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Olivia in Vulmonia Ch. 41

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Negotiations interrupted.
5k words

Part 41 of the 47 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/24/2017
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As Bogdan walked back into the kitchen, Olivia tried to brace herself for their impending conversation. What was she going to tell him? He sat down at the table across from her and leaned forward. In a hushed voice, he asked, "So what's going on? What did the judge do to you to make you so upset?"

"Bogdan, please, you need to steal the key from Judge Thorsky," Olivia replied in an urgent whisper. "Tomorrow, after my morning workout, before the judge leaves for work, you have to take the key!"

"But how?"

"I don't know how. But we have to figure something out."

Bogdan thought about it for a moment. "Maybe tomorrow evening when he comes home from work, I could ..."

"No," Olivia cut him off. "Not tomorrow evening. It has to be tomorrow morning!"

Bogdan furrowed his brow as he stared at Olivia from across the table. "Why does it have to be tomorrow morning?"

"Because, that ... that ... that's just the way it is. Okay?" Olivia hoped that he would just trust her and stop asking so many questions.

"I overheard the judge taking to you in the den. He said that within the next few days, you're going to be fitted with a new chastity belt. What's the point even of stealing the key for the one you're wearing now? Why not wait a few days? When they put the new one on you, we can take our time and make a plan. Don't worry, Olivia! We'll figure out how to steal the key for the new belt."

"No! I need the key for this one! And I need it tomorrow morning!" Olivia was so distraught, she had to remind herself not to speak loud.

"I don't understand!" Bogdan was bewildered. "Why do you need the belt off tomorrow morning?" Then his eyes narrowed. "Is it true what Judge Thorsky said?" he asked seriously. "Do you really like Dr. Brovachik? You want the chastity belt off so you can ... be with him?"

"No, of course not! Don't be stupid!" Olivia thoughtlessly replied. When she saw the hurt look on Bogdan's face, she quickly apologized. "Listen I'm sorry! But why would I like Dr. Brovachik? He's the one who put me in this mess in the first place, by locking away my clothes. If it wasn't for him, I would have never been convicted of public nudity."

"So, then why do you need the chastity belt off before going to see him?" Bogdan was troubled by Olivia's elusive responses.

"You mentioned bolt cutters before," she said, as she thought out loud, ignoring Bogdan's question. "How about this? Tomorrow morning, when you're driving me to the university, we stop off at a hardware store. We don't even need to buy the bolt cutters. We can just grab a pair and sneak into the back aisle. And then you can cut this horrible thing off of me. And then I'll finally be free of this thing. Yes, that's what we'll do!" Olivia looked over at Bogdan with a hopeful, if somewhat manic expression.

"Okay ... but ... what happens later? Tomorrow evening when the judge gets home from work. After dinner when the two of you are down in the basement. He'll see that you're not wearing the chastity belt. I mean, we won't be able to put it back on you, because we'll have broken it to get it off of you in the first place. He'll get us into deep trouble when he finds out that we've ruined it. I mean, sure, you might enjoy a few hours of freedom. But you have to think about what will happen later," he reasoned.

"I won't even be here later!" Olivia blurted out. As soon as she said it, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. She looked at Bogdan with round frightened eyes.

Bogdan was flummoxed. "What do you mean you won't be here later?" He leaned forward and scrutinized her face as he waited for her reply.

"No Bogdan, I didn't mean that! I only meant ... well ... you see ... it's just ... I ... uh ..." Olivia felt the color drain from her face as Bogdan began to shake his head in disbelief.

"Oh my god," he faintly whispered. "You're leaving!"

"No! Bogdan ..."

"It's Dr. Brovachik, isn't it? He's helping you to escape. That's why you need the chastity belt off before you go to meet him." Bogdan sat back in his chair as he stared at Olivia. His moth was open in shock.

"Okay, fine. You're right," Olivia conceded. "Now do you understand why I need this thing off of me tomorrow morning?"

"When were you planning on telling me?"

"I don't know! I only just found out this evening that I'll be going to see Dr. Brovachik tomorrow. I haven't really had time to think things through."

"So that's it, then," Bogdan said bitterly. "Tomorrow morning, you'll leave Vulmonia to go back to America. And then I'll be stuck here alone with His Honorable Judge Asshole." He glared at her.

