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Hipster Chicks Love Big Dicks


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She sat up straight and tossed her hair over her shoulder, turning on her seductive charm, a side of her few got to see. She looked straight at Bill. She glanced towards the bathrooms to verify Eli was still there, and she began to speak.

"You're right." Steph began, her voice breathy as she leaned close to Bill, "I am a little slut. I desperately want to get fucked, really fucking hard. I want to get all hot and sweaty as much as possible. And Eli... he doesn't make me cum. He has never made me cum. No man has ever made me cum."

"Honey, I'd make you moan." Bill said quietly, huskily.

"Mmmm, I bet you would. I know my body is hot. My tits are huge. 34DD's. And trust me, they are really perfect. My nipples are always hard, cause I'm always so fucking horny. I'm horny right now. I have trouble hiding how horny I am. I always wear slutty underwear. All natural fibers of course. No animals harmed. That fabric, grown from Mother Earth, makes up the fabric of the thong running up the crack of my ass." Steph continued.

"Bitch, you want it bad." Bill growled, moving closer, his face within a foot of Steph's.

"I do. I really do. That's why, when I go home, I'm gonna pull my husband into bed, and let him give me his best. Cause I'd rather make love to my husband than let an asshole like you get a crack at this body." Steph said, her tone changing from lusty to going on the attack. "I'll get more pleasure making love to the man I love than having raw animal sex with a guy like you. Sure, you have a big dick. Sure, you're kinda hot, for an old guy. But you will never get my body, so quit trying. You're dick will never feel my warm... wet... tight... pussy. My soft lips. My tight throat. My big, soft tits. My virgin ass, that's desperate to get fucked by a real cock. You don't have a shot with me, so give up. You're embarrassing yourself." Steph said, smiling smugly, telling herself that the words she told this old guy were just an act and not in fact the truth.

Bill smiled, almost proudly, at this speech. His cock was like iron at this point. This woman was really something special. He would love fucking her. She was more than just a repressed slut. She had potential to be a top-tier Grade-A whore. He knew this bitch would be one hell of a fuck. She would fuck hard. Despite her hippy, kinda nerdy exterior, she truly would be a wildcat in the sack. Few women fought back like she did. It would make all the more sweet when he would make her cum at the end of his cock and she promised her pussy to him forever.

He smiled, enjoying the game they were playing, as he spied Eli emerge from the restroom. He returned to his laptop, resuming his work as Eli sat down. Steph smiled at him as he looked worried about the fact that Bill was once again awake. Steph took his hand in hers, assuring him that their love was winning out.

Bill was getting impatient. His cock was throbbing and he needed release, preferably into the pussy of this hot young slut. It was time to move this game forward.

"Let me make an argument," Bill began.

"Dude, stop. We don't want to talk anymore," Eli said, trying to be forceful.

"Be quiet, boy!" Bill growled angrily, threatening Eli for the first time.

"Okay. We're moving," Eli said, beginning to stand, guiding Steph to her feet. He was startled by a hand on his shoulders.

"Guys, I'm gonna have to ask you to put your seatbelts on. We are about to pass through some bad weather." the stewardess said with a friendly smile.

"Uh, I have to move. We have to move," Eli said.

"I'm sorry, you will have to wait a few minutes." the stewardess insisted. Eli plopped into his seat angrily.

"Ah, fate is too kind. I get to make my argument after all." Bill began. Eli was a little afraid to stop him, so he let the old guy speak.

"Your type... you 'hipsters'... I've come across quite a few of you in my time. You are all about going down the path less traveled. About doing things that no one could predict. About being ironic," Bill began, speaking like a guy who loved the sound of his own voice. "But you guys always end up with each other. Hipster girls end up with hipster guys, to the point where it's as if they are just fulfilling a role. Fulfilling a quota. You never see hipsters with actual professionals. Hipster guys with professional women. Hipster girls with businessmen, or CEOs, or government workers. You could make the argument that a true hipster would not be a hipster." Bill postulated, both Eli and Steph paying close attention.

