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Game of Phones


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"What's wrong Sawyer, feeling nervous? Am I not pretty enough?" Megan was teasing him now, her flirty side returning now that James had given her his blessing.

Sawyer laughed. "No, it's definitely not that! Just want to make sure everyone is cool before we do this."

"Will you just kiss me already, before I change my mind?!" Megan asked.

Before Megan could change her mind, Charlotte leaned over and started the digital timer on her phone. "Okay you two, thirty seconds!"

Megan gave James one last glance and a smile before she leaned over. She and Sawyer were both at the corner of the L shape made by the two couches, so they didn't have to move very far. Her lips found his and began to explore the unfamiliar territory. Sawyer brought his hand up to her cheek and caressed her face as they kissed. His tongue found hers and began the familiar dance.

James couldn't help but smile. If it had been anyone but Sawyer his jealousy and anger would be uncontrollable, but knowing that she was in the care of someone he could trust put him at ease. In fact, it was a major turn on to watch the action, seeing his wife so nervous and excited at the same time, her love for her husband remaining untarnished. He wondered if Charlotte would be feeling the same?

Reluctant to turn away from the kissing duo before him, James eventually glanced over to Charlotte to see her reaction. She was also smiling, and their eyes met for just a moment. He gave her a smile, hoping that she would understand the meaning behind it. The wink she returned, and the kiss she quietly blew to him, were a clear confirmation. His arousal intensified, and he wondered if Charlotte was herself aroused?

James had images in his mind at that moment, of walking over to Charlotte while Megan and Sawyer continued their challenge. Of pushing her back so that he could slide her jeans down her legs. Of her mouth wrapping around his shaft as he teased her with his finger. Megan and Sawyer would catch on and do their own thing in this particular fantasy.

Those images disappeared, scattered by the sound of the timer announcing that thirty seconds had elapsed. His attention turned back to his wife, who was now grinning beside him even as her cheeks radiated in blush. She had obviously enjoyed herself, and when she turned her eyes to James, in guilt, he gave her a smile to reassure her that none necessary.

Megan had another reason to smile, as it was her turn once again. Whatever penalties occurred this round would be in her favor, although she had to admit that the last had been more pleasure than punishment. She swiped the screen as everyone settled down, the kiss already in the back of their minds as they awaited new challenges. Her question wasn't very scandalous.

"What is my favorite guilty pleasure? I think I have the perfect answer for this!" Megan proclaimed as she typed. The others began submitting immediately, though Sawyer was a little slow on his reply. Megan targeted him as a likely loser. She was not wrong.

"Okay James, Charlotte, you two get to live to fight another day, though I thank you for not judging me too harshly. Lots of young women still sleep with a stuffed animal, right?" Megan asked with more blushing. "As for you Sawyer, I'm a bit disappointed. Do you really see me ever wearing a snuggie?"

Sawyer shrugged. "I don't know, I don't normally imagine you with clothing." His confidence had grown now that the first line had been crossed. He had meant it as a joke, but that didn't stop Megan from wondering how often he actually did imagine her in the nude.

Charlotte gave him a smack on the arm. "One kiss doesn't mean you get to be such a flirt, mister! Only I am allowed to imagine Megan naked!"

"It's one of my favorite things to do," said James.

Megan was still laughing, the alcohol in her blood making it difficult to maintain a straight face for long. "Okay children, calm down! All of you are allowed to imagine me in any amount of clothing, or none at all if you wish. Just as long as that clothing doesn't ever include a snuggie!"

Megan swiped for the penalty. "Okay Sawyer, I get to give you a hickey! Don't think you're getting off easy, because when Ieave my mark, I make sure it stays there for days!"

James didn't speak, but he nodded in confirmation. He had fallen prey to Megan's hickey's on multiple occasions, and not always on the neck.

Megan raised her eyebrow as she looked back at the screen. "It says that I can only do it on skin that is currently visible," She noted. "Do you think that's implying more skin will be visible later on in the game?"

James didn't necessarily see that the question was implying anything of the sort, and suspected that this was just an excuse to ask the question that was on her mind. It was clearly on Charlotte's as well. As Megan leaned in and began to suck on Sawyer's neckline, Charlotte answered.

