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Bedknobs and Broomsticks Ch. 06

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Someone discovers Lisa's dark secret. Final chapter.
5.9k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/18/2020
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(Author's note: This final chapter deals with some pretty dark material compared to the earlier ones. Consider this a warning.)

Lisa felt like she was frozen. Her hands were shaking and her stomach twisted in a knot. Who wrote the note? Who could know about her double life as a secret porn star and BDSM slut?? She looked at the clock on the wall, it was almost six now and Luigi's was a good twenty five minute walk from here. If she was quick, she could make it. She frantically got dressed, grabbed her jacket and phone, stuffed the note into her pocket and headed downstairs.

"Mom, I'm going out for a bit, sorry!" She shouted, at the front door.

"Oh, but I've just made dinner! Where are you going now?" said her mother, at the kitchen door, "You look a bit pale, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just going to meet a friend." said Lisa, trying not to let her voice crack, "I'll be back tonight, sorry again!"

Lisa hurried down the street as the evening drew in. It was summer, so it was still pretty light out. This mystery person wanted to meet in a crowded public area, too. That means they just wanted to talk, right? She stopped outside Evie's house.

"I should tell her, I shouldn't go alone," she thought, looking up at the house, "But she'll want to come, and if they find out I told her that's my life over..."

Reluctantly, she turned and kept on towards the direction of the restaurant, her mind racing with awful possibilities. Who could it be? And they knew where she lived! An old boyfriend? Maybe. Would they blackmail her?

Lisa reached the restaurant at almost 6.28pm, out of breath and disheveled. She glanced around the car park, to see if anyone was waiting for her, when suddenly a hand landed on her shoulder.

"Hello again, Lisa," said David from the hardware store, "Or should I say Lissie?"

"You??" Lisa gasped, and pulled out the note, "Did you write this?"

"Well, I wanted to get your attention," he said, with that familiar smile on his face, "You came alone, yeah?"

"Yeah, why?" she said, with nervous defiance, "What do you want, David?"

"Calm down," he said, holding his hands up, "I just want to talk. Do you want to get a drink?"

"No, thank you." Lisa said, "Just tell me what you want."

"Okay, okay," he said, "I'll cut to the chase. I saw your first video, with the bedpost, and was blown away. What a masochist! I'd never seen anything like it!"

Despite the situation, Lisa blushed. David went on.

"You were the girl of my dreams," he said, "I was one of the first people to buy a video, you know."

"You are D-mon, right??" Lisa blurted out after a pause, "The fucking red cable ties! You wanted us to go back to your store for them, right?"

"Haha, clever girl!" he grinned, as if she'd done an amusing trick, "That's right. I thought I recognised your voice when we met the first time, but I wasn't sure. So I took a gamble, cost me $250 and some zip ties, but I had to be sure! Did you make that video yet, by the way?"

"Yes," Lisa said, flatly, "How did you find my house?"

"Oh, I followed you. Waited outside that hotel for an hour and then followed your bus home."

Lisa was feeling more and more sick. This was real stalker behaviour, and this guy knew her darkest secret.

"Evie was right about you," she said, glaring at him, "So what now? Are you planning to tell everyone?"

"Of course not!" he said, "Not if you maybe help me out with something..."

"Blackmail is illegal you know," Lisa began, "If I go to the police-"

"Then it would all come out in court," he said, with a smile, "Everyone would know. Anyway it's not blackmail, I just want a chance to make my own video with you. It's nothing you don't do all the time, anyway."

Lisa looked miserable. She wished she had brought Evie now, but she was alone with this guy and his irritating smile.

"Look, if you record a video with me, for my own private use," he went on, "And perhaps do some free ones for me in the future with your little friend, I promise I won't tell anyone about your double life. What do you think?"

Lisa hesitated. "How bad could it be?" her treacherous brain told her, "You might even enjoy it? You don't get into this sort of lifestyle without jumping in feet first. This way you get to have a bit of fun, and your secret stays safe."

"What if he's lying? What if he just rapes me or kills me or something?" she thought to herself.

He grinned at her, waiting for a response.

"But what other choice do you have?" she thought.

"Okay. I guess so," she said, looking pained, "When do you want to do it? I'm busy tomorrow, but next-"

"Tonight," he said, cutting her off, "I have a little place we can do it in private. You tell me your rules and restrictions on the way, okay? You're the boss. Do you use a safeword?"

