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Bedknobs and Broomsticks Ch. 02

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Lisa and Evie enter the custom porn business together.
4.5k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/18/2020
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It had been almost two weeks since the events of the 'bed incident', as Lisa and Evie had taken to calling it. Lisa hadn't spoken much to her friend in that time. There had been some playful back and forth through text messages after that first weekend of fun they shared together, but then real life got in the way. She'd been wrapped up in college applications, and there didn't seem much time to chat about fun stuff, or meet up.

Lisa looked at the messages to Evie on her phone. Flirty talk about this and that, a lot fun chat about BDSM and fantasies, and discussing the details of the 'incident'. Evie had signed off her last message with "love you lissie" and Lisa hadn't really known how to respond. She'd just sent a non-committal "xx" back, and then hadn't heard from the girl since. That was almost a week ago.

"I wonder if I upset her." thought Lisa, lying back on her bed as she scrolled through the messages. She looked at the end of the bed, and at the ominous bedpost that had been her prison for an afternoon. It had taken ten hours of sleep and a two hour bath to recover from that ordeal. Evie had stayed the night, and while they tried some light bondage and fooling around the next day, none of it got as extreme as that afternoon. It was a little awkward to be honest. Evie clearly wanted the relationship to go further, but Lisa wasn't sure how attracted to another woman she was. Also, Evie didn't go full-on dominant like before, and had treated Lisa with kid gloves for the rest of the weekend.

"Maybe I should send her a message, and we can meet up or something..." thought Lisa, and then stared at the blank message box trying to think of something to say. The whole experience that fateful afternoon seemed a bit like a weird dream. She hadn't seen any of the photos or videos of the incident that Evie had taken, the only proof she had that any of it was real were the messages on her phone.

Lisa sighed, and went to put the phone back down, when it pinged at her. As if reading her mind, Evie had texted her! Lisa quickly opened it up, but it wasn't a message at all, it was a link to a website. She noted the URL was an obvious porn site, and her stomach dropped in unease. She tentatively tapped it, and her browser opened the page.

"Oh god... she didn't, did she?" Lisa said to herself, with her hand over her mouth, eyes wide as she stared at the screen. "Oh please, no...

She saw the title first, "Redhead Slave Lissie Humiliated - will do ANYTHING you want!", and shuddered. Then she saw a pair of bare feet, on their tiptoes, as the camera slowly panned up. A pair of pale legs were next, the calf muscles visibly straining, and then... that huge bedpost shoved deeply into the stretched vagina. Lisa looked on, horrified, at the degrading body writing, the ropes tied tight, the biting clamps, and finally...

The video was edited with a solid black bar across the face. Lisa breathed out, at least that was a small mercy. Evie's voice started asking her questions, and while you could see Lisa nodding her answers, her face was always hidden.

"Did you say something, honey?" came the voice of her mother from outside the bedroom door, and Lisa frantically turned the volume down on the video.

"No! Sorry, it was just uh, a Youtube video I'm watching! About cats!" Lisa squeaked, her eyes still staring at the naked figure on her phone. Her hand had moved absent mindedly to her crotch.

"Okay, did you want a cup of tea?"

"No! No, thanks, that's okay!" replied a flustered Lisa. She scrolled down to read the description as the video came to an end. "Lissie the Dog is doing requests, for a price! Please put your suggestions and your bids in the comments below! We will choose the lucky winners for the next videos by Saturday 8th of this month! Be imaginative, be cruel, be generous! Love, Lissie xx"

"Is she pimping me out??" thought Lisa, "She's not even talked to me about this!"

Then Lisa noticed the video had no comments, and zero views. It was unlisted! It hadn't appeared on the site, and couldn't be searched for! She breathed a huge sigh of relief and collapsed back onto the bed. Then, as if drawn to it, she started to watch the video again, hand slipping down her shorts. She was soaking wet down there.

Ten minutes went by, with Lisa watching the video again and again while fingering herself. She managed to come twice watching the abused young thing in the film being tormented, and was working towards a third when her phone pinged again. It was Evie.

"Did you watch it?? What do you think? <3" said Evie's message. "Should we go live with it?" Before Lisa could respond, another message arrived.

"Are you busy on Saturday? My parents are away for the weekend ;)"

Lisa's head was spinning. Was this all happening? What should she say?

"I watched it." Lisa responded.

"You looked great in it! Do you want to go live?" Evie asked again.

"Live?" Lisa said, her heart racing.

