and it'll look really good you on. You have the figure for it, Annabelle! Now, let's slip it on.' The dress was a soft pink colour with tiny flowers dotted about on the thin fabric, but it was very, very short on the schoolgirl's long legs. It was also halter-neck, only just sliding over Annabelle's big breasts before tapering away to tie in a little bow behind the neck.

'You can't wear a bra with this beautiful dress, Annabelle, it will spoil the cut and be visible underneath. Also, have you got a thong, as you don't want any visible pantie lines showing do you?' Although nervous at what she was about to do, Annabelle was also excited that Debbie was encouraging her to wear something really risqué and sexy out in public, something she had wanted to do for a long time, but never been allowed to. She allowed Debbie to slip off her bra and gently tie the halter neck round her neck again, and immediately, Annabelle could feel her nipples pushing against the thin material of the dress. God, she felt embarrassed but thrilled and horny straight away.

She found a little thong in her case, and Debbie was able to see the soft, light, downy hair around Annabelle's vagina as the girl slipped off her panties and pulled up the miniscule white thong.

'There, that looks really chic and sexy now. You look really like a model now, going out for a day in the city. All you want is some matching shoes and you're all ready aren't you?' smiled Debbie. Annabelle had some matching pink shoes, open toed and high heeled and when she slipped them on, she looked fabulous, and she was too excited to care when Debbie slipped her arms round her waist and gave her a kiss on the cheek, running her fingers through her hair once more.

'That's beautiful, Annabelle. Let's go down to show Chuck and then we'll call a taxi.'

After Chuck had thrown more compliments Annabelle's way, and they had made her give a twirl in her revealing outfit, the taxi quickly took them over the Thames and they were soon in Chelsea. Annabelle admired the huge buildings in the capital, watching all the shoppers milling about on the streets, and in the cafes, and when the three alighted from the cab, she didn't feel too self-conscious about her attire. Many of the shoppers in the King's Road were wearing crazy outfits, some way out, and some very smart and sexy, and the girl from the West Country soon felt at ease as she wandered along the street.

She occasionally saw men and women gazing at her, knowing that her long legs were being admired in the short dress, and also realising that her breasts were moving freely under the thin material without a bra to constrict them. She was aware of her nipples hardening all the time in the fresh air, and she knew they were pushing firmly against the pink dress, on view to those that looked closely at her fetching body. This only encouraged the little minx to stick her nose in the air as she walked along, as if to say, 'Yes, I'm a refined young lady with a fine body. Please enjoy looking at me, but that's all you can do.' Typical young female snob!

They went into various boutiques and shops until Debbie suddenly said to her young relative,

'Do you ever wear stockings Annabelle? I've never seen you with any on.' Annabelle blushed slightly again.

'Only a couple of times, but Mummy doesn't like them, and she doesn't like me wearing them, really. She says I should wear tights or go without anything at my age!'

'Well, Mummy's not here is she,' Debbie laughed, 'and I think you would look wonderful in stockings, as you certainly have the legs to show them off. Let's find one of these lovely lingerie shops and see what we can find, shall we? It would be great, wouldn't it, Chuck, to find Annabelle some lovely underwear?'

Chuck smiled and nodded his definite agreement. They eventually found a sophisticated boutique on the main street and went in. The garments were all over the place, beautifully displayed, and Debbie started her search on behalf of the eighteen year old.

'We don't see you at all being so many miles away, so this will be Chuck's and my treat for you, Annabelle. How about that?' This brought another wonderful smile from the precocious teenager, and she gave yet another hug to her new guide and mentor. Debbie soon picked out a strapless black and maroon basque and she made Annabelle go into the changing room to try it on, following closely behind. The pink dress slipped off, and Debbie helped the young girl slide into the little garment and zipped the back up for her.

Of course, the basque left the shapely bottom naked, apart from Annabelle's little thong deep in the crack of her cheeks, and the cups of the one-piece garment held Annabelle's wonderful breasts high and firm and pointing, and Debbie couldn't resist caressing Annabelle's body down the back and over her tummy under the pretext of feeling the fitting around the luscious body.

'Superb, Annabelle. It fits you like a glove. Now the stockings to attach to the suspenders on the basque, and that will look fantastic on you. Take it off again and perhaps we may have another look when we get back to the house.'

Debbie chose 3 pairs of quality, long nylons, black, tan and light coloured, and all the gifts were wrapped, paid for, and the trio were soon back in the street. One more call into a classy shoe shop where Debbie and Chuck persuaded the tall teenager to try on a pair of very high heeled maroon sandals. The 4 inch heels were stiletto with straps across her toes, and they pushed her calves and thighs into a wonderful shape and gave her such a sexy walk as she paraded around the shop.

'Beautiful, Annabelle,' enthused Debbie. 'They give you such a sophisticated walk, and really suit you. We'd love you to have them, wouldn't we Chuck?' Again Chuck smiled and nodded his agreement, Debbie paid the bill and Annabelle was beaming at her good fortune once more.

'Oh, thankyou Debbie. You really are very kind, and you too Chuck. I'm really having a great time here with you, and it was so kind of you to invite me up here.'

'Oh, nonsense, Debbie. It's our pleasure, and we're enjoying your company just as much, so let's find a nice restaurant and have a slap up meal,' assured Debbie. 'We haven't dined in London for years and years.'

The three visitors to the capital found a nice hotel, open to non-residents, and enjoyed good food, some (or quite a few) glasses of the best wines and then they sat in the lounge of the hotel enjoying a relaxing coffee. Compliments still flowed from the American couple to the young school girl, and they were again able to admire the fine young body sat in the deep, luxurious armchair opposite them. Annabelle's fine breasts still pushed beautifully against her thin dress, her hem had ridden up as she sat with her legs crossed like a real lady, and her wonderful thighs seemed to go on forever, so tantalisingly.

Within a couple of hours, they were back in a taxi and making their way back to Wimbledon. It was still warm and sunny and, after spending such a wonderful time in London's West End with her distant relatives, Annabelle felt just like a mature adult. The taxi was a black cab and Chuck sat opposite Debbie and Annabelle in the back of the cab, admiring both the attractive women. The two women had linked arms and there was a lot of giggling as still Debbie and Chuck continued to pour praise on the teenager.

'Those are lovely clothes we've bought today, Annabelle, aren't they? They really suit you and make you look really mature and chic,' Debbie began. 'We'll open another bottle of wine when we get home and perhaps we can have another look at what we've got. You know, perhaps we can persuade your parents to send you over to the States to stay with us for a holiday. Would you like that, Annabelle?'

'Oh, that would be fabulous,' gushed the young girl. 'Do you really mean mean, come and stay with you in America?'

'Yes, yes, of course we do, don't we Chuck? Our friends would love to meet such an attractive and refined young lady from England, and we could have a wonderful time,' and Debbie now put her arm round Annabelle's shoulders and gently pulled the young girl in to give her a kiss on the cheek. Annabelle smiled and returned the kiss to Debbie's cheek and she remained cuddled into Debbie's shoulder for the rest of the journey.

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