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Daughter's Initiation into Kink


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Finally, a couple hymns were sung, announcements made, and then the Minister returned to the pulpit, pulled Eve's curtain open and began speaking. He spoke for fifteen minutes about temptation being everywhere, and that only through the Lord's purification are we capable of remaining true to our original purpose.  

As Eve listened, her eyes were glued to the bulge in her father's pants, just inches away. Did he want her to suck it? What would he do if she just fished it out and bobbed up and down like she wanted to? No doubt the temptation was there, luring her to the brink.

The Minister moved his left hand to his crotch and clearly (to Eve) pointed to his cock as he intoned, "When temptation pushes you to the brink, that is when you must beg to be purified by the Lord."

Eve had been praying for a sign and here was the answer to that prayer. She quietly pulled down her Daddy's zipper, her hand trembling as she fished out his sacramental cock. It was already fully erect.

The Minister continued, "The Lord will wash away your sin when you get down on your knees and give yourself to Him completely mind, body and soul."

Eve knew he was talking to her as she leaned forward and again gave her body, mind and soul to her father and thus the Lord. She bobbed slowly, not wanting to be heard, knowing she couldn't make the sloppy cock sucking sounds she'd made yesterday when she hungrily sucked his cock in his office.

The Minister struggled not to moan as his daughter's mouth was again a gateway to sexual heaven. So young and eager, she knew exactly how to please, how to worship.

Eve bobbed back and forth slowly, wanting to worship the Lord completely while in His house. She felt that maybe this next load of his seed cum would be the one that chased the last of the Devil's temptation out of her. Maybe her cunt wouldn't be on fire constantly anymore, maybe her insatiable lust for eating cunt and sucking cock would dissipate (of course she enjoyed it, but since she had first tasted the glory of the Lord, it was all she could think about).

The Minister continued talking about true obedience. He read scripture from Colossians 3:18,

"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord," and explained the importance of women obeying without hesitation their husband and thus the Lord, something he often used as his main verse when he began the seduction of families towards incest. He continued with Ephesians 6: 1-3: "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.  Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise, "that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." This too was a common piece of scripture that he used in having daughters understand their complete obedience and loyalty to their parents and thus submitting to them...even sexually.

Eve listened to the sermon, understanding that he was speaking to all daughters, who should understand their role in the family. She hoped she could always live up to such an important commandment.

Eventually Dylan could feel his balls boiling, his daughter's naughty act and his own lewd involvement turning him on, as did the constant slow tease of his daughter's cock sucking mouth. He declared, his powerful voice going into a rising crescendo of hell and brimstone, "Remember that only by getting on your knees and praying, by seeing the Lord in your husband, wife, mother or father will you ever find true purity and thus become one with Godddddddddd!!"

With perfect timing, the Minister's cum rocketed out of his cock and into his daughter's eager mouth.

Eve felt a sensation of euphoria wash over her as she made the Lord happy and received his manmade gift of the Lord's seed. This was during an actual church service. Right now in church during the sermon was it the 'Lord's seed' or the Lord's cum'? She'd have to ask her father later. She felt so new to this!

The Minister continued, "Now pray with me."

Eve continued worshipping her father's cock, determined to retrieve every last droplet of the Lord's seed.

The Minister pulled back a bit and Eve understood that her purpose was completed. She reluctantly but reverently replaced the glorious wand of God back into its shroud and quietly zipped her Daddy's pants back up.

"Sing with me," the Minister declared as he stepped away from his naked daughter, deliberately leaving the curtain open.

Eve still felt the burn in her cunt, frustrated it hadn't dissipated when her belly was filled with the Lord's sweet seed. Or maybe cum.

The final hymn ended, the Minister returned to grab his notes when the very attractive college student Allison walked over to him. Allison was last year's high school president, prom queen, valedictorian and easily one of the most submissive sluts he'd ever seduced. On prom night, he came in her ass before she left to give her supposed virginity to her boyfriend (although Dylan himself had taken that months earlier, in his office) and she had given her valedictorian speech with cum leaking out of both her pussy and her ass after a fellow Minister and he had double penetrated her while she'd munched on Dylan's wife. Of course he didn't allow her to wear panties or wash her face, which was still glistening in the June sunshine with Lilly's pussy juice.

