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Being Unfaithful

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After she's caught in adultery, they rebuild their relationship.
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Author's Comment: This is a story about being unfaithful in a marriage based on a one time weakness in the relationship. My contention is that most marriages are based on faithfulness between the partners. If a husband takes loving care of his wife he need never worry about her being unfaithful. She will in his willing thrall forever.

Before you begin reading be aware that there is very little sex described herein. All persons described have no relationship to anyone living or dead. This is strictly fiction.


I was really excited and my libido was high in anticipation of getting home to surprise my wife, Beth. As the plane I was on touched down at O'Hare I was counting the minutes until I could deplane and head for my car and then home. It was our tenth anniversary and I wasn't expected home till tomorrow. When I'd left on Tuesday it looked like I wouldn't get away in time to celebrate on Friday so we'd agreed to celebrate it on Saturday, a day late. She wasn't very happy about my not being available on the day of our anniversary but seemed to be resigned to it when I left. Normally, I usually knew a week or more in advance when I had to leave and when I would be home, but the need to make this trip, as part of my job, had surfaced on Monday and I was gone on the following day with every thing indicating I wouldn't make it home until Saturday. But, here I was arriving back in Chicago from L.A. on Friday. I knew Beth would be relieved that I was back home and happy we could to celebrate tonight.

My wife is a beautiful woman. With her dark hair and blue eyes combined with a fabulous body, even after having two kids, she caught the eye of every male that came in contact with her. I'd noticed that I'd caught my best buddy, Jim, staring at her lustily on occasion. I felt so fortunate that she'd agreed to marry me.

Our two children, a boy, Ryan, and a girl, Emily, came fairly early in our marriage and were now in public school full time. Beth had a BA from the IU and had worked for awhile after graduation but after she became pregnant she'd given up her job to be a stay-at-home mom. Now that our kids were in school full time, I'd tried to talk her into getting back into the job market part time or do volunteer work, but she wasn't interested and just wanted to stay home. We didn't need the money but I thought she should have something to fill in her time while the kids were in school. So far, we hadn't resolved this issue.

Now the plane was pulling up to the gate and we were allowed to disembark. I hadn't checked my luggage so I was able to make a bee-line to my car and soon was on my way home by 1 PM. On the way I used my cell phone to make reservations at our favorite restaurant and asked the maitre-de, whom we both knew, to have a bottle of their best champagne ready. He was most enthusiastic when I told him about our the reason for our celebration.

In about a forty-five minutes I was turning down our street and as I came near our house I saw Jim's car parked in our driveway. I thought it may be Jim's wife, June, but she and Jim both worked and it was a little puzzling, but I didn't think anymore about it as I expected to sneak in and surprise Beth whether June was there or not.

Rather than alerting her to my arrival, I didn't open the garage door but parked next to Jim's car and avoided slamming the door as I left the car. Going up the steps to the front door I quietly opened it and slipped inside. I didn't hear any conversations going on, but checked the kitchen, back deck, family room and living room without finding anyone. I was beginning to think Beth had gone off with June in her car, but a check of the garage revealed her car to be there. Puzzled, I climbed the carpeted stairs to the second floor where our bed rooms are located. Then I heard the sound of moaning coming from our bedroom and I was suddenly apprehensive and it felt like a cold hand suddenly gripped my gut as I moved down the hall to look into our bedroom.

Peeking around the corner my worst fears were realized as I saw Beth under my buddy, Jim, slowly being fucked. Her eyes were closed as she had her legs spread wide and was thrusting her groin back in response to the stroking he was doing into her cunt. The moaning was coming from Beth and she seemed to be enjoying what he was doing. He was facing away from the door and didn't spot me as I backed away and tried to determine what I should do. My first reaction was to rush in and confront them but withheld this first impulse and thought I needed some proof and some way to make Jim, and possibly Beth, pay for their indiscretion and I had to try to determine how long it had been going on. I was devastated and felt like throwing up as I slipped back downstairs and retrieved our digital camera. Going back upstairs I turned off the flash and quickly took a series of pictures. The radio by the bed side was on low so they didn't here the soft clicking of the camera. Going back down stairs I went into the family room, shut the door and down loaded the pictures into our PC in a protected file under my password and then called Jim's wife at work. When June came on the phone I asked her if she knew where Jim was. She told me that he had taken the day off to take care of some personal business. I asked her for her email address at work which she gave me and I. quickly sent her one of the pictures I'd just taken of Shirley and Jim and told her to check her mail. The camera had noted the date and time on the picture so she knew its current time.

"Oh my god!!" I heard her exclaim. "Ron, what is this?"

"That's what's going on in our bedroom at this very instant."

"I can't believe this. Is it a joke, Ron? Please tell me it's a joke."

"Its not a joke, June. Its cold, hard fact and we must determined how long its been going on."

"OK, What do you suggest?"

"I'm going back up stairs now and confront them then I'm going to get Jim out without giving them a chance to make up a story. Then you can grill Jim and I'll grill Beth and we'll see if their stories jibe if they claim this was a one time thing. If they don't, we'll have to proceed under the assumption this isn't the first time and we can go from there on whatever action we want to take. We'll have the pictures for leverage in any divorce proceedings. You can determine if that is what you want independently of anything I do."

"It sounds like a plan to me. I want to get to Jim as quickly as possible. I'm heading home now."

"OK. Don't try to call Jim on your cell phone for about fifteen minutes. When you grill him ask how they met up today and why did they end up in bed."

"Thanks for telling me Ron. I think I'm going to be sick. I don't know what I'm going to do yet but I'll let you know. We have to stay together on this."

"I'm sick about it too June. I'll be in touch. Bye."

