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Paranormal Coed Pt. 10: Triple Date

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Three couples share a wild night out!
9.5k words

Part 10 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/03/2019
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Chapter 1: Date Night

Carli dropped Sam off at the college a little after 3 pm, so she had more than an hour get ready. Sam thanked her for the ride and for the awesome makeover. She would definitely be visiting Carli again for all of her beauty needs. After taking a shower, Sam made it a point to stand naked in front of the mirror longer than she needed to! This was something that she would have never done before meeting Britney. She would have normally wrapped herself with a towel even before getting out of the shower and immediately headed back to her room. But this time she dried and styled her hair, put on her makeup, and brushed her teeth in the nude! When any of other girls entered the bathroom, she would turn to them and say hello. She wanted to be sure they got a good look at her piercings and designer pubes! Some of the girls looked at her in disgust, while many of them smiled and said hello back.

Sam decided to wear her new black mini dress and thigh-high leather boots. She also wore some silver body chains that she clipped to her collar and to each piercing. The dress had a plunging neckline, so the chains would be blatantly on display! She was hoping that Britney's friends would ask her details about where and how they were connected! She had become an exhibitionist and craved the attention, both positive and negative.

Sam arrived at Britney's room around 4:15 and knocked on the door. When Britney opened it, she was completely taken aback by Sam's appearance! She was genuinely surprised at how beautiful she was! "Oh my God! You're gorgeous Sam! Your hair, your make-up, your clothes! Everything just comes to comes together into perfection! And your collar and chains are very erotic!"

"So you like what I've done?"

"Definitely! You look so fucking sexy that you're making me moist!"

"Thank you Master! It makes me happy that you are pleased with my humble appearance. And as always, my Master is radiating divine beauty!"

"Thank you my slave! Now then, for this evening's festivities, I have decided to give you the freedom to act as Samantha Robins. But the moment I attach my leash to your collar, you will become my slave. Do you understand?"

"Yes I do." Sam looked disappointed.

"Don't worry, I promise to give you the opportunity to role-play! I'm sure our friends and their dates will have lots of questions!"

Sam's face lightened up. "Really? You promise?"

"Does your Master ever lie?"

"Only when she needs to!" Sam gave her a devilish smile.

"Never mind! Let's get going! I'm sure they're waiting for us!"

Sure enough, Doug, Dave, Becky, and Silvia were waiting in the common area. Britney greeted them, "Hey guys! I hope you weren't waiting too long for us."

"No, we only got here a few of minutes ago." Replied Dave. "Becky, Silvia, you remember Britney?" The three girls exchanged pleasantries. "And this is her girlfriend, Samantha."

"Hi! You can call me Sam!"

"Nice to meet you Sam!" Becky and Silvia gave each other a confused look.

"Is something wrong?" asked Britney.

"Oh, nothing's wrong! We didn't know you were gay, that's all." answered Becky.

"In all honesty, I didn't know I was either, until I met Sam! It's amazing how one person can change your life when you least expect it!"

"Oh! You're so sweet!" said Sam as she kissed Britney.

"Well, should we get going? We can take my car; it will seat all six of us!" said Dave.

During the drive to the neighboring city, Becky and Silvia started asking lots of questions to Britney and Sam. "So, how did you guys meet?"

"We actually met the same night that you two met Doug and Dave." replied Britney.

"Oh, it must have been after we all finished playing games?"

"Yah, I couldn't sleep and came downstairs to watch TV. That's when I found Britney sitting all alone. I asked if I could join her, and, well, we've been together ever since!"

"Oh, how romantic! Speaking of the night we all met, I understand that Dennis and Katie have been seeing a lot of each other?"

"They have! In fact, they left this weekend to visit Dennis' parents!"

"Ooo! Sounds serious!"

"That's what I said to Katie. She laughed it off, but I know her too well. She's definitely in love with him!"

"Speaking of love, what's going on between you and the guys?" whispered Sam.

Becky and Silvia giggled. "We'll tell you later when the guys aren't around!"

Suddenly Doug piped up, "Hey! What are you girls plotting now?"

"Nothing!" they all answered in unison.

"Like we believe you! Anyway, we'll be at the restaurant soon! I hope you guys like steak and seafood!"

Everyone cheered!

Sam leaned over and whispered in Britney's ear, "I'm so sorry Sweetie."

"It's OK, your love is the only nourishment I need!"

