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Ellie Submits Pt. 11

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Ellie meets her domme's other sub.
5.9k words

Part 11 of the 20 part series

Updated 04/21/2024
Created 09/07/2021
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In the afternoon, Miriam sits beneath a shady tree and Ellie lies beside her, with her head in her domme's lap. Miriam plays with Ellie's hair and ears, and they just talk. They talk about Miriam's ongoing search for a new job. She's been reaching out to contacts and recruiters, and she's already had some interest, but it's very early. Then they discuss Ellie's career prospects. And then the latest gossip in Ellie's department, and then office softball, and then sports. Miriam is a tennis fan. Ellie loves watching athletics competitions, especially wrestling and weightlifting.

Ellie talks animatedly about her training. She would probably never be a competitive weightlifter, she says. A weightlifter's body is optimized for only one thing, obviously, but she cares about aesthetics as well as brute strength. She lifts, of course, she's extremely strong, but her body fat percentage is much lower than any weightlifter's, because...

And so on.

Later, the conversation drifts away, and it becomes comfortable to just be peaceful together, in the shade, while birds chirrup. Miriam picks up her book and continues reading from where she left off, while still stroking her sub's cropped ash-blonde hair with one hand. The book is about management styles. Ellie turns over onto her side, facing away from Miriam, and her breathing becomes slower, and she dozes off.

Miriam admires her sleeping sub's physique, as her shoulder rises and falls. Ellie is a big girl, and puts tremendous amounts of work into her body. Her back is a network of muscle; her shoulders are like cannonballs. She weighs almost twice as much as Miriam does -- all of it pure muscle, as far as Miriam is concerned. Ellie could probably snap her in half if she felt like it.

Miriam presses two fingers against Ellie's throat, feeling her heartbeat. And then reaches around to press her palm against her chest. Ellie's resting heart rate is amazingly slow. And each individual beat is very powerful. Such a strong, beautiful creature. Miriam thinks of a tigress.

Still reading, Miriam strokes Ellie's hard body, caressing her oblique and her hip. After a little while she goes inward, following Ellie's iliac furrow down between her legs. She rests her palm on Ellie's mons, and then moves her fingertips gently inward, toward her hood. She gives her sub just a flutter of attention.

Ellie fidgets in her sleep, and mutters something unintelligible. Her legs slide past one another. Miriam doesn't know it, but Ellie was already dreaming about her.

After another half-chapter, Miriam gives her a little more attention, caressing her lips, pushing them gently apart and teasing deeper. Ellie is becoming wet. In her dream, she is wrapped up in Miriam's cascade of shimmering black hair, tangled in it, drowning in pleasure, unable to escape.

"Always ready for me, aren't you?" Miriam whispers in Ellie's ear, after a while.

Ellie stirs. She murmurs sleepily, "Yes, ma'am."

"How often do you need to come?" Miriam asks. "You've had four huge orgasms today. What does it take to satisfy you?"

"Whatever satisfies you, ma'am," Ellie says.

Miriam cackles. "Oh, what a good answer."

She pleasures her sub, gently, for a little while longer, and continues reading. Ellie purrs, and drifts in and out of sleep. Just as Miriam is reaching the end of a chapter, her phone pings. A message has arrived. It's from her other sub. She's ready.

Miriam slaps Ellie on the behind. "Up. Come with me."


Miriam leads Ellie inside, to a part of her house Ellie's never visited before. Ellie still feels self-conscious, walking naked and barefoot behind her fully clothed domme. But she remembers the confident walk which Miriam taught her. She lifts her head, and squares her shoulders.

Miriam looks back briefly, and smiles at her. It's almost like she noticed.

Miriam leads Ellie to a first-floor room which Ellie guesses is near the garage. "A guest bedroom," Miriam says. "In a way." She opens the door, and holds it open, making Ellie enter first.

"Oh my gosh," Ellie says.

The "bedroom" has a polished wooden floor, red painted walls, exposed beams, and moody, warm lighting. Two windows are covered by heavy dark curtains, and there are blackout blinds behind them, letting in no natural light. Half of the room is given over to a king-sized four-poster bed, with a comfortable leather love seat against the wall beside it. A door at the back leads to an en suite bathroom, and another to a walk-in closet. That half of the room could, maybe, pass as a bedroom.

But Ellie barely notices, because her attention is transfixed by the St. Andrew's cross leaning against the wall dead ahead of her: a huge X made from eight-inch-thick beams of dark wood, with shackles at each corner.

