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Hipster Chicks Love Big Dicks


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"Wow. Well, that's pretty pessimistic, dude." Eli said.

"Yeah, I don't know if I agree with that." Steph said.

"Well, I'm not surprised. When you're among the masses, you can't look at it from an unbiased point of view. When you come from where I do, it's really quite easy to see." Bill said with a knowing laugh.

"Wait, you're saying we're part of the mindless masses? The sheep?" Eli asked.

"Absolutely." Bill said with a smile.

"What do you mean? You said before that we were a change of pace from most people. You said it was nice to see young people caring about the issues." Steph said, defending herself.

"You two and the other thousands of people who did the same thing at your little protest." Bill replied, smirking

"Oh, I get it." Steph started, "I think you are one of those people that wouldn't change a thing. You are one of the guys who benefits from the way things are, and would happily keep exploiting a flawed system."

Bill simply smiled, working on his laptop.

"You don't respect people like us, do you?" Steph said, fighting back. "You don't respect us bratty, disrespectful young people who want to change things up. You just want us to nod politely and go along with how things are. You just want you, and all the other old fat cats, to stay fat and happy."

Bill smiled again. "I'm not old, and I'm definitely not fat."

"Seriously," Steph whined, getting irritated, "Why don't you respect what we are trying to do?"

"Because it's fake." Bill said, getting deathly serious. "This façade you two have created where you are intelligent, liberal free-thinkers is total bullshit. You don't see people like you at my age. You know why? Because they know better! People like you eventually grow up and stop acting like disrespectful children. You will cut your hair, lose the stupid outfits, and join the rest of us adults."

Both Steph and Eli were taken aback by this harsh criticism of their way of life.

"Excuse me! We will never stop caring about the issues. We will never be one of the blind masses. We will never line our pockets at the expense of the people of this country." Eli said.

"Yes you will. Everyone has a price. Everyone. Eventually, you will both do what you're told. It is best for everyone if you stop creating dissent and keep everyone united." Bill said.

"Well, I'm sorry. I've never been good at doing what I was told." Steph said, jutting out her chest unconsciously in pride, unknowingly giving the old man a primo view of her chest.

"You, honey, you..." Bill started, pointing at the married woman.

"I'm not 'honey'. My name is Steph." Steph said, as if this exact moment had occurred many times before.

"Steph," the government agent relented, temporarily. "You are the worst kind of fake. You talk big, you act enlightened, but in the end, you are nothing special. Nothing out of the ordinary. You are sheep. A pretender." Bill said, staring deep into her eyes. Steph looked at the rough old man, anger boiling over.

"Screw you! I am an intellectual, intelligent, independent woman. Excuse me if I care. Excuse me if I threaten you." Steph replied, eyes blazing behind her glasses.

"You do not threaten me. You are a young woman who does things in order to make her man happy. Just like all the rest. Like I said: nothing special." Bill said arrogantly. Steph laughed in his face.

"Oh, yeah. I am a dumb, submissive wife who doesn't know what to think without a big, strong man telling me what to do." Steph said mockingly.

"That's not what you are. You are something far more annoying. You are a dumb, submissive wife who acts like she's not." Bill said.

"HA! I don't know why I'm even bothering arguing with a dinosaur like you. Go back to the 50's dude." Steph said with a laugh, turning away, facing forward. Bill smiled, enjoying making her mad. She sensed his smile and could barely contain herself. She needed a breather.

"I'll be back." Steph murmured to her husband, her cheeks hot with anger as she unbuckled her seatbelt and stamped towards the bathroom, impetuously. Bill kept one eye on the married woman's juicy, bouncing ass clad in her snug pants

The immediate silence between Eli and the older man was awkward indeed. Eli was convinced this guy really resented the young married pair, so he didn't want to annoy him any further. Eli would be happy if this little spat just got shut down here and now without going any further. Bill had just torn the married couple's way of life apart, so it was clear he held a definite grudge against people like them. Bill probably couldn't stand to be next to a pair of liberal, free-thinkers like them. That was why what Bill said next really stunned him.

"I tell ya, buddy." Bill said, breaking the silence, leaning slightly towards the younger man. "That wife of yours is one hot piece of ass."

"What?" Eli said, shocked.

"Good job locking that down." Bill said with a smile.

"Oh, uh, thanks." Eli said, surprised by this turn.

