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Bottoms, Bibles, and Blues


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"You know, Shannon, you're just so damn sweet that you're the perfect sister-wife for us! Master, can Shannon be our wife? Yours and mine? You know ... a three-way marriage, of course. I'm all for sharing, anyway, and you deserve to have at least two wives, if not more," Sally pleaded with me, as did Shannon ... they looked truly adorable right then.

"Hell, yeah! Now, it won't have any legal effect, yet, mind you. Not until Georgia legalizes plural marriage, at least, and I don't see that happening anytime soon. Then again, I wasn't expecting to see same sex marriage happen in my lifetime, either, and I was wrong about that, wasn't I? We can have a ceremony, though, a threefold one, and I can still get legally wed to Sally, but unless I want to directly challenge ... oh, wait, now there's an idea.

"Carver, what do you think of this ... if we were to file suit in Federal court for the right to legally marry more than one spouse. If you don't mind the attention, that is. Talk about a high-profile case, if you don't mind venturing into Constitutional and civil liberties law. I want to be able to legally claim both Sally and Shannon as my brides and to let them claim each other as well.

"In the meantime, I can still wed Sally ... here's the trick, in order to avoid actual prosecution, we file suit the moment that the clerk denies us marriage licenses for Shannon and me ... and Sally and Shannon. They're going to, of course, if it's plain that we intend to practice a three-way marriage," I proposed.

"Well, I have an even better idea. Apply for licenses for the three of you before you get legally divorced from Ginger. Then you don't have to wait and it will be abundantly clear that you're deliberately creating a case ... plus, I don't know if Ginger really wants a divorce. I mean, come on, let's be honest. She could have gotten a divorce without you and not said another thing to you. She bothered to track your ass down, Sir! Think on that, George! The woman still loves you at least a little bit.

"I think that she and Leslie should try to get married, too ... just as you and Sally and Shannon do ... without first getting a divorce. Talk about testing the limits of the law! I'm game, though. I'm not the plaintiff here, after all, just legal counsel, and how do I put this ... this will get me more than a little fame!" Carver grinned, just as Joey/Joanna entered the room.

Joey/Joanna was dressed as a 1920s flapper, hair in a bob, long, sleek, black dress, cigarette and holder out, makeup just right. She was perfectly costumed for the role, false fingernails, her slender figure well-suited to her outfit and ensemble, down to the high heels. She was totally female right in that moment ... it was hard to describe, but it was obvious to me that Joey had a strong feminine side to him ... or her. Was that the only part of Joey, or was he ... or she completely female? Time to find out, I decided.

"So, tell me ... dressed as a lady, how much do you enjoy this? If you could, would you dress that way permanently?" I asked Joey/Joanna.

"No, but it's fun from time to time. I ... think that I'm a bit of both and a bit of neither. My gender isn't defined for me. It never truly has been. I just went along with what I was told, but I've always felt that I was too feminine to be a regular guy, yet the idea of being a woman constantly didn't fit, either ... I was too masculine for that. I'm ... androgynous, perhaps? I'm not sure what term to use," Joey/Joanna asked, "Perhaps Candy knows."

"Genderfluid or genderqueer, I think, with strong transvestite tendencies. That's not a proper, clinical description, but it comes closest to defining Joey/Joanna. You're also obviously bisexual or even perhaps pansexual. Face it, honey, you are all over the map, and that's fine with me ... and I dare say, with all of us. You're also clearly a submissive person ... deliciously so. I'm going to love pegging you on a regular basis, babe ... and licking that fine ass of yours, too. Making you lick mine as well, especially after someone's fucked it good and left a nice creampie for you. I bet that yours will be yummy when freshly fucked as well. I hope that you get a damn good dose," Candy licked her lips in obvious anticipation.

"Unfortunately, there weren't enough strap-ons and thigh harnesses yet, Master, so Sally, Shannon, and I are willing to wait until we buy them today," Kelly informed me while blowing me a kiss, "I do enjoy this butt-plug, though. Damn ... it really makes me feel stretched back there!"

"I'm glad that you like it so much, hon. Now, come on, guys, let's go!" I called to them, now fully dressed myself, albeit in some of Lowell's clothes ... an old Trekkie costume that showed a nerd I was myself.

