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Jessica's Change Management Ch. 20


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With that, we had served nine glasses of bubbly to the sales dudes. However, we had taken more than twice as many photos with sexpo visitors. Most importantly, though, Ortega and Wilson had arrived along with the last salesman. Of course, our boss had seen the slap-and-spill action and didn't let it slide. He stepped in front of his bimbos and pulled the dreaded scissors from his briefcase.

With a grin plastered onto his face, he cut the air in front of Shelly's face in an overly hammy way. Blondie's expression, by contrast, was overly frightened. Why? Cause she knew she had just earned a penalty point. Oh wow! All this time, I had barely managed to be welcoming and cheery. All this while, my bimbo act had appeared fake and put-on. All along, Blondie had earned more compliments. Just when Ortega had arrived, though, I had slipped and Bimbo-me had resumed power. How lucky can you get?

The Latino didn't care about yesterday's news and made the young secretary turn around right there on the parking lot. The good news was that all salesmen had walked into the building already. The trouble was that a couple of sexpo visitors witnessed all the action.

Anyhow, Ortega didn't settle for two simple cuts this time. I guess he had discovered some kinda creative vein, 'cause he sliced a long horizontal cut across the top of her back. Then he proceeded to cut up the back of her navy-blue schoolgirl blouse from top to bottom. Each cut was shorter than the previous one, resulting in a v-shape. When he was done, he had totally shredded the back of Shelly's outfit. As a result, more skin got exposed than covered, and all that when we were about to assist in a workshop. So much for official seminar. Gulp!

With the punishment dished out, the smug exec turned over to me. It was time to hand out my reward. Even though I knew what was about to happen, I didn't expect how much it would affect me. OMG! I felt more nervous than ever. With every passing second, I became more giddy than ever.

There it was again! Another trigger! Descending like a thick fog, the bimbo haze clouded my mind. The prospect of glitter and glamour was all that was needed to stoke my bimbo flame. Ortega's expression only added fuel to the fire. On the one hand, it seemed to say that the jewelry perfectly fit my bimbo appearance. On the other hand, it seemed to say that there was already more than enough fake bling-bling decorating this ditzy doll.

Anyhow, it made me all woozy while my defenses were already weakened from the spunk mishap, so much so that I totally forgot about my professionalism. After all, it felt like a proposal, sorta. I mean, Ortega wasn't making me his wife but his one true bimbo. Yay! My hand was shaking epically when he pulled a ring from his briefcase and slipped it over my right middle finger. Yay! Yay! It was the most beautiful ring ever. Way more, it was the most trendy ring ever. Yay! Yay! Yay!

Why so en vogue? First off, it was gold and shiny. Second, it was a double knuckle ring. Third, it had a crisscross shape forming two X's. The ring covered my full finger with a X on each joint and perfectly fit my nail rings and nail chains. What more can be desired, right?

With our outfits restyled, Ortega gave as a moment to get refreshed before taking us inside the convention center. Leading us past the trade show floor, he took us up to the meeting rooms. I couldn't help but keep looking at my sparkling new ring. In a way, it acted like a positive reinforcement that increased the frequency and intensity of my bimbo behavior. In a way, it had a similar effect to D-Rod's charm bracelet.

The more I looked at the ring, the more cheery I became. The more giddy I felt, the more the bimbo buzz was thickening. Oh my gawd! In a way, I felt like the ring was a spotlight shining on a stage. Bimbo-me was literally drawn to it like a moth to a flame while it was chasing Consultant-me into the darkness behind the curtain. My rational side could literally peek through the curtain and whisper like a prompter, but my sex-driven side was doing all the bimbotaining on stage. Kinda like looksies no feelies.

Oh jeez! All those literaries. All those filler words. All that silly babble. All that bimbo talk. Actually, perfect time and place!

The reinforcement was growing stronger, so much so that I eventually fetched the lip enhancer from my purse and started plumping-up my lips. Consultant-me whispered and cursed incessantly but Bimbo-me continued the action. It made me super excited while giving me the creeps at the same time. What a contrast!

No matter what, I didn't stop until we reached the meeting room. Why? Cause it felt like the ultimate bimbo thingie to do. I mean, making my lips super plump to the point that I could barely speak intelligibly, was so silly. Besides, it was so über-sexual 'cause a trout pout wasn't useful for anything but sucking cock, right?

