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Don't Do Anything Stupid


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"Hey baby...... No he'll be gone the rest of the week...... You know we can't do that.... Why not? Because one of the neighbors might see you...... Look I'll meet you at the motel.... No I won't reconsider" she laughed and then turned her back to the camera so I couldn't hear what else was said. Then she turned back, "Ok ok but be discreet and park down the street at the coffee shop a few blocks away, park there.... Ok baby, I can't wait. I'll see you tomorrow night."

I couldn't believe what I just heard. That SOB was going to be in my house and in our bed. I was now starting to think of where to dispose of his body. Again Mark's word came back to me, 'Don't do anything stupid.' I had to force my anger down and wait until the time was right, but I didn't know how much more of this I could take. God my own wife, the love of my life, the mother of our two beautiful children. Why was she doing this? What had I done that drove her into the arms of another man?

The flight back home was to quick. I wasn't ready for what awaited me so I went to a hotel and thought carefully about my next move. I knew tonight was the night HE was coming to my house and I wanted to see him with my own eyes. Was he someone I knew? Or someone from work? That much I needed to know to help me decide how to proceed.

Having no idea of what time he'd be coming by I did know he was going to park at the coffee shop down the street so that is where I waited even though I had not idea what he looked liked. To be safe I rented a car at the airport and found a spot that gave me a good view of the parking lot. I also brought my camera and did a check to see how good the zoom was. I could be at least a hundred yards away and get a good close-up view of his face and license plate.

It wasn't until around 9 pm that a silver BMW M3 pulled into the parking lot. I started to take pictures and thankfully the lighting in the lot was good so I had a clear view of his face. It was no one I recognized or had seen before. He parked at the other side of the lot away from the coffee shop then started to walking towards my house. I had to take a deep breath to control my rage. While I sat there I was able to access the wifi from the coffee shop and view the cameras in my house.

Watching for several minutes then saw him enter and give MY wife a passionate kiss. My blood went cold and it took all the self control I could muster not to run down the street and beat this man to death with just my fists. I sat and tried to listen what they were saying.

"Hey baby, I've been thinking about you all day long." he kissed her again.

"I sent the kids over to my parents for the night and my husband won't be back until Friday so we have the house to ourselves until tomorrow morning." how considerate that she sent the kids away.

I saw he was starting to undress my wife right in our living room. She started to do the same and in just a few short minutes they were naked with the hands all over each other.

She pulled back from their kiss, "Lets take this up to the bedroom." and she ran out of site of the camera towards the stairs. He was close behind her as I listen to them laugh. They left there clothes spread around the floor which was lucky for me.

I got out of my car and walked quickly down to my house. The front door wasn't locked as they were in to much in a hurry to get up stairs. This just made things easier for me. I went right for his pants and found his wallet with all the information I needed plus a little extra. With his wallet in hand I went to my home office which is on the first floor on the opposite side of the house from our bedroom so there was little chance I would be heard. Turning on my computer and the printer/scanner I waited for them to power up. Once they were ready I started to take items from Steven Banister's wallet and place them on the scanner and began copying his drivers license and some other things as well.

When I was done I was about to put everything back in he wallet and was about to place it back where I found it. Then an idea struck me. I went to the kitchen and got one of those refrigerator magnets that my wife uses to hold notes there for items she needs to buy. I took one then removed Stevens credit cards and swiped the magnet over the strips on the cards several times in the hopes it would screw them up. I had no idea if it would work but it was worth a shot and gave me a little satisfaction.

Soon with his wallet was back where it belonged I started to take pictures of their clothes spread about the floor. Then I started to record what I was seeing with the video feature of the camera and very quietly while recording the whole time went up stairs.

When I got to the top of the stairs I could hear the faint sounds of their love making. My stomach turned in to one big knot as I listened. Looking at our bedroom door I saw it was wide open. They thought they would have an empty house to themselves, but that wasn't the case. Slowly I made my way towards the bedroom hearing their voices getting louder. Then I was in the door way looking at our marital bed I saw Steve was on his back laying naked with my wife on top in the classic sixty nine position while they were pleasing each other.

