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Girls Wear Swimsuits, Boys Go Nude


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He let the cold water wash over his body, and slowly, his erection subsided despite the thoughts of Marissa- and Monica- still in his mind.

* * * * *

When Nick tried masturbating that evening and still wasn't able to ejaculate, he considered the possibility that he had a medical problem. It took a significant amount of courage to make an appointment with a urologist, and he likely wouldn't have done it had he not been in fear of having more erections in swim class.

Dr. Erin Bishop came highly recommended. Nick read several online reviews stating she was very frank and understanding with patients of any gender or orientation when it came to discussing sexual concerns. She seemed like a comfortable professional to talk to and her office wasn't far from LaPorte campus, so Nick secured an appointment to see her the following Thursday.

To his horror, he spotted a small gathering of students in the parking lot, some of who he recognized from school. It appeared they were patrons of the Mexican restaurant located in the same strip mall as Dr. Bishop's practice.

Nick ducked into the urologist's office and prayed that none of his classmates had seen him. He knew there was no shame in what he was doing, but being spotted here by people he knew made him uncomfortable nonetheless. He just prayed there would be no one in the waiting room he knew. It seemed unlikely, but he braced himself regardless.

To Nick's relief, the waiting room was empty save for an older gentlemen and a middle-aged couple, neither of whom he recognized. After signing in at the front desk, he took a seat in the far corner, keeping his face buried in a magazine and holding it high enough to obscure his face from people passing by in the hallway.

A television was on showing the local news, but Nick had been tuning it out as background noise until a news promo caught his attention.

"A local business is asking its female employees to work nude. More on this story after the break."

Nick slowly lowered his magazine and stared up at the TV. A quick shot of a woman's bare legs walking down an office hallway was all he saw before the program cut to a commercial. He hadn't imagined it, the news had indeed reported an incident quite like what Caleb had mentioned a week earlier. Nick had to wonder if it was possible his roommate wasn't completely full of crap.

Intrigued, Nick kept his eyes locked on the screen, waiting for the news to come back from the commercial break. To his disappointment, the waiting room door opened and a nurse appeared before the break ended.

"Nick Hosdale?" she called.

Slowly, Nick rose from his chair and walked towards her. He was nearly at her side when the commercial break ended, and a male reporter's voice came on.

"Imagine being asked by your employer to work an entire day in the nude. For two San Amaury women, this happens every year. Rebecca Hill has the full story."

"Hi Nick, how are you doing today?" the nurse asked.

"Uh, fine," Nick said, still listening to the television. He followed her through the doorway as a female anchor's voice came on over the television.

"Carmen Lantieri and Cynthia Whittle work as secretaries at a San Amaury Insurance firm. Most days of the year these women report to work wearing business attire: skirts, blouses, and slacks. But one day a year..."

The nurse shut the waiting room door and Nick couldn't hear another word of the report. Sighing, he followed the nurse down the hallway to a scale, where she instructed him to stand.

After measuring his weight, she directed him to an examination room. It wasn't long before the question he was dreading escaped her lips.

"So, what brings you in today?" she asked.

Nick gulped.

"I can't seem to ejaculate when I- well, I can't seem to ejaculate," Nick said.

"I see," the nurse said. She entered information into the computer, and asked him several questions about his medical history. After taking his temperature and blood pressure, she instructed him to undress.

"Please remove all of your clothing, including your underwear, and have a seat on the examination table. The doctor will be in to see you in a minute."

She walked out. Nick looked around the room, wondering if a gown would be provided, but saw there was none. The doctor intended him to be nude when she examined him. As if coming to see a female urologist about his ejaculation problem wasn't embarrassing enough.

Nick reluctantly removed his clothes and sat on the paper-lined examination table. He could hear female voices outside the doorway while he awkwardly struggled to find a comfortable and dignified way to sit on an examination table in the nude.

It took about ten minutes before he heard a knock on the door, only for the nurse to poke her head in.

"She'll just be a few more minutes," she assured him. It was brief, but for the quickest second, her eyes shot down and glanced below his waist before she closed the door behind her. Nick rested his hands on his lap, squirming with thoughts of what the nurse had seen; and what she'd thought when she saw.

It took another five minutes before the door opened again, and the doctor finally entered. She was a tall, attractive woman in her late twenties with a bright and radiant smile.

