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New Girl in Town Pt. 11


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"Way to keep your head in the game out there, Ray." Coach Yates compliments.

"I'm just glad that Jake was out there with us. He knew exactly what to do when I started waving at him." Ray comments.

"Yeah, nice play out there, Jake." Coach Yates grumbles before walking away.

"Nice game out there, Jake." Coach Pennington says as they watch the kickoff.

"Thanks for the advice, Coach." Jake says. "It was fun. Probably the last game I'll ever get to play in but it was fun."

"You never know, Jake." Coach Pennington tells him. "Just like the scrimmage game, you made a big impression on a lot of folks. Even Yates may not be able to keep you out of games now."

"He wouldn't even talk to me after he put me back in the game, Coach." Jake says. "He'd just scowl at me."

"I think its killing him that he has you on third string when you should be starting." Coach Pennington shares.

"That'll never happen, Coach." Jake points out.

"Yeah and that's a damn shame because you've shown a lot of heart this year coming back from that injury." He tells him. "And not only comeback but you come out and play a game like you did tonight. Ray may have scored the winning touchdown, Jake but you that made that possible in the first place. Don't forget that."

"I won't, Coach." Jake assures him. "And thanks for the pep talk. I appreciate it."


After showers and being congratulated from their friends and families, Ray, Staci, Jake and Jessica begin making their way to the parking lot. As they pass the gymnasium, Marisha walks over.

"You guys aren't coming to the dance?" She asks.

"Sorry gorgeous but we're headed to Staci's to relax and unwind. Maybe another shower or three because I still feel like I've got mud on me." Jake answers.

"Aw, and here I was hoping for a dance with my handsome escort and the hero of the big game." Marisha tells them.

"Now who's a flirt, gorgeous?" Jake teases.

"Still you!" Marisha laughs.

"She's got you there, baby." Jessica says. "I'll make sure that you get a dance with him at prom though, Marisha."

"Just be warned that you'll be putting the life of your toes at risk." Jake tells her.

"We'll make it a slow one so all you have to do is shuffle a bit." Marisha giggles. "That should keep my toes safe as long as Jessica's okay with that."

"I can't refuse a request from Miss Wildcat, now can I?" Jessica asks. "Congratulations on that. I was cheering so loud for you. We all were."

"That's because all of you guys are so sweet." Marisha says then gives Jessica a hug. "It's such a shame that you didn't make the court at least Jessica. I would have sworn that you'd make it."

"It's being looked into." Staci tells her.

Marisha raises her eyebrows. "Really? Well good because I know that there's no way that Somer won queen. Something about that doesn't smell right to me and several others."

"I thought the same thing." Staci shares.

"Ms. Simpson is looking into it and until she tells us one way or another all we can do is wait." Jake says.

"I guess that Jake's right. Not much we can do until we hear something more." Marisha agrees. "I'll let you get your guys out of here now if you promise to take good care of them."

"I think we can certainly manage that, Marisha." Staci answers as she hugs Ray close.

"You get back inside and break some more hearts." Jake says as she gives him a hug. "Just make sure your boyfriend knows that we're dancing at prom."

"I'll make sure of it, Jake." She giggles before heading back inside.

"She's sweet." Jessica states as the couples begin walking again. "I'm glad you got to escort her. It gave us a chance to talk and get to know each other."

"There she goes again, making new friends." Ray laughs.

"That's our Jess." Staci laughs. "Everyone loves her and speaking of loving , we should getting this little party on the road."

"I can't believe that your mom's cool with us all spending the night." Ray comments.

"Well she only really knows that Jess is spending the night but she's out with her latest fling. She told me after the game not to expect her home tonight." Staci explains. "It'll be fine."

As the group reaches the parking lot, a man approaches them.

"Excuse me but are you're Ray Halston, right?" the man asks.

"Uh, yes?" Ray answers confused.

"My name's Lou Routh and I'm a recruiter for Clemson. You played a great game tonight." He says handing Ray a card.

"Thank... thank you, sir." Ray stammers.

"I was out here to see your quarterback, Patrick Greene but thankfully I stayed after he went down and got to see you play." Lou says then turns to Jake. "If you're his backup and play like that, I hate I missed seeing him. That kid's arm must be platinum because yours is gold. Here, take one of my cards too. We don't usually scout backups but you looked mighty impressive out there."

"Thank you, sir." Jake nods as he accepts the card.

Lou turns back to Ray. "Well I won't hold up you kids any longer. I just wanted to introduce myself, let you know that I'll be coming out to a few more games and will be keeping a close eye on you. You all have a great night."