"You are NOT stuck here, Bogdan! I am the one whose stuck here! ME!" Olivia gave him an incredulous look. "You can quit your job anytime you want. But I'm the judge's own person sex slave. I'm being forced to have a baby against my will. I'm wearing a fucking chastity belt for christ's sake! I can't go anywhere because of the god damned GPS tracker!"

"That's not fair," Bagdan retorted. "I can't just up and quit my job. And you know that. What about my family? What about my mother?"

"You can always find a new job. Hell, you don't even have to stay in Vulmonia if you don't want to." Suddenly, Olivia was struck by a flash of inspiration. "Hey," she excitedly whispered. "Why don't you move to America? Come live near me in Upstate New York! Then we can be together and we won't have to sneak around."

Bogdan crossed his arms over his chest as he thought hard about what Olivia was saying. Olivia could see that he was considering her suggestion. But he did not look anywhere near to being convinced.

Olivia got up out of her seat and slinked over to the other side of the table. She gently placed a hand on his shoulder. She leaned down so that her breasts were at his eye level. She lowered her head and brought her lips to his ear. She softly whispered, "And when I say that 'we can be together,' I mean we can fully and completely ... 'be together.'"

She knelt down and put her hands in his lap. She began rubbing up and down his thighs. "With the chastity belt finally out of the way, think of all the things we could do to each other." She rubbed his groin through his pants, seeking out his manhood. "We've done so many things together. But I've never felt ... this ... inside of me. Bogdan, don't you want to put this inside me?" She stroked the head of his member through his trousers.

Bogdan closed his eyes and sighed. "Olivia, of course I do. You know I do. But I can't just pick up and leave for America."

"Yes, you can!" Olivia insisted as she reached up to his waist. With nimble fingers, she unbuttoned his pants and began to unzip his fly. "You're English is fluent. And you're obviously hard working. If you moved to the US, you could do anything!" She took out his hardening staff and stroked it up and down with her right hand.

"Oh, Olivia ..." he groaned. "It's not that simple. You know my situation here. You're right, I do work hard. But I just don't earn that much. OH!" he gasped as Olivia put the head of his cock in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around it, teasing him. "Most of the money I earn goes to my ... my ... my ... family ... AH!"

"I know," Olivia said as she took her mouth off of his rod for a moment. She continued to stroke him with her hand. "You are such a great guy to help your mother," she praised him, giving his glands a couple of sensuous licks. "But maybe you could earn more money in The States. That would be an even bigger help to your family and your mother." She took him back into her mouth, rubbing her lips up and down his shaft.

"UH! Oh ... I don't even know what I'd do ... oooooooh! ... in America."

Olivia released his dick and lifted her chest into his lap. She placed her breasts around his cock and pushed them together. As she rocked back and forth, she said, "In The US, you could do anything you wanted to. I'd help you find a job. And I'm sure my parents would help you, too!"

"Ah, Olivia, that's really generous ... oh ... but it's not just about the money. I can't abandon my mother. I have responsibilities. People rely on me. I have things I need to take care of ... Oh god!" he grunted as Olivia began to rock faster. The glistening head of his cock bobbed up and down between her boobs.

"You said yourself, Judge Thorsky works you too hard. You never have time to see your family anyway. So what difference does it make if you're here in Vulmonia? Or another country?" Olivia was beginning to grow irritated with Bogdan's excuses.

"Oh, Olivia, slow down!" Bogdan grabbed onto her shoulders to slow her rocking. Olivia decreased her pace slightly, but did not stop. "Here in Nulmara City, I'm still close enough that I can travel to my hometown quickly. In case there's a family emergency. I wouldn't be able to do that if I was living in America."

Olivia let go of him completely and sat back on her heals. She looked up at him with disappointment. "So that's it then? You're staying here?" She made eye contact with him, shooting him a challenging look.

"Well, yeah. For now," he shrugged.

Olivia leaned forward. With an anxious intensity, she asked, "And what about me?"

"What about you?"

"Are you going to help me get this thing off before you take me to Dr. Brovachik tomorrow?" She grabbed at the sides of the steel belt with clenched fingers.

Bogdan sighed heavily as he said, "I cant ..."

"What!" Olivia exclaimed.

"Shh! Keep your voice down!" Bogdan nervously looked over at the kitchen door that led out to the hallway. "The judge might hear you!"

"Why can't you help me?" Olivia tried to speak quietly. But anger and frustration was getting the better of her.

"If you run away from the judge and escape the country, he'd know that it was me who helped you. It would be obvious. He'd not only fire me. He'd have me arrested. You're under his custody. And if I help you escape, I'd be committing a crime."

