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My Submissive Little Sister Ch. 05


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"I won't have to force you to do anything." I replied. "You'll do what ever I ask because you know I love you. Isn't that right?"

"And you'll make me do nasty things?" She asked, with a hopeful look on her face. "I mean really, really nasty things? You promise?"

"I sure will and you'll do it because you want to please me." I answered. "But, if there's something special you're thinking about - something you want to do, all you have to do is ask me and I'll consider it."

"I can think of a few things already." Alison said, blushing.

"That's good, because I want to know everything that turns you on, and I promise I'll be good to you in return as long as you do as I ask without questioning me and without delay. Can you do that?"

Alison reached out and put both her hands on my hardened cock and looked up at me. "I will." She replied. "But, mostly, I just want you to rule over me with this."

"I don't want to have to think or make decisions, Brett." Alison added. "I want you to do the thinking, and I want you to make the decisions. I will do the obeying..... that's what I want."

As I lie there, I knew we were so close to the point where she would graduate from simply being my little sister to being my devoted sub. I knew the instant my cock pushed through the little pink membrane just inside her vagina, there were new responsibilities that and I had to accept. Responsibilities like preserving her previous innocence and documenting the commencement of her submission. And, lying there I got a brainstorm of epic proportion that I had to take action on.

"Alison, there's something I want you to do for me." I said. "Actually, I expect you to do it. But, I don't want you to get the wrong idea."

I explained to Allison that soon she was going to be changed in such a fundamental way, she would never be able to return to her previous innocent state. Once she sat down on my penis and it obliterated her hymen, there would be no going back. There would be no proof of her previous innocence, and no proof of her virginity.

Except perhaps, if we had pictures.

"I want to get my digital camera and take some pictures of you before I take your girlhood. I'm talking about completely naked pictures, Allison, including close-ups of your vagina while you hold it open for me."

The expression on Alison's face went totally blank.

"Face shots, too." I continued. "I can understand this might be hard for you to do, but, I expect you to do it for me. I've already made the decision that you will."

I told Alison I shouldn't have to explain my decisions to her, and in the future, I wouldn't feel obligated to give her reasons. But, in this case, I was going to tell her why because I wanted her to see how much I cared for her.

Reaching out to hold her hands in mine, I told her there might come a time where she would question my love. She might even question her trust in me, along with her devotion and complete submission.

"When that time comes," I continued, "I'll pull out these pictures and we'll look at them together. Perhaps they'll remind you of what you've felt today, and what we've already shared. Maybe it will remind you of how much I love you and how much I cared about your feelings."

"Most of all," I added, "seeing actual pictures of the gift you are giving me, and, the way I've honored you might make you recall how you feel right now. Can you understand that?"

Alison looked deeply into my eyes and squeezed my hands. Then letting them go, she placed both of her hands between her tiny breasts and pressed them against her chest.

"Brett, I can already feel how much you love me." Alison said, softly. "Right here...... right inside my heart, and I would do anything for you. Just the fact that you are willing to grant my wish and take my virginity means more to me than you'll ever know. And, the fact that you cherish me so much that you want to help me remember this night, makes me love you even more. You can take as many pictures as you like. I trust you completely."

I heard the words my little sister said, but it was her body language that told me she meant every word that came out of her mouth. As she spoke, she sat up taller and she looked directly at me, without glancing away. She didn't blink or have to think about what she said, her words seemed to flow like they were being read from a love sonnet.

This was the most remarkable day of our lives. It was the beginning of a pairing; the start of a weave that would grow tighter and stronger as the days wore on and allow us to give each other what we so desperately needed.

Without another word between us, she smiled at me sweetly and gently pressed her naked body to mine. "I belong to you already." Alison whispered in my ear. "The act of taking me is just a formality now. I am truly and utterly yours, Brett. But, please don't make me wait much longer to feel you inside me. Please?"

I had to acknowledge her request, and I did, simply promising that she would feel me inside of her soon. But, first, I wanted to take the pictures.