"I mean, that ass on her, it's like ripe fruit. It's perfect! And those tits... my God, those tits! Your wife's breasts are incredible. If I were you, I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of those. I'll bet you're happy to go home to those jugs every night." Bill said, knowingly making the young husband uncomfortable.

"Uh... thanks," Eli stammered.

"What are they, Double D's?" Bill asked. "Man they look so fucking soft, my God!" he marveled. Eli didn't know why Bill was suddenly talking to him like they were in a locker room or something, and he didn't know how to respond, so he said nothing.

"Keep an eye on that one." Bill continued with a smile. "I can tell she's a wildcat."

"Oh, uh... yeah, I know." Eli said, a crooked smile on his face, taking a bit of pride at having such a gorgeous wife, but not feeling comfortable treating her like an object.

"Although I tell you, man... if she had met me first, you might not be so lucky," Bill said with a satisfied chuckle.

"Oh, yeah, maybe." Eli said with a light, uncomfortable laugh, while thinking internally, 'Yeah, as if this old dinosaur would ever had a chance with my hot, young wife.'

"I know you doubt me, but... I think your wife likes me more than she lets on. Trust me, I've seen it before." Bill said.

"Got it." Eli said more firmly, trying to end this line of conversation, causing the old man to turn away with a satisfied smile.

A few minutes of silence passed before Steph returned, having cooled down a bit. She didn't even glance at the older man while she took her seat. She began to talk to her husband quietly, but Bill was ready to get in her head some more. Bill leaned closer to her and began to speak.

"I can prove it." he said quietly.

"What?" Steph said with a jump. "I don't want to talk to you anymore." He just stared at her for a few moments before she shook her head. "Prove what?" she relented.

"Prove that you are nothing more than a sheep. A dumb, submissive little wife waiting for a mighty man to conquer her."

"And how would you do that?" Steph said skeptically, daring this arrogant older man to challenge her.

"Tell me, before you met Eli, did you dress like this? Or was after you met him that you began to dress this way?" Bill argued.

"What?" Steph asked, taken aback.

"You heard me." Bill said, like a stern father.

"We, uh, we met when I was younger. I hadn't found my true style yet." Steph said.

"So you admit it!" Bill said victoriously. "You met Eli, noticed how he dressed, and started to dress similarly just to please him. To please your man."

"You're... you're oversimplifying things." Steph said. "Eli opened my eyes about how I shouldn't conform to what society says we should dress like."

"And you dress like millions of other people. Good point." Bill said. This shut her up. Eli noticed this and stepped in.

"Listen, you don't like us, man. I get it. Let's just ride out the rest of this and then we will never see each other again." Eli said, attempting to be peacemaker, amicably trying to get this 'pervy' old guy to stop chatting up his wife. Bill gestured to him, as if saying as you wish, and went back to work on his laptop. But Bill knew Steph would not be silenced. He could see her fidgeting, as if bursting to speak. Finally, she couldn't stand it anymore.

"I am not submissive to whatever a man wants. I make up my own mind." Steph said, turning to face Bill again.

"Steph..." Elis started, urging her to stop, but she held out her hand, stopping him from interrupting her.

"Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better." Bill said coldly to Steph, not looking up.

"Screw you. I have never done anything just because some big, strong man told me. I make up my own mind." Steph said.

"That's because you never dealt with a man strong enough to take advantage of your submissive nature." Bill said, glancing at her. Steph rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." she muttered, bringing her arms to her chest, pouting. An uncomfortable silence fell. All three could feel the tension in the air. Bill knew she was loving this back and forth. She was loving his harsh judgment. Despite her outward annoyance, Bill knew that Steph liked him, liked him a lot, and that she was already desperate for his approval. He knew she was the type that subconsciously loved the fact that she was being outsmarted, out argued by the very government they despised. She was dying to be conquered. She was secretly rooting for her own capitulation. Like a moth, she was attracted to the flame. He knew she was this close to getting on her knees and sucking his dick. THIS close. She only needed a bit more prodding. Bill leaned over to Steph.

"I tell you what, Steph. I can give you the opportunity to prove me wrong. I will happily accept my own mistake if you do. How about I give you an order? I consider myself a strong man, the type that can make someone listen, and my experience with in life has proven that to be true. If you don't comply with me, then I am wrong, and I will happily step aside and admit so. If you can resist the urge to obey, resisting your inner urges, then you will have proven you are your own woman. But if you don't, then, well, I guess... I win, and I'll surely reap the rewards." Bill said with a knowing smirk.