"Hello!" she greeted him as she stepped inside. Nick fidgeted upon feeling the draft of the door opening- and the doctor's gaze upon his body. "I'm Dr. Bishop, you must be Nick, how are you today?"

"Okay," he replied nervously. He waited for her to close the door behind her, but the door remained open.

"That's good!" she said cheerfully. "Nick, I hope you don't mind, but I have a PA in training, and I'd like her to shadow me while I examine you today, is that all right?"

"Sure," Nick said.

"Ashley, come on in," Dr. Bishop said.

Nick spun around, only to see Ashley Bruckner step into the examination room. She looked at him and her eyes lit up.

"Hi Nick!" she greeted cheerfully.

"Uh, hi...." he said, his voice trailing off.

"You two know each other?" Dr. Bishop asked.

"We go to school together!" Ashley said. She shut the door behind her. It was little consolation considering he was now completely naked in front of two women, one of whom was his best friend's girlfriend. Of course Ashley had already seen him naked in swim class, so seeing him naked here was hardly anything new to her.

"Oh! Small world. Well then, Nick, why don't you tell us why you're here today?" the doctor began.

Nick cleared his throat.

"I can't seem to ejaculate," he said quietly.

"At all? Have you tried masturbation?" the doctor asked.

Nick nodded. It was, in fact, the only thing he'd tried, but he didn't see the need to mention that at this time.

"Are you able to get erect?"

"Yeah. All the time. I just can't cum no matter what I do." He winced upon realizing he'd said the word cum, hoping these professional women weren't offended by his use of porn slang. He looked them both in the face, but neither gave a visible reaction.

"Have you ever been diagnosed with an STD?" the doctor asked.

"No," he said. She scribbled his answer down onto a clipboard in her hands.

"How many sex partners have you had?"

Nick glanced at Ashley.

"Ever?" he asked.

"Yes. In your entire life, how many partners have you had for any sexual activity, be it oral, vaginal, or anal?"

Nick paused.

"None," he said, not looking at Ashley. He prayed she would not repeat this information to Caleb or anyone else at school.

"I see," the doctor said. "I'm going to need to examine your genitals. Would you lie down please?"

Nick laid back onto the table, while Dr. Bishop snapped on a pair of latex gloves. She grabbed a magnifying glass and leaned over his abdomen, peering through the lens to examine his penis closely. She lifted it up and examined the underside, and lightly twisted it to the left and right to inspect both sides before letting it go.

"Your penis looks healthy, but there might be a problem with your prostate. I'd like to give you an anal exam, if that's all right."

Nick gulped. It hadn't occurred to him that that might be the problem. He felt little choice but to agree. He nodded to her.

"Would you stand up please, and bend over the examination table?" she asked.

Nick climbed off the table and bent forward. He listened as Dr. Bishop applied a slippery lubricant to her index finger.

"Now just relax. This will feel a bit strange for a boy your age," she said.

Nick braced himself as he felt Dr. Bishop's finger penetrate his anus and slide completely into his rectum. He grunted. He felt her finger wiggle around inside him, making him squirm.

"Your prostate feels healthy, but I'm feeling a lot of backed-up seminal fluid in there," she said. "It's been some time since your last ejaculation, yes?"

"A few months," Nick grunted. He could feel her finger rubbing the inside of his rectum in a way he found oddly arousing.

"It would be a good idea for you to have one. Soon."

"Yeah...just...having problems with that..." Nick gripped the examination table with both hands tightly as he felt the doctor's finger wriggle against his rectal wall.

"Ashley, would you like to get a feel?" Dr. Bishop asked.

"Sure," the beautiful PA said. She snapped on a pair of gloves and lubed up her finger.

Dr. Bishop removed her finger from Nick's rectum, and stepped aside so Ashley could insert hers. Nick braced himself as his roommate's girlfriend rested her left hand gently upon his back while her right index finger slid between his butt cheeks and completely inside his tightest hole.

"Can you feel his prostate?" Dr. Bishop asked.

"Yes. It's very... full," Ashley said. She rubbed her fingertip against it, making Nick's penis swell.

"It looks like he's getting an erection," Dr. Bishop said, reaching under his abdomen and squeezing the head of his penis. "Yes, it's fairly hard. He should be able to ejaculate with just a little stimulation."

Nick shook his head.

"I've tried. Like, a lot, lately. I can't seem to orgasm."