"Yeh so it's listed for everyone to see ;D" Evie replied, "If we get a lot of interest we can make some good money! $$$"

Once that video was online for anyone to view, it could not be removed. People would make copies, it would be out there forever. Anyone who knew her intimately might know it was her, too. Her bedroom wasn't that unique, but could still be recognisable. Even 'Lissie' is close to Lisa, and Evie's voice is pretty clear on it. All it would take is one person to recognise her, and her life would be ruined. If I end up making more videos those chances just increase...

All these reasons not to do it flooded into her head. She tapped a message out to Evie.

"Go live."

"Yes!! XD See you Saturday?"


"Come round by 9am Saturday, wear something easy to remove, I have a surprise for you. Don't bring any other clothes you won't need them. Bring your toy box!"

"Ok. "

"And keep checking your video for comments, you see it's already got 40 views??"

Lisa checked, it said 58 views now. She shivered.

"See you Saturday 9am sharp! Love E. <3" said Evie's final message. Lisa barely looked at it, as she repeatedly refreshed the page. 62 views. 69 views. 77.. 98.. 120! It was climbing fast.

She put the phone down, breathing heavily. "You've done it now." said that dark voice in her head, "No going back now. You're a slut for hire, nothing more than a whore."

She lay back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. "Nothing more than a whore." she quietly said to herself, and then started to watch the video again.


It was Saturday morning, and Lisa had already been up since 6am. She had barely slept all night. Evie's parents had apparently left half an hour ago to visit Evie's older sister at her college campus. They wouldn't be back until Sunday evening. It was 8.40am and Evie would be expecting to see her soon. Lisa's heart was racing with trepidation. She had packed the majority of her sex toys and BDSM gear into a holdall bag, with a small toiletries bag as well. She had not packed any extra clothes, not even a change of underwear.

"I'll be over in a few minutes" she texted to Evie, as she put her shoes on. It was a sunny July morning, so she had dressed in a sleeveless summer dress that came down to her knees, with tied up straps over her shoulders and criss-crossing her back. She was braless, and wore a pair of white cotton panties. Other than her slip-on pumps, this was all the clothes she was bringing.

"Are you sure you won't be cold, dressed like that?" said Lisa's mother, frowning, as the girl headed downstairs.

"Nah, I'll be fine." assured Lisa, "Evie only lives down the road. I'll see you tomorrow evening, okay? Give me a call if you need me."

"Okay honey, have a nice time!" said her mother, as Lisa headed out of the door. "If only you knew." thought Lisa.

Lisa stood on the front porch and took a deep breath. It was actually a little colder than she thought it would be, and her nipples were now hard and very prominent. She shivered as she walked to Evie's house. "I wonder what will happen," she thought to herself, "Are we going to be recording requests?" She had been reading the comments on her video the last few days, some of the suggestions were downright scary.

"She said she had a surprise for me, too..." she thought, as she knocked on the door.

The door opened inward, but no one was there to greet her. "Evie? It's Lisa, are you there?" said Lisa, as she stepped tentatively into the house.

Suddenly someone grabbed her from behind, their arm wrapping itself around her throat. She dropped her bag and her hands shot up to pull the assailant off, but their grip was like a vice. She felt pressure around her neck, and a throbbing in her ears as the attacker squeezed. Lisa tried to cry out, but a strangulated cough was all she could manage, and before she knew it she had blacked out.

Evie carefully lowered the unconscious Lisa to the floor. She shut the front door with her foot, and quickly began to tie Lisa's hands behind her back as the girl lay prone on the ground. Evie had just managed to cinch off her wrists, when Lisa started to stir. As she sat on the floor, she hefted Lisa's limp body up into her lap, and wrapped her arms around the girl's slender neck again.

Lisa's eyes fluttered open, and she looked confused around the room. This wasn't her bedroom. What had happened? Wait, someone was behind her? Before she could say anything, the pressure on her neck suddenly increased. She was being choked out again! She tried to pull her arms up but they had been bound, and all she could do was weakly kick her legs before blackness enveloped her once more.

Evie held the sleeper hold for a few extra seconds after Lisa once again passed out. She could feel her captive's rasping breath as all movement ceased, and then released her. She knew she probably had more time now, but still needed to act fast. She untied the straps on Lisa's dress, slipped it down and off her body, and removed her panties and shoes as well. Then she half lifted, half dragged the limp girl into her living room and onto the couch.

