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Brandi's Erotic Awakening Ch. 01


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Jack looked at Ken who still wore a bit of amazement on his face. "Well, are you in?"

"I'm in," Ken answered. "Shit, I wouldn't miss this for the world."

"What do you think Brandi's reaction will be?" Jack asked.

"I don't know. Maybe she'll get caught up in the moment," Ken said. "Anyway, we'll be there."

"Wonderful! Wonderful! I look forward to seeing you and your beautiful wife, Ken," Gregor said effusively. "The party is Saturday, May 23rd at 8:00 p.m. My security people will have your names on the guest register. See you there!"

He gave his business card containing his home address to Jack and Ken and retreated back to the group he was with before Jack called him over.

`2 days later...

Ken and Brandi finished their dessert and espresso coffee after a dinner at their favorite restaurant.

Ken looked at Brandi and was proud she was with him. He could not help notice the men in the restaurant looking her over as they were shown to their table. The women looked too but in a different way from the men. It was a look of jealousy. She was definitely a head turner. He hoped that when they got home Brandi would be in an amorous mood. He felt his cock react when he thought about the possibility of making love to Brandi. Brandi was in a very good mood so Ken felt confident that they would make love tonight. However, he knew that he would not get a blowjob and that's what he wanted but it was not Brandi's favorite thing to do. When he watched porn movies, every scene began with some woman sucking a cock. He wanted the same. The ironic thing was that she enjoyed Ken going down on her but usually would not reciprocate and that pissed Ken off.

"Brandi, we've been invited to a party on Saturday, March 15th and I'd like for us to go," Ken declared out of the clear blue.

"Oh? Whose party?" Brandi asked sipping her espresso.

"Well, he's a friend of Jack and a lot of important people will be there. It's really something to be invited to this guy's party," Ken explained.

"Who is he? Do I know him?" Brandi queried.

"No, you don't know him. His name is Gregor Petrovic and he's Russian. He says he's an arms dealer."

"An arms dealer? That sound exotic, doesn't it?."

"I know. Ken says that he's fabulously wealthy and that he has connections at the U. S. Department of Defense and State Department."

"Well, I am impressed," replied Brandi with an arched eyebrow.

"Anyway, I want us to go to this party and I want you to look ravishing," Ken said with a sly smile. "You can buy yourself a nice sexy outfit at Nordstrom's or even better, at Tabu ."

Tabu was an exotic party boutique. Ken bought Brandi sexy negligee from time to time from Tabu. They also had a full line of very sexy party clothing.

"Wow. This must be some party," Brandi declared.

"It is and it's important to me," Ken emphasized.

Brandi shrugged her shoulders. "Sure, let's go. It sounds like fun and I get to buy a new sexy dress!"

"Just make sure it's sexy, sexy!" retorted Ken.

Ken was relieved that Brandi assented so quickly.

"Jeez, what kind of party is this?" Brandi asked.

"Trust me, you'll have fun," Ken replied but not too sure she would.

`The day of the party...

"Well, how do I look?" Brandi asked as she twirled around in her new dress.

"Wow! You look fucking ravishing!" Ken answered. "I'm sure your outfit will be perfect for this party!"

Brandi was wearing a black cocktail dress with a deep plunging neckline that revealed just about her entire ample breasts the with exception of her nipples. On one side of the dress was a slit that started at the waist and went all the way down so that her shapely leg was exposed. She looked like a Red Carpet luminary at the Oscars.

"I can't believe I'm going to wear something like this," Brandi said. "But, it's kind of fun to dress daring. Are you sure it's acceptable for this party? I'll be mortified if I'm the only one dressed like this. I don't want to look like a prostitute!"

"Well, I'm sure you'll be absolutely ravishing. I'll be the envy of every guy at the party."

Brandi smiled at this compliment.

"Well, you look spiffy yourself," Brandi replied eyeing her husband.

Ken was wearing a black Armani business suit and looked handsomely stylish. They made a very handsome couple.

"Well, thank you, my dear. If you're ready, let's go. We're running a little late."

"You do have the directions?" Brandi asked.

"Yes. The directions are programmed in the car's nav system. It should take us about thirty minutes to get there. His house is located just outside the city limits," Ken explained.

Thirty minutes later they pulled off the main road onto a paved driveway that led into a heavily wooded area. A minute later they approached a twelve-foot high wrought iron spiked fence. A security guard came out to meet them.