He led her towards his car, as Lisa looked hesitantly back towards the street.


Evie was laying face down on her bed. She had her phone in one hand, and the occasional muffled sob escaped from her pillow. Then there was a knock on the door. Evie looked up, eyes red and puffy, and she wiped her nose with her sleeve.

"What?" she answered, sniffing.

"Oh, you are in," said her mother, pushing open the door, "I wasn't sure, we haven't seen you all evening. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Evie said, wiping her eyes, "What is it?"

"Well, Lisa's mom was just on the phone, she asked if Lisa was with you?"

There was a pause, and then Evie answered slowly.

"No... why?"

"Well apparently she rushed out to see a friend unexpectedly," Evie's mom explained, "But didn't say where she was going or who it was. I think her mom is a bit worried. Lisa came home quite upset earlier, she said."

"I haven't seen her since this afternoon," Evie said, her voice shaking a bit, "She didn't tell her mom anything?"

"No. Oh, but apparently a note arrived for Lisa before she left. She didn't know who it was from. Do you think everything is alright?"

"I don't know," said Evie, as the panic built inside her, "I'll try calling her."

"Okay, let me know if you find out anything."

Once her mother had gone, Evie quickly called Lisa's phone. It rang twice, then stopped abruptly. She tried again, but this time it just went straight to voicemail. She left a message to call her back, and then stared at the wall in thought.


"Oop! Sorry, no phone calls at the moment," said David, snatching the phone out of Lisa's hand and dropping it down the side of his chair as she protested, "We wouldn't want anything to interrupt us, would we?"

He was driving his car down a long road in the twilight, Lisa in the passenger seat. They were apparently on their way to this private location. Lisa sat silently. She knew things were getting out of her control now, this was becoming dangerous.

"You didn't have to take my phone," she said, morosely, "I should really tell someone where I'm going anyway, can you give it back?"

"Nah," he said, dismissively, "Don't ruin the atmosphere by bringing other people into this. This should be special."

"I'm serious," she said, "At least tell me how long this will take."

"As long as it needs to," he said, and pulled the car over on a deserted rest stop.

"Is this it?" Lisa asked, looking out the window. They had only been driving for ten minutes, but it had felt like a lifetime. She turned back to him, and he was pointing a gun at her.

"Not there yet, but step out of the car for a minute." David said, his voice cold.

Lisa froze, then fumbled with the door and stood nervously outside the car as he joined her.

"Why are you doing this?" she whimpered, "Are you going to kill me?"

"Of course not, where is the fun in that?" he said, keeping the gun trained on her, "I want this to be authentic. None of that roleplay shit. Take your clothes off, all of them. Shoes too."

Lisa stared wide-eyed at him, and then did as she was asked. She was shaking as she stripped off, exposing her pale, freckled skin to the elements. The hairs on her skin stood on end, despite the warm summer evening. She tried to stand hiding her private areas as he watched her.

"Nice. It's definitely you, Lissie," he said, "I'd know that body anywhere. Okay, now bend over the bonnet and put your hands behind your back."

"David, please, this has-" she began.

"Just do it," he ordered, and she reluctantly complied. David grinned as her round bottom stuck out, and he tucked the gun down his waistband. Moving quickly, he then wrapped duct tape around Lisa's wrists and hands, and walked her over to the rear of the car.

"Look, please, this is too far," she said, knowing her words were futile, "Just let me go and we can do your video and move on, yeah?"

David said nothing, but picked up her discarded panties, then forcibly pushed them into Lisa's mouth. Lisa groaned as he wrapped tape around her mouth a few times, taking no notice of it sticking to her hair, and silenced her. He then wrapped her ankles a few times. She was now totally helpless.

David opened the trunk, removed a large hold-all bag, and then lifted Lisa into the trunk compartment. Lisa shook her head furiously, her eyes pleading, but David just smiled at her and slammed the lid closed. He gathered up her clothes and his bag and, with the gun, put it all into the back of his car before driving away.


Evie was pacing around the room now. She had sent a few more messages to Lisa, and had tried calling again, but with no reply.

"I bet it's that fucking tool guy," she said to herself, and looked up the details of the hardware store on her phone. They didn't close until 8pm, it seemed, so Evie rang them straight away.

"Hello, Swanson's Tools." said a man on the other end of the line.

"Hello, is that David?" said Evie, trying to keep her cool.