Allison was dressed today in a modest sundress to deceive her conservative parents, who were oblivious to her voracious sexual appetite, but underneath, she was wearing a sexy lace bra and matching thong and, of course, thigh high stockings, the Minister's fetish. Approaching him, she smiled, "Minister, I have sinned."

"I just bet you have," the Minister smiled, knowing exactly what she was implying.

Eve recognized the voice immediately. It was Allison Burns, a very pretty redhead who'd been super nice to her last year, unlike most of the high school seniors back when she'd been in her junior year.

"Can we meet later today for a little three hole purification?" The redheaded coed asked with a wicked smile.

"Have you been tempted by the devil again, Allison?" The Minister asked sternly, with a glint in his eye.

"I think I need to be purified in all three of my... what do you call them... slut holes," Allison smiled flirtatiously.

Eve gasped, loud enough to be heard, another shocking revelation hitting her. Allison was another of her Daddy's divine sluts!

Allison asked, "Who was that?"

"Just another pet," the Minister smiled.

Eve froze, mortified at the imminence of being caught almost entirely naked.

"This I've got to see," Allison said, curiously.

The Minister said firmly, "Like yours, my pet, it's important to keep everyone's identity secret."

"Fine," Allison sighed, curious as hell who was under the podium. "Did she get a full load of the Lord's seed?"

Eve felt relieved her father was protecting her.

"Perhaps," he said, before adding, "Meet me tonight at my house, eight o'clock."

Allison asked, "What about Eve?"

"I'll send her to Beth's," the Minister answered, already knowing this nasty nymph was going to be the centerpiece of a family foursome... now including Eve for the first time. 

"Mmmmm, okay," Allison nodded, "it will be good to see Mistress Harper again."

"And I'm sure she'll be happy to get reacquainted with you, too," the Minister said, just as Allison's parents arrived.

"Hello, Mr. And Mrs. Burns," the Minister warmly greeted.

Eve continued to kneel, praying this would end; finally... thank God... her father said, "Let's go get some tea and crumpets and catch up."

"That would be great," Mr. Burns agreed, as her father pulled the curtain back, finally hiding her. 

Eve heard them walk away and pondered what to do next. Like an obedient child, she decided to wait patiently.

Ten minutes later, Eve heard footsteps coming towards her. She assumed it was her father but as the curtain was opened, she found herself staring at Allison!

"Oh my, now this is delicious," the redhead purred, happily surprised that she was staring at the Minister's daughter. She knew he was a devious sex maniac, but this was a whole new level of deviousness. 

Eve blushed, covering herself ineffectually and averting her eyes to the floor. 

Allison simply closed the curtains and sauntered away, leaving Eve a shamed wreck. 

Eve got dressed quickly, mortified that someone had caught her naked inside the pulpit. Finally dressed, she waited another twenty minutes before she heard footsteps again coming towards her. She froze, praying someone else wasn't going to find her. The curtains opened and it was Beth, her best friend, smiling reassuringly at her.

"Come on out, no one else is here," Beth said, still smiling.

Eve was so relieved it was the one person who knew of her sexual relationship with her father! "Thank God," Eve quipped as she finally climbed out of the confined space.

Beth laughed, "Good word choice."

Eve laughed too, realizing the double meaning of her expostulation.

"Did you suck your father throughout the whole sermon?" Beth asked, the idea a complete turn-on.

Eve blushed, both out of embarrassment and also because of such a frank question.

"I'll take your silence and ruby red cheeks and the white droplet on your upper lip as a yes. That is super-hot." Beth continued, still smiling. Eve knew Beth was a friend she could trust, especially since last Friday, and smiled warmly back.

"The devil still tempts me," Eve admitted. 

"Is your cunt wet now?" Beth asked.

"Yes," Eve nodded, again the conversation still so strange. Before a couple of days ago, their conversations all had been about school, books, etc. Not sex.

"Mine too," Beth said, "Let's go to the nursery. No one is there now, and we can get rid of these devilish desires."