It only took me a minute or two to get my camera and make sure I had enough memory space for the pictures I wanted. In my mind, I wanted to preserve her image in her pristine state – unblemished and pure. That meant close up pictures of her pussy and the miracle that lie within her, still intact but soon to be broken. As I stood in the middle of the room and prepared to take the pictures, I made a mental note to take pictures again once she was deflowered so I could show her how she transformed from a girl to a woman.

I first had Alison brush her hair and sit on the edge of the bed. Then walking right in front of her, I asked her to take my cock in her hands and put it to her lips. As she did, I started taking pictures. Of course, she began kissing my cock and I snapped away, taking picture after picture as she kissed and licked my member, occasionally looking up into the camera with her beautiful eyes.

Then, as she took me fully in her mouth, I took more pictures. I reached out with my left hand to stroke her hair as she sucked me, gently caressing the softness of her baby fine hair as she cooed softly. She pulled away from my cock for a moment and looked up at me with a demure smile on her face and blushed.

"I love sucking you." Alison said, softly. "Will you let me do it a lot?"

I laughed a little and told Alison that was a request she could count on me granting. She went back to sucking me and I took a few more pictures. "But be careful what you ask for, little sister." I warned. "I just might make you suck me when you least expect it. Like, when someone is watching."

Alison's eyes immediately looked up at me. I could see the surprise in her eyes, but she never pulled her mouth from my cock. I decided to test her a little further, telling her as my submissive she might be expected to let me undress her..... maybe even fuck her in front of someone else. When I said it, I could hear Alison taking deep breaths as her mouth sucked me.

"I might take you out wearing a see through shirt and a short skirt." I said to her. "You wouldn't be wearing a bra and everyone would see your cute little breasts."

She stopped sucking me for a few seconds and looked directly at me. "Are these promises you're giving me, or, are you just teasing me?" Alison answered. "It's not fair to say these things unless you mean it."

Picking up on her answer, I spent the next few minutes telling her I might strip her down to just her panties and let guys look at her. Or, that I might make her suck me in public. Or, how I might make her masturbate in front of my friends. Of course, I would probably never do that to my little sister, but, it was interesting to see the effect on her as I said those things. And, the effect was apparent in the way she was sucking me. The pressure of her grasp on my shaft got much firmer and the urgency of her mouth became more pronounced. I had to investigate this further.

"Would you like that?" I asked, calmly. "Would you like for me to expose you and show you off to strangers? To my friends?"

Without looking at me she quickly replied, saying, "I trust you Brett. I'd do anything you asked me to do."

"That's not what I asked." I answered. "I asked if you would like me to expose you. Just 'Yes' or 'No', Alison. Stop sucking and give me a straight answer."

Alison pulled back away from my cock and peered up at me. The blush on her face from before had come back, and as soon as I saw it, I knew I'd stumbled across something..... something she hadn't told me and something I didn't expect.

"Yes." My little sister answered. "I think I'd like to try that."

I guess it was easy to understand that Alison might have fantasies of being an exhibitionist. I had girlfriends in the past that would take liberties with the way they dressed..... give little innocent peeks and shows. And, honestly, I was sure I could keep my sister from doing anything stupid or risky.

"Alright, then." I said, pulling myself away from her mouth. "We'll talk about your exhibitionist fantasies and I'll see what I can do. In the mean time, being an exhibitionist ought to make taking these pictures easier."

I asked Alison to stand up and spread her feet apart. I knelt down in front of her, and then, putting my camera on the macro setting, I leaned in toward her crotch and started taking pictures. I need to be clear here – I filled the viewfinder with her hairless lips and started taking pictures. I shot from many angles and as I snapped away, Alison helped me out by spreading her feet some more, thrusting her hips forward, and eventually holding her pussy lips open for me while my digital camera did it's job.

Wrenching my head between her legs and looking up into her as she held her lips apart, I got some amazing pictures of the pinkness of her pussy. One picture clearly showed the thin, pink membrane of her hymen, and I got several pictures showing the incredible wetness my little sister was blessed with.