When we got to the tattoo parlor, there wasn't as much of a line as expected, but that was apparently due to how hot it was already in the humid Georgia summer. We were already sweating buckets just from exiting the vehicles, which Carver and Lowell drove. Carver looked the part of a real Sherlock Holmes, too, in his suit and cap, while Lowell was a baseball catcher (face guard and catcher's mitt included), Mark was a biker (think Hell's Angels), and Martin wore a Confederate butternut uniform, including a forage cap. We were all very much in cosplay. I could only imagine how we looked to everyone around us.

"Wow ... a whole cosplay ensemble! What's next, the Village People?" the tattoo artist, a tough bull dyke named Jan, joked with us, "Don't sweat it, I love it when my fellow freaks and geeks show up. Normal people are what annoy me. I do their stuff, they're usually nice, but their artistic choices are not as daring as they think. They often pay well, though. Not always, mind you. And what's this? A drag queen? Awesome! Drag queens are fun! Now, who goes first?"

"Patty, I think. I want to see what ink she picks. I've seen what she already has, but those are prison tattoos, of course. Not professionally done. In fact, if she wants them re-done, I'm okay with that, too. This fine lady here got freed by the President himself in his executive clemency order, would you know it?" I tapped Patty for her ink.

"Yes, please ... they meant well, but I had to get checked for Hep B when I got out because of it, and it just wasn't up to snuff. Thankfully, I came up negative, but from now, it's strictly pro on the ink, folks," Patty assured us, making Jan wink at her.

"So ... this one says that you like pussy as well as dick, huh? Find that out in the joint? Well, honey, I'm hungry for some of that twat. I mean, I got the wife, but she ain't gonna do jack shit after all the times that I caught her with other gals ... or guys, for that matter. She's bi, I'm gay, and we both cheat. Might as well cheat with a ginger bush like you. What do you say ... your boyfriend looks like he has plenty of fine tail around ... he won't miss you for a roll or two in the hay, will he?" Jan openly hit on Patty, who turned to me.

"Go for it. When she's done inking us all, that is. I'd love to hear you scream her name. Sounds like she wants to give. Maybe even receive! I don't know, but absolutely, if she wants to eat your pussy, let her!" I encouraged Patty, who winked at me and at Jan, "As long as she does the rest of us, too, afterward. Tattoos, that is. I doubt that she'd want to do the menfolk."

"Yeah ... no thanks to the fellas. That's kinda the point of being a dyke, honey. Though she intrigues me, that drag queen. I might sample her, or at least her tongue. Maybe while I eat Patty, she can eat me," Jan proposed as she really got to work on Patty's selection ... two succubi, one black, one white, their naked bodies tangled together.

"Interesting choice, Patty. Oh, by the way, Jan, Patty and Joanna here are engaged. Well, Joey/Joanna. We think that she's genderqueer or genderfluid, and so far, we refer to her in the feminine while in drag, masculine out of it. I think that she's also a sissy in some way, from what I can tell, too. Anyway, you'll be fucking a woman and her partner at once ... or licking and getting licked by them," I told Jan, who laughed a bit at that, but never let up on her focus.

Patty's other tattoo, which was a new one, unlike the succubi deal that was originally prison ink, was an arrow on her lower back, pointing downward to the crack of her ass, followed by another one on her belly leading to her twat. This was certainly risque enough to delight everyone, especially Patty herself, who refused to put her clothes back on until it was time to leave, as she wanted so badly to show off her new ink! We definitely enjoyed the sight of them, judging by the reactions, which included Carver and me slapping her butt, much to her obvious joy. The other patrons must have been used to this, as all they did was act as if they wanted to take her out behind the parlor and fuck her themselves.

"Those two brothers with that one Asian girl, did you see how they reacted to seeing Patty nude?" Carver whispered to me, interrupting my thoughts.

Sure enough, the two African-American fellows, one with an Afro, the other with dreadlocks, but otherwise dressed quite sensibly, approached both Carver and me, unsure of which of us was top dog ... their more recent kinky experiences might have said Carver, but my mannerisms and tone suggested me instead. While Jan inked Joey/Joanna with her chosen images, namely futanari on each arm and a mermaid above her butt, the two guys finally split up and asked each of us.