Eve was horny, but didn't want to get caught again, and figured she'd better tell Beth about Katie. "We need to be careful; Katie filmed our last encounter."

Beth gasped. "Really?"

"Yep, she blackmailed me to eat her out at the Halloween party and implied it wasn't going to be a one-time thing," Eve explained.

"Interesting," Beth said, not overly concerned about the blackmail, knowing full well that Katie was giving it up to the Minister as well.

"Interesting?" Eve objected. "It's terrifying. We can't have her outing us."

"She won't," Beth replied confidently.

"How do you know?" Eve asked.

"Trust me," Beth smiled deviously, "Katie isn't all she appears to be either."

"She isn't a complete bitch?" Eve asked with a smile, and then realizing she was still in the house of the Lord looked upwards and added, "Sorry, my Lord."

Beth laughed, "Oh that she is, one hundred percent, but I know other things about her too."

"Like what?" Eve asked, curious.

"For now, I don't want you to know anything more. Better if you have no clue what is going on so you don't have to lie later. You know you're not the greatest liar," Beth continued.

"I've always been told to be honest," Eve nodded.

"I know," Beth nodded, "You're a literal saint. A sexy, pussy-pleasing saint."

Eve blushed at being called names by her best friend, nice or naughty, but it only made her pussy burn even more. Deciding to be forthright, she said, "Let's go, I'm starving."

"Mmmmmm, for what?" Beth asked.

"Your pussy," Eve admitted, smiling sexily.

"I could use a light snack too," Beth smiled, as they headed to the nursery.

Fifteen minutes later, both girls were feeling better as they'd brought each other to orgasms in a lengthy and lavish 69.

It was five minutes after finally reaching orgasmic bliss when Eve recalled she'd been forbidden to come. Sighing, she knew she'd have to beg her father for forgiveness.


That night during dinner, still at the table with Eve and his wife, Dylan said, "Eve, I think it's time you became fully aware of the true role I play in this community."

"Okay, Daddy," Eve nodded, curious about where this was going, but assuming it had something to do with Allison. She'd been wanting to tell her father about Allison finding her under the pulpit before she'd dressed, but hadn't found a way to say it.

"From now on, since you're eighteen and an adult, I want to be completely open with you," he continued.

"Of course, Daddy," Eve nodded brightly.

"And I want you to be willing to be completely honest with me," her father continued.

"Yes, Daddy," the daughter agreed, knowing she would have to find the words to tell him how she'd disobeyed his order.

"I'm more than just the Minister of a church, honey," the Minister began. "I'm a devil slayer."

Lilly smiled to herself; she thought the term 'devil slayer' was a great metaphor.

"I know, Daddy," Eve nodded, reminiscing on his powerful expulsion of the devil from her body just two nights ago.

"It's a service I have to give to many women in this community," he continued.

"I don't understand," Eve said, unsure what he meant by this.

"The devil is everywhere," he continued "and only through the powerful seed of the Lord can the many temptations thrown at the women of this community be resisted."

Lilly, seeing the confused look on her daughter's face, added, "There are many like you, honey, who are constantly tempted by the devil, so it's up to great men like your father to protect them at all costs."

Eve, beginning to understand asked, attempting to clarify, "Are you saying that you make love with other women?"

The Minister corrected, "No, my dear, I don't make love with them, that's a privilege reserved only for your mother, but like I now do with you, I purify them through fucking them and depositing the Lord's seed in all three of their sinful holes."

"Oh," Eve said, now getting it, but not sure what else to say. In the past couple of days the requirements of God's universe had been continually expanding in leaps and bounds!

"I was born with the gift and the responsibility of saviour," Dylan explained, "and your mother understands that being a saviour means doing extreme things to protect the women of this community."

Lilly quoted the Bible, hoping to clarify for Eve, "'And because I am one with your father,' as the Bible says in Colossians 3:18-19, 'Wives, place yourselves under your husbands' authority. This is appropriate behavior for the Lord's people.'"

Dylan nodded in approval. "In other words, I must assist in the purification of the women of our community so we all may stay pure of the Devil's cesspool that attempts to insinuate its foul presence everywhere.