"Bye Ron."

I slowly stood up and went back up stairs and turned the camera flash back on. Looking into the room Jim was laying on his back on the bed and Beth was kneeling between his knees sucking on his cock. I surmised he must have ejaculated her as I didn't see a sign of a condom. Jim's eyes were closed now and I was slightly behind Beth as I raised the camera and took my first shot. With the sudden flash, Beth's head came up and the second flash made her look around with Jim's cock still in her mouth so that I got a partial full face picture that left no doubt as to her identity. Jim suddenly realized something was wrong by Beth's gasp and letting go of his cock. Beth began to scream when she saw me and tried to cover her naked body as she scrambled away from Jim. Jim sat up and saw me and cursed.

"Oh god, Ron. Shit, I didn't mean it. Oh god, I'm so sorry." he babbled as he scrambled to get his clothes on.

Beth was crying and trying to cover her face in total embarrassment and shame.

"Oh Ron, I'm so sorry." she cried again and again.

I finally stopped taking pictures. We had more than enough to document their infidelities and I just wanted Jim gone so I could talk with my wife to try to find out why she had done it.

With his shirt tail outside his pants and his shoes and socks in his hands he headed for the door and I stepped aside to let him go.

"Ron, again I'm so sorry." he croaked at me as he went by looking fearful that I might take some physical action against him.

"Jim, what you have done is an evil thing that I doubt can ever be forgiven. As of now I never want to see you again. Go home and explain your actions to your wife."

At that he turned white. "You told her?"

"Yes, and I emailed her a picture of you and June to use if she wants a divorce. I'll be giving her all the pictures her lawyer needs."

At this he looked angry, "You bastard!!"

"I'm a bastard? After what you've been doing shouldn't I be calling you that? If you thought you were going to walk out of here without any punishment, you'd better think again. Now get out!!"

Jim quickly ran down the stairs and a few minutes later I heard his car start and then go tearing up the street assumably heading home. In the meantime I told Beth, who was still sobbing on the bed, "Please get your robe on and come downstairs. We need to talk now."

"Can't we talk later? I'm so ashamed." she managed to get out as she cried.

"If you want to try to save this marriage, you'd better do as I ask."

"Alright." and I watched as she got out of bed and reached for her robe.

"You didn't even have him wear a condom." I told her pointing at their combined juices running down the inside of her thigh."

"Can't I clean up first?"

"No, you'll leave it until we're done talking. Maybe it'll remind you you broke the vows you made when we married. You're going to tell me how many times you've been unfaithful to me and with how many other men and why you did it. You're going to tell me the truth and if I catch you in one lie, this marriage is over."

Shirley screamed, "It was only this time, Ron. I've never done it before."

"You'd better be thinking about how you're going to prove that and why I should trust you never doing it again. Now, lets go downstairs. I should warn you that June is going to be questioning Jim so you're stories had better jibe."

"Please Ron. Please forgive me. It'll never happen again." she sobbed as we went downstairs.

I knew she was almost on the verge of a nervous breakdown and I wanted to put my arm around her to keep her from falling, but I knew I couldn't give in now. Watching her in the throes of the torment of guilt made me realize that I loved this woman more than life itself and I didn't want to lose her if I could avoid it.


I sat her in a straight back chair in the kitchen and I faced her in another chair.

"Now tell me. How many times have you slept with Jim and remember, June is talking with Jim."

"Just this once. I swear Ron."

"How many other men have you slept with? I may not be able to verify this with Jim, but it may come show up someday and my reaction will be the same then as it will be now."

"No one. Absolutely no one."

"All right. If you've never done it before, why did you do it now?" "I don't know. I don't know."

"You must have given yourself some rationale so as to justify your actions and be unfaithful. What was it?"

She thought for a minute. "I guess I was peeved at you for not being home for our anniversary. I was downtown this morning shopping and I ran into Jim at Sears. He asked me to lunch so I said fine. At lunch I had a glass of wine and after lunch we went to a lounge and I had a Margarita. I knew Jim had always liked me and somehow we ended back here at home. I don't remember how we got into our bed, but I remember kissing him and then my clothes were off and he was having sex with me. I don't remember much after that until I saw the flash from the camera. Oh god, I'm so sorry."

Beth, you broke our wedding vows. Until I hear from June I will assume this was the first time. How do I know you'll never do it again?"

"Ron, I can only swear to you that I'll never do it again. Please believe me. Don't let this ruin our marriage. I love you and will go to my grave loving you. Please, forgive me." Tears were running down her face as I reached out and took her hand and she began to calm down.

"You are my love and the mother of our children. I want to believe that this was a one time thing and that I don't have to go and have DNA testing done to verify that the children are mine. As soon as I hear from June and yours and Jim's stories jibe we can start reconciliation. It may take awhile to get over what I saw but I truly don't want to leave you."

Just then the phone rang and I went to get the phone and brought it back to my chair.


"Ron, its June. Jim and I have had a heart to heart and I think he may be telling the truth that this was a one time thing, but here's his story," Then she went on to tell me what Jim had told her and it was pretty much what Beth had told me. Beth was watching my face with a great deal of anxiety while June and I were talking and I heard her give a sigh of relief when I responded to June:

"That sound pretty much what Beth told me. What are you going to do about it?"

"I'm going to get pregnant by Jim and have some kids. Jim has refused to have kids before and I think its because he didn't want to make the commitment. He's decided he wants to make that commitment to our marriage now so I hope to be a first time mom within the next year. What are you going to do?"

