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Betrayal of Bridgette Riley


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Bridgette gasped and pounded her fists on to the cold boards of the floor. "I don't know where Gino is! He never tells me where he is going! He hasn't even called for four days!" She shouted as she kicked her feet and thumped her fists, in vain attempts at some form of resistance.

Her words seemed to have some affect; Vinny lifted his from Bridgette's back and lowered the pistol to his side as he rubbed his chin with his empty hand in thought. Bridgette pushed herself off the ground and spun her head around to look up at the arrogant bastard. Her blue eyes still ablaze with streaking tears, but filled now also with fireballs of rage. Bridgette's anger was legendary to those who knew her, and it had gotten her into hot water more than once before. She seemed to loose her sense of reason when she was angry. So without being able to hold her scathing Irish tongue back, her lips spat before her mind could even consider the possibility of restraint, "Now you and your two fucking dego gorillas can get the hell outta my place and get on your way to bloody hell, you warp son of a bitch!" Bridgette was near to shouting by the time she finished her tirade and she was trying to pull her self to her feet.

Bridgette froze as she drew her fiery self to one knee; suddenly her brain was forced to catch up with her mouth as Vinny spun to level the colt's gleaming barrel with her smudged and sputtering lips. Bridgette looked slowly up the length of the long camelhair clad arm that held the gun to her face, her blue eyes finally finding the dark brown pools of sheer hate burning beneath Vinny's fedora brim. "Well, well, well," Vinny began quietly with the hint of danger on his voice, "the little potato eating slut has some spirit. Too bad there are no brains to go along with them." Vinny's voice turned into a serpent's hiss as he finished his statement.

The dark smolder of Vinny's eyes made Bridgette swallow hard, the color drained from her fair cheeks as she realized that she had pushed too far in a situation she was not in control of. Her racing heart skipped a few beats in her chest as she was suddenly completely aware of her state of undress, the chill of the room and hellfire from those dark eyes washed in copulating waves over her exposed skin. Without daring a breath she slowly raised an arm to meekly cover the tops of her breasts from his intense stare.

Vinny pushed the barrel of the gun closer to her lips, bumping her upper lip into her teeth, "Well, doll," Vinny snarled, "it would seem your potato gobbling cunt has acquired a taste for some spice; and four days, a little slut like you must be about ready to fuck a dead dog." Bridgette jerked her face away from the barrel of the pistol panic was flooding her breast and she tried to get her bobbed blonde hair to cover er tightly snapped shut eyes as a new torrent of tears began to well up to burst forth once more. "I'll make it easy for youse," Vinny cooed coldly, "you turn you head around here and blow my forty-five, and me and da boys will show you how three wap gorillas fuck. Otherwise, I can just pull the trigger and.," Vinny let his voice drop and the entire room fell into a silence only the rattling hum of the finally warming radiator and the thudding of Bridgette's heart holding the room from the silence of a tomb. Then Bridgette's ears heard the sound of leather tightening around the grip of the colt, which was all it took. Her instinct for survival overcoming the horror of what price she would pay for it.

Bridgette wheeled her head around and before she knew what she was doing, her tear filled eyes opened wide as she locked her badly smeared and lipstick covered orifice tight around the cold steel. The taste of metal and oil assaulted and burned her tongue. Bridgette's lips tingled with terror and icy shock as her cheeks sank. Her tongue darted in retreat from the taste of death that filled her mouth. The tiny metal fin that served as the lead sight on the colt cut her pallet. Beyond that Vinny's lips curled into a diabolical grin, "See boys," he crooned in triumph, "Gino's slut is so horny she even wants my pistol." Bridgette's cheeks felt new tears creeping across her bruises, but that sting was not nearly as painful to endure as the assault on her ears by Vinny's words.

Vinny's nickel-plated heater clinked painfully of her teeth as he jerked it from her lips, "Grab her boys, let's show the lady a good time," He said jubilantly as he pulled back. "N-no!" Bridgette gasped and she tried to scoot back in futile retreat. Shame and terror, survival and prayers for the freedom of death fought a fast paced brawl in her mind as she backed right into Frankie's legs. She shrieked in fear as he grabbed her by the shoulders and started dragging her kicking and cursing to the open doorway of the devastated bedroom.

"Pauli," Vinny said with a cock of his head and a viper's smile, "goes ahead, I'll watch the window for a bit." Vinny gestured to the doorframe that was filled with the dark outline of Frankie's hulking trench coat receding into the shadows. Yanking the half-dressed and disheveled form of Bridgette from the living room lamp's glow behind him, two rubied fingernails snapping and scattering off the peeling paint of the jam as she shoots into the abyss of the bedroom with a loud pleading and protesting, "No, NO!! AAHHHHhhh!" Her voice trembling off into pitiful sobs. Pauli took his eyes off the window and rolled the gnawed toothpick between his lips as he watched her disappear. His bourbon brown eyes shot a glance to Vinny's grin, and he tossed aside his dark overcoat saying as he started with restrained haste for the door saying under his breath, "Don't mind if I do." Vinny waved him past with the lowered barrel of his gun just in time to hear the springs of Bridgette's mattress creaking and complaining under her lithe weight and the force of Frankie's throw behind it.