"I say we just play it by ear and keep going anyway. I want to see where this goes," said Charlotte. "But I will say this, the first person to chicken out had better find something just as interesting to do next weekend."

It was true that tonight had been more exciting than any of their previous game nights, and they were still only warming up to the more risqué elements of the app. Megan finally released Sawyer and, true to her word, the scarlet mark left behind was surely going to remain visible for another day or two. Charlotte examined her friend's work with approval in her smile.

"Not bad Megan! I might have to add one of my own a bit later on!"

"Maybe you'll get your chance, but right now, it's my turn," James said as he touched his screen. He read his question and immediately knew that this would be easy enough for most of them to answer. "Have I ever kissed anyone of the same sex?"

Sawyer and Megan were already typing before he had a chance to look up from his phone, but Charlotte appeared less certain. She shrugged and typed her answer in, the last submission, and James brought them up for judgment.

"Only in your imagination, Charlotte," he said. "Those fantasies you have of Sawyer and I having hour-long make out sessions while you're away are all fiction." As he swiped to reveal her punishment, Charlotte shook her head.

"Wait, so you're telling me you've never kissed a guy, ever? Like, not even on a dare, or while you were at college just to see what it's like?" she asked.

"Nope, never have. I'm pretty sure it's not as common for guys as it is girls."

"You're assuming girls kiss other girls all the time?" Megan added.

"I know you've kissed another girl before," James countered. "And I'd venture a guess that Charlotte has too."

Charlotte didn't seem content with his answer. She looked down at her penalty. "You have to refill drinks for everyone, but first you must finish your own. The game cannot continue until the penalty is complete."

"Sounds like you're getting off easy, but I could use some more wine," Megan said as she held out her half-empty glass.

Charlotte looked around at everyone's glasses. They had already been refilled not long before, and with all of the gameplay going on there had been little time to drink what remained. Her own glass was nearly full, and Charlotte didn't fancy the idea of chugging it. Her grin returned with sudden brilliance, and it almost scared James in a way, because smiles of this nature don't occur without a wicked idea in mind.

"I have a better idea! We can always refill the drinks in a little bit, that doesn't seem like something we really need right now," she said.

Sawyer chimed in. "But it also says you have to finish your drink first."

Charlotte looked at her wine glass. "You don't chug wine, sweetie, and trust me, if I get sick then it won't matter what penalties the game throws at me. I won't be in any condition to do them."

They contemplated this for a moment and all agreed. A drunken Charlotte was never dull, but a sick Charlotte would ruin the night. "Okay then, what's your alternative?" Sawyer asked.

Charlotte leaned forward with her mischievous little grin. "Megan and I have to make out."

James and Sawyer exchanged a look. There was no way they were going to complain about a little girl-on-girl action. Megan, however, raised her eyebrow.

"Not that I'm super unwilling to make out with you, Charlotte, but I'm not the one who lost this round. You are," said Megan.

"True," Charlotte replied, "but this is just to keep things interesting. Besides, there's a catch. The boys here will determine how many seconds our little kiss lasts."

"How so?" James asked, sensing a trap. Charlotte was very clever, after all.

"Simple! You have to kiss Sawyer, and however many seconds you last with him, Megan and I will match!"

"Hell no, forget it!" Sawyer was already against the idea. "James and I didn't lose the round! He was the one judging. Why should we have to do any sort of penalty?"

"Because," Charlotte said as she walked over to Megan's side of the couch, "If you can make it a full ten seconds, I'll even let you record it."

This got Megan's attention. "Do I get any say in whether or not they get to video the two of us making out?"

"Of course you do, sweetie, but who are they going to share it with? They spend all of their time together. It's not like they go to work and show our photos to their coworkers. Right, boys?" Charlotte asked.

Both James and Sawyer shook their heads, in honesty. There weren't many people outside of this room that they could trust with that sort of secret. But was a recording of the kiss worth sharing one of their own?

James turned to Sawyer to see there was a look of contemplation on his face. "What do you think? Can you make it ten seconds?"

Sawyer didn't seem too pleased. "You actually want to go through with this?" he asked.

"Not particularly, no. But..." James turned to the girls. Charlotte was running her hand along Megan's thigh, causing the hem of her dress to rise ever so slowly. Megan, meanwhile, was playing with her own hair and biting her lip, seducing them with her eyes while her friend explored. It was a compelling argument.