At the restaurant, Becky and Silvia were shocked when Britney didn't order anything to eat or drink. Britney provided her restrictive diet excuse and how she could only consume special protein shakes. Sam, Doug and Dave of course knew that this wasn't far from the truth.

"Oh how awful! You really can't have anything other than protein shakes?" asked Becky.

"Yep. Basically, I'm allergic to pretty much everything."

"I don't think I could stand to drink the same thing every day." added Silvia.

"Luckily they come in different flavors, so it's not that bad."

"Well, the diet is definitely working for you! You have an awesome figure and your skin is absolutely beautiful!"

"Gee thanks!"

About that time the waitress brought their drinks and appetizers, and the conversation moved away from Britney. Shortly thereafter Sam became the center of attention, and Sam couldn't be happier! "So Sam, that's an interesting necklace you're wearing! I've never seen anything like that!" said Becky.

"Oh, it's not a necklace. It's a slave collar!"

"It's a what?"

"A slave collar!" Becky and Silvia looked confused. "You've heard of BDSM right?" Still the girls were clueless. "You know: Bondage & Discipline, Domination & Submission, and Sadism & Masochism?"

It suddenly dawned on the group of friends what Sam was talking about! "Oh! So you're into that whole master/slave relationship thing?" asked Silvia.

"Yes! Britney is my master and I am her slave! It's my way to express my love, loyalty, and complete dedication to her!"

"And so you wear the collar and chains to let everyone know that you play the submissive role in the relationship?" asked Becky.

"Exactly! And they are a constant reminder to me that I belong to Britney."

"What do you mean by constant? You can take them off, right?"

"I can take off the chains, but the rings are permanent."

Everyone's eyes were as wide as saucers! "And where do they attach exactly?"

"To my nipples and my clit."

"No way! I don't believe it!" interjected Dave.

"It's true! I can show you, if Britney doesn't mind."

They all looked at Britney. "Go ahead. Show them!" Sam pulled the top of her dress to one side and exposed her pierced nipple. Her friends all stared in disbelief. She even tugged on the ring to show how secure they were! She then covered her nipple and started to stand up to show them her clit. "No Sam! Not here!"

"But you told me to show them."

"Yes I did. But the nipple is enough for now!" Sam sat back down. Britney quickly read her friends' minds and discovered that they were actually turned on by what they had just seen.

"So do they hurt?" asked Silvia.

"Only when I'm being disciplined! But I like the pain. It gets me off!"


"Definitely! I've experienced my strongest orgasms while being punished!"

Becky and Silvia started blushing. "Sam! You're embarrassing them." scolded Britney.


"No, it's OK," said Silvia, "Actually, I've been wanting to get my nipples pierced for some time now!"

"Really? I didn't know that!" responded Becky.

"Yeah! After I got my bellybutton pierced, I've wanted to get them done!"

Doug and Dave started whispering to each other.

"Hey! What are you guys talking about?" asked Becky.

"Dave and I were just saying that girls with nipple rings are fucking sexy as hell!"

"Oh, is that so? Then what would you say if Silvia and I were to get our nipples pierced tonight, instead of going to the movie?"

"Becky, are you sure?" ask Silvia.

"Hell yeah! If you're going to get them done, then I want to get them done too! So what do you all think?"

Everyone agreed to the change of plans.

"Tell me Sam, where did you get your piercings done?"

"I don't really know. I was being punished at the time and had to lay down in the back of the car."

Everyone looked at Britney. "We had them done at a shop up north. They're open pretty late. I can call and see if they have any openings." Britney took out her cellphone and called the shop. After a brief conversation she hung up and announced, "They'll be expecting us around 8:30!"

"OK, it's settled then!" announced Becky. Becky and Silvia gave each other a high-five and squealed in delight!

Chapter 2: More Piercings

The group of friends reached the tattoo shop a couple of hours later. It was dark, and the shop and street looked pretty seedy. "Is it safe here?" asked Silvia.

"Oh don't worry! The people inside are very friendly." answered Britney.

"OK, if you say so. Are you ready Becky?"

"Umm, sure. You bet..." Becky was obviously nervous.

Sam interjected, "Girls, you have nothing to worry about. Britney will make sure everything goes smoothly, won't you Britney?" Sam gave her a wink.

"That's right! I'll be with both of you the entire time!" Britney reassured them. That made Becky feel better. "Hey guys, do you mind if I put Sam on a leash? This is one of the few places that she can openly be a slave." Sam was suddenly giddy with excitement!

"Sure, but what does that entail?" asked Doug.