"Good evening," the guard said politely with a smile. "Name please?"

"Ken and Brandi Bakersfield," Ken replied.

The guard looked at his list on the clipboard he was carrying and checked off the name.

"Thank you, Mr. Bakersfield. I'll open the gate. Just follow the road to the house," the guard instructed.

Brandi said, "Wow, this is what I call security!"

In a few minutes they drove up under the portico of the large estate home. Two huge marble white pillars accented the front facade of the building. Two parking attendants approached the car. One attendant opened the door for Brandi and the other opened the driver's door.

"Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Bakersfield", the driving attendant said. "I'll park your car. Just give me your name when you pick up the car and we'll retrieve it for you. Have a great time."

"Jeez," Brandi said as she viewed the entrance to the huge mansion. "I'm very impressed."

"So am I, so am I," Ken replied softly somewhat in awe.

Ken and Brandi went into the mansion. The opulence of the dwelling was awe-inspiring.

"My God, will you look at this house!" Brandi exclaimed.

"I know. This looks like a fucking palace!" whispered Ken as he looked the place over.

A waiter carrying a tray of beautiful crystal glasses filled with champagne approached Ken and Brandi.

Ken and Brandi took the offered glasses.

Brandi sipped the bubbly and said, "Yum, this is the good stuff. I'm so thirsty. She quickly finished the champagne and took another."

Ken took a nice healthy swig and agreed that it was excellent champagne.

"Come on, let's look around," Ken suggested.

As they walked they could not help but notice that all the women were beautiful and were magnificently and sexily attired. Gregor was right about there being no ugly people at the party. As they walked about, Ken noticed men ogling Brandi. He was pleased at that.

"Oh, look, there's Jack and Katelynn," exclaimed Brandi. She was working on a third glass of champagne and was already feeling a little tipsy.

Ken and Brandi approached Jack and his date, Katelynn.

"Well, hello there," Jack said acknowledging Ken and Brandi.

"I see you twisted Brandi's arm to come to the party. Brandi, you look ravishing," Jack said as he kissed Brandi on the cheek.

Ken kissed Katelynn on the cheek as well.

Brandi seemed pleased at Jack's compliment. She looked at Katelynn's outfit. She was wearing a sexy red cocktail dress that was daringly short in length and shockingly sheer in front. Her breasts and dark brown erect nipples were clearly visible. The dress was not your run of the mill cocktail dress to say the least.

"Katelynn, your dress is..well...your dress is so hot!" Brandi declared.

"I'm glad you like it. When I heard about the party, I ordered it on line. I was concerned about receiving it on time and whether it would need any alterations. But it was perfect as is. Jack said to dress sexy so here I am!" Katelynn replied as she whirled around. "Isn't this fun?"

"Yes, it seems to be," Brandi replied with a bit of apprehensiveness. "But I feel a little out of place with all these beautiful people."

"Oh, don't be silly," replied Katelynn. "You look gorgeous!"

Brandi smiled weakly at her friend's compliment.

Jack noticed Gregor approaching.

"Here comes our new friend, Gregor," Jack said.

Gregor approached the two couples with arms outstretched. He was wearing a tuxedo and looked very formal.

"Ah, my good friends are here! Jack you made it!" Gregor exclaimed. "And, this must be your beautiful wife!"

Gregor took Brandi's hand and kissed it all the while looking at Brandi's cleavage.

"Your name is Brandi. Correct?" Gregor asked.

"Yes it is," Brandi replied. "Thank you for the invitation."

Brandi was impressed that this powerful man knew her name. But, Gregor always paid attention to details such as remembering names.

He then turned his attention to Katelynn, kissing her on each cheek. "I'm so very glad you could join us this evening. You look stunning, my dear," he said.

"I'd kill Jack if I found out I wasn't invited to this soiree," Katelynn declared.

"Well, I'm so glad you are here," replied Gregor. "Are you enjoying yourselves?"

"Yes, we are," Brandi, replied. "You have a lovely house!"

"Thank you, my dear. It serves as a good retreat when I'm in the States."

The couples engaged in small talk for a few minutes with Gregor when he said, "Excuse me, but I must attend to my other guests. It is so nice to see you all. Have a wonderful time and let me know if there is anything you need."

"Thanks, we will," Jack, replied.