"Come on, Bogdan!" Olivia implored. "I can't stay here!"

"Why not?" he earnestly asked.

"Because I hate it here!" she hissed at him. As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she knew that she had made a mistake. She saw the tears welling up in his eyes. "Bogdan, I didn't mean ... You know that I really like you! But everything else ..."

Bogdan did not say anything for a moment. When he finally did speak, he said, "I know the judge is cruel. And he does terrible things to you. But you don't even spend that much time with him. He's at work for most of the day. You spend most of your time here with me."

"I know! And I love spending time with you, Bogdan!" She reached over and caressed his knee. "But the judge won't keep me here forever. I'm having a baby. And if it's a boy, the judge is going to give me to another man afterward. And then we probably won't see each other again."

"That won't be for a while yet," Bogdan countered. "You're not very far into your pregnancy. And the judge will still keep you here while you're breastfeeding."

"But once I'm done nursing, Judge Thorsky will get rid of me."

"Not if you give birth to a girl," Bogdan pointed out. "If you give the judge a daughter, he'll keep breeding you until you give him a son. Just think, we could have years together!"

Olivia could not believe what Bogdan was saying. "Is that what you want? A girlfriend who's constantly pregnant with another man's baby. A girlfriend who's always breastfeeding another man's child?"

"Well, it's better than nothing! You know my work schedule. I have no time to date. I haven't had a girlfriend in over a year. The past few weeks with you have been the best thing to happen to me in a long time. I was so lonely before I met you. And now you want to leave and you weren't even going to tell me." Bogdan sullenly looked down at the floor as he sulked.

Olivia stood up and walked behind him. She stroked his hair as she said, "Bogdan, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to betray you. I promise, I wasn't really going to sneak away without saying anything. But I need your help," she whispered. "I really REALLY need your help." She grasped a tendril and twirled it between her fingers.

"Mm ..." was his only reply.

"You know that it's not you I'm running away from. I would love for you to come with me! But I have to get away from the judge. I have to get the fuck out of Vulmonia! I don't want to spend the next twenty-five years having babies for rich men. I'm treated like an animal in the country."

Bogdan let out a heavy sigh as he reluctantly nodded his head.

She leaned down and whispered, "You're my only hope, Bogdan."

"Olivia, I do want to help you. Really, I do. But I'm afraid that it's just too risky. If I help you escape from the judge, I could be flogged. Or locked in the pillory. Or go to prison. Then who would financially support my family? Who would pay for my mother's surgery?"

Olivia could feel aggravation and rage bubbling up inside of her. As she ran her fingers through Bogdan's curls, she had to stop herself from ripping his hair out by the roots. She had to think of a different tactic.

"You know," she said, changing the topic, "sexually, we've had to be pretty creative. Seeing as how I'm locked up in this thing and all."

"That's an understatement."

"I've given you many hand jobs and blow jobs," she said in a smooth satiny voice.

"You sure have." Bogdan could not help but smile.

"I even use my tits to get you off."

"And what beautiful tits they are!" he laughed as he reached behind him and gave her swollen right breast a playful squeeze.

"Obviously you can't use my pussy," she stated simply.


"But there's another hole that we could use ... but we never do, for some reason," she said mischievously.

It was true. Even though the chastity belt allowed access to Olivia's ass, Bogdan never opted to use it. He had never even suggested it. And while the judge made full use of her back orifice on a regular basis, the butler had never attempted to enter it.

"Well, I don't want to hurt you ... back there," he bashfully explained.

"If we do it right, it doesn't have to hurt," Olivia said. "Haven't you ever been curious? Don't you want to try it?" she asked enticingly.

"Of course I do. But I never thought that you would want to."

"Normally I wouldn't," Olivia admitted. "But I wouldn't mind ... with you!" she added as she nibbled on his ear. She looked down into his lap. He was still exposed. And he was still hard. "Promise you'll help me tomorrow morning. And I'll do you this very special favor right now."

"No, Olivia. I already told you, it's too risky!"

"I know you want to." She walked around and stood in front of him. She faced away, bent forward and stuck her plump posterior in his face. "I know how much you love my ass. You told me so yourself. You said that the first day you met me, you saw my ass and you wanted to grab it."

"Yeah ..." Bogdan cupped one of her buxom cheeks, kneading it with his fingers.

"Well, I think you want to do more than just grab it," she said, as she flirtatiously wiggled her bottom. "You want to know what I think?"