"Well, for starters, she'll be become completely submissive."

"Really? And she's OK with that? Being dominated in public?" inquired Becky.

"It's all part of our role-playing. Trust me, she enjoys the abuse and humility."

"Well, I can't say that I'm not a little bit curious about this whole BDSM thing. I'm alright with it," replied Silvia, "How about the rest of you?" Everyone concurred.

"Alrighty then, here we go!" Britney took the leash out of her purse and hooked it onto Sam's collar. Sam immediately became docile and subservient. "Get out of the car slave!"

"Yes Master!"

"Why are you wearing clothes?"

"I thought it would please you if I dressed up for our date."

"You thought? You're not allowed to think! I should have you take them off immediately!"

"Yes Master!" Sam slipped the dress off of her shoulders and let it fall to the ground. Except for her boots and collar, she was standing naked in the street!

"Did I tell you to remove your clothes? No! I said that I 'should' have you take them off! I should punish you here in the street for not listening, but right now our friends are more important than you. Put your clothes back on! No one wants to see you naked!" Britney waited while Sam put her dress back on. "Finally! Now come on! You've wasted enough of our time!" Britney tugged strongly on Sam's leash and almost caused her to stumble to the ground. "I'm sorry guys, you'll have to excuse my slave's behavior. She's still being trained."

Everyone was staring at Sam. They were intrigued by her behavior and how she would allow herself to be so completely demeaned in public. Becky was curious and wanted to talk to her.

"Becky, please don't talk to my slave! It's counter-productive to her training. Besides, she's not allowed to answer you without my permission anyway."

"Are you really sure this is OK? I feel sorry for her."

"Oh don't feel sorry! She really meant it when she said that it gets her off. Just look at her nipples! They're rock hard with excitement!"

Becky noticed the little tents poking underneath Sam's dress. "Oh my God, they are hard! I guess she really does enjoy this."

"And so do you and Silvia!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Your high beams are on!"

Becky and Silvia hadn't realized that their nipples were hard too. Their first reaction was to cover them up, but Doug quickly spoke up, "Hey! Don't be doing that! The whole reason we're here is to decorate those beauties so you can show them off! Am I right?"

The girls realized just how silly their reaction was and laughed. "You're absolutely right Doug! What are we waiting for? Let's do this!" cheered Silvia. Everyone let out a cheer and the group of friends entered the shop.

Britney recognized the same people in the shop from when she and Sam were there a few days earlier. The woman who had done Sam's piercings was there too. "Hi there, Hon! How have your slave's shackles been working for you?"

"Oh, they're wonderful! She's been so much more obedient thanks to you!"

"Oh, don't thank me! You're the one doing the training. I just provided you with better tools. So what can I help you with?"

"My friends here want to get their nipples pierced!"

"No problem! How about you girls, come up here and pick out some jewelry? We have quite the assortment to choose from!" The woman brought out a tray of rings and set it on the counter. While Becky and Silvia excitedly looked over the selection, the woman turned her attention to Sam. "Wow! I really like what you've done with your hair! It certainly compliments your pixie figure."

Sam was caught off-guard by the woman's compliment and let her emotions overcome her. "Oh thank you so much! You really think it looks good on me?" Sam then realized the mistake she made.

Britney immediately yanked on her collar and forced Sam to the floor! "How dare you speak without my permission! You know the penalty!" Britney opened up her purse and removed the ball gag.

"No Master! Please, no!"

"Stop talking!" Britney forced the ball into Sam's mouth and secured the gag behind her head. Britney looked around the studio and noticed an old cuckoo clock on the wall. "I'm sorry to ask, but do you mind if I borrow the weights from that clock? I promise to be careful with them!"

"That clock's been broken for years. Do what you want with them."

"Thank you so much!" Britney removed the three heavy pinecone shaped weights from the clock and led Sam over to an empty area of the shop. "Do you mind if I punish her over here?"

"Not at all." answered the woman.

"OK slave, lean forward and put your hands on the wall and spread your feet!" Sam obeyed. She looked like she had been caught by the police and was about to get frisked. "Listen carefully slave! You are not to move or make a sound until I say otherwise. Do you understand?" Sam nodded her head. "OK, let's proceed with your punishment." Britney pulled the top of Sam's dress to each side, exposing her nipples, and hung a weight from each ring. She then reached up under her dress hung the third from her clit ring! The pain was both excruciating and pleasurable for Sam! Britney handed the leash to Dave. "Remember, she doesn't move or make a sound! I'm going to stay with Becky and Silvia."