To the left of the cross, there is a set of stocks, and to the left of that, a cage. Ellie could just barely fit inside the cage, she thinks, if she knelt down and bowed her head. To the right, there is a large, uncomfortably square-looking, padded arm chair with straps all over it, and then a wooden box with a heavy lid. The box is a little smaller than the cage is. Exactly the right size to fit inside the cage, in fact.

On the next wall is a rack of equipment. Chains, ropes, cuffs, paddles, collars, whips, gags, clamps, canes... Beneath the rack is a trunk with a padded lid -- Ellie assumes that there's more equipment in the trunk. There's a table, with some regular wooden chairs. Ellie doesn't notice that there are heavy bolts and other fittings in the ceiling.

The possibilities are endless. Ellie wants to try everything. Everything first, everything at once. She clenches her fists up against her chest, and tries not to freak out. She feels like a kid in a candy store.

Miriam locks the door behind them, with a loud, metallic CLACK which makes Ellie jump. She kicks one of the chairs out into the center of the room. "Sit there."

Ellie finally finds her voice, and gasps, "You have a dungeon!"


"Oh! Yes, ma'am!" Ellie sits, vibrating with tension. Miriam makes her sit sideways on the chair, giving easy access to her front and back, and has her fold her arms behind her back, gripping her elbows. Then Miriam brings over a bundle of soft red rope.

"More people than you'd think have a dungeon," Miriam explains. "You just need a spare room, and a budget. Having some DIY skills helps a lot." She smirks. "Or having a sub with DIY skills."

She works swiftly, looping rope around and around Ellie's upper body. One pair of ropes passes horizontally above Ellie's breasts, and one pair below. Another loop comes down over her shoulders and knots the two horizontal ropes together, forming a sort of rope bra.

Ellie is desperate to know what Miriam is going to do to her. After her arms are bound, then what? The arm chair with the straps won't work. The St. Andrew's cross won't. Maybe the cage? She suppresses the urge to ask. She knows that just letting it happen will be more exciting.

As Miriam busies herself with the rope work, Ellie reaches out and nuzzles her, looking for a kiss.

"Sit still."

"Ma'am, I want--" Ellie begins.

"I know exactly what you want. Be quiet."

Ellie bites her lip. She tries to force herself to calm down, to hold still so that her domme can properly restrain her. There is a vertiginous feeling in her head, as if she's descending, into her domme's power. Into a place that's simultaneously safe and scary.

Miriam tightens the last knot. "Now stand up, and turn for me. Does that feel good?"

Ellie is so nervous and horny that she is practically shaking. "Yes!" she gasps. She flexes hard, making sure that it's impossible to get her arms free.

Miriam points at the small puddle Ellie has left on the chair seat. "Clean that up."

"Yes, ma'am!" Ellie quickly licks it all up.

Next, Miriam suspends Ellie from the ceiling by her feet.

She uses bulky, leather, padded foot cuffs, which enclose Ellie's feet from mid-ankle down to about halfway along each foot, leaving her toes and heels exposed. The cuffs were clearly specifically designed for this purpose, and Ellie finds them very comfortable, even when all of her weight is pulling on them. Heavy black ropes go up through pulleys bolted to the ceiling, and then down into a mechanical winch in one corner of the room. There are two pulleys, spaced apart, so Ellie's legs are spread apart. Her head is only a few inches off the floor. If her arms weren't bound behind her back, they'd be dragging across the floor. She's facing the front of the room, away from the bed.

Inverted suspension is a wild new thrill for Ellie. The strain in her spread legs and abdomen, the blood rushing to her head... Her pussy and anus are completely exposed like this, at just the right height for Miriam to reach with her mouth or some kind of handheld toy. Ellie twists helplessly in her bondage, trying to get a hand free. She can knot her abs up into a crunch, lifting her head almost up to the level of her crotch, but there's no point. She is completely at her domme's mercy, and she is losing her mind with arousal. It's so intense that she just wants to come right now.

"How does that feel?"

Ellie doesn't know how to articulate what she's feeling. It's too intense to put into words. She just throws her head back and screams. And screams again, until her eyes water.

"Oh, my," Miriam says. She crouches, turning Ellie's head to face her and looking intently into her eyes for signs of real distress. Ellie has a safeword, they set one up some time ago, and she hasn't used it. But Miriam has the right to stop a scene too, if she thinks Ellie's too far gone.

Ellie returns a rapt, red-faced smile. She's fine. "I needed to get that out," she gasps. "This is so much."

Miriam raises an eyebrow. "Young lady, I haven't even touched you yet."

"PLEASE touch me, ma'am," Ellie begs. "Oh my GOD."