"Fine. Whatever. Tell me to do something, you big strong man. You will find that not all women will cater to a man's will." Steph said, looking right at him, challenging the misogynist. Bill smiled. Bill knew this would be a battle this bitch would lose. Those breasts, that were so teasingly close to him, they would soon be his. His hands would get to squeeze those massive udders, and not Eli's. Bill licked his lips, savoring the flavor of the words about to leave his mouth.

"Honey..." Bill started, teasing the young wife. "Suck my dick!"

Steph burst into laughter.

"Hey!" Eli said, tensing up, putting his hand on his wife's arm. Bill watched the young wife's firm boobs jiggle as she laughed. She brushed off Eli.

"Don't worry, baby, I can handle this." Steph said, calming down her husband. She turned to Bill. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow, challenging her. "Is this what this has been about? You just want to do me? Well guess what... honey..." she paused, fully facing him, sitting straight, showing off her firm body. "I know I have a good body. A great body. And an old man like you will never get to see it. Only my hubby gets to see it."

He knew she was lying. He knew that deep down, she was desperate to show off her tits to him. But, the bitch would pay for calling him old.

"Steph, we should move. There's plenty of open seats." Eli suggested.

"Don't you trust me? These are our seats. I'm not going anywhere." Steph said, her mind made up.

"You don't want to move because you want to obey. You want to get on your knees, open my pants, and bury my thick shaft down your throat." Bill said. Her eyes widened at his crass words, and then she smiled.

"Ha! You have confidence, I'll give you that. Impressive for an old guy like you." Steph said. "Yeah, and I bet you're huge too, right? Yeah, I really buy that." she said sarcastically with a laugh. "And besides, the joke's on you. I have too much pride to get on my knees and put a guy's... thing... in my mouth. Only skanks do that."

"I think that makes the joke on him, actually." Bill said, referencing Eli while not looking up from his computer.

"Eli respects me. He doesn't treat me like a whore." Steph said.

"And that's where he and I differ, I'm afraid." Bill replied. "When women get with me, they know their place. He might not treat you like a whore, but believe me, I will."

"Oh my God!" Steph said, rolling her eyes again, laughing at his ridiculousness, in awe of the depths of misogyny of this old dinosaur. It was almost impressive how much of an asshole he was.

"Trust me, babe, by the end of this, you'll be calling me 'Daddy'," Bill boldly predicted.

"Ew," Steph replied, scrunching up her nose.

"Steph, seriously, we should move. I don't want to be around this guy." Eli attempted, but his wife's pride was too strong. He should have made this call after hearing how the old man spoke about his wife, but he didn't. And at this point, she wasn't walking away. She was steadfast, wanting to remain in her seat, not wanting to back down. She was in the midst of a battle with this older man, a battle she would win.

"I can just look at you two and know how pathetic your sex life is. You want to know why that is? Because you are not listening to him in the bedroom. My women... they do what they are told. If he was getting the job done, you would respect him enough to do what he wants. You wouldn't want to risk being on the receiving end of that proper treatment. But you don't, because he doesn't care for you properly. You are an undersexed slut who is dying to get fucked properly by a real man." Bill stated.

This statement made Steph laugh again.

"Yeah, you got me." Steph said sarcastically.

"Laugh all you want, but it won't hide the truth that he can't fuck like I can. You know that, deep down. You've known that from the start. You know he doesn't get the job done. And you know I will." Bill said quietly, devilishly. Steph just shook her head and smiled, but she considered the words Bill said.

"Let's go!" Eli insisted, moving to stand.

"No!" Steph affirmed. "These are our seats. I am not gonna move just cause some pig thinks he can push me around!"

Steph was not one to be treated like a whore. And Eli did not expect that from her. He was a perfect gentleman in and out of the bedroom. He had never thrown her down and used her like a whore. Used her for his pleasure. He was a careful, considerate lover. But unfortunately, he had never made her cum. She had never cum except by her own fingers. Most of her girlfriends had the same issue. And that was fine. She loved Eli, and wouldn't want to be with any other man.