They were so involved in what they were doing that I was able to take a few steps into the bedroom unnoticed. I knew the hidden cameras didn't have the best definition so wanted to have this in hi-def. I recorded several minutes of their love making before I thought I had enough plus I was on the verge of grabbing a baseball bat and beating him to death. Again those wise words cut through my brain, 'DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID', so I backed out of the room slowly and left the house.

Driving back to the hotel my mind was a mess and the hate I felt was at an all time high. I couldn't remember being this mad and it was starting to scare me. I called Frank telling him what I had done and all the information that I was able to obtain.

"That's great but you took an awful chance being in the house. Again I'm sorry about all this. What do you need? I'll give you any help I can." Frank was a good friend.

"Right now I just need someone to talk to. I'd also like to talk with Mark again and ask a favor of him. Can you ask him if we could meet this weekend?"

"Sure no problem. Mark told me had like to help you out."

After talking with Frank I tried to get some sleep but that wasn't going to happen. I got up early and even though I was dead tired I went for my usually run to help clear my mind and work off the rage that had been building up. The run did little to ease my mind so I took a shower and then a long nap to help with the lack of sleep from last night.

I returned the rental car to the airport and picked up my own car. I went straight back to the office to check in and talk with Hal. I really needed to see about reducing the amount of traveling I've been doing for work.

I walked into Hal's office closing the door, "Do you have a few minutes for me?"

"Yeah sure. Everything okay Dave?"

"My wife has been asking me when I won't be traveling so much. I really need to be home more so this has to happen soon." I looked at Hal waiting for an answer.

"You're right and you won't have to wait. Your promotion has been approved so after your next trip you'll be working out of the office from now on. There maybe one or two trips a year you'll have to do but none of this every two week ever month nonsense. How does that sound?"

I just stared like a drooling idiot, "That sounds great. Thanks Hal." he noticed something was off.

"Dave is everything okay? You haven't seemed quit right the last few weeks." he looked worried.

I decided I needed to tell him, "My wife is having an affair. I saw her with her lover last night and recorded them together."

Hal looked at me wide eyed, "Oh my God. Dave I don't know what to say. I am so sorry. What do you need from me?"

"You just gave me the one thing I needed most and that is not to travel so much. I have to be home to save my marriage. Please don't say anything about this to anyone here in the office. I still don't know who this asshole is and if he knows someone in the office that might be feeding him information about my schedule. Okay?"

'Yeah sure, but do you really think someone from here is doing that?"

"I'm not sure about anything at this point. I'll need you to cover for me if I need to take some time off. I want my wife to think I'm still traveling so if I can gather more evidence against her. Can you do that for me?"

"Sure not a problem but what are you going to do?"

"I just want to collect enough proof so she can't deny the affair. I'm hoping to save my marriage but if that fails I want to make sure she doesn't take me to the cleaners in the divorce."

Hal nodded in agreement, "Alright just let me know when you need time off and we'll make it look like your on another business trip. If there is anything else I can do just let me know."

I thanked Hal and left his office feeling a little better as things were starting to fall into place. I went home that night and tried my best to act normal. My girls attacked me as I walked through the door and I had to keep from crying thinking how they would be affected if a divorce were to happen. I didn't like the idea of having to get permission to visit my own children. I have to save this marriage. I still loved my wife and I hoped she still loved me and that we could work out what caused her infidelity.

Saturday my wife and kids went shopping and I went to talk to Mark and Frank. This time we met at a diner and I filled them in on what I had done in gathering my intel.

Mark looked at me, "That took balls my friend. I'm surprised you didn't kill that bastard. But just as well that you didn't. So Frank tells me you need my help. What is it that I can do for you?"

"You said you spent some time in prison. I was hoping you might know some people who have certain skills." both Frank and Mark looked at me with raised eye brows.