As he leaves Ray turns to Staci and hugs her tight. "Oh my God, Clemson! That's big time, Staci!"

"I know, baby!" Staci says excitedly. "I'm so happy for you!"

"We are too but don't you dare hug me, Ray." Jake jokes.

"Can I hug Jess instead?" Ray asks.

"You may." Jessica answers then proceeds to hug him.

"I knew I should have handed the ball off to Kendall on that last play." Jake sighs. "He wouldn't be manhandling my girlfriend right now."

"I'm only hugging Jess. My girlfriend kissed you, pal." Ray laughs as he lets go of Jessica.

"That she did." Jake grins. "You're still welcome for that by the way."

"Come on you two, let's get you both back to my house and start celebrating the big win." Staci states. "Jess and I have big plans for the school's heroes."


"Just what in the hell were you thinking?" George Buchanan Greene, aka Buck Greene shouts at his son, Patrick as he arrives home from the homecoming dance with Somer.

"What are you talking about?" Patrick asks.

"Should I go?" Somer asks.

"Just go inside. I'll be there in a second." Patrick tells her.

She gives him a look but then heads inside leaving Patrick and his dad in their garage.

"You were saying?" Patrick asks once Somer's inside.

"You took yourself out of the game tonight!" Buck yells.

"I hurt my ankle!" Patrick yells back.

"Which ankle, Patrick?" Buck asks. "Is it the left one or the right one because you've limped on both? Now you aren't limping at all."

Patrick sighs at being caught. "It was a meaningless game anyway and we won it. What does it matter?"

"It matters because there were college recruiters in the stands watching." Buck tells him. "It matters because your backup showed you up by passing the ball in the pouring rain. Did you hear them chanting his goddamn name to get him back in the game? I haven't heard any chants of Patrick from the crowd before. How is that kid on the third string?"

"That was Jake Gibson." Patrick says. "You know the one that Jamie laid out in the scrimmage game."

"The Gibson kid? I should have known." Buck says. "The kid you've bullied all your life goes out and plays like that so you can get cleaned up for a dance. He's also the kid that poached that girl you were chasing earlier this year, isn't he? That Somer girl isn't a bad looking consolation prize but this Gibson kid is cleaning your clock this year."

"I've got plans for him." Patrick assures his dad.

"Well this plan of yours had better be something nice and showy because that kid is kicking your ass." Buck points out.

"Oh, it will be and in front of all of his friends, too." Patrick says. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go work on this plan of mine with that hot piece of ass that's waiting for me inside."


"Are you sure this is going to all right, Jess?" Jake asks as they follow Ray's car towards Staci's house. "I mean if your folks find out..."

"Mom knows." Jessica interrupts him.

"What?" Jake asks.

"She knows that I'm spending the night at Staci's and I told her that you and Ray were coming over." Jessica explains.

"But not to spend the night though, right?" He asks.

"I may have left out that little detail but we need some alone time, Jake." She states. "Our little make out sessions on the porch are great, don't get me wrong but I think that we need a night of privacy to take the next step."

"Next step?" He asks nervously.

"We've barely made it to second base, Jake and even then that's only been some over the clothes action at most." Jessica says. "I plan on at least getting you out of that shirt and who knows where that'll lead us. I may even give the homecoming game hero a massage."

"Massage, huh?" Jake asks.

"I do you owe you a few by now." She states. "What do you think about that?"

"I think Ray needs to drive faster." Jake chuckles.

"Agreed." Jessica giggles.

The couples pull into Staci's driveway a few minutes later and head inside the two-story house.

"Welcome," Staci states as she shrugs off her jacket. "I've got beer, wine and some of the hard stuff if anyone wants to partake."

"Beer, please." Ray answers.

"Wine for me." Jessica says.

"Just a water for me, Staci." Jake answers.

"Water? Come on, Jake. There are no parents around tonight, it's just us." Staci says.

"One of us should stay sober enough to drive in case we have to go back out, right?" Jake asks.

"Water it is then." Staci states as she heads towards the kitchen with Ray in tow.

Jake and Jessica head towards the living room and take a seat on the large sofa that dominates the spacious room.

Soon Staci and Ray join them, handing Jessica a glass of wine that matches Staci's and Ray hands Jake a bottled water.

"We can watch some television or a movie if anyone wants to do that." Staci tells them. "Or we can play cards."

"Or we could chat a little while." Jessica suggests after a sip of wine. "This is good, Staci."