As I said, perfect time and place 'cause Wilson and the sales dudes had already gathered in the meeting room. They were still bickering about the facility and its furnishing although the company had provided loads of snacks as compensation. Actually, it really was an awesome buffet to feast on although the sales reps seemed to prefer feasting on the two bimbos when we entered. Tihi!

Once again, it became clear what these reward workshops were all about. It so wasn't about transferring information but providing amenities. It so wasn't a training atmosphere but more like a wellness program. Of course, the part about providing and well-being totally rested on us ass-istants. Of course, Ortega instantly told us to go the circuit and make sure that all sales dudes were well provided for. Duh!

By now, the men were getting seated in a semi-circle in fronta the smart board. I had already noticed it when we had welcomed them but most of these sales reps really fit the stereotypical slick and vain look. Kinda complementary to the glammy and vain bimbo look. Tihi!

Whatever! One after the other, I walked up to the five dudes on the right side of the semi-circle while Shelly did the same on the left side. When I approached the first salesman, I was laser-focused on avoiding more sexual innuendos and blunders 'cause appearance and all. He was an elderly dude who looked ultra meticulous with his rigorous side part trim and perfectly fitting gray suit.

"Coffee, tea, or me?" I slurred barely audibly 'cause über-pout.

Of course, I said that! Bimbo-me really was the most stereotypical bimbo dummy ever, wasn't she? For sure, my rational side cursed like a sailor 'cause it wasn't just biased but also sexist! It was totally outta time and place! Somehow, though, it seemed like the perfect thingie for me to say in my position, right? Actually, it felt like the perfect thingie for me to say, too. With my outfit, I already looked like a hostess. With my task, I acted like a hostess. So no biggie, right? Air hostess, fair hostess, conference hostess. It was all the same in the end, right?

Whatever! It made the tall and skinny Mr. Meticulous look at me all stunned and puzzled. It was more than obvious that he hadn't expected that question. While he was too dumbfounded to respond straightaway, the dude next to him started chuckling right off the bat. His sardonic laughter totally stoked my bimbo flame. Oh no! I had to be even more focused now. The laughing dude turned out to be the salesman I had failed to greet on the parking lot. With his slicked back hair and persistent gleam in his eyes, he appeared like a real sales shark. Yet, he looked barely 30 and was the youngest sales rep present.

"So... tell me, are you one of the workshop leaders or experts?" He asked while eyeing me suspiciously.

"Oh no way! As if! Like, never ever!" I quickly replied, impulsively starting to babble.

Uh-oh! There it was! The total bimbo effect! At least, my rational side managed to make me abort the response and refocus. That was why I closed my eyes to concentrate before elaborating. No bimbo babble! No bimbo babble! Consultant-me silently tried to knock some sense into me.

"I'm here to give some wh-orientation, sorta." I explained. "I'm the twerk-shop ass-istant, you know?"

Mr. Shark inhaled sharply in response although I had avoided the dreaded filler words. Oh no! I had pulled another boner, I mean another slip of the tongue! Oh darn! Another embarrassment!

"So you're here to give some ass-istance, sorta. You mind if we, like totally, call you 'Assy' then?" The youngster asked extra cunningly. "For the sake of simplicity, you know?"

Oh! My! Gawd! The manipulative sales rep had just landed two strikes at once. He had nicknamed me in the most derisive way ever. Strike 1! He had mimicked my way of speaking in the snarkiest way ever. Strike 2!

The workshop hadn't even started yet and this sharkboy had me twisted round his finger already. I was literally rooted to the spot, 'cause I felt so ruffled. This manipulative youngster had literally smelled the drop of blood and pounced at it. For sure, he was a mover and shaker who got stuff done. For sure, it made me act more bimboy than ever.

"You can get me a hot coffee now, Assy!" Mr. Shark told me when I failed to reply, only standing there with my plumped-up trout pout gaping.

All the while meticulous dude still hadn't found his voice. I guess he didn't know what the fudge was going on. Not that I did, anyway. No matter what, getting called by that derisive nickname got me going. You won't believe how fast I hustled over to the buffet to get his coffee. Mr. Meticulous ordering a mint tea almost got lost in the shuffle there.

With the fakest smile ever, I presented Sharkboy with his coffee. After all, I was desperately set on making up for my boner, I mean blunder. Duh! So what did I do? By default, I tried giving him a boner by making sure to brush my long fake Leopard-print nails over the back of his hand when I handed him the cup.