"I don't understand," Eve said, more confused now.

"Through the powerful bond of marriage two become one.' Mark 10:8, 'and the two will become one flesh.'" the Minister quoted scripture. He paraphrased for emphasis, "So they are no longer two, but one flesh."

"In other words honey, through marriage to your saintly father I too carry the Lord's seed of protection," the mother explained.

Eve was feeling bit overwhelmed, trying to understand. She understood the Bible, she understood the scripture they were quoting, but she wasn't able to put it all together.

The Minister added, "What we're trying to explain is that both your mother and myself must sacrifice our bodies to protect the women and men from sin."

Eve suddenly got it. "Oh! Like Jesus!"

The Minister had to work hard to not laugh at his daughter's connection, instead agreeing, "I suppose so. He gave his life for our sins and I must be willing to sacrifice my cock for the good of society, and your mother must sacrifice her cunt, ass and mouth."

"Of course," Eve nodded, suddenly seeing her parents in a new way. "You both are the saviours of our community. Lower case, of course. You're not Jesus the Saviour, just His representatives."

"Yes, my dear," Lilly nodded, "and we believe, although the Bible doesn't explicitly say so, that our offspring too, can be saviours."

"I can?" Eve asked, suddenly glowing with excitement.

The Minister quoted scripture again, "Deuteronomy 11:19: 'You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.' I believe that by my teaching you the ways of the body, the ways to give ultimate pleasure, you too can become a saviour."

"Lord knows there is too much sin for only the two of us to handle," Lilly quipped.

"Daddy, how can I help?" Eve asked, giddy with the thought that potentially she had the Lord's saving grace inside her.

"By always obeying us, and always telling us the truth and by always looking for boys and girls, men and women who need saving," he answered.

Eve, feeling that now was obviously the foreordained time to reveal all she knew, confessed about Allison catching her, Katie blackmailing her, and her earlier orgasm. She told her father everything without holding back 'one jot or one tittle'.

Dylan nodded, "We will deal with Allison as a family tonight and Katie, well, Katie needs lots of personal attention. Don't let her know that I know yet."

"And if she blackmails me again?" Eve asked.

"Obey her," the Minister said, "consider her your first official lost soul to save."

The idea of purifying a stuck-up bitch like Katie and teaching her humility was very appealing and Eve nodded, "Of course, Daddy."

"As for your disobedience of my orders, that will need to be dealt with," the father said.

"Of course, Daddy," she nodded, willing to do whatever was necessary to get back in the good graces of her father and the Lord.

"I will need time to consider your punishment, and starting tomorrow you will go one full week without an orgasm, is that clear?" he said.

"Yes, Daddy, I won't submit to temptation again," Eve nodded, before asking, "but I can have an orgasm tonight?"

"Perhaps," he said, not sure how tonight's planned foursome was going to play out.

"Now, let's pray," the Minister said, as they got ready to have dinner.


Allison showed up at eight, dressed in a black dress and matching thigh highs and nothing else. She hadn't had the Minister's cock in four months, and even though she'd experimented with lots of men and a few women during her first semester in college, none could give her the pleasure that he did. His dominant personality and practice of treating her like a total slut was a turn-on like no other. And the fact that he'd now added his innocent daughter to his harem was utterly delicious.

Lilly greeted her at the door, "It's great to see you again, Allison."

"You as well," Allison nodded, checking out the large tits of the beautiful MILF who had first taught her the art of cunnilingus.

"Come in, come in," Lilly invited.

"Thank you," Allison nodded, following her inside.

"Dylan said you would be dropping by," Lilly continued, leaning over and kissing her on the lips.

Allison kissed back, instantly becoming the eighteen year old lesbian virgin she'd been the first time the Minister's wife had kissed her.

Breaking the kiss, Lilly complimented, "You really have grown up since starting college."

Allison shrugged, "College is all about experimenting."

"That it is," Lilly laughed. "Are you here to visit or to play?"

"Can't we do both?" Allison hoped, with a sexy smile.

"That we can, my pretty pet," Lilly agreed, taking the redhead's hand and leading her through the house and straight to the bedroom.

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