For the next hour I told them of my plan and what I hoped to accomplish with the help of those Mark knew.

Once I finished Mark just smile, "Damn that is a good plan. I think I know just the man to help you out. If he can't I'm sure he'll know of others who can. But these guys will want to be paid so you'll have to work that out with them. I'll make some calls and reach out to some old friends."

"Okay great. Here is my cell number," I wrote it down on a napkin and handed to him. "Call me when you've talked to your friends. We can set up a meeting to work out the details."

We talked a while longer and came up with a few more ideas which I was going to implement as soon as I could. I'd have to make some more online purchases and have them ready for the next phase of my plan. The rest of the weekend went the way most weekends go, with one noticeable difference. Sunday night my wife and I usually make love that night. This time she wasn't feeling well. It wasn't the first time this happened so it was not surprising but it had been over a month since the last time we were intimate.

My next trip was coming up and I asked Hal for the following week off but if anyone called the office they were to be told I was on a normal business trip. He had no problem with that and wished me luck. So now I had to let my wife know my next trip was going to be longer. She was not happy but that was to be expected.

"Honey I know you don't like my traveling so much but I promise it won't be much longer and soon I won't be traveling nearly as much. I'll be home so often you'll be sick of me after a while." I joked. She didn't smile.

She sighed, "Just go and call me when you get there." she was cool.

I kissed her cheek, it was like kissing an ice cube. She was cold and I knew this was not good. This hurt me like nothing did before, even more than seeing her make love to another man. Was this the end of our marriage? I hurried out the door before I said something I'd regret and drove to the airport.

Again the meetings with these client went very well and a deal was reached early so I was able to fly back a day sooner. I kept checking the cameras during the week but he didn't reappear at my house but I did see her on that secret cell phone of hers. So I listened to her conversation and I knew this was the opportunity I was looking for even though it killed me to hear what she was planning on doing. I went to the office and found the items that I had ordered waiting for me.

Knowing my wife's normal routine I could easily setup one of these items that I got with little chance of being caught. She went to the gym four times a week and I knew where and when so I had her spare car keys and was able to place the item where she wouldn't find it. Next I went to Steven's condo to see if he was there. I saw his car parked in the car port so I assumed he was home. I brought my camera and was checking if I could see him inside. I got very lucky as I saw him through his sliding doors and that he wasn't alone. He was with another woman and they seemed to be romantically connected as they were kissing and touching each other as a loving couple.

This was to good to be true as I took video of their affection for each other. When I saw them leaving together I followed at a save distance. They went for lunch and this gave me a chance to place the other item on his car. This was a little more difficult and dangerous if someone saw me but I was able to do it with out being caught. Now all I needed to do was wait. That was the hardest thing for me to do.

I got a call from Mark telling me he had a friend I should meet. We agreed to my hotel room since I didn't want to be seen in public with these guy as I was planning on some illegal activities so the less we were seen together the better.

They got to my room and Mark made some quick introductions, "This is Joe and he is a computer hacker that can help with you plan." they nodded in agreement.

The next hour I told them the whole story of my wife cheating and the guy she was doing it with. Then I told them about the revenge I wanted to extract on this asshole and I wanted it to last for years. Then I showed them the copies of the contents of Steven's wallet that I took. I also told them of trying to wipe the magnetic strips with a refrigerator magnets.

"That's a nice touch but you might want to get a stronger magnet to do ensure it really screws them up. As for what you are asking for is highly illegal and if I get caught I'll be sent back to prison for a very long time. What's in it for me?" Joe asked.

I thought for a moment, "How is five grand in cash?"

Joe answered right away, "Done, but I want to be paid up front."

"Half up front and the rest when the job is done."

"Okay that'll work."

"We need to get into his condo so we can access his computer. Also I want to see if there is any other evidence I can get against my wife."