Sawyer finally relented, convinced that whatever level of disgust he felt towards kissing James, watching Charlotte and Megan kiss would certainly make up for it. They would show little restraint with one another, he assumed.

"Okay bro, ten seconds?" Sawyer asked, mentally preparing himself for what was about to happen.

James thought it over before answering. "We'll let them keep the time, in silence. If you think of a number, it'll just make us stop at a certain time. Just, I don't know, hold it for as long as you can and hope that it's more time than we bargained for?"

Sawyer nodded in agreement. If they just kept their mind on other things, then the time would pass without them realizing. "Okay, just don't be offended if I finish my drink when it's over."

"You know, I just might be a little offended," James replied, "but I'll keep it to myself."

Charlotte clapped her hands in giddiness. "Yay! See, isn't this more fun than just having a fresh beer?"

"I'm starting to wish I'd just asked for a beer." James replied as he sat beside his male counterpart. He leaned closer to Sawyer anyway, reluctant but determined. Sawyer did the same.

"Okay, on three. One...two...three!"

James forced his eyes shut as his lips connected with his best friend's. He instinctively began a countdown in his head before realizing they had agreed not to do so. He needed to focus on something else, so he let his mind wander to the two girls sitting next to them. He imagined them kissing, their hands wandering and exploring one another. He imagined them both topless, Megan's head back and eyes closed as she moaned, with Charlotte's lips on her neck and her hand caressing Megan's breast. Her teeth would nibble at the soft skin of her throat the way he always did, her fingers would play with the nipple until it stood firm and erect.

"Um...James? Are you getting turned on by this?" Megan asked out loud.

The two men separated quickly. Sawyer immediately began to wipe his mouth clean and reach for his beer. James, however, looked down to see that his cock had indeed become quite stiff during the kiss, the consequence of his vivid imagination. The erection was evident even through his pants and underwear, and he knew how it looked to an outside observer.

"There something you want to tell me, babe?" Megan teased, her brows raised once again.

"Oh for fucks sake, I'm hard because I was thinking of your tits!" James answered, embarrassed. "I thought it would keep me distracted from what was actually going on! I guess it worked better than I expected."

Sawyer laughed. "Sure bro, that's what I would say too if I were caught with a hard-on after all of that. I'm a world-class kisser after all!"

James wanted to change the subject. "How long did we make it?"

Charlotte pressed something on her phone so that she could check the timer. "You guys lasted almost seventeen seconds before Mr. Woody came to break it up. Damnit Megan, if you hadn't said anything..."

"Shhhh!" Megan was suddenly flushed, hiding a grin behind her hand.

"Wait, why are you telling her to be quiet?" Sawyer asked.

James was quicker to understand what was going on. Charlotte had been on her phone, but she had had to click an icon to bring the timer back to the screen. She had left it running in the background while she did something else. He had a feeling he knew what it was.

"You were filming us, weren't you?" he asked.

The laughter burst out of them. They had been caught. "What did you expect?" Charlotte proclaimed between snorts. "Besides, it's good to have insurace! If you ever leak the video of us making out, we can always do the same with you. And trust me, I think your video will get just as many online views, especially if I mention in the title that one of you gets turned on!"

"I told you, I was thinking about the two of you. It had nothing to do with Sawyer." James was really embarrassed, but he had to admit it was funny.

"Oh? Before, you said you were just thinking of my tits," Megan added. "Now you're saying it was both of us on your mind?"

James had been caught. "It was just you at first, but then I started thinking about the two of you kissing each other," James admitted. "Then I got carried away and started imagining you both topless, and then you were touching each other. I have a very vivid imagination, as you can tell."

"Very interesting," Charlotte said. "Well, a deal is a deal. You two didn't do much. Just kind of had your lips together, but don't worry, we'll make this worth the effort."

"I certainly hope so," said Sawyer before finishing his beer.

Charlotte scooted over to Megan. "Ready, babe?"

"Wait!" James opened his camera app and had it ready. Sawyer did the same. "Okay, now we're good!"

Megan turned to Charlotte with a smile. "It's so cute," she said. "They don't know this isn't the first time we've done this!"