Despite her dislike of Bill, she had to admit that she had no doubt Bill would be a different animal altogether than her Eli. He would use her like a whore. He would treat her rough... rough like she had always wanted.

Bill was right about one thing. She was very, very horny. Today could be written off as being horny due to excitement of fighting for her beliefs, not by anything Bill was doing. But in general, the old man had a point. Deep down, she wanted to have better sex. She wished there would be more variety in her sex life, her sex life with Eli. She would never cheat on him. Ever. She was SO not that type of girl. Though sometimes, she wished he could change up things. Be a bit more assertive... more controlling. But she loved him, and she could get by just fine using her fingers. The love she had for Eli made it worth it. But Bill's assumption of her sex life was accurate. She was an undersexed slut indeed, bursting to get out.

Bill knew the type. They looked down on other girls for being sluts, when deep down they wished they had what it took to skank it up. All it took was a little cajoling before the slut side of them begins to shine through. Like with most people, it took a firm hand to get them to confront their true desires.

Eli, meanwhile, was terrified. He was not the confrontational sort, and this was the kind of situation he typically avoided, as he was trying to do here despite the government agent's slights. It was strange to be sitting next to his wife while she was being mercilessly judged by an older man. It felt strange to sit back and watch his wife get more confrontational than he ever did. But she was a spitfire. She could handle herself against this dirty old man.

So, here was a gorgeous, big-titted, undersexed wife, a dominant older man, and a husband willing to sit back and watch from the sidelines. There was only one path this was leading towards.

"Here's what's going to happen. I am going to head to the bathroom. I'll be in there for about five minutes, I think. Feel free to join me. If you don't join me after five minutes, then I will gladly return to my seat and keep the peace for the rest of the flight." Bill said. It wasn't a question. It was a statement. Before they could react, he closed his computer, stood tall, walked by them, and walked down the empty aisle to the bathroom. The couple watched until he entered the stall. Once he did, they looked at each other. Steph laughed loudly.

"Do you believe that guy?" Steph said.

"Yeah, I know, right." Eli said, laughing nervously.

"The nerve of that guy, who does he think he is?" Steph said, nose turned up in distaste.

"I'm sorry. I let this go on too long. When you were gone before, he started to talking about you, and... it wasn't nice. He started calling you a wildcat, a piece of ass, I'm sorry, we should have moved then." Eli apologized.

"A piece of ass?" Steph asked, her reaction strange, not sure if she should feel flattered or grossed out. Despite knowing better, hearing that sent a sizzle through her. "Well, we should have seen this coming, I guess."

"You did a good job with him." Eli said, impressed by his wife.

"Thanks. He's nothing but a gross old man." Steph said. There was a long silence, before Steph broke it. "I bet he has a small willy." she added. If Eli were drinking something, he would have choked on it. "I'm serious. I bet he's one of those guys that talk a ton of shit, but when the time comes, he comes up a bit short." Steph said.

"Steph!" Eli said, shocked at this line of thinking from his pretty young wife. She never talked this way.

"You know what, I bet I can get back at him." Steph said, looking down the aisle playfully.

"What do you mean?" Eli said.

"I bet I can prove my theory." she said, pulling out her phone. She started to stand.

"Steph! What are you thinking?" Eli said, trying to hold his wife's arm, holding her in place.

"Hey, he started this. We'll see what happens when the shoe is on the other foot." Steph said.

"What!? Steph, he works for the NSA! If you make him mad... we might regret it." Eli said, keeping a cool head.

"He won't do anything." Steph said confidently, sure that this old guy wouldn't come after her for revenge. Despite her dislike of him, she knew he was a player. He knew the game well. And she knew he would respect this play of hers.

Steph pulled her arm from her husband's grasp and walked towards the bathroom. She told herself she wanted to embarrass this guy and take a picture of his tiny dick. It wasn't like she secretly suspected he was packing serious heat, and wanted an excuse to take a quick glimpse of his massive meat, to see what he was working with before deciding what to do next.

At least that's what she told herself.

She reached the stall and put her hand on the knob. She looked at her husband, trying to stop her giggling. Eli nervously watched this happening, knowing this was extremely out of character of her. He didn't want her to do this, but she would not be denied. Eli watched her rip the door open. The open door to the bathroom was now between the married couple, blocking Eli's view of her. Eli was worried when the door didn't slam shut quickly. It stayed wide open.


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