"Beth is the mother of our children and I love her. I don't have any option at this time except to go on with our marriage. However, it may take a little time to get over this. We have some more things to discuss first." While I was talking to June, beth had reached over and took my hand. She was smiling at me through her tears, which were tears of happiness now.

June was saying, "I don't think we should see each other for awhile until this heals over."

"I agree one hundred percent. I'm going to miss you, but we should stay apart for now."

"OK, bye."



"Do you forgive me, Ron?" she asked tentatively.

"I can't forgive you Beth."

Her face fell and she looked so vulnerable then as I continued while holding both her hands.

"I can't forgive you until you forgive me."

She stared at me for a moment. "Why should I forgive you?" I need you to forgive me."

I slipped to my knees in front of her and stared into her puzzled eyes as I continued. "Three years ago while I was on a trip I had sex with a woman in Salt Lake City. She was on a business trip and married. We met in the hotel lounge , had a couple of drinks and dinner and ended up back in her room. We were only together the one night and I never heard from her again. I've been living with this for three years and its just about killed me. Before I can forgive you, I must have your forgiveness first for the terrible thing I've done. I've never been tempted to repeat it since and I won't ever again. Please forgive me."

She continued to look down at me. I think I had rears running down my face when she asked, "Why did you put me through such hell on my indiscretion today?"

"Because I needed to know that this was a one time thing and you weren't planning to leave me for Jim. I couldn't live without you."

"Oh Ron. Now I know how you must have felt when you caught me today. It really hurts doesn't it? I don't have any option but to forgive you and you don't have any option but to forgive me do you?"

"None, my darling." I responded and tentatively reached up and softly kissed her on the lips. Her response was to wrap her arms around my neck and returned my kiss. I happily returned her kiss. She was quickly regaining her equilibrium and I was glad to see her smile again..

"Now my darling." I told her as we freed our lips." The kids will be home from school soon. You need to clean up and get ready for our anniversary celebration. We have dinner reservations six and we need to get a baby sitter."

"Oh my gosh." she exclaimed. "I forgot its our anniversary after all that's happened today. I'll go up and shower. Can you look after the kids while I'm upstairs?"

"Yes, I can look after our kids." I facetiously responded as she ran upstairs. "Don't forget to douche I yelled after her. We have our own loving to do later."

She turned at the top of the stairs and smiled back at me, "I plan to change the sheets too."

I blew her a kiss and went to make myself a much needed drink. It had been quite a day and I'm glad it turned out the way it had. I don't think I had to worry about Beth straying again. Nor would I ever take a chance on screwing up our marriage again. I'm glad I'd caught her and stopped the affair before it had generated into something that would be irreversible. I was also glad it had given me a chance to finally get rid of the guilt that had tortured me for the last three years.


The anniversary dinner was a complete success and we talked about our problems. I really didn't want to talk about what she'd done that afternoon but I felt we needed to clear the air as soon as and find out why she felt she needed another man. When we had that nailed down we could make whatever adjustments that were necessary and get our marriage back on track. We ate but drank very little and must have talked for about two hours. Our friend the maitre de discretely left us alone except to assist the server. He seemed to understand that we wanted privacy which we appreciated.

Beth said she had been feeling depressed the last few months and placed the time about when school started and the kids were gone all day. She felt a boring sameness in our marriage and our intimacies which left her doubting her femininity. From there it had degenerated into the episode that afternoon. I told her that we were going to make some changes in our lives and our marriage and suggested that she think about taking a part-time job to fill in her days and give herself a feeling of accomplishment. Also, we would be taking time for ourselves in the future by taking one weekend a month and going away together. We'd leave the kids with our parents who enjoyed playing at grand parenting. I also promised to be more attentive to her needs and to provide a little more fun in the bedroom.

After the dinner we went home and we had a loving interlude that brought her to orgasm three times and myself twice. Exhausted we snuggled together afterward in sleep.

Eventually, I found her a full time job working for the corporation where I worked. It had a day care and we were able to have the school bus pick our kids up there in the mornings and drop them off in the afternoons. We were able to meet for lunch in the cafeteria most days and our marriage seemed to thrive on new intimacies and loving attitudes. Regarding the pictures I took of the her coupling with Jim, eventually I deleted them after much soul searching. There was no longer any reason to doubt her anymore.

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AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

Kind of boring. If the husband is really contrite and feeling guilty about the sleep over then he should have been more attentive to his wife. This doesn’t excuse his wife. I think cheating is not a one off especially if the cheater gets away with it. I assume this marriage is heading for a swirl in the loo.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

If this were a real life story……the Salt Lake interlude would have expanded by now to a half dozen one nighters…..at least…..while for the wife this tryst would be around the 15th to 20th time with this guy and perhaps the he would be guy number 3.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

So he kissed her passionately minutes after a blow job. Nice. three stars for a mechanical story.

BSreaderBSreader5 months ago
A one time

Incident maybe who knows for sure, I miss your writing.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Sometimes Legio is just fucking obnoxious.

I'm not a part of any BTB legion.

I'm just a realist. And in real life I'd like to think that human beings react differently. Sure.

But in this story you have a man returning home on the day of his anniversary. Finding his wife having enjoyable intercourse with his best friend in his own bed.

His reaction? Calmly go and find his camera. Come back take photos quietly. Go to a quiet room in his house...so his wife and friend can finish by themselves and really enjoy their coupling.

Download the photos to his computer. Call his friend's wife. Email her pics. Have a very normal conversation making plans together.

Then return upstairs. Finally confront the cheaters in a calm manner. Never raising his voice.

Talking to his wife. Getting the story from his friends wife over the phone. Then forgiving his wife immediately. Confessing his own one time indiscretion. Then taking her out for their anniversary dinner. And making sweet love to his wife after they both have forgiven each other completely.