"A true hipster would not comply with other hipsters. A true hipster, a real, independent person, a free thinker, would buck the trend. A truly independent thinker, a real hipster, would be free from the expectations that being a hipster brings along. You should not feel bound to end up with someone like you because it's the thing to do. That's idiotic. Only a moron would do that. A true hipster should do the opposite. A true hipster should end up with someone completely different. Take you, for example, Steph. If your goal is to be unpredictable, unreadable, the solution is simple. You rail against 'the Man' so much that... the truly ironic, the true hipster thing to do, would be to go home and get railed by 'the Man'. Get fucked by the strong arm of the government you hate so much. Cum on the hard cock of the law! Only then will you be the true hipster you fancy yourself as." Bill said.

"Dude... screw off." Eli said, laughing off this criticism of him and his wife's way of life. He looked at Steph, and there was a pause before she smiled in annoyance at this dinosaur of a man. Even though he was railing against their way of life, Steph had to admit there were some logical points made by Bill. Steph did fancy herself independent. A free thinker. A strong woman. But all girls like her did end up with guys like Eli. They never considered men like Bill. So, she would be truly unique if she ended up with a guy like Bill. If she were to play the role of the housewife, the doting submissive wife who does everything to please her man, ironically of course. Knowing this line of thought was so retro, so outdated. A woman who greets her man at the door with a kiss on the cheek, dinner on the table, and a glass of scotch for him to drink. A woman who makes sure her man's belly is full, his muscles are relaxed, and his balls are empty. A woman who slips off her clothing, exposing the filthy lingerie underneath. A woman who makes sure her man spends his evenings in the bedroom with her and offers up her body and all of her holes for his pleasure. A woman who puts her man's pleasure above hers, and makes sure his big cock is taken care of, and she can only thank him for the many orgasms she has in the process. And all of this would be ironic, of course. A knowing wink to the truth. But, this was nothing serious. Just a hypothesis. It wasn't like she really just wanted to be a housewife who spends most of her day trying to think of ways to pleasure her man's great big cock. Obviously.

"Okay, Eli. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm misreading things. Maybe you two do in fact have a great sex life. Maybe you do fuck your wife properly. Maybe you two are wilder than I thought. Maybe you are naughty in the way she needs to be." Bill began.

"Eli," Steph began, smiling naughtily at her husband. "I have an idea." she said, leaning in close to her husband. "It's obvious that Bill here thinks he's more of a man than you are. He thinks being a big, strong government worker makes him a real man. He doesn't understand that a girl like me doesn't need a man like him, cause he's not a real man. He's a pig. Let's show him that our love is strong. That a girl like me only wants a guy like you. A true man. Let's get really naughty. The bathroom is open. Let's show him what he'll never have. What he'll never get."

"Steph, we're stuck in our seats. The stewardess said..." Eli began.

"So? Don't be such a square. Let's sneak off. Let's get wild." Steph suggested, still full of energy, her boobs jiggling, catching her husband's eye. He looked at Bill smugly, knowing he had something Bill would never have. He nodded.

"I'm gonna sneak off first, honey. And then..." she began, speaking to both of the men. "A real man is gonna join me. A real man is going to pleasure me. A real man is gonna make my screams reverberate throughout the plane." Steph said, smugly. Smiling, she glanced around and verified the path was clear. Before anyone noticed, she quickly sneaked down the aisle and bounded into the restroom.

Bill smiled. A real man was about to join her. He knew this was Steph leaving her options open. She wanted to get fucked by him, that much was obvious. But she couldn't cross that line. So she put the choice onto her husband. She was forcing Eli to stand up and declare himself a real man and to claim her, while leaving her options open with Bill, leaving him an opening to have a crack at her. Little did she know that Bill had a plan. Little did she know that Bill was the only real man here.

It was a cold cunning plan from a supposedly sweet girl. She was testing her husband's manhood. Would he be a real man and go fuck his wife and rub it in Bill's face, or would he crumble beneath the will of this government agent? It was up to Eli, and if Bill's plan worked, Steph's efforts to have her husband prove himself as a real man would fail miserably.

Eli glanced around, checking that the coast was clear. This was way beyond anything he had ever done, but he had to, didn't he? He didn't have a choice. As he undid his seatbelt and began to stand, Bill grabbed him by the wrist.

"Not so fast, my boy." Bill began. He spun his laptop around, exposing the video footage on the screen. Eli glanced at it. He was seeing familiar images.

"Hey! Is that my house?" Eli asked, seeing the camera exploring his house.