I had Alison lie down on the bed and pull her knees way up to her chest and took more pictures. The glistening lubrication from her vagina reflected the light from the room, offering a true testament to her ability to get wet, and when I asked her to open herself up again so I could get close ups of her maidenhead, she reached down and gathered her lips together and pulled them apart as far as she good, allowing me to shoot down past her inner lips, creating a picture of her dainty virginity that took my breath away.

Her cherry, itself, was for the most part, thin and translucent. There was a small hole in it and even though it was virtually thin and see through, I could see it was living, pink tissue. It's too bad it would be gone soon, because it was such a thrill to see and behold in front of me. I mean, right there – right in front of me, perhaps the most prized possession a girl could own, and the most valuable present she could ever give away.

I took many more pictures in the next few minutes, including pictures of her chest and face together. As I did that, I marveled at the precise perfectness of her breasts and nipples. The close ups I took of her nipples showed the textured bumps of her areolas and the very intricate detail of her nipples. These were the kind of pictures that would make any red-blooded man hot and horny.

My favorite pictures, though, were the ones we took with her on her hands and knees from behind. Say what you like, but, there's just something perfect and natural about a woman in that pose. The way her legs spread to see the puffiness of her mound and her anus peeking back at you is something to regard in the most admiring way. Yes, it's her pussy you can see, but, the position she was in spoke directly of sex. It's like she was screaming out to be mated – offering a straight open shot into her vagina for no other reason than to be fucked. Plus, there's the added benefit of seeing her anus there, tempting you to touch or kiss and lick. Or fuck.

Now before you snarl and say you'd never kiss or lick a woman's anus, I might bring to your attention that the average cell phone or keyboard has more harmful bacteria on it than a toilet seat. And I'm here to tell you without any reservation at all, that kissing and licking a clean anus is probably one of the most inspiring things you could do for your woman. Gentle breaths against her down there will send shivers up her spine and your tender caresses will relax her and open her up to experience the sensation of anal penetration. The thousands of nerve endings in that region respond quickly to temperature, touch and moisture faster than you would think possible, and as I looked as Alison so willingly on her hands and knees in front of me, I promised myself I would explore every inch of her body and discover every secret that could bring her pleasure.

If she was to become my submissive, I would take great joy in learning the secrets of her body and how to touch her in ways that would demonstrate my love and caring for her, and that included her ass.

I sat down next to Alison and showed her the pictures straight from the camera display. When I showed her the first close up picture I took of her hymen, she smiled and took the camera from my hand and stared at the image. Looking up at me, her eyes grew big and she was speechless. I showed her several more, including the one with her on her back tugging her lips open as far as she could. In that picture she could easily see the delicate barrier which she would give to me before too much longer. We went through the rest of the images and I could tell she was somewhat embarrassed at the pictures of her small breasts.

That seemed curiously odd to me, since I'd think close up pictures of her vagina would be the ones that caused any woman embarrassment. But, for Alison, it was the images of her tiny breasts that caused her shame.

"From now on," I said to her, "I want you to look for ways to expose your breasts to me. With Mom and Dad here, I know that will be difficult, but, I have to break you of this inadequate feeling you have about your breasts."

"They're cute and I like looking at them." I added. "So from now on, no more thick, padded bras. No more hiding them. Understand?"

She nodded her head, and as she did, I made an important decision and shared it with her.

"I want you to think about what I'm getting ready to say, Alison." I told her. "It has benefits, implications and consequences. You'd be best to think about it and sleep on it before you say anything, and, in fact, I don't want to even discuss it for at least two days. Agreed?"

I could see she was confused and had no idea what I was eluding to, but that was fine. She'd understand in a few moments.

I told her I was considering moving out into my own place. I'd been saving my money from my paycheck, and since I felt like I'd completed my obligation when Mom and Dad asked me to move back home and help out with her, it was time for me to go. And, at twenty eight years old, I needed a place of my own.