Yay and it all works out with no more major problems. They learned their lessons so logically and intelligently and calmly.

His friend's wife? What's her reaction? Punishment? Divorce? Counseling?

Nope. "We're immediately gonna start having sex so he can get me pregnant! We're having babies!'

Give me a break.

This is all bullshit. And you don't have to be on the BTB brigade to call this story bullshit.

The fact that Legio is defending it as a "we're all different" argument is lame AF.

This is a stupid story all the way around. Dumb characters. Not relatable. Not likeable. Not a believable story line. Not horrific like some of the writing you find here. But not worth more than 2 stars for the effort. Sorry.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Perfect story.

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinion9 months ago

I re-read this and increased my rating to 4-stars. There are some that feel the only good story is if the husband goes all out BTB. I think that more of those men that have been cheated on in a onetime incident are more likely to forgive, but they will always remember and keep a careful eye out for signs of their partners getting a roaming eye. This sounded real mainly because I've seen it happen to others. It's especially hard when there are minors involved. Forgiveness is hard but forgetting is very difficult.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Both cheating skanks deserve each other. MC is a CUCK

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

How does the old saying go? 2 wrongs don't make a right?

Tired of this lame assed shit as well: "At lunch I had a glass of wine and after lunch we went to a lounge and I had a Margarita." That's 2 drinks over the course of 2 hours. The human body metabolizes a standard drink over the course of an hours so she was absolutely sober by the time she got home. Alcohol is not a factor in this.

He cheated because he was weak, realized he made a mistake, saw what he was close to losing and vowed to never repeat. She cheated because she is a whore who was just coming into her own. Had she not be caught that day, she probably would have been down at the local biker bar in a couple of months pulling trains. Very different circumstances.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Horse hockey!!! What a cop-out of a story.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 1 year ago

This may be the one time that cheating was beneficial to the marriage. However, I don't recommend it as a rule.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

wimp and whore.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I don’t care if he cheated 6 months ago or not, would any guy really want to sleep with his wife the night after he caught her in his bed?

goodshoes2goodshoes2about 1 year ago

Two cheaters deserve each other. Good luck in the future.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Lose a wife of 20 years and get over the event in 30 minutes? It took me years til it was painless.

26thNC26thNCabout 1 year ago

This is a good author, but not a good story. RAAC.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

T a p into my balls and drink from the source ya cuck

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very controversial story…….my wife I caught with another LADY who was 20 years younger than her…….I gave her the option to leave or be under strict rules for our relationship…..:also, I allowed her to see the other lady and under one condition, we stay together but we have sex everyday……I have the pics if she decides to leave……I have basically forced my wife to be a nymphomaniac, which she has accepted this new lifestyle……

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"We had our own loving interlude..."??? His Wife soiled with another man's semen and he's dipping into that, on the same night? Not no way, not no how! And what about exacting a penalty from the 'friend' who so disrespectfully laid his wife in his own bed? What a wimpy MC. Forgive her because of his own transgression if you want, but in the real world, the friend must bleed, at least metaphorically. 2 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I thought this was a great and realistic story. Some affairs are not forgivable, this one definitely was. He had guilt his wife knew nothing about and he ran her threw the ringer for her cheating. He did the right thing and so did June. Every cheating spouse affair does not need to end in divorce. If there is true love, it just does go away in an instant.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What garbage. Your supposed best friend has sex with your wife whilst you are away earning money to keep her and the kids, on your 10th anniversary & you do nothing, absolutely nothing about it ? The bloke is either a complete and utter wimp or one of those perverts who enjoys being cuckolded. Where there is no trust, no respect and no honour, there is nothing left in a marriage.

BigfundrewBigfundrewover 1 year ago

I have a hard time believing any man is going to just step aside and let a close friend just leave the bedroom after being caught fucking his wife.

And yeah.. cheating is cheating.. but there is a big difference between a once off with a stranger in a far away town and fucking your spouses best friend. I don't care how drunk you are or unable to control yourself.. what do you think is going to happen afterward?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Can't imagine touching her again withe that visual trapped in my brain. And this shit didn't just happen, Jim planned a day off so this was something they worked out. Ron ran into someone in a bar and things took a bad turn. That's completely different from what she did. Having seen the betrayal, there's no going back, this marriage would be toast.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not written very well, very flat and emotionless MC. I can't see a husband being so calm having witnessed their wife having sex with someone else. It really has to cause a severe emotional reaction and it would be almost impossible to forgive. The MC's reaction is more like a husband who hasn't witnessed the actual sex between the wife and another man. But hey it's just a story just not a very good one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

re nirox "once a cheater always a cheater".

That is not always true.

I 've been married 45 years.

25 years ago I got ultra pissed off with life, not my wife, and committed adultery.

So I am by definition a cheater.

3 days later I confessed all to my loving wife.

Watching her eyes cloud over as the agony from the realization of what I had said set in is by far the most agonizing experience of my life. And then to know that I had caused that agony by my stupidity is something that still affects me.

I could never ever consider committing adultery again. I could never ever allow my loving wife to endure such undeserved agony.

That's what love does to you.

We forgive or receive forgiveness and mature.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Legio, we humans are by nature imperfect and flawed. That is something that all can agree on, what I can’t abide are the people that allow that to become a part of their worldview. Just because the world is not black and white shouldn’t mean that we can't strive for excellence. That we can’t better ourselves, become better people. Acceptance of our inherent weaknesses and flaws isn’t a virtue, it’s laziness. People don’t become less gray with this attitude. They get more muddled, because that’s all they’ve been told they can be. Morality may be obnoxious at times, but that’s because as amoral humans it chafes at us. It may not be real, but neither are most sets of rules and guidelines. Just follow them as best as you can.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I get the premise but my only problem was that he was ready to screw her again that night and while he cheated it wasn't a special day, wasn't an anniversary or a close friend and he didn't show it to her. I think after this if they stay together he will release any inhibitions he has about screwing on business trips and just make her his brood mare.