"I like it but mom thinks it's too sweet." Staci shares. "That's why we can drink it without her noticing though I doubt she'd care much as long as we're staying in."

"Your mom is cool." Jessica comments.

"She can be at times." Staci agrees then smiles. "Are we going to talk all night or are we going to take care of our brave football players, Jess?"

"I guess they did earn a little bit of our tender love and care didn't they?" Jessica asks.

"If we must," Staci sighs. "Turn around this way, Ray."

Ray turns with her back to Staci and she begins to rub on his shoulders.

"You too, Jake." Jessica says.

Jake turns as well and soon Jessica is rubbing his shoulders.

It doesn't take long for Staci to abandon the massage and begin to make out with Ray.

Jessica continues to rub Jake's shoulders and upper back for several long minutes while watching Staci and Ray's hot make out session. When Ray's hand lifts Staci's cheerleading skirt, Jessica lets out a little cough to remind them that they have an audience. Jake is a little disappointed when Ray drops the skirt back in place as he was enjoying the view of Staci's cute little ass in her spanks.

"Oops," Staci says as she pulls away from Ray. She hops to her feet and reaches out for Jessica's hand. "We need to have a little chat. We'll be right back."

With that, she pulls Jessica towards the kitchen leaving the guys alone.

"Any idea what that's about?" Jake asks Ray.

"Uh... yeah." Ray answers hesitantly.

"What's going on, Ray?"

"Well... see Staci and I... god this is so weird to be talking about." Ray says then takes a chug of his beer. "Tonight Staci and I... well... we're going to do it. For like the first time."

"Really?" Jake asks. "I thought you guys had already done it by now."

"We've come close a couple of times but either I'd have to hurry out so I didn't miss my curfew or her mom would come home earlier than expected." Ray explains. "Tonight's the first time that we've had her house to ourselves in a while."

"Ah, I think I see now." Jake says. "We had this homecoming thing planned but now that Staci's mom isn't here, you need Jess and I to get out of here so you can be alone. That's not a problem, Ray. Jess and I understand we'll get out of here and give you guys some privacy."

"That's not it." Ray says. "Staci and I talked about it and we think that you guys should stay."


"Stay?" Jessica asks Staci. "Why would you want us to stay?"

Staci had just finished having the same conversation as Ray was having with Jake.

"Because I know how frustrated you've been getting at not having any real alone time with Jake and now you can have some here tonight." Staci tells her.

"I do want some alone time with Jake but I... we don't want to get in you guys way." Jessica tells her.

"It's not like we're planning to have you guys in the room with us, Jessica." Staci teases. "Ray and I will be in my room and you and Jake will be in the spare bedroom."

"I'm not sure that Jake and I are at that point yet." Jessica states.

"Just because you'll be in a bed doesn't mean you have to do it." Staci tells her. "You'll just be comfortable while you make out and whatever."

"I suppose that it would be more comfortable than our wooden bench and the privacy sounds really nice." Jessica admits. "All right, Staci. As long as you're sure that we won't bother you and Ray, we'll stay."

"I plan to be too busy to even notice." Staci giggles and grabs Jessica's hand. "Come on, we need to let the guys know that we've decided."

The girls return from the kitchen and overhear Jake ask Ray.

"You're sure that Jess and I being here won't be a problem?"

"They're sure." Jessica answers. "At least Staci is. Ray on the other hand."

"Ray... I mean, I'm fine with it." Ray answers. "Staci and I talked about this a lot and it won't be a problem."

"You heard the man, Jake." Jessica says. She picks up her glass of wine and reaches for Jake's hand. "Show us to our bedroom, Staci."

Ray chuckles. "I think Jake may need a minute. He looked like he about had a stroke when Jess said that."

"You need a minute, sweetie?" Jessica giggles.

"No... no, I'm good." Jake stammers.

Staci glances down and sees the outline of Jake's now hard cock through his jeans.

"Mmm, you look better than good to me, Jake." Staci smiles.

Jessica follows Staci's gaze and smiles herself. "Mine, Staci."

"That's all yours, Jess. I was just taking a moment to admire. I know he looked at my butt earlier and turn about is fair play." Staci giggles. "You are so cute when you blush, Jake!"

"I think you're blushing more now, than when we pick on you." Jessica notices then turns her jean clad butt towards him. "Do you like Staci's butt better than mine, Jake?"

"We both do a lot of leg and butt workouts for our sports, Jake." Staci says as she turns her butt towards Jake. She lifts her cheerleading skirt and wiggles her butt.