"Hey, would it trouble you if we fucked the ginger, the naked one? Sophie here doesn't mind ... she's our wife, so if we can share her, she is ready to share us and often does. Sophie often licks up the cum from a just-fucked pussy or ass, in fact. Hell, if you wanted to fuck her, I doubt that she'd object. She's kind of wild and kinky that way herself," one of them asked me, while the other said something similar to Carver, just in case.

"Go for it. I wouldn't mind banging Sophie, nor would my lawyer Carver here, but either way, I'm confident that Patty will cooperate. Right, Patty? Though someone will have to clean her up for Jan, who is gay and probably doesn't want to eat jizz when she goes down on Patty later," I told them, much to their relief.

Sure enough, I ended up in the bathroom, with Sophie lying back on the sink, her skirt up and her panties down to show her bald twat as I plowed it good and rough. Her two wedding bands were in evidence, one on each hand and indicating her polyandrous triad. Before long, my cock was balls deep inside her apparently quite stretched, but still very resilient cunt. Given how much fucking that the two guys had apparently given her, I got the impression that they were willing to share, but weren't even slightly bi or even bi-curious, but that was okay with me. In any case, I did my best for such a rough quickie, turning her over to play with her asshole, which really excited Sophie even more than I first thought.

"Oh, damn, I've really missed ass play! Wallace does my butt, yet he won't finger it, which is bizarre, while Elroy will only do my pussy. He prefers it if I peg him, not vice versa. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it, but it's nice to have a guy who likes to do things to my bottom now and then, and not just full-on penetration. It's all or nothing with several guys, I fear. No middle ground. Either they won't go back there at all, or else they want to go all in at once! Ouch! My tiny tush likes a little foreplay, too, just like my snatch!" Sophia griped as I continued fingering her butt and fucking her slit.

"So, no gay sex for them, either, I take it!" I laughed, making her giggle.

"Oh, God, no! Hell, no! They'd slap a guy into next week if he hit on them! They're hypersensitive about their masculinity, trust me. Even after three years, Elroy is very embarrassed about getting pegged, but I keep telling him that's more common than he thinks. He's not that perverted! I hope that Patty got plenty of lube before Wallace went inside her sweet ass, because otherwise, it's gonna hurt like hell! Trust me on that! As for Elroy, he pumps good and long, but when he dumps, he uses it all in one big moneyshot.

"Here, why don't you finish inside my pussy instead of pulling out or something! I told those rascals that I was fertile today, and what do they do? They barter my pussy to another man to get a chance at another piece of ass! I mean, I know that we share ... I love that we share, but they were supposed to cool it this week and knock me up! So, this is what they get! They get to raise another man's brat! That will teach them to use me as a party favor to get some cute MILF when they could have just taken a rain check for a wife swap until after I was pregnant!" Sophie urged me, squeezing my dick with her inner muscles and make the decision for me.

I couldn't help myself, anyway, as I erupted inside Sophie, making her laugh mischievously at her little payback. While she was obviously ... mostly ... submissive to her men, she had enough Domme in her to teach them a lesson about ignoring her wishes regarding pregnancy ... Well, me fucking her on her fertile days was their idea, not hers, so who were they to complain because they didn't think about that ahead of time? I made a note to perhaps meet Sophie again before the week was through to improve my odds of planting my seed.

"Didn't you have a tattoo to get, by the way?" I asked Sophie as she pulled down her skirt and landed her on her feet.

"Yes, I did and still do. Queen of Spades. Long story, but as you noticed, both of my husbands are black men. In my case, of course, I'm not exclusive to such, as you experienced just now, but Wallace and Elroy are still my favorites, even if frustrating as hell at times. I'm still in love with both of them. Say, we should meet again soon, just to make sure that your sperm does the job. If they bitch about it later, I'll just remind them that it was their bright idea, not mine. They might still spank me for that comment, but I would still be right. Besides, at some point, I'm going to want you to sodomize me, too," Sophie snickered.

We returned to find that Patty was still getting hammered by Elroy in her pussy in the supply closet, but Wallace had already finished in her asshole. Sure enough, Sophie knew her two men, alright, down to predicting which hole they each would choose. She was also correct that Patty got it a bit rough from Wallace up the ass, though she was a trooper about it.

Finally, Elroy was fighting the urge to cum when Sophie devilishly announced, "Damn it, I forgot that I'm fertile today! Too bad that I'm not on the pill and took it bareback from George here!"