Rancher46Rancher46over 1 year ago

I personally liked the story. Granted they both cheated, but he was living with his guilt and catching her cheating gave him the opportunity to confess his sins and then get them back together by starting them truly communicating. It was just a story and I guess if the author wanted them to reconcile then no one should complain. To all of those Anon's that complained and made negative comments, it's just a story and how many of you Anons have actually written something here on Lit or anywhere else, probably none. Well Done, gets my 5 star vote.

nixroxnixroxalmost 2 years ago

2 stars - two cheaters - once a cheater always a cheater - so this marriage is doomed to failure.

usaretusaretalmost 2 years ago

Unbelievable stupid premise, that two people, married to each other could reconcile after that. Sooner, or later, it will recur.

northstanderrhinonorthstanderrhinoalmost 2 years ago

Very difficult to reconcile the fact that she went from a loving wife to an adulterous bitch over the course of a lunchtime.

Seems very unlikely

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

" If a husband takes loving care of his wife he need never worry about her being unfaithful."

“Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht” - “Man Plans, and God Laughs.”

One of the things they'll tell you in therapy in regard to relationships and other people's bad behavior; "You didn't cause it, you can't control it and you can't change it."

People cheap because they feel entitled to cheat and give themselves permission to cheat. Its a simple matter of character.

In real adult relationships, love is conditional. Its OK to have "Deal Breakers". It’s not your job to figure out the inner workings of a cheater! There is nothing they can say by way of explanation that is not self serving and self pitying. You only get to figure out YOU. What your values are, what you will tolerate, and what is acceptable and unacceptable to YOU. You may still love them but that doesn't mean that they are acceptable and compatible life partners. Just know you deserve better.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Liked the story but find it hard to believe a husband would so easily forgive his wife having actually witnessed her in a sex act with their neighbour. Still it's just a story despite what the BTB trolls seem to believe.

The author hasn't published anything for years so you trolls are wasting your time if you are going to just spout abuse.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraabout 2 years ago

Oh, if life were as simple, as cut-and-dried, as black-and-white as ANON and the Legion Of BTB believe it is? I wonder how many of them are hiding the pain of infidelity where there was no option of reconciliation? How many have never been in a relationship where love meant something? The fact is that people who love each other do bad things, sometimes for the flimsiest of reasons or none at all! There are roughly 9-Billion people on this earth, and each of them is totally and uniquely different. Were it black-and-white simple, we'd all die of boredom or likely die of starvation, because if we were all that homogenous (Attn Over-Reactors: this is NOT a 'ghey' word!), we'd truly eat alike, act alike and think alike, which means we'd all be..... Democrats! (sorry, I went there)

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Cheaters paradise

MormonJackMormonJackover 2 years ago
From angry to loving, forgiving husband in 2 minutes doesn't work for me

Thanks for sharing, Agena. You do a great job. The storyline on this, though, was implausible. Sheesh... in the course of a couple of minutes he goes from being an angry husband - so angry he won't even let her clean herself from her lover's "mess" to taking her hand and telling her he forgives her. Doesn't happen in real life.

WargamerWargamerabout 3 years ago

Too silly a story to even believe as a fantasy

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Who would make video and film footage of an adultery, go downstairs to email and call people, then meander back to the bedroom 15 minutes later to break things up. Then they forgive their spouse before they can even speak, and start off the conversation by apologizing for being an inadequate dill weed. It just doesn't sound serious. This man has forgiven before the crime is even finished, so what part of him was collecting evidence for the divorce that was never going to happen?

silentsoundsilentsoundover 3 years ago
Gay as fuck

Sloppy seconds for an anniversary present?

Gay fucker.

WisquejacWisquejacover 3 years ago

Not my cup of tea

QuintiusQuintiusover 3 years ago
Doesn't work

It's all too fast and it was ruined as soon as it turned out he'd cheated on her before. I lost all my sympathy for him. The speed of how things happened was completely unrealistic as well. You go out for a romantic anniversary dinner hours after you found your wife fucking your best friend fucking her bareback in your own bed? Yeah, no. Completely unrealistic, even if he had been dealing with guilt over having cheated years before.

"Don't forget to douche I yelled after her. We have our own loving to do later."

She turned at the top of the stairs and smiled back at me, "I plan to change the sheets too."

Ew... just... no.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The autobiographical information provided by Anonymous 11-18-05 (titled: Some things are possible) indicates this story is closer to being possible (and therefore realistic) than the majority of commenters wish to believe. As more years passed by, the more I came to realize how different people are. Things that I think and do are sometimes surprisingly not at all the outlook of someone else. (The widely separated political views are just one example.) Is it too much to recognize that somewhere there is someone(s) mirroring this story (such as the aforementioned Anonymous), even if it is foreign to you?

There is a dearth of reasonable, well-written reconciliation stories on this site. That there is a minority niche who want them is shown by the 3.35 rating of this story. To counterbalance a single 1 star vote up to 3.33 requires a 4 star plus a 5 star votes.This indicates the majority of readers (or, at least, voters) felt positively. A minority did not, and voiced their complaints in the comments.

Admittedly, the story had had some problems, or its rating would have been even better. But I think the main "problem" is that there is a contingent of readers who will not rate ANY reconciliation story well, no matter how well told, and no matter if the slip up is one-time as in this story.