Ashley withdrew her finger from Nick's anus.

"Would you mind masturbating in front of me?" Dr. Bishop asked. "Just so we can see if there might be anything wrong with your method."

"Um, okay," Nick said awkwardly. He'd never masturbated in front of anyone before, let alone a doctor.

"Don't mind us," the doctor said. "Just have a seat up on the table and do what you need to do."

She gave him a bottle of lubricant to use, and Nick took a handful to grease himself up. Attentively, the two women watched as Nick slowly stroked his penis. Dr. Bishop stood with her hands folded in front of her thighs, studying his stroking technique. Ashley looked on as well, batting her pretty doe eyes at him as he went.

Clumsily he kept stroking, looking up at his captive audience every three seconds to see if they were still there.

"This might, um, take a while," Nick muttered.

"Take your time," the doctor said encouragingly.

Nick felt his face heat up as he resumed rubbing his penis. Neither woman watching him seemed to be at all uncomfortable, so Nick tried to convince himself he shouldn't be either. Steadily he stroked and squeezed, but after several futile minutes of pumping, he still felt nowhere close to being able to orgasm. He looked up at Dr. Bishop.

"Am I- doing this right?" he asked.

"You know your body better than anyone, Nick. You tell me," she replied.

Nick had to admit she was right. Still, he felt there had to be something wrong that possibly he could correct, that might make him able to release his load the way a man should.

"Would it help to see Ashley disrobe?" Dr. Bishop suggested.

Nick stopped stroking, and looked at her in shock.

"She would do that?"

Dr. Bishop shrugged. "She has before."

Nick's mouth dropped open. He was about to reply, but stopped himself.

"No," he said. "I couldn't. Caleb's my best friend."

"I talked to Caleb about it. He's okay with me helping out patients this way, as long as I keep my bra and panties on," Ashley said.

Nick thought for a moment.

"Well, if he's okay with it..."

Ashley smiled and removed the top of her blue scrubs. She wore a lacy red bra underneath, and sported a shimmering silver-colored belly button piercing. She turned her back to him and bent over, and slipped her pants down, revealing a matching red thong barely covering her bottom. She set the scrub pants aside and turned to face him again.

Nick's mouth dropped open as he caught sight of the phenomenal body before him. While he'd seen her in a bathing suit before and had gotten plenty of glimpses at her legs and cleavage, seeing her toned belly and round ass cheeks in her skimpy lingerie made his cock pulse desperately. He could not believe what a lucky son of a bitch Caleb was.

"How do I look?" she asked shyly.

"A-amazing," Nick stammered, his gaze transfixed on the double D-cup breasts nearly bursting out of her bra.

"Thanks," she said, blushing. "I always wanted to be a stripper."

"Keep stroking," the doctor urged.

Nick resumed rubbing his penis, keeping his gaze on Ashley as he did. Yet despite her beautiful body, Nick's found his mind wandering to someone else. Visions of Monica climbing out of the pool, with her long hair and swimsuit soaking wet played in his mind. Nick pumped his penis furiously, yet felt all of his excitement building into nothing.

Ashley twirled around, giving Nick a view of every side of her body, and even bent over and wiggled her ass for him. He admired the view, but after several long minutes of fruitless stroking, he gave up.

"I can't," he said dejectedly. "It just- doesn't want to."

"Hmmm," Dr. Bishop muttered. She squeezed his penis, and felt its hardness had slightly subsided. "It could be any number of things. Stress. Lack of focus. Or this just isn't the right environment for you to have an optimal orgasm."

"But I can't orgasm at home either," Nick said. "There's something wrong with me! Is this going to be permanent?"

Ashley picked up her scrubs and began to get dressed.

"That's very unlikely. But I can prescribe something that might be able to help you," Dr. Bishop said. She picked up her clipboard again.

"I'll try anything," Nick pleaded.

Dr. Bishop scribbled out a script and handed it to him.

"Here's a sixty day supply of Tristerol-B6. I've seen it have positive results with men in your position in the past. Take two a day with plenty of water and see me in a month and tell me if it's helping."

Nick looked at the prescription form.

"I sure hope this works," he said hopefully.

When he was dressed, he headed to the front desk to pay for the visit, and drove over to his pharmacy to collect his prescription. He began taking the pills the very next day.