Before James or Sawyer could form a reply to this revelation, the two girls were leaning into each other and their lips were pressed together. Charlotte's tongue quickly began searching for Megan's, and found it eager to play. Nobody had started a timer; they would enjoy the kiss for as long as they felt like it. It was already going on twenty seconds when Charlotte's wandering hand began to travel up Megan's waist and over her chest.

Megan didn't move away, but she did break lip contact and smile, knowing that Charlotte was up to something naughty. Their lips reunited and the boys stared in silent awe. James wondered if Charlotte would actually push Megan's dress to the side, freeing one of her breasts to play with as he had imagined.

Sadly, she was all tease. Charlotte slid her hand under the fabric of the dress and beneath Megan's bra, careful not to move any clothing out of the way as her hand began to slowly caress Megan's body. Their lips parted once again, and Charlotte traveled down Megan's cheek and onto her throat, where she continued to deliver the soft kisses from before.

Megan let out a soft moan in return, and her own hands wandered over Charlotte's back, her nails digging into the fabric as a thumb teased her nipple below. Unlike James, Megan's arousal was not the product of her fantasies. She melted to Charlotte's touch, forgetting the camera and the game as Charlotte's kisses drew lower down her collarbone.

A few more seconds passed before Charlotte withdrew her hand from her friend's dress. The two separated slowly before Megan leaned in and gave Charlotte one last kiss on the lips before sliding back into her original seat. Charlotte stood and returned to her place by Sawyer, smiling wide while he and James sat in stunned silence.

"I hope you got all of that?" she asked.

"I'm going to make backup copies of this in case I ever lose this phone," Sawyer replied.

"Good, I want a copy. Just don't post it online!" Charlotte then gave him a quick kiss, the taste of Megan still on her lips, before standing again. "Looks like you boys could use a fresh drink after all. Megan, care to join me?"

"I could use some more wine," Megan replied. The two girls left the room together, still giggling and smiling. James took advantage of this moment alone with Sawyer.

"Am I crazy, or did they tell us this isn't the first time they've made out?" James asked, unsure of what he'd heard.

Sawyer nodded. "Looks like they've been cheating on us with one another."

"They're welcome to do it more often," said James. "Especially if I'm around to watch it happen."

"I'm with you there, bro." Sawyer checked the doorway before leaning in. "It looks like it's working pretty well. I mean, we haven't started getting undressed yet or anything, but they're definitely not afraid to do things outside of our normal comfort zone. I think if we keep this up, going slowly, we might be getting lucky tonight, in ways we never thought possible."

The girls returned before James could give a reply, their wine glasses full and carrying two fresh bottles of beer for the guys. They took their seats, after thanks were given for the refills, and the game continued.

It was Charlotte's turn now, and she seemed unfazed by events thus far. She eagerly swiped for her question, but found it immediately disappointing. "Have I ever flashed anyone?"

Charlotte had indeed flashed people before, in college. This included the three other people in the room at this very moment, the result of plenty of alcohol and a game of truth or dare. It had been quick, only a couple of seconds, but it had happened all the same, and nobody had forgotten.

Obviously, nobody failed to answer correctly this round. "So what does that mean?" Charlotte asked. So far at least one person had lost each round.

"Swipe and find out?" Megan implored.

Charlotte did as she was told, and was met with more upsetting news. "It says that because everyone was correct, I have to perform a penalty instead!"

"That sounds pretty fair to me," Sawyer replied, shortly before receiving another smack on the arm from his counterpart.

"What's the penalty then?" Megan asked.

Charlotte swiped. "Oh for fucks sake! I have to flash everyone! But it says I can keep my bra on at least."

Megan's eyes were wide. "Oh my!"

"Well it's not like we didn't all just agree that this isn't the first time..." Sawyer received another smack. His arm would probably fall off after another hour or so of this.

"Fuck it, it's just tits," said Charlotte standing with confidence. She first had to push her corset down far enough to unbutton the top of her blouse. It took a few minutes, but finally she was able to spread the top of her shirt open enough to show off the black lace hiding beneath, curving with her body. Black was one of James' favorite colors to see against fair skin, and even though he wasn't able to see breast, he was already growing aroused once again. His khakis were annoyingly tight.

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