I wish there were more well-told, reasonable reconciliation stories for the rest of us.

See my comment (10-13-18) on writing reconciliation stories as niche marketing, at The Birthday Gift by TallMarriedMan.

Not perfect, but enough for 5 stars from me.

Paul in Oklahoma

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
What nonchalance!

Were I either of these people, I wouldn't be able to help myself feeling that this marriage had sunk to historic lows. Marriage for sale, cheap! Not to my taste. When "forgiveness" is this easy, none of it is worth saving.

TMSPTGR3TMSPTGR3over 3 years ago

Beyond stupid

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

What total utter crap...

RanDog025RanDog025almost 4 years ago


"It had been quite a day and I'm glad it turned out the way it had."


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Thank God, she slept with Jim, it really seemed to put the marriage on track and was the springboard for future happiness. I often hear about it happening this way.

jtwheelsjtwheelsalmost 4 years ago
Both cheaters so don't care

Cheating story without any good people except Pearl

1 star

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
i agree with 26th

if my best friend ever fucked my woman, the very LEAST thing i'd do is to throw all his clothes out into the mud. And boot his ass out butt naked. And then I'd pretty much never talk to him again, after telling his woman.

If he wanted to RAAC with me, he'd have to agree to a very public beating. Not a fight. Just stand there and take it like a man. and i'd expect him to do the same to me. but we're actually friends, so i doubt that shit would ever happen. lol

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago

You don't find your wife in bed with your best friend and let it go so easily. At the very least, the friend crawls out the front door. Both couples got over the cheating way too quickly. No one is that forgiving.

MusicGuy4FunMusicGuy4Funabout 4 years ago
Amazingly low score: I infer there’s a hard-core set of “Cheaters never change” LW voters

If you voted under 4 * for this story, read it again, and think about his guilt vs hers.

Besides, what’s the downside of giving her and yourselves a second chance; a trust but verify, when they have made changes that should solve the issues?

I’m 66 and have seen it all from the hard-core sluts with children by many to the totally dedicated spouses. Even among the latter, depression can make people act atypically promicuous.

Re voting: Just a few 1* votes can drag down the average.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Bull Shit!!!!

Your premise is all wrong. I stayed with an unfaithful wife and did NOT stop.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

She doesn't get her way and she fucks anther guy. That's the only reason she has for it. Unless he likes sucking other guys cum out of her, divorce the slut and move on.

An as for Jim and June, she finds out her husband will take advantage of her friends and get whatever pussy is available an her reaction is to have children with with this asshole? Sorry, makes no sense. And her solution is to simply not get together with them for a while to let it heal over? Does Ron have any testosterone in him? Why would he ever want to spend any time in the presence of a guy who fucked his wife?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
1 star

Stupid ending and gross he kissed her after she was just sucking the other guys dick.

danoctoberdanoctoberabout 5 years ago
One a those stories...

...not good, not bad, not anything.

l_bentonl_bentonabout 5 years ago
thank you for showing that you can forgive

thank you. i love it when they forgive and go on. that is so important and revenge is over sold. thank you keep up the good work

FD45FD45about 5 years ago

I do not like this

tazz317tazz317about 5 years ago

especially with the reasons given to each spouse, TK U MLJ LV NV

MightyHornyMightyHornyabout 5 years ago
Tale of a couple of cheaters.

Impossible to feel sorry for those two.

Ultimately, they deserves each other.

'Wonder who's going to be the next one to stray from the marriage...

Actually, I don't.

Hope those fictional scumbags can keep their misery to themselves.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

dumb cuck shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Ha ha ha

But not funny

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 5 years ago
Not Liking Much

Even pissed off at your husband (UNFAIRLY!) you don't just happen to fall into bed.

How do we know they didn't prepare a story ahead of time, just in case.

He either should never have confessed his cheating and/or not been so pissed off at her!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
her admitted reason

She was ''pissed off at him''

She states she knew guy had hots for her

She thought husband was out of town


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
what a shitbstory

Are you serious he sees his wife fucking his best friend in his bed , and he wants to confirm if this is the first time or if it's a ongoing affair. Are you nuts, does it really matter? He's fucking your wife, she's fucking him. Could any man push that image out his mind? I know I couldn't, I wouldn't be able to fuck her leave alone make love to her ever again, ego is a very delicate thing. He had pictures of her cheating which he could use in his petition for divorce. Look she met him at the mall they had a couple of drink then they drove to her house in their own cars, so they weren't drunk and it was for the purpose of fucking. So in my way of thinking the spouses should and would divorce both cheater.

jott50jott50almost 6 years ago

Sorry about the misspelled word I meant douched not flushed.

jott50jott50almost 6 years ago

What a fucking crock of shit. Not only, by his response, is he the definition of a wimp but the other wife wants to have kids by the cheating husband? And then to take her out to celebrate their anniversary? Oh yeah I forgot when he yelled up to her to make sure she flushed? Why didn't he just eat the creampie. Jesse guy turn in your man card.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Pretty poor 3*

I hate stories where the husband cheated first and that makes reconciliation possible. Its just a cop out for the author.

No man, even if he has cheated himself, would stand in his own bedroom and consider reconciliation immediately when finding his wife fucking his best friend in their marital bed unless a fool or a total wimp. I am not against reconciliation but this was a pathetic attempt.

Your writing is also too stilted showing little fluency and even less passion in a situation which would be the most heartbreaking of any spouses life.

You really only deserved 2* but hopefully you can address some of the issues raised.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
very low tolerance for alcohol

She has glass of wine-WITH FOOD AT LUNCH-then one margarita yet she recalls nothing about trip home-though she drove own car-or how they ended up in bed.