The tarnished brass of the Bridgette's headboard rattled and thudded into the cracking and peeling wall paper behind it as Bridgette's blonde hair bounced and rolled with the springs of her flop. The cool buttons and the worn rough material of the mattress clung and pricked at her unclothed back. Her sheets had been yanked aside and the mattress was askew, as Frankie had searched her room for any sign of the money that Gino had pilfered. Her senses snapped back to her as she rode the rolling mattress, fear driving her, she rolled and scrambled to the edge of the bed. She felt the Frankie's large hand clutching at her ankle and she kicked in response. Her heel landed hard on the big man's arm knocking his hand away. Frankie snarled something in Italian, behind her as she rolled off the bed trying to get to her feet over the piles of clothes that littered now littered her floor. Just as she drew herself to her knees and was ready to run for the front door with all her life, she was frozen in her tracks once again. The sound of the hammer cocking back on the forty-four that was leveled at her face by the figure blocking the bedroom door way resounded in her ears. Her heart leapt in throat and her breath ceased to flow in her breast.

"That's far enough, don'cha think?" The voice beyond the cold steel blue barrel asked rhetorically. The gun inched forward forcing Bridgette to fumble backwards over the mess of her room towards the bed. The gaping maw of the overly large pistol that confounded her escape transfixed her blue eyes. Off balance and unaware of what was behind her she slipped on the disaster that once was her wardrobe. Falling backwards Bridgette's blonde encased skull bounced noisily off the brass footboard. She felt herself crashing to the floor, but she never made it.

Frankie plucked her by the throat barely inches from the floor and once more flung her to the bed. This time keeping a tight lock on her neck, the large man clamored atop her, pinning her to the mat, his heavy legs either side of her chest, and his full weight baring down on her throat. Bridgette gasped for breath and beat her fists futilely against Frankie's arms. Her ears could hear mocking Italian from Pauli that only seemed to enrage Frankie and make him tighten his grip. Her pulse was racing, she could feel it rushing hard under his fingers and echoing in her ears. She wanted to scream, but was too busy just gasping for breath. The room began to spin around her. Then her right wrist was jerked hard and she felt a pair of heavy hands securing it to the headboard with one of her own stockings. Bridgette struggled to jerk her head away, to pull her arm out of its mooring, she kicked her legs; but al was in vain. Her eyes started to go dim and she gasped, feeling the strength leave her limbs.

She coughed, seemingly awakening herself; she snapped her blue eyes wide open, the terror of a nightmare clinging to her mind. But this was a nightmare that would not leave upon waking. She could feel throbbing bruises on her neck, and could not move her arms or legs. She tugged violently at all of them, but it only rattled the bed as her ankles and wrists were stretched wide by tow pars of her own stockings. She was so aware of how helpless and vulnerable she was.

Her eyes landed on the two men at the foot of her bed, seeming arguing in Italian with each other. Both stopped their bickering and turned at the sound of her coughing for breath. Bridgette's eyes glanced from one to the other, reading their intentions across their faces. "NO! Let me go!" She demanded and tugged at her bindings feverently. Pauli laughed and pulled a silver dollar from his pocket. Frankie turned his gaze from Bridgette to the silver dollar and spoke a word in Italian. With that, Pauli flipped the coin in the air, Bridgette watched as it twirled and hovered in the air of the bedroom, and then began a heavy rapid descent. It landed solidly with a slap, flat across her stomach; both men leaned over the bed and regarded the coin. Upon reviewing it, Pauli shrugged and held both his arms out saying something in Italian before reaching in his pocket to pull out a cigar. Frankie ignored Pauli and simply shrugged of his overcoat and coat. Bridgette watched in morbid fascination as the large man dropped his pinstriped trousers in a rush. His engorged manhood leapt out before him and he leered at her with a salivating smile. Bridgette began her struggle with the stockings again, trying desperately to escape as the large man dove atop her. The bed creaked and jostled beneath her and she could feel the throbbing heat of his thick cock pressing between her thighs. Straining every muscle in her body, she tried to close her legs, to hold him back, to...

She felt the pain of an unlubricated thrust opened her, filing her with his unwanted flesh. Rough hands gripped her shoulders and forced her down harder onto his shaft. She gasped in pain and outrage as he viciously assaulted her pussy, thrusting fast and deep, forcing her to open before his blows. Involuntarily coaxing her body to react, her traitorous hips to lift to meet his thrusts as her body bathed his shaft with her juices.