"What?" He grabbed the other cheek, giving it a hard squeeze.

"I think you want to fuck my ass! Don't you want to fuck my ass Bogdan? Don't you want to take your big hard cock and shove it right up into my back hole?"

She reached back and hooked her finger around the chain that sat in her crack. She pulled it off to the side.

"You see that, Bogdan?"

Bogdan leaned forward. Using both of his hands, he tightened up his grip on her fleshy globes and pried her cheeks apart. "Yeah," he said quietly as he stared at the puckered entrance to her rectum.

"It's smaller and tighter than my other holes. Don't you want to fuck it? Don't you want to feel my snug asshole around your cock? Don't you want to know what it's like? You can fuck it now, if you want. If you agree to help me." Olivia held her breath, awaiting his answer. The anticipation made her sweat.

"Of course I want to help you, Olivia." Bogdan popped his forefinger into his mouth, whetted it with his saliva and then brought it to Olivia's sphincter. As he slowly eased it in, he said, "But we don't even have lube."

"We're in the kitchen. There's plenty of lube." Olivia pointed over at the counter to a large bottle of olive oil.

"Well, I guess that'll do in a pinch," he chuckled as he eased his finger further into her ass. Olivia let out a soft low moan. "Does this actually feel good for you?" he asked with uncertainty.

"Yes, it does! As long as you do it gently."

"I promise, I'll be gentle," he said as began to add another finger.

"I know you will, Bogdan. You're always gentle. Mmm ... That feels so good!"

"Well, I most certainly do NOT plan on being gentle!" came a voice from the other side of the room.

Both Olivia and Bogdan immediately stopped what they were doing. Suddenly, Olivia's privates were painfully assaulted by a jolt of electricity. She screamed as she doubled over in pain. But before she could catch her breath, her vulva was shocked once again.

Standing in the doorway of the kitchen was the imposing figure of Judge Thorsky. He stood with the chastity belt's remote control in his hands. His face was bright red and his eyes were dark with ire.

"What the fuck do you two think you're doing?" he thundered.

Bogdan pulled his fingers out of Olivia's ass. Olivia stood up straight and stepped away from the butler. They both just stared at the judge, with their eyes wide and their mouths agape.

"Well Bogdan? What were you doing touching my breeding slut? You know you don't get to touch my things without permission!"

"I'm sorry, Your Honor." Bogdan stood up from his chair as he scrambled to put his cock away and zip up his pants. "Let me explain. I was just ..."

"Stop talking!" the judge barked at him. Turning his attention to Olivia, he said, "And you? What do you have to say for yourself, Miss Williams? Still thinking with your cunt, I see," he sneered. "I guess because I locked your pussy away, you now have to go around letting every man you meet fuck you up your ass!"

"No, Your Honor! We were ..."

"Miss Williams, shut your whore mouth!" He pointed the remote between her legs and zapped her crotch again.

"Ow!" she cried as she brought her hands to her groin.

"So you want it up the ass, huh?" he shouted at her.

"No!" she protested.

"You think my butler can fuck your ass better than I can?" he ranted.

"No, of course not, Your Honor!"

"Your Honor, it's not her fault!" Bogdan tried to interject. "If you'd let me explain, you'll see that ..."

"'Not her fault?'" Judge Thorsky scoffed as he looked over at his manservant. "'Not her fault?' She was shaking her fat ass right in your face. She was inviting you to fuck her. She was tempting you with her feminine wiles. How is that 'not her fault?'" The judge stalked over to them and gave Olivia a biting smack on her right buttock.

"Ah!" Olivia yelped. "Your Honor, I'm sorry! It won't happen again! I promise!"

"How can you make a promise like that? A slut like you! You're so desperate to be filled with cock, you couldn't even wait until after dinner!" Judge Thorsky grabbed Olivia by her hair and began pulling her toward the hallway.

Bogdan ran over to where they were. "Your Honor, please don't! She doesn't deserve to be punished. I'm the one who initiated it. Take your anger out on me. But please, leave Olivia alone!"

"It doesn't matter who initiated it," Judge Thorsky shot back as he continued to drag Olivia down the hall by her hair. "Miss Williams knows better then to let my servant fuck her in the ass. She's under my custody and her body is my property," he asserted.

With his free hand, Judge Thorsky opened the entrance to the downstairs. Giving her hair a sharp yank, he pulled Olivia through the basement door. She stumbled down the steps into the darkened bedroom.


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