Miriam rises again. She circles her sub, caressing her hard muscles, giving her a pinch here and there. Ellie has so little body fat that half the time she can't even give her a good pinch, and has to settle for a vigorous slap. Ellie swings and twists, moaning, sweating.

"I'm glad you like this position, because I love, love, love it," Miriam says. "So defenseless, so disoriented. It shows a sub's body off so well. Those firm cheeks of yours." She slaps them. "And especially your core." She bends low, and gives Ellie's rock-hard abdominals a tender kiss. And then tugs firmly on each of her nipples, squeezing them until they become bright red, pulling Ellie's body forward so that she swings. "Look how horny you are," she murmurs. "After a whole day of fucking, you're still ready to catch fire."

Ellie wails. Tears are forming in her eyes. "Ma'am, please may I come!"

"Absolutely not. And stop asking....That reminds me." Miriam strides away and opens a drawer, and retrieves a roll of silver duct tape. She returns to Ellie and crouches in front of her face. "Ordinarily, when you say your safeword, I stop," she explains. "And then I take care of you until we're both comfortable. Yes?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"When I tape your mouth up, you won't be able to say anything. So you say 'nnh nnh nnh'. Three times in quick succession. You know Morse code, the SOS? Dot dot dot for 'S', dash dash dash for 'O', dot dot dot for 'S'. Except we'll just use 'S' because it's quicker. Do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am," Ellie gulps. "I say 'nnh nnh nnh'."

Miriam tears off a strip of tape, and covers Ellie's mouth.

"Feeling good?"

"Mh hmmgh," Ellie says. She nods, breathing heavily through her nose. It is the first time she's been gagged during sex. Another layer of intensity.

"Give me the signal again."

"'Nnh nnh nnh'," Ellie mumbles.

Miriam looks into her sub's wide blue eyes, studying her reactions. "How badly do you need to come right now?"

"Nnnnnnngh!" Very, very badly.

Miriam stands up, and lazily teases Ellie's needy, throbbing pussy with one hand. "Do you think I'm going to let you come again today?" she asks her, casually. "Or ever again?"


"I find you very attractive like this, young lady," Miriam drawls. "I find it very arousing that you are unable to come, even... when I do THIS to you..."

Ellie shrieks urgently. It takes all of her willpower to resist the pleasure Miriam is giving her. "MnnnhMMMMH!" She twists her upper body, uselessly.

"I love that all your orgasms are mine. To do whatever I feel like with. All wound up. Nowhere to go. You know, just the sight of you makes me want to play with myself. Give myself a treat. Just because I can, and you can't. In fact... don't go anywhere."

Ellie watches her domme, boggle-eyed. Miriam backs up a little, flicks her eyes up and down Ellie's massive, muscle-bound body once again. She says, "Eyes front." Ellie obeys. Miriam circles around behind Ellie.

After a few seconds, there is a rustle, and Miriam's summer dress flies into view, and lands in a heap on the chair. Ellie knows that Miriam wasn't wearing underwear. She's seen Miriam nude many times before, but still, knowing that she's back there is too much. It's like there's an electrical charge developing between them, the anticipation... Ellie turns her head, hoping to catch a glimpse of her domme's gorgeous, curvaceous body, her flared hips, her great big juicy tits...

A powerful blow from a cane strikes Ellie's buttocks. "Eyes front!"

Ellie emits a muffled shriek of pain. Miriam knew. Knew her too well. Her eyes water, and she shrieks again at the lingering pain. But she's learned her lesson. She disobeyed, and she was punished. It's done. She forces herself to relax, and look forward. And listen.

She hears the cane being set aside. Miriam mounts the bed back there. Ellie waits, fizzling slowly in the silence of the dungeon, listening to her domme get comfortable. And then, minutes go by with no sound in the dungeon but Ellie's slow breathing, and, in the background, Miriam's.

Miriam's breathing slowly becomes heavier. Ellie, who is listening extremely intently, catches the soft, sloppy sound of her mistress fingering herself. It doesn't sound like she's using any toys. There is a very soft grunt, just one. Ellie flexes her wrists, hopelessly. She wiggles her butt a little. She knows Miriam is watching, and gives her a little bit of a show. The ropes creak.

Eventually, the sloppy noises rise to a slapping, a mild frenzy. Miriam can be heard to tense up, and emit a single tiny gasp,


...and then fall slack.

Ellie guesses that Miriam might be draped over the bed with a pillow beneath her lower back, knees bent back, one nipple between thumb and forefinger, while the other hand lazily caresses her toned belly and pussy, eyes screwed up, mouth open in a silent O as she comes... but that would only be a guess.