Alison's face went stone cold as she stared at me.

"Here's the deal." I said. "I'll wait until your graduation comes, and if you're still interested in being submissive, you can move in with me."

I told her she would have to juggle multiple roles if she decided to join me. First, she'd be my submissive, and my lover – and I would put her above all other women in my life. She would sleep with me and would have to balance her roles as sister, lover, submissive and slut to my satisfaction. I warned her I would have expectations on her conduct, her wardrobe and I would expect obedience.

As I spoke, she listened and paid attention to what I said. "You'd have to get rid of the gothic look right away, Alison. You'll have to go back to your real hair color and drop all the scary, dark makeup. You'll have to ditch any of your friends that are into any of that gothic bullshit and you have to get all your grades up to at least a "B" average by the time you graduate. If you can do all that, you can move in with me."

We looked at each other for a few seconds and Alison broke into a sweet smile and then a huge grin. "Thank you." Alison giggled. "I don't need any time to think about it. I can do all that. And, I'd do anything to have you and keep you, Brett. I'm over eighteen, though. You know we could move out tomorrow?"

"Mom and Dad would never allow that, Alison." I replied. "After you graduate, and if you do all those things I said.... then, we'll see."

She smiled at me and said, "Sure, I understand." Then she paused for a minute and asked me a question. "Can I ask you to do me a favor before we make love?"

I nodded at her as I reached out to cup one of her tiny breasts in my hand.

Alison shifted from where she was on the bed, and got up. She stood next to the bed and looked down at me. Saying nothing, she raised her left hand to her right breast and touched her nipple. I watched, curiously, as she played with that nipple, touching it and pinching it lightly. Then as I watched her, right hand moved between her legs and she touched her hairless slit, just barely.

Propping myself up on my elbow as I lie on the bed, I watched my little sister and saw her do something that was so amazingly beautiful, I was frozen in rapture watching her.

"Can you watch me?" She whispered. "This is something I've dreamed about.... having someone look at me while I play with myself. I've just.... uh... never had the courage to do it. And, this seems like the perfect time. Is that okay?"

"By all means." I answered. And with that, I watched my little sister blush and then treat me to the one of the most intimate exposes imaginable – I watched her masturbate.

Alison stepped up right next to the edge of the bed and shuffled her feet to where they were probably two feet apart. She was already close to me, but, I scooted myself to the edge of the bed so I could get as close as possible to her nubile body. Fluffing the pillow up and making myself comfortable, I settled in to watch.

The fingers on her left hand began slowing plucking her nipple on her tiny breast, like she was pinching soft bread dough onto a cookie sheet. She was teasing herself, lightly, and running her fingers around her puffy nipple, stopping every now and then to rub across the sensitive tips. Her other hand was almost motionless as she used one, lone finger to trace up and down the slit between her labia majora.

It looked a little awkward to me, but, when I remembered her hymen would block her finger from entering her vagina, it made total sense, and as I watched her finger go up and down her slit she pulled her right foot up and set it on the edge of the bed. This stance opened her lips up enough so I could see the bud of her clitoris poking out at the top of her slit.

As she touched herself, I began to hear the crinkly sound of wet pussy lips being fondled. That sound was followed by a sheen of new moisture that began to spread to her finger and shortly after that, to her lips. She spread it out using her finger tips until her whole mound was glistening with her juice and then she looked down at me.

"Can you see well enough?" Alison asked. "I want you to see everything."

I told her the view I had was perfect and to prove it, I reached down and started stroking my already hard cock.

"Oh no, Big Brother." Alison said. "That's for me, remember? You're just supposed to be watching. Okay?"

I let go of my cock and trained my eyes back at her pussy just in time to see her bend her knees a little and reach deeply between her legs and gently place two fingers at the entrance of her pussy. She gave me a grin as she moved her fingers around her opening, covering both of them with the fresh juice that was flowing out of her and then smoothly removed her fingers and moved them up to her mouth.

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