"God Lissie, you look so hot like this," Evie said, under her breath as she tied Lisa's feet together, before attaching them with a very short rope to her bound hands. "And you're all mine now.

It had only been 3 minutes since Lisa had walked through the door, but now she was unconscious, completely nude and hogtied, and had her head resting on Evie's lap. Evie was snapping a few candid photos of her when Lisa breathed in sharply, her eyes snapping open.

"Mm, uh... hi?" said Lisa, her face staring up at Evie in a picture of puzzlement, "What, uh, what happened?"

"Surprise!" said Evie, stroking Lisa's red hair, "You did say you would want to try being choked out one day, remember?"

Lisa looked down at herself. Her little, pale and perky boobs looked back. She glanced up at Evie, whose own large breasts, clad in a colourful t-shirt, were blocking her field of vision somewhat.

"Yeah, I said I would MAYBE like to try it," she thought to herself, remembering the conversation they had had about it through text messages a few weeks ago. It had seemed exciting, to lose control like that so quickly. It was exciting, in fact. She could feel the moisture between her legs, and blushed hotly.

"Yeah, it was a bit scary," she said out loud, "It felt like I was asleep for hours, too. How long was I out?"

"No more than a minute or so," replied Evie, placing Lisa's head to one side and standing up, "It usually only lasts a few seconds. If I had held on for longer you'd probably be out for longer, but it could be dangerous. I could teach you to do it one day if you like."

Evie took some books off of a large box in the middle of the room, and then lifted up the lid on it. It was rectangular, made of wood, and about 3 foot long by 2 foot wide, and 2 foot deep. It looked like a storage trunk that Evie's family used as a coffee table. She collected up Lisa's clothes, shoes and phone, and placed them all inside, then closed the lid. It was then locked with a small key, which Evie put into her pocket.

"Hey, my parents might call or something!" Lisa protested from her stricken position on the couch.

"It's fine, I have the key if it's an emergency." said Evie, sitting back down, "I don't want you distracted this weekend. Now, shall we get to work?"

Evie shuffled Lisa's head back onto her lap, and brought up the infamous video on her phone. She held it down so they both could see, and started scrolling through the dozens of comments.

"Okay, so a few good ones stood out to me." said Evie, slowly scrolling through, "This guy will pay $50 just to watch you get fucked with a dildo while showing your bare feet, that's not bad."

"Bit boring..." said Lisa.

"This one is offering $300 for each finger you cut off?"

"Not boring enough!" gasped Lisa, "Are you kidding?? No actual bodily harm, nothing permanent!"

"Haha, you know I wouldn't do that, Lissie!" smirked Evie, "Hmm... A lot of people want to see your face."

"No, definitely not." said Lisa, firmly, "Anyway, some of them want to see you, too."

"Yeaah, maybe we'll keep anonymous for now, actually."

"This one says he'll pay $40 to watch me shit? Ew." Lisa said, screwing up her face.

"Um, actually he says he wants to watch you shit, then you have to eat it..."

"For forty dollars?? Fuck off!" cried Lisa, "I wouldn't do that for a thousand dollars!"

"Okay, okay, no eating poop, got it." said Evie, "We have pissing stuff?"

"Eh... maybe if the price is right..."

"$250 to walk down the street at night naked and in bondage?"

"Sounds fun... but not anonymous enough, anyone could see." said Lisa, shaking her head, "What about the bath one?"

"Um... oh, this one? $150 to be hogtied face down in the bath as the water slowly fills up." Evie read, "Ooh, perilous! We'll put that on the shortlist. Did you see the shock collar one?"

"I don't think so."

"He offered $500 for you to spend 4 hours tied up on all fours like a dog, and to wear a dog shock collar for me to train you." Evie said, and smiled, "He even offered to pay extra for the collar!"

"500? Hmm, and that does sound interesting I guess." said Lisa, visibly blushing again. She was getting excited at the prospect of being controlled through painful electric shocks! "I wonder if it will hurt..."

"Probably!" said Evie, brightly, "Want me to contact him?"

"Yeah, okay." said an anxious Lisa. "At least it didn't involve eating poop or cutting off a limb!" she thought to herself.

Evie absent mindedly stroked Lisa's head as she tapped a message out to the lucky bidder. Lisa felt the warmth coming off her friend's lap, and the comfortable feeling of being helpless but safe. Evie's hand was drifting down her body, and brushed over her breasts. Lisa couldn't help herself and blushed again, it was something she had always hated about herself. She would blush at the smallest things sometimes, and it was always very noticeable against her pale cheeks.