Ellie trembles. Her pussy feels like it's bubbling over with excitement. She does not come.

From the back, Miriam murmurs, "Delightful. Thank you for that, young lady."

"Mmmm mmmmmmhmmm." Ellie feels a surge of pride. Not every sub, she thinks, could bring their domme off simply by being bound and suspended, back turned, on the far side of a room.

Miriam can be heard to move around a little more, and then falls silent. Ellie wonders what might be next, and waits patiently. Then, after a minute of silence, a bell rings, once, high and piercing. Miriam must have rung it?

Then the box starts moving. The box in the far corner, beside the padded arm chair. Its lid is lifting up.


Two long, slender, black, pointed appendages emerge. For a second they look to Ellie like the legs of some incredible black spider. But Ellie blinks, and looks again. There is someone climbing out of the box. She's emerging feet-first, wearing skin-tight shiny black legwear and calf-length, tightly laced high-heeled boots. The boots are so high-heeled that they have no toe. The foot is forced straight down into a tight point. Ballet boots. The heels are long, black spikes.

Whoever it is must be incredibly petite, or flexible, or both. She must have been folded up upside-down, head bowed, legs folded against her chest. It must have been unbearably cramped and hot. How long was she in there? Hours? All day? Could she even breathe? Ellie feels a throb of desire. She wants to try it.

The new girl unfolds out of the box in a single impossibly elegant flourish. She moves with the smooth grace of a ballet dancer; she moves as if she's performed this move many times. She even makes sure to close the box lid gently behind her, not letting it slam.

Miriam Wright's other sub is a slim waif of a girl, clad head to toe in extremely tight, shiny black latex. She walks expertly in impossibly tall calf-length ballet boots, which lengthen her legs and flatter her cute, tight butt. Over the top of the catsuit, the girl wears a black overbust corset which sits comfortably on her hips, narrows her waist, and flattens her chest, giving her an intensely beautiful, slim silhouette. She has slender arms too, and wears elbow-length leather gloves with buckles. The catsuit fully encloses the girl's head. Ellie can't see a single square inch of skin, or strand of hair. There might be openings for the girl's eyes, but she wears a heavy pair of black goggles, and it is obvious from her cautious movements that she is unable to see through them. Where there might be an opening for her mouth, there is a large, circular black plastic seal. A gag? Ellie notices another seal just like it between the girl's legs.

The girl turns to the padded armchair, and feels her way past it to the St. Andrew's cross. Ellie realizes that she is checking each piece of furniture to see if it's occupied. After the stocks and the cage both turn out to be empty too, the girl locates one of Ellie's vertical ropes, and then bumps into Ellie's right leg. It takes her a second to figure out that she has found an upside-down leg, not a raised arm.

Having found Ellie's body, the girl explores more eagerly. She probes Ellie's leg muscles, and squeezes her thighs, discovering just how broad and powerful they are. She cups and squeezes Ellie's hard glutes. She keeps her hands off Ellie's pussy, for now, but traces the deep iliac furrows from there to the crests of her hips, and then traces the deep creases between Ellie's abdominal muscles. It seems like she likes them.

She discovers that Ellie's upper body is thoroughly bound with rope. She takes quite some time to caress and fondle Ellie's exposed breasts, enjoying their proportions and firmness. She circles Ellie's sensitive areolae, and gives her perky nipples a friendly squeeze. She strokes Ellie's massive shoulders and bulging trapezii.

Ellie could moan or make any number of other sounds behind her tape gag, but she stays silent. It just feels right to be silent. The girl is being silent too. She hasn't even seen her! In fact, neither of them has truly heard or seen the other, yet. They're complete strangers to one another. And yet...

The girl kneels. She strokes Ellie's throat, and gently touches the contours of her face, noting the tape across her mouth. After running leather-clad fingers through Ellie's cropped blonde hair, she bends down, and touches their foreheads together for a few seconds. This final act of greeting fills Ellie with a strange burst of joy. She has never met another submissive before, let alone one who submits to the same domme. She feels a powerful kinship with her. What does that make the two of them? Partners, girlfriends, sister lovers? Ellie feels a stab of envy of the depths of the other girl's submission.

The girl stands again. When she is standing, Ellie can't see her face, only the lower half of her body. The girl begins to explore Ellie's pussy with her leather-clad fingers, gently teasing Ellie's soft lips and wet slit. Ellie squirms. And then squeaks, involuntarily. The new girl's technique is very different from Miriam's. Different motions, and the soft leather gloves make everything a little less delicate, too, a little rougher.


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