"I'm starved," Katelynn declared. "Let's get something to eat."

Jack, Brandi, Ken and Katelynn walked to an elaborate buffet table and picked up a small plate. There was every conceivable delicacy one could imagine on the table. Caviar, jumbo prawns, giant raw oysters, expensive cheeses, small puff pastries filled with different exotic meats and vegetables and an assortment of dips. There were several stations located around the table where kitchen staff was carving tenderloin of beef, roast boar, wild turkey, and lamb.

Brandi put some fois gras on some small toasts along with a small piece of tenderloin and few other appetizers. Ken took three of the oysters because he believed oysters made one horny and he would need all the help he could get tonight.

Brandi saw the waiter with the champagne and motioned that she would like another glass of the bubbly. He accommodated her request. This glass was her fourth glass of the stuff! Ken had never seen her drink so much but he had to admit the wine was extraordinarily delicious.

Later that evening, the two couples were strolling about checking out the rest of the house when they all noticed something going on in an alcove situated close to the main room where most of the guests were. A thin transparent current hung down from the alcove's entrance. The alcove was dimly lit. As they approached the alcove they witnessed a man sitting on a large easy chair with his eyes closed while a woman performed fellatio on him. The man and the woman were seemingly oblivious to anyone watching.

"My God!" Brandi declared with widened eyes. "Do you see that? They don't seem to care if anyone sees them!"

"Well, let's leave them alone," replied Jack. "They seem to be enjoying themselves. I wouldn't want to disturb the moment, if you know what I mean."

Brandi shook her head in disbelief as they walked off wondering what kind of party she was attending. Brandi glanced over her shoulder one more time to make certain she was actually seeing some woman sucking a man's cock in plain view. But a tiny sensation awakened in her. She felt a twinge of sensual excitement in witnessing such an overt sexual act in public.

Brandi needed another glass of champagne. She walked over to the table where a large champagne fountain was bubbling the wonderful elixir. An attendant in white gloves filled her glass.

Another very beautiful lady who appeared to be in for forties asked to have her glass filled as well. She was with a man who appeared to be much younger than she.

"Hi, I don't think I've seen you here before. My name is Esther," the woman said holding out her hand to Brandi. "This is Kirk, my date for this evening. I didn't have a date so Gregor was gracious to furnish me with this handsome hunk."

Brandi took her hand and then shook Kirk's hand.

The young man's eyes were transfixed on Brandi's cleavage. Brandi, in an almost reactionary gesture, put her hand to her breasts as if to lessen the exposure. In the back of her mind, she wondered if one of her nipples was showing.

Directing her attention back to Esther, Brandi replied, "This is my first time attending a Petrovic party. I'm here at the insistence of my husband."

"I see. I think you may be in for a few surprises," Esther replied with a knowing smile.

"What do you mean?" Brandi asked wondering what further surprises there would be.

"Well, let's just say that this is a very unique party," she said. "Incidentally, you look very lovely. I love your dress!"

"Thank you," Brandi replied as her cheeks reddened at the compliment. "You look like a movie star. Are you in the entertainment business?"

"Goodness no," replied Esther. I just make it my business to know important people," she said with a naughty laugh. Esther's gown was a long, tight-fitting sequined dress with a very low front that exposed shocking cleavage. Every woman seemed to be flaunting their cleavage.

Brandi sipped her drink and said, "This is delicious champagne. I heard someone say they put something in the champagne."

"Sweetheart," replied Esther, "this is a very, very special libation. We always have this at Gregor's parties. A special friend from India mixes the ingredients of this drink. The primary ingredient is champagne..a very good champagne and some special added herbs and various and sundry things. I've had it many times and it's completely narcotics in it I'm told." Then, in a feigned whisper, she said, "They tell me it's supposed to make you horny, my dear."

Brandi face flushed. "I think it's working! I've had four glasses of the stuff."

"Well, that's good. It was very nice meeting you. Have fun, Brandi and enjoy the activities," Esther laughed as she bade Brandi goodbye.

Brandi walked back to Jack, Katelynn and Ken.

"That lady I was talking to said they put some special stuff in the champagne to make people horny!" Brandi said.

"Well, that explains it!" Katelynn replied. "And I thought it was Jack looking so handsome and virile." Everyone chuckled at Katelynn's comment.