"Sorry, no. David went home early today." he replied, slight annoyance in his voice.

"Oh okay, thank you." said Evie, "Sorry, but could I ask, what time did he leave? I'm uh, his sister."

"About four o'clock. Said it was a family emergency." he said, "Everything okay?"

"Oh. Yeah. Thanks for your help. Bye." she said, and hung up the phone.

Four o'clock was just after Lisa had been in the store. Evie tapped her fingers on the side of her phone, staring into space. Then, an idea hit her. She knew she shouldn't really do it, it was a real breach of privacy, plus it might not even work.

Evie opened up the "Find My Phone" website for Lisa's type of phone, and went to login. She tapped in Lisa's email, and thought back to when she 'persuaded' Lisa to give up her online shopping password. If she was lucky...

Login successful. Evie breathed out with relief. "She really needs to use different passwords for different sites." she said under her breath. As the website loaded a map, she saw that Lisa's phone was a good fifteen miles away! Right in the middle of nowhere. It had been travelling, but the log said it was now stationary. Evie quickly put her shoes on, and dashed downstairs.


"Oh shit, oh shit, what am I going to do." thought Lisa, staring into the darkness of the trunk of David's car. The car had been travelling for who knows how long before it pulled over again, and it was not a comfortable ride for the captured Lisa. Suddenly grey light flooded in, and she saw David standing over her.

"Hey, Lissie, we're here." he said, and she shouted muffled abuse at him from under her gag, "Now, now. Save it for the video. I like it when a girl puts up a fight."

He bodily lifted her out of the trunk and slung her thin frame over his shoulder with a grunt. He then closed the trunk, picked up his large bag, and headed up an overgrown path towards an old, dilapidated house, with Lisa mewling in protest.


Evie was travelling in a taxi to reach the location of Lisa's phone. She couldn't drive yet, the bike would take too long, and buses didn't travel to such a remote area. Luckily she had quite a bit of extra money to spend, what with her and Lisa's little enterprise.

"Are we nearly there yet?" she asked the driver, impatiently.

"Halfway there, darling." He replied, as Evie anxiously looked at the map again. Maybe she should have called the police, or told her parents. She just had a bad feeling about what she would find.


Lisa looked around the room wildly. It was a run down old shack, rather than a proper house. Not much in the way of furniture. A heavy table to one side, an old metal bed with no mattress in one corner, and a few broken chairs. It smelt of rot and mildew.

She was still naked, and sitting in a chair, if you could call it that. It was the metal frame of what was once a chair, and was missing the seat. Her bare butt stuck through the middle of it. She couldn't fall through though, as she had been cable tied to it securely, using the familiar red ties. Her legs were wide open, and her arms tight against the metal armrests. It was much like how she was back in the hotel room, except a lot less comfortable. David had used the biting, plastic bands to restrain her body every few inches.

Lisa's soft flesh stuck out between the cable ties, which were all tightened a bit too much. She was held firmly in place at the wrists, all along her arms, around her torso and stomach, and across her legs and ankles. The metal chair was even bolted to the floor, so she wasn't going anywhere.

"Comfy?" said David, and she glared at him, her mouth still stuffed with her own panties and taped shut, "Get used to it, you'll be there for a while."

He started to lay out items from his bag onto a heavy wooden table nearby. The gun was there, also scissors and a knife. There were various sticks and short lengths of pole, one of which seemed to have a two-headed prong at one end. Mouse traps, rope, needles, a box of matches, plastic bags, a hammer, and pliers all joined the items. Lisa stared at the growing pile with horror.

He took her clothes, gave them a sniff, and dropped them into a metal bucket off to one side. He then lit a match and dropped that in too. Soon all her clothing were burning, and he piled on some scrap wood to keep the fire going. He then pushed a metal rod into the bucket, and left it there. Lisa looked at it with trepidation.

"You won't need clothes anymore," he said, matter-of-factly, "Animals don't wear clothes, anyhow."

David starting fiddling with a camera on a tripod aimed at Lisa. Once he had it to his satisfaction, he turned to look at her with his finger poised over the record button. She mumbled an unintelligible series of noises at him, and pulled at her bonds. There was no way she could escape from this, she could barely move without the severe plastic bands cutting into her painfully.

"Hello everyone, your man D-mon here for an extra special video," he said, winking at Lisa as he started the camera recording, "This here is Lisa... well, I don't know her last name. Or her age. It doesn't really matter. What matters is that she will be our entertainment for the night, and hopefully many nights after that. Say hello, Lisa."