"Absolutely. I have connections, more connections than you will ever know. I have a guy in your house as we speak. And we found your little secret. That little pot farm in your basement. That's illegal, you know?" Bill asked, watching Eli's expression drop.

"Well, okay, yeah, I guess, but... it's just pot." Eli stammered. "I mean the government's finally starting to come around that pot's not so bad, so..."

"Well, it is still a crime, despite what you think. And besides..." Bill began, leaning towards the young man, "If the authorities raid your place, do you seriously expect that pot is all they'll find? Do you think that with all the work I've put into this, I would leave it up to chance? I know a lot of people in the underground. Rest assured, if I have the authorities take a look around your place, they'll find something there that will put you away for a very, very long time."

Bill let this threat hang as Eli began to feel the weight of it.

"So here's your dilemma," Bill began, "You can take your medicine for your crime, for all the illegal contraband in your house, let your secrets get exposed, and go to jail. But what you have to ask yourself is this: do you think that wife of yours will stick around while you're away? Do you have enough faith in your wife where you believe she'll be there when you get out? That she wouldn't shack up with someone else? You know the truth, don't you? You've seen it today. You saw how your wife reacted to me. You know your wife is a hot piece of ass, and if you think there aren't more men waiting to scoop her up in your absence, you're kidding yourself. If you go to jail, you know that you'll lose her forever, probably to me. She'll be getting fucked by huge dick as soon as you're taken away and you'll be alone. And if you go over there and bang your wife, sure, it'll be a pleasure, but it'll be one last goodbye fuck, cause I will have all this time alone here, and I will just have to expose your crimes. I am a man of the government, after all."

Eli watched with a stunned silence.

"But, I am an agreeable man, so I will offer you a way out. All I will ask is that you stay seated, tucked in tight, like a good little boy, and let the men do their work. You stay there, and I will be the one to join your wife. Now, if she turns me away, then you both win, and your little secret will stay with me. And if she doesn't turn me away, well... then... we all win." Bill said with a laugh.

"You can't do this. Someone in my house? Planting evidence? This is all illegal!" Eli said, panicking, feeling his whole world swiftly falling apart.

"True. But, if you don't believe I am well connected, that I could practically get away with anything, well then, son, you are truly mistaken." Bill added.

Eli felt the walls closing in on him. He was trapped. He could bite the bullet and pay for his crime, but he might lose his wife forever. Bill was right. He loved Steph and trusted her, but with the way she reacted to Bill, he knew that despite her loyalty, if he was out of the picture, some guy would finagle himself balls deep into her tight snatch. But, if he let Bill have his way, if he ceded this mile high sex session with his sexy wife to this asshole of an older man then he would save himself and maybe his marriage. But Bill would get to have his jollies with his sexy wife.

Wait, why did he think Bill would succeed? No, he had to have faith in his wife. She could just say no. She could fight back. Even though she seemed more susceptible to Bill's charms than he would have thought, she was still totally loyal to him. She was still his wife, and that meant something to people like them. She would fight back, she would stay loyal. She would resist this prick's charms. It was their marriage's only hope. Everything was riding on Steph. He had failed as a husband. It was her job as a loyal wife to save their marriage.

Eli's head sagged, his decision wordlessly made. Bill smiled and began to stand.

"You made the right call, boy. It's not your fault, really," Bill told the younger man, patting him on the shoulder, like a father reassuring his misguided son. "This is why the government always wins. We're too strong. Too powerful. Too far-reaching. Too organized. A well oiled machine. This is why people like you, outliers and dissidents, always lose. That is why we aren't even bothered by guys like you. You are literally a joke in the eyes of the government. The only effect you guys have on the world is causing traffic jams. You don't affect us in any negative way. We don't even think of you. We're too busy doing men's work. You only do what you do to impress women, but you know what impresses women even more? Big dick. They all love it. Give these girls a choice, between protesting or inhaling a massive cock, I could tell you from personal experience which one they'd choose, buddy. That's why we actually love your protests. All you're doing is helping guys like me get laid. Bringing all those pieces of ass to our doorstep. They act tough around you guys, but when they meet us they forget all about their little protests. Those months of organization, weeks of work, and all your doing is helping guys like me get their balls drained by young hotties. How does that make you feel, huh? That's got to sting, right?"