"Two can play that game, Staci." Jessica says and shakes her butt just like Staci.

A strangled noise escapes Jake's throat and Ray laughs.

"Keep this up and you'll never get him upstairs, Jess." Ray tells her. "And to diplomatic about it, you both have fantastic asses."

"What... what he said." Jake stammers. "Can we please get upstairs now?"

Jessica takes his hand and pulls him to his feet. "Yes baby, we're going upstairs now. Lead the way, Staci."

The four head upstairs until Staci stops at the first door.

"This is your room." She says opening the door. "I had mom add clean sheets and I added the candles. I thought it'd be a nice romantic touch. Jake, the lighter's right over there for when you're ready for it. My room's just over there if you need anything, just shout."

"I think all the shouting will be coming from your room, Staci." Jessica giggles.

"Jessica!" Staci exclaims then giggles herself. "Probably."

"Any last minute tips, Jake?" Ray asks.

"Sweep the leg." Jake deadpans.

"What?" Ray asks confused.

"You have a problem with that, Mr. Lawrence?" Jake asks.

"No sensei." Ray laughs completing the scene from Karate Kid.

"What are you two goofballs going on about?" Staci asks.

"Remember a couple of weekends ago when the gang got together at my place and we watched a bunch of eighties movies?" Jessica asks and Staci nods. "That was from a scene from that karate movie."

"The wax on, wax off one?" Staci asks. "I preferred the one where the town had banned dancing. That was a good one."

"Footloose." Jake tells her. "Ms. Simpson told me that we might be doing that one for drama club this year."

"Really?" Jessica asks.

"She's got to run by the principal and the PTA first but it's on her short list." Jake explains.

"I can't wait to see you sing, Jake." Ray laughs.

"And here I was about to impart some wisdom to you. Not anymore, pal." Jake states.

"Dude, I was kidding." Ray says. "You've got to tell me."

"So was I, Ray. You already know everything that you need to make this night great for Staci. Just listen to her and everything will be amazing I'm sure."

Staci leans up and gives Jake a quick kiss on his lips. "I still owe you, Jake."

Jessica grabs Jake by the hand and yanks him into the room. "Nope, we're even after this." Jake comments.

"Very even." Jessica calls out. "That is, if you shut that door right now."

"You got it, Jess." Staci giggles. "Have fun you two, I know we are definitely going to."


Inside her bedroom, Staci pushes Ray onto her bed then slides up his body to give him a passionate kiss. They make out for several long minutes until Staci sits up, straddling his lap. She shrugs off her cheer top revealing a sexy red bra.

"Wow," Ray exclaims. "That looks so sexy on you."

"You like it?" Staci asks shaking her C-cups at him. "Jessica and I went shopping a few days ago just for tonight."

"You and Jessica?" He asks.

"Uh huh," Staci answers as she pulls his hands up to her breasts. "We both felt the need to look sexy for our men tonight. Jess thought you'd love the red on me."

"Jess is one smart lady." Ray acknowledges as he pulls Staci back down to his lips. They kiss for another minute before Staci pulls away again. She pulls Ray up and tugs his t-shirt up and off.

"Ouch. Poor baby," Staci comments noticing a bruise on Ray's chest. "Where'd this come from?"

"Probably from when I dove into the end zone on that one play. It's not that bad." Ray tries to say but the last words draws out into a groan as Staci kisses her way down his chest.

She lightly kisses around the bruise causing Ray to suck in a deep breath.

"Like that baby?" She teases him.

"Uh huh," He gasps as she licks then sucks his nipple into her hot mouth.

She pushes him onto his back and continues to kiss her way down his body. With deft hands, she unbuckles his belt and unsnaps his jeans.

"Help me?" she asks as she tugs at his waistband.

Ray lifts his butt from the bed and pushes his jeans as Staci's pulls them down his legs.

"There's my friend," Staci giggles as she gazes at his tented boxers. "He wants to come out and say hello, doesn't he?"

"Very much," Ray groans as she runs her nails down his cloth covered erection.

She leans down and nips at it with her teeth drawing another moan from Ray. She then pulls his boxers down and off leaving him naked before her.

"Yummy," She purrs as grasps his dick and giving it a few feather strokes.

Staci," Ray groans loud when she lowers her head and takes him into her mouth. Her tongue teases all around the crown of his manhood before giving it a gentle suck. She takes more of him into his mouth then dragging her tongue slowly back up his throbbing shaft before she pulls off it with a wet pop.

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