Lisa whined under the gag, her eyes wide in fright. "He's a psycho," she thought, "Oh god, I'm not going to get out of this alive."

David pulled on a mask. It was cheap looking Halloween mask of a red, smiling devil, and covered his face completely. All except his eyes, and Lisa saw the mad glint in them as he strolled over to her.

"I found this worthless tramp on the street," David said, "Desperate to debase herself for a few dollars. She told me she would do anything I wanted. What could lead a young woman to turn to such a life? Abusive family? Who knows, but she may get more than she bargained for."

"Fucking prick likes the sound of his own voice." thought Lisa, staring daggers at him through teary eyes.

David picked up a mouse trap from the table. It was one of the old fashioned ones. The classic sort with the metal bar and serrated teeth, that snapped shut hard. He pulled back the spring-loaded bar, held the thing over her pert little breast, and let it go. Lisa shrieked behind the gag as the little metal teeth bit into her soft skin. He left it hanging there as she whined.

"Ahhh ahh, it hurts, it hurts!" Lisa thought, screwing up her eyes. She took a deep breath, and then another, and tried to calm down. "Don't show him that he's getting to you. You've done worse than this before. Don't let this fucker break you."

David picked up a thin length of bamboo, flexed it in his hands, and then whipped it down across Lisa's thigh, who winced in pain. A livid red welt soon appeared on her skin. He did this a few more times, each raising a loud thwacking noise. All she could do was grit her teeth and bear it, until the sadistic man finally stopped.

"I wonder if she had friends in her old life," he said, switching the cane for the unusual stick with the two metal prongs, "Imagine what they would think of her now. She wanted this, her body craves it."

He leaned over and ran his fingers through her bare pussy. Sticky, wet fluid coated them, and he grinned under the mask. Lisa growled through her packed mouth.

"See?" he held his wet fingers up at the camera, "She loves it. Fucking pathetic. If your parents could see their little girl now."

Her body did love it, but it was purely physical. "Is it?" said the little dark voice in her head, "Or is he right? Is this what you ultimately crave?"

"If you didn't know," he said, lifting the pole with the two prongs, "This is a cattle prod. It's used to control livestock who get too feisty."

Lisa stared at the thing, and knew she would be feeling it soon. She shook her head and mewled at him, but he jabbed it sharply into her stomach. There was a crack noise, and Lisa jerked in her bonds and screamed a muffled cry. Her and Evie had managed to try their dog shock collar all the way up to level 100, and had both decided keeping it below 50 was the way to go for fun and games. This cattle prod was at least a 95, and she really wanted to avoid feeling it again.

"It's an amazing thing," said David, placing the prod down, wrapping a thick cloth around his hand, and then picking up the metal rod that had been sitting in the burning bucket. The end glowed yellow. "But I prefer leaving a mark when I play with my toys."

He waved the hot end of the metal under her exposed ass. She squirmed fearfully she felt the blistering heat coming off it. He moved it up past her pussy, and gently touched her neat little tuft of red pubic hair. The hair singed instantly, and she winced from the feeling. Lisa was sweating, and all she could do was shake her head and whine. He hadn't actually touched her skin, but this was too close for comfort.

"But maybe we will save that for another day," David said, placing the pole back in the bucket, "Too much damage too early will ruin our little plaything, and I want her to last for a long, long time."

Lisa realised she had been holding her breath as the glowing hot metal had waved around her, and she breathed out. The stink of burnt hair was in the air. She looked across bleary eyed at David, who had wandered away to the corner of the room, where the old metal bed frame was. What else did he have planned??

He came back holding a pole with a large metal ball on top. She turned her head to see, and it appeared as if he had unscrewed a bedpost from the frame of the old bed. Lisa groaned inwardly, and had a feeling she knew where it would go.

"You like bedposts so much," he hissed in her ear, "Here's another one to make you feel at home."

Using a pot of vaseline, he covered the somewhat grubby looking metal ball in the greasy substance, and then pushed it against her vaginal opening. It was quite wide, and not really the right shape for such an insertion, but he wasn't giving up. Lisa made urgent noises above, in the vain attempt he would stop, but eventually she was pushed wide enough to accommodate it. The tormented girl grunted as it entered her, and despite herself she climaxed almost instantly.


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