"I appreciate you giving up your wife. The young filly you have needs more than what you can give her. Luckily, I'm the man for the job. I'll show her the true 'well oiled machine' of the government, and the power it has. Night after night. Cause she will be mine." Bill said, confidently, straightening his coat. Eli couldn't watch, but he had to.

With a cocky stride, Bill walked down the aisle, passing Eli, unworried at getting in trouble with a stewardess. Bill walked towards the bathroom, where Eli's wife was waiting. Eli could only hope Steph could save their marriage, cause at this point, his hands were tied. Bill smiled smugly at Eli, reached forward, and opened the door.

Standing inside, waiting impatiently, was Steph. She looked up at Bill, with her big doe eyes.

"Oh no." Steph said softly, immediately knowing her fate. Knowing Eli had left her on her own. Despite her reservations, despite her hesitance, she just knew how this was gonna end. She knew she was about to be sweet-talked into doing some VERY bad things. She knew deep down whose dick her tight married pussy would soon be stretched around. She knew her hot ass was about to be tapped.

Before she could say anything, Bill shut the door behind him, trapping the two in the cozy bathroom.

"What did you do to Eli?" Steph asked, suspecting the government agent of wrongdoing.

"He is sitting in his seat, waiting patiently. We had a discussion, and we both agreed that it would be for the best if I took his place. If I joined you instead of him. Real tough guy you've got there." Bill remarked.

"Bullshit!" Steph said, her fire still burning. Even though she could see her destiny clearly, that doesn't mean all the fight was out of her. Not yet, anyway.

"Why are you so mad, honey? We all know that even though you were asking for him, you were rooting for me," the 50-year-old said smugly.

"Just... move so I can leave." Steph asked impatiently, trying to get around him, but Bill did not budge. In fact, he stepped forward, forcing the young married woman back, forcing her to sit on the closed seat of the toilet. The bathroom was decently big for an airplane bathroom, big enough for the two to fit in. Big enough for the inevitable sex the two would soon be having, if Bill got his way.

"Now, I'm not the type of guy to force a woman into something she doesn't want to. But, I need to show you something so you can truly make an... informed... decision." Bill said confidently, looking down at the beautiful young wife. With that, Steph heard the sound of a zipper being pulled down.

Steph tried pulling back, but she was unable to look away. Like someone removing a snake from a cage, Bill reached down and scooped his beefy cock out of his pants, exposing himself to the young hottie in front of him.

"Oh my God!" Steph gasped, his cock looking even bigger than her previous glimpse.

Bill's ten-inch beast of a cock was now inches from Steph's face. Steph's eyes crossed as she gazed down the length of it, studying every nook and crevice. If she couldn't resist the lure of a mere photo of his weapon, she didn't stand a chance with it poised directly in front of her. Her eyes were locked on the older man's cock, and they weren't going anywhere. It was smooth, like a young guy's cock would be. But there were some lines and marks, showing it had gone through some real battles. It was clear this cock had not gone unused, not that she had any doubts. This cock had seen a lot of action. This perfect fucking cock... ten inches of meaty, soda-can-thick dick, pulsing with blood, with swollen veins and extremely large, round balls.

This was so wrong. No fifty-year-old man should have a chance with someone like her, a young babe, a married woman, stacked but innocent, sexy yet nice, in the prime of her life. An old guy like him shouldn't be so bold to assume he's got a shot with a woman like her. But he did, and that kind of confidence was irresistible. A bold arrogant, asshole like Bill knew how to make progress with women. Sure, his methods never led him to a fulfilling, loving relationship with a woman, but his methods did get him laid. A lot. And that was all a man like him needed. He could read women like a book. And he knew he was going to get in this girl's pants from the very start.

Like any good warrior, Bill knew Steph's pussy was his for the taking.

Steph was silent, and Bill watched how awed she was by being in such close proximity with his enormous cock. She chewed on her lower lip, the lust clear in her expressive eyes. Her nipples were throbbing underneath her top, and as she gasped a few panicked breaths, her mammoth breasts were being pushed out, bursting to escape her tight t-shirt, eager to be exposed to the scheming government agent. He knew this bitch thought she was such an enlightened, educated, informed woman, but she had been stripped of that. All she was now was a drooling, submissive size-queen bending to the will of a strong man.


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