Dave sat down in a chair next to Sam. He had no idea what to do in this situation, but he held onto the leash anyway. Doug sat down next to Dave and they both watched in disbelief as the weights pulled down on Sam's nipples. They pinched and tugged on their own nipples to get an idea of what Sam must have been feeling. They both agreed that it had to be agonizing for her!

Britney returned to Becky and Silvia. The two girls were watching Sam being punished and had a genuine look of concern in their eyes. "Girls, trust me, she's enjoying this!"

"Are you sure? I can only imagine how much that hurts!" said Silvia.

"I promise you, before we leave, you'll see for yourself just how much she enjoys it."

About that time the woman behind the counter spoke up. "OK, girls, have you decided what jewelry you'd like?"

"I'd like a pair of the gold barbells please!" answered Becky.

"And I'll go with the silver hoops." said Silvia.

"Great choices girls! Now if you'll follow me to the back room, we'll get you fitted." The woman led the three girls to the back of the shop.

Britney turned back to Dave and Doug and shouted, "Remember, she doesn't move or make any noise! If she does, you let me know!"

Dave and Doug each smiled and gave Britney a thumbs up. Dave whispered to Doug, "She just keeps getting freakier and freakier!"

"I know, tell me about it!"

Once they reached the piercing room, the woman asked who was going to go first. Becky was starting to get nervous again, so Silvia hopped up on the bed. Britney knew that if Silvia reacted the same way that that Sam did during her piercings, that Becky would back out. "Hey Silvia, do you mind if we hold your hand during the procedure? I've been told that it can help ease the discomfort."

"I'm sure it can't be much worse than when I had my belly button pierced. But if you want to, go ahead."

Britney was pretty sure she could absorb her pain and heal her piercings at the same time. That way Becky wouldn't become anymore frightened than she already was.

"OK, remove your upper garments and lay down on the bed." said the woman. Silvia removed her top and bra. Her luscious breasts, happy to be free of the confining clothing, bounced and shimmied until they settled into place on her chest! "Since you've already had your belly button pierced, you know what to expect. But it's going to be a lot more painful, since the nipples are so sensitive."

"No problem, I'm ready! I've been wanting to get this done for a long time!" said Silvia confidently.

The woman cleaned Silvia's breasts and clamped the forceps to one of her nipples. She readied the needle. "OK, on the count of three. One! Two! Three!"

Britney had already closed her eyes and was concentrating on Silvia's nipple. She could picture the nerves as they responded to the woman's manipulation with the forceps. At the count of three, Britney watched in slow motion as the needle punctured the flesh. As Silvia's pain receptors fired in response, Britney redirected them into her own body. She felt the pain of the piercing first-hand, and the nausea caused by the slime forming in her stomach.

"Wow, you hardly even flinched!" exclaimed the woman.

"What do you mean? You haven't attached the piercing yet, have you?" asked Silvia.

"I sure did! Have a look!"

Silvia was shocked when she looked down and saw the silver hoop dangling from her nipple! "I swear I didn't feel a thing! Hurry up and do the other one!"

The woman repeated the procedure on Silvia's other nipple, and just as before, Britney intercepted the pain. "Well, this is quite unusual! In all the years that I have been body piercing, no one has ever not responded with some kind of discomfort! You must have a high tolerance for pain!"

Silvia wasn't paying the woman any attention. She was fixated on her new nipple rings, gently twisting and flicking them with her fingers! "Oh my God! These are awesome! I can't wait to show Dave!"

Britney, holding back her need to vomit, interrupted her, "Slow down Silvia! It's Becky's turn! Let's show her the same support that we did for you, OK?"

"Oh, right! Sorry Becky!"

Becky, having watched how easy the piercings went for her friend, eagerly hopped up into the bed. She removed her top and laid down. Her petite breasts sat proudly on her chest, their perkiness almost defying gravity!

"OK, Hon, are you ready?" asked the woman.

"Yes ma'am!"

Just like before, the woman counted to three, and Britney redirected the pain into her own body. The woman was again surprised by the lack of a reaction from her customer. She was about to accuse the girls of being on drugs when she noticed Britney's appearance. She could see by the look on her face that she was in a great deal of pain and discomfort. As she got ready to pierce Becky's other nipple, she kept on eye on Britney. Sure enough, when she inserted the needle, she watched Britney flinch, just as if she had received the piercing!

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