Either she was drugged or she has extremely low tolerance for alcohol.

I find her story hard to believe

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

From the start, the guy did not act like a man. He wanted more to go on(damn you caught them in bed). The way he acted when Jim was right there screwing his wife and he did nothing(how Lame). Will not ever read this story again.

Tootight1Tootight1over 6 years ago
good story

the story is good, held my attention, and was curious as to how the next part would unfold. In the real world, I see this as an almost normal situation. Things were different in my time. relationships have evolved considerably. I understood the story from everyone's point of view.

I hope the author will recognize the considerable age difference in the comments section. Nicely done.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 6 years ago

She isn't even clean and he kisses her passionately after she had cock juice in her mouth?

Too cavalier.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

The Story started out good and went down from there. No man, unless he is a wimp is going to let his wife slide on her and his friend.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Helena Montana

Helena has a 2 year college. Spring semester 2001 a 50 year old married-her 3rd-female adjunct writing instructor began trying to seduce a married male student returning to school via vocational-rehab funding. After a few weeks of her paying special unasked for attention to him making sure to always arch her back and thrust her 36C implanted breasts at him, he had become so uncomfortable that before class one day he pleaded with her to stop. He made sure she knew his classmates had been making comments about her actions.

Fifteen minutes later after giving class an assignment, she went back to him and informed him the final essay for class worth fifty pdr cent of grade would in his case be graded so strictly that even thou he had a A in the class, he would flunk the class unless he met privately with her for 'special' help. He objected but she was insistent. The morning of meeting she closed dor so they wouldn't be disturbed then sat next to him and began rubbing against him. He bolted from room. She continued to pursue him.

The Fall semester in another required writing class she had demanded her schedule be changed so she taught the section he was in. He tried to keep his distance until one day dhe told him if he did not meet with her she would tell her department head thst he had accosted her in her office. A few days earlier she had ordered him to come to her office and when he had turned his back to put papers on a table she had vome up from behind, pinned him against table and pressed and rubbed breasts against his arm while grinding her groin into his hip

Details of his capitulation, her numerous affairs, their public sex acts, her humiliation of her panty sniffing husband hve been compiled and distributed along with sex photos. She engaged with other female instructors to destroy his reputation when the affair ended after his graduation. Those gossips cost him his job and his marriage

Friend of his informed college administrator and she lost that job, became realtor before going to work for female Secretary of State.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
anon-too close

According to you, the wife is a little down, runs into male friend, has conversation, she is miffed at husband, so it is husband's fault she takes guy home and screws him.

In this story husband had cheated on wife, but if he hadn't given your reasoning, one day he is in same situation as wife, so he can take secretary to lunch an into the marital bed. I have grown weary of rationalizations for wives cheating. If the wife is feeling unappreciated, you can be sure husband feels the same way.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Not stupid, to close to home - for some at least.

The truth is guys, women need more than a kiss on the cheek and a hug along with a house and a pay check. Watch War of The Roses! They need time, attention, some need gifts. Listen, look how she treats you. That is HER love language. If she wants to sit around the house in her pjs and watch football with you, then spending time together is her love language. If you buy her the biggest house in the best neighborhood with the best cars and cloths it will mean nothing to her. She will screw the gardener or pool-boy, personal trainer, who ever spends time with her. You have to figure out HER love language then feed her that love. Otherwise it is over.

TMSPTGR3TMSPTGR3over 6 years ago

Your own stories reflect the "stupids" of your interpretation of human relationships. He will never trust her again.1*

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 6 years ago
Until next time

How sweet! It will happen again and again. Then what?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
good story with meaning

I guess having to re-read the story I see what many posters didn't. There was no revenge, no two wrongs make a right, not deliberate or nothing that makes or suggests Ron is a coward. I see a story of a marriage that simply lost the fire of romance, courtship, fun and excitement that the relationship once had before the kids, house payments, car payments and all the stresses that occupy a marriage and family. The work load increased, the focus on financial stability and futures for both Beth and Ron and their children takes center stage. One might suggest Beth was selfish to simply allow herself to feel bored and useless as a woman, allowing her to feel or believe she is not attractive, should have stopped and looked into the mirror, walked the house both inside and out, sit and look at her collection of family pictures and see just what or how important she became. Beth became a WIFE and MOTHER. The errands for the kids, the kids homework, class presentations, not to mention the school plays and school musicals and costumes. Lets not forget the holidays and everyday events. This story for me made the idea that perhaps we need to stop and take time for each other as a couple, not as individuals, after marriage is about partnership, you only get to be an individual on your birthday.

CarnilliaCarnilliaalmost 7 years ago
not buying it

two wrongs don't make it right. Is that simple. You can't cancel one infidelity by letting your spouse commit another. I am sorry because I like your stories but this one has a lot ofh oles in it and I don't buy it at all. There is no love when you cheat even when it is one time thing. She showed no signs of true remorse, No IC, no MC? He will be a cuckold again very soon. I love reconciliation stories. But you show read Between the pages of adultery by laptowriter if you want to know how to write a good one

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
An Alternate Ending

Beth finds out she is pregnant by Jim from their celebrating Beth and Ron's anniversary. Maybe Ron was too quick to forgive Beth.

SampkyangSampkyangabout 7 years ago

wimps will be wimps let's rename is chuck. SHE WILL CHEAT AGAIN! LOL!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

SUCKER she will be the usual train next week

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Fuck you !

The husband in this story is just like Obama.... A Pussy !