* * * * *

Nick was at work when the effects of pills kicked in. He was working the concession stand, scooping popcorn into a jumbo-sized box when he felt strangely aroused. His female coworkers began to appear more attractive, and he began having even more random erections than usual. He was halfway through his shift when two young women with bob hair cuts, one blonde and one brunette, approached the register.

"Hi, how can I help you?" Nick greeted.

"Can we get two Extra-Large Strawberry Swirl Blizzard Beach Fruit Blasts?" the brunette asked, smacking her gum as she talked.

Nick rang up the two drinks.

"That will be $14.89," he said.

The girls looked at each other and then back at Nick. The blonde leaned over the counter and rested her elbows on the glass surface.

"So listen, Nick H," she said, reading his name tag. "We don't have $14.89. But we do have nice tits. Big, huge nice titties with sexy pierced nipples, and we'll show you our tits if you let us have our Extra-Large Strawberry Swirl Blizzard Beach Fruit Blasts anyway."

Nick stared back at the the blonde's ample cleavage, which she was deliberately showing off through the top of her tank top as she squeezed them together with her arms. His dick swelled up and his mind went completely blank.

"I- will see what I can do."

He turned to his right, only to see his sister standing directly in front of him.

"I'll take this one, Nick," she said.

Courtney turned to the two bob hair cut girls.

"What can I get for you ladies?" she asked.

The girls sighed.

"Let's go Mandy, they don't want our business," the brunette said, and the two girls walked away.

"Enjoy your show, ladies," Courtney said, curtly.

"Ahh Court, why'd you do that?" Nick whined.

"Those two try to run that scam every time they see a guy at the concession stand. I can't have that."

Nick stared at the girls' asses as they walked away, and his penis throbbed. He could barely help himself from mentally undressing the two girls; his brain was foggy with images of tits and asses floating through it.

His hands shook as he wiped a washrag across the drink station.

"Are you okay?" Courtney asked.

"Can I- take a quick bathroom break?" he asked.

She excused him and he hurried off to the restroom. He hadn't told her about his medication; he hadn't told anyone yet except Caleb, and that was only because he'd seen him taking his pills that morning.

Nick contemplated lying to Caleb, but unable to think of a believable story on the spot, he instead reluctantly told him about his medical condition. Surprisingly, Caleb didn't give him a difficult time about it, and instead just wished him to get well.

When he was alone in the restroom stall, Nick attempted to masturbate. Despite his extreme arousal, his balls seemed unwilling to dispense with a much-needed ejaculation. Nick cursed and hoped that with a few more days of taking his pills he might finally gain his testicles' cooperation, but until then, he zipped up and headed back to work.

He stepped out of the restroom only to see the bob hair cut girls leaving the concession stand, each with an Extra-Large Strawberry Swirl Blizzard Beach Fruit Blast in her hand, while Damaris, working the counter, stood watching them with a satisfied smile on his face.

Nick seethed and took his place back at the register.

* * * * *

Nick arrived home that evening to find a box of porn DVDs and a brand new blow-up doll on his bed. He had to laugh at how helpful of a friend Caleb was always trying to be. He flipped through the assortment of DVDs, amused at Caleb's diverse taste in pornography. While he doubted it would do much good, the frustration of his work day left him craving another attempt at an orgasm.

He spent most of Saturday and Sunday night beating off to the porn DVDs while listening to Caleb and Ashley have sex in the next bedroom, with barely a drip escaping from the tip. Desperate for some kind of success, he even had a go with Cindy Lou Screw, but even his new inflatable girlfriend did not prove to be the semen summoner that her packaging claimed her to be.

By Monday, Nick was in a near-panic. He'd failed to orgasm over the weekend, and the Tristerol pills, with their unfortunate side effect of giving him even more random erections than before, would likely result in Nick having many more "performances" while naked in swim class. He woke up early that morning and braced himself for a day of utter humiliation.

As soon as he exited his car, and caught side of the dozens of lovely coeds in yoga pants strutting across campus, Nick felt his penis throb longingly. He checked his coat to make sure it covered his crotch as he hobbled up the steps towards the rec center, hoping no one would notice.

The building was locked when he got there. He checked his watch, and realized he was a bit early. Still, somebody should have unlocked the doors by now. He looked around impatiently, hoping a faculty member might walk by and let him in, but all he saw were beautiful girls in tight leggings, black boots, and Frappuccinos in hand passing by in their morning commute to class.


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