Embarrassment reddened her cheeks and she clamped her eyes shut. Unable to stop her body from reacting to this unnatural act, Bridgette could feel herself rising from deep within, repulsed at her own responses, she whimpered pitifully. Her body went limp with disgust in herself as she felt herself getting closer to release, she could smell the musk of sex and the sweet scent of tobacco. Her shoulders felt Frankie's rough hands thrust her down to meet another of his powerful thrusts, expanding her to greet him. Bridgette began to gasp, she was so close...

With a sudden lunge, Frankie filled her pussy with his burning seed. His hands left her shoulders as he extracted himself from her. Bridgette moaned and then wept, how could she feel neglected by a rapist who denied her release? Her mind grappled her soul in a swirl within her head as the bed creaked and jostled from Frankie's exit.

Bridgette had little time to consider her body's treachery, or her own needs. No sooner, had Frankie left her uncovered on the bed then she felt another weight bounce between her thighs. A cloud of cigar smoke enveloped her face, as her pleading petals enveloped, no devoured another plunging cock. Pauli drove himself into Bridgette slowly, savoring every inch of her already trodden pussy. As Pauli's cock finally reached the apex of Bridgette's starving body, her entire being was racked with an irrepressible orgasm despite herself.

"What a little Irish slut you are," Pauli taunted as he slowly rocked himself in her spasming womb, "and after the way you fought, I would have thought you would rather have died than been fucked." Pauli drove himself hard against her clit to emphasize his last word. Bridgette moaned and bawled at his words. The ecstasy of her orgasm was stolen brutally from her by his caustic taunts. His repeated thrusts were puling her closer to another explosion, and her stomach turned at the thought of what she was becoming. But before she reached it, she let the hot wash of his release filling her with hollow mating.

Pauli jerked himself from her briskly and left the bed. Bridgette opened her eyes to find the room empty except for lingering cigar smoke. She could feel her spread pussy leaking the combined fluids of both Frankie and Pauli over the curve of her ass. Her clit burned with unsatisfied need. Her mind retched at the thought that she would give anything for one hand free to finish the job so haphazardly begun by the two apes. Alone in the bedroom, Bridgette loathed herself.

She wasn't sure how long she lay there alone still aching with denied need, but she was certain it was at least an hour when she heard the phone ring in the living room. The silence shattered her misery and a new wave of fear rushed over her. Vinny came flying in the bedroom at the second ring he stood over her and held his right hand high above her, the glint of steel leaping from his hand as the switch blade snapped out of it. Bridgette screamed. "Shut up, bitch," Vinny snapped as he sliced her wrists free, then her ankles with four frenzied slashes through the silk of her best stockings, "you need to answer the phone."

Vinny drug Bridgette to the living room by the hair and forced her into the chair. The phone was still ringing, "Now, answer the phone, if it is lover boy, you are going to find out where he is hiding for us, right?" Vinny threatened with the point of the knife. Bridgette nodded and lifted the earpiece of the phone to her ear.

"He-hello," Bridgette managed trying to suppress her emotions into the receiver muzzle of the sticklike phone.

"Baby? You alright?" Gino asked loudly trying to speak over the sounds of trains from the payphone he was using.

"Yes, Gino, where are you? What's going on?" Bridgette asked haltingly as Vinny crowded the earpiece with her.

"I'll explain everything later, baby, I just wanted to call before my train left. I am going to Kansas City for a while and was hoping that you could get a ticket to meet me there in a few days. Think you could pull a few bucks together for a trip?" Gino asked from the other end of the line. Bridgette's face flushed with rage, he had stolen money from his bosses, caused her to be gang raped in her own apartment and now wanted her to pay her own way to KC. She shuttered with anger, but forced it from her voice, "Yeah, I think I could do that. When are you leaving?"

"I have to go, baby, my train leaves in a half an hour. I'll see you in a few days. Don't tell anyone where I am will ya? That's a good girl. Bye, baby." Gino said as he hung up the phone not waiting for her reply and hefted the heavy suitcase from the ground as he pushed off into the crowd. Bridgette screamed into the dead receiver, "You fucking bastard!!" she raged as she shuttered with hate, this was his fault entirely.

"Pauli, Frankie, we've gotta train to catch," Vinny said as he stood up quickly. The three of them rushed to the door, Vinny stopped and turned to face Bridgette one more time, "Thanks for your help, doll, if you'd like I'll bring you his balls back when I have gotten back the money. The boys say you were a helluva fuck." Vinny winked at her as he shut the door behind him. His laughter could be heard in the empty hall of the apartments.

Bridgett threw the phone across the room and went into the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror, her face bruised, finger marks on her throat, dried semen on her ass and thighs, her face streaked with tearstains. She was a total mess, she thought to herself as she watched the fingers of her right hand, shrouded by the tatters of a stocking slowly glide to rest between her thighs.

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mikexxxleemikexxxleeover 16 years ago
great story

loved it write some more

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