Dubby49Dubby49over 7 years ago
I don't get it

"I was angry because you had to travel for work on our anniversary so I spent the day fucking your best friend". Great logic.

vastiesmith2vastiesmith2over 7 years ago

for effort and content

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Ok, the writing was good, the story not so much..

It just was not believable.

She cheated, intentionally, on their ANNIVERSARY, with his BEST FRIEND, in HIS BED, and didnt use a CONDOM.

There is a possibility of reconcile, but after a lot of counseling and a lot of pain.

After this level of betrayal? Almost every average guy would move out, get dna on the kids, and spend a rather long time before deciding what to do.

So the story needs alot of work at the end, rest of it was great.

sdc97230sdc97230about 8 years ago
Just as well

If they're both cheaters they should stay together. If they got divorced, they'd probably remarry and cheat on their next unsuspecting spouses.

If June is really going to keep Jim, she should get the kids she wants out of him and then lock a chastity device on him.

dyonysosdyonysosabout 8 years ago
To simple

She cheats on him,has sex without a condom no less ,then all is forgiven the same day ? Sorry i don't buy it,i'm not a BTB fan far from it,i firmly believe in reconciiiation but this is too easy

2 ** For the effort

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
All the same!

All of this author's stories read as though they came from the same template. The wife commits adultery; the husband catches her; he visualizes all sorts of punishment; but he LUVESS beyond belief. He then contemplates on the situation and realizes he is partially to blame for her evil (feminist influence). He, therefore, cannot kick her ass to the curb and live without her. They then reconcile with a quick fuck, or over a nice dinner, and live happily ever after.


Rhsc1Rhsc1about 8 years ago

What? She's going to change the sheets too?? I am not totally opposed to reconciliation but I would imagine that it would take a bit longer than a few minutes. He acted like she dinged the car and he was just glad she was ok! Give me a break...she screws Jim and then they go out to dinner?? I'm not sure which is more batshit crazy, Ron for acting like it was his fault or Beth for offering to change the sheets. No way especially after catching them in the act could Ron forgive and forget that quickly...no way!!

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 8 years ago
He better watch her from now on.

The next slip should be the end, he needs to prepare for it early or she will get the kids, the house and he will get nothing but a hard way to go. Better he should get her killed if she slips again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
the KISS

she was sucking his dick,then he KISS her

KarenEKarenEalmost 9 years ago

I disagree with your opening premise:

"If a husband takes loving care of his wife he need never worry about her being unfaithful. She will in his willing thrall forever."

MANY loving, caring husbands are cheated on.

And despite his confession, there is NO indication that he was anything but a loving , caring husband, and her "reason" of being upset that he would be out of town on their anniversary is bogus. It was his JOB, it's not like he blew her off to go drinking with his buddies.

MaresEatOatsMaresEatOatsalmost 9 years ago
Life just isn't this neat

The robotic compartmentalization of emotions displayed in the last passages and the ending don't fit most persons life experiences, nor do they fit the characters from the rest of the story. When I suspend belief, give me a nail big enough to hang my hat on.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 9 years ago

Fucking cheaters. Three out of the four people in this tale are cheaters. I wouldn't trust anything the cheaters said. Totally preposterous as there can be no real happy ending in this tale.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 9 years ago
a farce

The only way to read this is as a farce.

There are no realistic emotional reactions here.

SplitAcesSplitAcesalmost 9 years ago
At least he's not a hypocrite

But I see little hope for their future; their vows meant nothing to either of them.

sugnasugnaabout 9 years ago
Two Liars

Both of them are liars. Love is an act of caring. If you care about someone you do not try to hurt them. She was having bitch revenge sex because he was going to miss their anniversary. He cheated on a business trip, because he could - not very caring either. They both liked to proclaim their love, but if they actually loved each other, they wouldn't have cheated. For those of you that think you can love someone and go off and fuck someone else - you do not know what spousal love is. It is forst and foremost EXCLUSIVE. If you plan to spend 25-30 years minimum together raising kids you can't have other people fucking up your relationship. This is factual common sense. So, love is an act of caring and an act of will. You must chose your spouse over all other people if you truly love your spouse. If not, you may be married, but it isn't about love, it is probably about necessity and convenience. That is just a matter of logistics and easy to rearrange if your spouse is a pig!

PolyLvrPolyLvrabout 9 years ago

Many of you are screaming about the slut but fail to remember(if you even cared) that the husband betrayed his vows first.


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
she will cheat on him again.

Stupid man deserves whoring wife is a out this story.

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 9 years ago
What, no blood tests? You trust your wife that there were no others?

And that lovely old Jim had no STDs? That is the most stupid thing to omit before you jumped into the slop chute again! The same damn night? You fuckhead cuckold.

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007over 9 years ago
really pitiful

There are no words to describe how much I hated this cuck piece of shit story.

phil2213phil2213over 9 years ago
Excellent writing; although this story lacked any depth of humanity of emotions it was in fact well written.

I didn't thoroughly enjoy this story but appreciated the flow of understanding on the characteristics of the writer's superb skills. The circumstances of the discovery of infidelity upon arrival home and the bedroom scene fornication was beyond bizarre. What man would think about a fucking camera when the love of his life is getting plowed in his bed in his home on his anniversary day? Going slowly into the night are we? The lack of humanity is deafening! Unless this couple were into alternative lifestyles, the apparent response in this story by the husband is beyond anything imaginable. Although intellectually plausible, it lacks depth of emotion. The writer/author is so talented and skilled that I felt compelled to rate this story 5* inspite of my total lack of respect for the content.

HardFeltHardFeltalmost 10 years ago
Excellent writer but ..

I HATE cuckold stories and wimps even more. The male in this story was both.

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