Damned bimbo buzz! Get a grip, girl! That was Consultant-me literally screaming murder 'cause it was the kinda behavior my professionalism totally forbade. Now, it was too late, though, 'cause I was already hearing a derogatory huff from the young dude. At least, I managed to quickly move on to the next sales rep before I made another silly blunder. Phew!

The middle-aged dude sported a blue shirt and yellow tie 'power dress'. In combination with his fat pot belly, it totally made him look like a stereotypical sales squid. So not a bitching prospect! Whatever! Most importantly, I didn't want to repeat my mistake with him. After all, I had an out-please-ment center to win.

"So... mister. How can I, you know, be of any kinda ass-istance 'n stuff, like totes?" I mumbled.

Holy fudge! How had this happened? I had been so focused on avoiding my sexist stewardess phrase that I had started babbling like a bimbo again. Why the hell was it so hard for me to focus on more than one thingie? Why was it so hard for me to appear somewhat competent?

Girl, you earned excellent grades in college. You were a tough-as-nails consultant not that long ago. You can be competent in everything if you work hard for it. That was what Consultant-me quibbled. Actually, though, that was totally like ages ago. Looking pretty is way easier than working and lots more rewarding. That was Bimbo-me responding. So frustrating! So annoying! Not annoying, however, was Mr. Squid's reaction 'cause he seemed too modest to exploit the situation and simply ordered some soda pop. Easy-peasy!

With that, there were only two guys left. Before addressing the next-to-last dude, I had to brace myself. After all, my embarrassment and frustration were growing to new heights, which were two emotions I felt despite my bimbo haze. As a result, I had given up on all the multitasking and followed Ortega's instructions instead.

"Coffee, tea, or me?" I finally asked as clearly as I could manage.

The guy must have been 50ish and appeared like a slimey weasel who would do anything to make a sale. Mr. Weasel didn't respond at once, though. Not 'cause he was too stunned, but rather 'cause he was enjoying the way I was killing myself here. To express that, he clasped his hands behind his head with his elbows flung out. What a typical male posture!

With the slimey dude in waiting position, the last guy leant forward like he was feigning interest and sized me up extensively. He seemed my age and looked like a small, sneaky man who was literally speaking with a forked tongue. Just the same, I was eying him suspiciously, 'cause I somehow recognized him. I just couldn't tell from where or when.

"So, what would you offer me for not choosing the third option?" The sneaky dude asked.


The moment I heard his voice, I remembered. Mr. Reptile wasn't just my age, he was actually a fellow student from college. Back in the day, he had dated my best friend. He had been an insufferable douchebag then, and by the looks of it, he still was today. But where was he coming from? For sure, he hadn't been one of the nine salesmen we had welcomed on the parking lot. Oh right! There were ten sales reps present. He must have been the one arriving via the front entrance.

Wake-up call!

If I remembered him, chances were high that he might remember me too. That insight acted like an adrenaline shot! I felt like I was abruptly waking up from a delirious state. The stage curtain had fully opened and Consultant-me had pushed Bimbo-me into the orchestra pit.

Shot to the heart!

Finally, my mind was clear. The adrenaline rush made my heart beat in overdrive and caused me to breathe rapidly. My senses were acutely heightened while I was extremely jittery and nervous. Most of all, though, I was intensely aware of everything. For the first time, I fully noticed all the changes and bimbofications in all their gory details.

Oh jeez! The golden cuff bracelets weighed on my arms and the big golden triangle hoops pulled on my earlobes. The stewardess uniform uncomfortably squeezed my juicy juggs and the slits in the skirt made every step a challenge. My lips were tingling from getting plumped-up so much and those sky-high heels were killing my feet.

Even worse, the rings were spreading my fingers apart and those damned fake claws with rings and chains were handicapping my every move. Getting that manicure must have been the dumbest idea ever. Actually, all these bimbofications seemed like dumb ideas, so much so that they were overloading my mind.

No matter what, my fellow alum was still waiting for my response. The longer he was sizing me up, the bigger the chances of him recognizing me. That couldn't happen 'cause I was already embarrassed beyond imagination. More importantly, though, it would be the death knell to my reputation and the death blow to the out-please-ment center.

That was why I had to react and quick. So back to topic. Mr. Reptile was talking about the 'me' part of the silly stewardess phrase, wasn't he? Okay, fine! I guess I should have expected that kind of question. After all, Mr. Weasel looked at me like he was about to sell me the most unnecessary sales item ever.