"I think it's working for me, too!" Brandi said. She was obviously a bit tipsy.

Ken was absolutely delighted the way things were progressing so far.

`Later in the evening...

The two couples walked about the room observing various intimate activities by some of the attending guests. It was obvious to Brandi that this party was no ordinary party and there was no turning back. She felt pangs of guilt for being at the party. However, she knew that she could not tell Ken they should leave. She was sure he would leave if she insisted but also aware that leaving might cost them their marriage. Ken would probably harbor a nasty animosity toward her for a long time and she did not want that to happen. One thing was certain...she was aroused by what she saw and curiosity compelled her to stay.

Suddenly there was a commotion going on in the room. A crowd of several couples began gathering on the east side of the huge reception room and they decided to check out what the flurry of activity was. Then, they saw Gregor.

Gregor held his arms up signifying he wanted quiet and motioned for the gathering crowd to approach closer.

"My dear Ladies and Gentleman, as is the custom, before we play our matching game, I have a little entertainment for you," Gregor, announced. "Please welcome and enjoy these two special people. They will undoubtedly put you in the proper frame of mind for what will follow."

"Matching game? What does he mean by that, Ken?" Brandi asked.

"Well, it's a game that's supposed to be the highlight of the party," Ken answered. "You'll find out about soon enough."

Gregor continued the announcement of the entertainment. "These two lovely people will demonstrate the art of arousal. Enjoy, please!"

A very diminutive Asian girl who appeared to weigh no more than 90 or 100 pounds stepped forward. She smiled at the gathering crowd and curtsied, Asian style. She had short black hair, large doe eyes, beautiful white teeth and most importantly, a trim lithe body. She was wearing a transparent blouse and satin shorts. Barefooted, she was barely five feet tall. Her breasts were very small but erect and had pronounced puffy nipples that were clearly discernible through the gossamer fabric of her upper garment.

Her partner, a somewhat athletic looking young man with blond, almost white hair and dressed in a white silken robe stepped forward. He flashed a big smile to the crowd and bowed deeply.

The lights were dimmed in the alcove. The Asian girl went to the back of room, retrieved what appeared to be a massage table, and wheeled it to the front so everyone could view clearly. The young man stood in front of the massage table with his arms at his side. Exotic sounding music that could be described as Far Eastern or Indian could be heard faintly in the background.

The Asian girl untied the belt of the man's robe. The robe opened for everyone to see. When she did, all the women collectively gasped.

The little Asian girl feigned wide-eyed surprise at the sight of her co-performer's cock. She turned to the audience and with two hands estimated the size of the massive organ. Then, bending over from her tiny waist, she looked between her legs. The girl straightened up, put two hands with palms up as if to say, "I don't know if that cock can fit in me," as a murmur went through the watching audience.

The man's penis, as everyone could see, was somewhat flaccid, but it easily measured seven or eight inches in length and the girth was enormous!

A murmur went through the crowd as they continued to watch the couple performing.

Brandi, completely oblivious to Ken, Katelynn and Jack was enthralled by what she was witnessing. For the first time, she truly knew this was not an ordinary party. With great flair, the tiny Asian removed the man's robe completely exposing a remarkable physical specimen. He had muscled, heavily tattooed arms, and his hairless chest was hard and athletic looking. His waist, with not an ounce of fat, appeared small in comparison to the rest of his body. His legs were taut and solid. All of these features served to accentuate the large appendage hanging between his legs.

Jack whispered to his friends, "I've never seen a white guy with such a big cock!"

Everyone just nodded in agreement with Katelynn saying, "Even my dildo is not that big! And, look...I don't think he's hard!"

The girl instructed the man to lie down on the table. Underneath the tabletop was a compartment with various oils. She retrieved one of the lubricants and began to slowly oil down the young stud's body starting with his feet. After oiling his toes, she sucked them for a few erotic minutes.

"Ooh, I bet that toe sucking feels good!" Katelynn whispered as she watched intently.

The petite woman moved on to the rest of his body.

When the diminutive Asian finished the toe sucking, her hands moved about his body with slow, deliberate movements pausing in strategic areas but avoiding the pubic area. Everyone saw the man's cock begin to move. It actually began to twitch. She was teasing him and his sex organ was reacting!

Ken watched the show completely enthralled. He felt his own cock begin to harden. "This is so fucking exciting," he thought to himself.

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