Elroy surprised us all by cumming instantly inside Patty's gash, emptying his balls of every single drop. Looking a bit embarrassed and awkward, he wiped off his dick and gave Sophie a whispered apology and a kiss for his bad timing and Wallace's. Wallace looked contrite as well and kissed her as well. Sophie beamed, licked Patty's twat and butt clean, and promptly took her turn in the inking chair for her tattoo as her men looked on at her. She blew kisses at both men and made it clear that she forgave them ... but that she was serious about following their orders and having my spawn.

Jan had a lunch break right then, so I went ahead and let her drag Patty and Joey into the unisex restroom and close the door behind them. I didn't mind that, since her sexual intimacy was apparently a private thing for her, not something for my entertainment ... not everyone was an exhibitionist like the Bottoms and me. They lasted several minutes, probably a dozen, while Jan's (business) partner Rick now worked on Carver's tattoo, a centaur on his chest. Rick had already done Wallace's and Elroy's ink, after all, and he did a damn good job with those from what I had seen.

When Jan returned and resumed her work, she had a very satisfied grin on her shiny face, of course, while Joey/Joanna blushed and Patty looked as if she had just had the orgasm to end all orgasms! Kelly's mother pointed to her pussy and ass, indicating that Jan had licked both in such a short space of time ... or perhaps...

"Jan and Joanna double-teamed me. It was all about me, not them! They ignored their own pleasure and focused entirely on me! Joanna kept rimming me while Jan licked my pussy until I couldn't stand it anymore. Oh, I seriously owe them both now! It was wild! I felt as if I was being eaten alive, but in a very good way! Joanna does need some work on her makeup, though. It got a bit smeared from her eating my ass! You can see the lipstick right there on my crack," Patty admitted while Carver passed his turn on to Candy and Jan got right to work on Lowell.

Something told me that this wasn't the last that I had seen of the tattoo artists and the other triad ... we were already drawing closer, as demonstrated by the fact that Carver had led Sophie away to the bathroom for yet more sex ... with everyone's blessing, of course. At the same time, I drew amusement from Candy picking unicorn above her bottom as her tramp stamp and Lowell selected a lock and keys right above his groin. I reminded myself to ask him later about that, if I didn't forget.

By the time that Carver and Sophie returned from their little quickie, Rick had moved on to Mark, while Jan worked on Sally, of course. While the latter flirted, the former kept it more or less professional, as before, but both were very good at their jobs. It turned out that Rick was a married family man, so that wasn't likely to turn into anything raunchy, but he still seemed to be open-minded about the rest of us, thankfully. This was even more surprising when I learned that he was a Quaker, of all things. People really can shock one, I suppose ... the only Quakers I had known prior to Rick were all very somber folk who dressed plainly and spoke like they were in the King James Bible.

"Oh, yes, those are conservative Friends, that's what we call ourselves. Quaker is a word derived from an incident with our founder, George Fox, back in Merry Ol' England. Long story there, having to do with a judge. We were a lot more rebellious back then, given our ideas. Personally, I grew up in a more liberal Friends household, but even so, I went against that, too.

"I still go to Meeting, but you need to understand that it's a very personal, mystical religion, where faith and reason both have a role, and every man or woman lives primarily by the lights of his or her own conscience. That's why I don't judge anyone for living differently from me. Their path is not my path, and mine is not theirs. What I do is what is right for me and I don't necessarily think that God sets the same road before every single person, including in matters of sexuality. I'm more traditional about some things, but not about others."

"That makes sense. So, what's with the horseshoe on your ass, Mark?" I teased him, only to see him grin a bit.

"Yeah, well, anal is a lot like horseshoes ... requires a bit of aggression, but if you miss your target and come close, you can still enjoy it. Plus, I like playing horseshoes. And I got a wild idea or two to make it a very wild game, if you catch my drift," Mark chuckled as Rick finished with him and prepared to start on Martin.

Sally, meanwhile, kept flirting with Rick and Jan both, in spite of Rick's avowed monogamous ways. Evidently, this was far from new to him, so he deflected it as best as he could, focusing on her tattoos, which proved to be a crescent moon on each cheek, two nymphs on her breasts, and the words, "Master's Bottom Slut" on her lower back, directly above her ass. It was clear that Rick enjoyed tattooing her, though he continued to keep a professional facade, but he was just as ready to start in on Shannon when it was her turn...

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