With the information I had on Steven, Joe was able to use my laptop to check what purchases he has made in the past week. What jumped out was the two airline tickets to Las Vegas and a hotel room for five nights. This is when we would break in to his condo and Joe asked did I know if he had an alarm system. I told him I didn't know so he would go and check it out and get back to me. If there was an alarm system he said his pay for getting us in would have to be increased. I said I would pay him more but only if there was justification for it.

It seems my wife was planning a little trip and this was going to be her last with this asshole. I check my tablet to see if my devices that I place in their cars was working. These were tracking devices that I could use either with my tablet or smart phone to see the location of their cars. I also checked the video cameras at home and saw she had packed a small carry-on bag for the trip.

The day came and I watched their progress from the comfort of my hotel room. I called Joe and he agreed to meet later that afternoon. He hadn't seen any alarm systems that were visible but said we had to be careful in any event.

We met a few blocks from Steven's condo and went over the plan on how we would get in. One thing Joe learned in prison was how to pick locks. It was just after sunset and as it was getting dark which would help keep prying eyes from seeing what we were up to.

Joe had his laptop in a messenger bag and had my camera. At the front door of Steven's condo Joe immediately knelt down and worked on the locks for almost a minute. Soon he had the door open and we ducked inside. Looking around first for any sign of an alarm system. Then once we were satisfied there wasn't one we looked for Steven's computer. Fortunately it was sitting out in the open and Joe went about doing his thing.

"Wait" I said as I slowly made a video recording of where everything was in the room. "I want to be sure we leave everything as we found it."

Joe nodded, "Good idea. If he doesn't see anything out of place he won't know someone was here the more time for this plan to screw this guy over. I like it. Okay let me do my magic. Why don't you look around and see if there is any incriminating evidence here."

I started to walk around his place and see if there was any sign of what he had been doing. Looking through his mail I noticed his bank statement, credit card bills, a few other bills, and the usual junk mail. I walked into his bedroom taking video as I went. The one thing that stuck out was how clean this place was and the nice furniture. It all looked to be high end and expensive. I still had no clue as to what this guy did for a living but it had to pay pretty well.

I heard Joe say, "Pay dirt." I walked back to the living room. "I got in no problem and found he does a lot of bill payments online. Also I found his checks and extra credit cards. I was hoping we'd find these. I brought my card reader that will record all the information from the magnetic strip and then I can make copies of his credit cards so anyone who has one of these copies can use it for online purchases and such. His cards could be maxed out in just a few short hours." Joe was grinning.

"Can you empty out his bank account?"

"Not a problem. I'll do it from this computer so it looks more legit. The bank may call here asking to verify the transaction."

"Will that require any sort of password for them?"

"Not normally but they might ask for his social security number which you have." it was one of the items I'd copied from Steven's wallet. What a dumb ass.

"Okay do whatever it is you do but I want to but wait until the last possible moment to reek havoc on this shit head. Lets empty has bank account now then we'll fuck up his credit cards the day he is due back from Las Vegas."

"I like it. A nice little home coming gift." Joe was starting to get in to this.

"Just make sure none of this can come back on us. Okay?"

"Man that's a given. I do not want to do time again and I'm covering my tracks as I go. Why do you think we're wearing these latex gloves?" Joe raised his hand and wiggled his fingers showing me the blue glove he had on.

I went back to search through his bedroom and didn't find much until I looked in the back of his closet. I found a shoe box with several recordable DVR disks. They were labeled with the names of women. As I pulled out the box I dumped it on his bed and started to sort through them. I didn't recognize any of the names until I saw Jamie's. That bastard had recorded the two of them together. But why?

"You better come see this." Joe said.

I went back to the other room, "What did you find?"

"It seems your boy is into blackmail. He has a number of videos of women being fucked by Steven. You can clearly see the women's faces in the videos but he has the camera at such an angle you can't see his. From some of the emails he's received some of the women are asking for more time to pay him. My guess is he beds married women with children then breaks up with them and then starts to blackmail them with these videos. None of them wants to get a divorce especially if these videos could be used against them in court. He is a real sweet heart."

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