"Okay, I've let him know." said Evie, snapping Lisa out of her introspection, "He has my Paypal address, and I said we can order the collar once he's paid."

"Do you think he will?" said Lisa.

"Maybe, it's a lot of money to throw away on trust." shrugged Evie, "Some guys will do anything if it means a chance to satisfy their cock, though."

"Should we order the collar anyway?" suggested Lisa, innocently, "You know, so it arrives in time? I can get next-day delivery on my account."

"Good idea, we can always play with it ourselves if this is a bust." grinned Evie.

"Maybe I could do some more simple requests today as well." pondered Lisa, "That feet guy offered fifty bucks. College tuition isn't going to be cheap..."

"Oh, yeah." said Evie, "Of course, if this works out, you could skip college and do it full time with me! Now I'm eighteen, starting my own business seems like the next step!"

"Haha... yeah maybe." Lisa responded, with a nervous laugh. "So, are you going to untie me now so I can order this thing?"

"Just tell me your login details, and I'll do it."


"Come on, you can trust me!" Evie said, and pinched Lisa's bare nipple, causing the girl to squeak, "Don't make me force it out of you!"

"Ah ah! Okay! I guess, sheesh." said a resigned Lisa.

Soon the girls had ordered one 'Good Boy Training Collar: Perfect for misbehaving pets or general behavioural work - 1000 ft range radio control, 8 hours of use on one charge, 100 different levels!' It was due to be delivered Sunday morning, before 10am.

Evie had made breakfast for them both, and while she sat and ate her toast, Lisa struggled on the cold kitchen floor. She had been given a bowl of cornflakes to eat, and for some reason had thought she would be enjoying them at the table with Evie. Unfortunately for her, she was still nude and hogtied, having not been released since she arrived 40 minutes ago. Her food was in a shallow bowl in front of her, and she was expected to eat it as she was.

"Okay, I've had a few responses." said Evie nonchalantly, while taking another bite of toast, "Feet guy sent the money almost immediately after I messaged him. Hogtied in the bath sent the money, and so has Analdude69. Shock collar hasn't replied yet."

"Which one was Analdude69?" Lisa said, raising her head out of the bowl. Milk dripped off her chin, and there was a cornflake stuck to her cheek.

"$30 just for you to show your butthole, up close." Evie replied, snorting with amusement, "10 minutes bent over spreading your cheeks? Easy money."

Lisa looked back down into her breakfast. "I guess this is my life now?" she said to herself, as she dipped in for another mouthful.

An hour later, Lisa was still nude, but now untied and on her knees in the living room. She had her head on the floor, her butt in the air, and was spreading her bottom wide with her hands. Evie had written "For Analdude69, love Lissie" across Lisa's buttcheeks in big letters, and was filming the puckered hole while trying not to giggle.

"Okay, that's ten minutes." Evie grinned, "It was all I could do not to laugh, staring at your winking hole for all that time! You can get up now."

Lisa did, obediently. She had been crimson with embarrassment throughout the whole thing. They had already filmed her masturbating with a dildo while showing off her bare feet, Feet Guy would be delighted. They had also taken a few photos, each with different customer's names and a short message written across Lisa's chest. Each one was earning them $15. Analdude had got a bargain, in her opinion.

"What's next then? The bath one?" she said, brushing some carpet fluff off herself.

"Yeah, you could do with a bath." Evie replied, "Rolling around on the floor like you do."

"Ha ha. How will we hide my face?"

"I've thought of that." Evie said, standing up over the nude girl. Lisa had noticed how much Evie was enjoying the whole power dynamic. She chatted to Lisa like this was all normal, but pointedly made sure Lisa was in a position of weakness at all times.

"Swim-cap." Evie continued, "My dad has a rubber swim-cap, and we can stretch it over your head and eyes, covering the top half of your face. Should stop water going up your nose, too. Come on, bathroom is upstairs."

It didn't take long for Evie to once again hogtie the naked Lisa, who was now lying face down in the bath. Shallow, warm water lapped around her as Evie fussed around getting prepared. She then slid a length of metal pole under Lisa's elbows, and rested each end of it on the edges of the bathtub.

"What is that?" asked Lisa, trying to get comfortable.

"It's the clothes rail out of my wardrobe." Explained Evie, "This way you won't be able to spin around in the water, the pole will stop you. All you can do is lie there."


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