I couldn't make a mistake now! I couldn't fail now! This was a critical moment. If I made Ortega look bad, I would lose the ass-essment. If I blew my cover, I would lose everything. I had to keep up appearance whatsoever. I had to keep up the bimbo act. Oh damnit!

"Mister, I could get you a great deal! If you actually deserve it!" I tried to play it coy.

Oh jeez! I was so rational at the moment. I felt so business savvy at the moment. Yet, I had to play the silly bimbo ditz. I had to act like a mindless sexdoll. Worst time! Worst place! Ever!

I tried anyway. I really tried. No matter what, I couldn't bring myself to babble all bimboy. Instead, it made me appear more like a smartass.

"Oh, Assy! We're the company's cream of the crop here 'n I'm the sales champion. I deserve it all!" Mr. Weasel was the one responding.

Oh wow! What a sales pitch! The humility while manspreading! The modesty while ogling my boobies! Just the thing that shattered Consultant-me's nerves. Just the thing that got Bimbo-me's juices flowing. Actually, I cursed internally while my legs buckled externally. Trying to steady myself, I put my hand on Mr. Weasel's shoulder. Oh shoot! It was the last thing I wanted to do 'cause it totally looked like I was teasing him.

"Mister! What about this offer?" I quickly said. "Let me maintain care for the sales champion."

"You can ride me like some racy whores... you know, for refills 'n all." I added as special enticer.

Reptile and Weasel were huffing before I even realized my newest blunders. Goddamnit! In my woken state, I couldn't bring myself to babble like a bimbo, but I still couldn't prevent giving boners in any way. Obviously, Bimbo-me still had a certain influence. Whatever! Keeping his sprawling male posture, Mr. Weasel weighed his options for a couple of moments, making me turn my attention to my fellow alum.

"Hey Assy! If I choose the third option, what do I get specifically?" Mr. Reptile asked again, not letting me off the hook that easily.

Oh Jeez! There he was, talking out of both sides of his mouth from the start. Just the way, I remembered him. As if I had needed another reminder, it was clearer than ever that I had to be cautious now. I couldn't risk making a mistake, and I couldn't risk him recognizing me.

Getting called 'Assy' for everyone to hear was bad. Getting called that nickname by a dude who only knew me as an ambitious student was way more disgraceful. It instantly stoked Bimbo-me, like literally fanning the flames! See? Damned literally!

"Hihi, mister! So glad you ask!" I chortled 'cause the way Mr. Weasel weighed his options gave me an unexpected idea.

"With such a huge range of options, let me take your load, I mean let me make the decision for you." I suggested.

Not bad, was it? At least, for a spur-of-the-moment decision. Besides, it was an innocent explanation for the third option. All the same, no bimbo talk but another blunder. What the fudge! As a result, Mr. Reptile gave me a penetrating look. So scrutinizing! So dangerous! I saw him wrinkling his brow. I saw some kinda recognition flashing in his eyes. Oh no! I was about to get exposed!

The frown remained on his face while he looked to my painted eyebrows, my inflated lips, and my manicured hands. My heart was in my mouth when he shook his head and the glint disappeared from his eyes. Apparently, he couldn't pin me down yet. Phew! Apparently, there were too many bimbofication for him to recognize me. Umph!

But back to business. Both sales dudes deemed my suggestion acceptable. So I tottered off to fetch them a cuppa coffee each. At least, I had managed to clear the first hurdle unscathed and weathered the first storm. For the time being!

After serving all five men, I walked back to Ortega. Apparently, Shelly had needed just as long to provide the rest of the salesmen with their amenities 'cause we both checked back with our boss at the same time. This really was a head-to-head race. Anyhow, everything continued to be up in the air. The matter wasn't settled. Instead, all bets were off.

All the more, 'cause I knew that I was walking the edge here. Sooner or later, Mr. Reptile would remember. Sooner or later, he would see past all the fake-assery. All the more, if I kept acting like the smartass he had known in college. I had to crank up the bimbo style if I liked it or not. That was the last thing I wanted to do in my current woken state, however.

First of all, the workshop was officially beginning. For that, Wilson gave a short introductory speech. In the meantime, Ortega used the time to have both his ass-istants present their exercise concepts. Then and there, my decision to play it by the ear and decide spontaneously came back to bite me in the ass. It turned out that Blondie had been busy during the train ride 'cause she had come up with an elaborate plan. Not that I hadn't been busy during the journey. Just a different kind of busy. Umph!


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