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Recession Blues Ch. 02-03


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She worked the floor again until it was approaching time to get ready for her next set. Walking past Les, the owner caught her eye with a wave and she paused beside his table.

"You all right, beautiful?" he asked, concern in his expression.

"I'm fine," Ann answered, sounding too cheerful in her ears, although Leslie seemed mollified, "I was just running late tonight."

"I noticed," he smiled, "You were almost the first set—that's never happened before." He glanced at the woman on stage, "I wanted to ask you something." Ann blinked, wondering if somehow Leslie knew. "There are some new girls starting," he went on, relieving Ann's anxiety, "And I think they're going to be good, but they aren't... well," he seemed almost bashful, "I know your husband got a job, and you gave your two weeks notice, but I was hoping I could convince you to stay on." Ann began to shake her head, "Hear me out," he emphasized, "I don't know if his job requires travel..." Tom had mentioned it might, but had not had to do so yet. "But if he was gone some days or had to work later some nights..." Ann shook her head again.

"Well, then, how about just working part time," Les sounded desperate to Ann, "I could have you work just Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. You could work a longer shift on Saturday if you wanted, to keep your hours the same, or you could just do the 5:30 to 2 shift." Ann started to shake her head, but Les held up a hand, "I'd negotiate with you on your hours," he looked around as if worried someone else would overhear, "None of the girls get to do that." Ann was surprised at the obvious compliment. "You don't have to make a decision now," he relaxed visibly when she did not argue, "You've got two weeks to think about it," he even managed a smile, "But you really have been a great addition, Ann. You're a great draw, and you're a great presence among the other dancers... I'd hate to lose you." He seemed done, and then, as Ann started to back away, he sighed, "I kind of thought you liked our little family here." Ann bit her lip, stopping short.

"Oh, I have, Les," she almost blushed at the intrusive thought of just how much she had liked Jacen the night before. "You've been great... Everyone's been great. It's just..." she could not meet the club owner's earnest gaze, "I haven't been able to enjoy any time with Tom since he started his job. I can't let this be a strain on our marriage."

"Sure, sure," Les bobbed his head, "We don't want that. I just thought... Well, I hoped that working fewer days you could still help us here, and still have a job of your own... you seem like you really like dancing."

"Oh, I do," Ann answered honestly, "It's been great." She almost said, 'and it's helped my love life,' but caught herself, wondering why she was so talkative, and aware that was not really the case at the moment. "I'll think about it, I promise. Okay?"

"That's all I can ask," Les beamed, and Ann felt bad, since she was sure even three days a week would not work. She wondered if Tom would be okay with her dancing just on weekends... Or maybe just during the week. Ann tried to deny that part of why she was so tempted was the possibility of more time with Jacen.

Their talk gave Ann little time to get ready for her set. She was glad she kept several outfits and song cartridges ready, and hurriedly touched up her make up, downing the cranberry and vodka that was waiting at her station without a thought. As usual, the knowledge that she would soon be teasing a room full of men had her slightly aroused. She sat, checking her makeup, barely aware that she as tweaking a nipple and pressing a hand against her thong covered sex.

"So is that your secret?" one of the other dancers teased her, walking by. Ann blushed.

"No," she giggled, "Doesn't dancing get you hot?" It was the other girl's turn to laugh.

"Sometimes," she admitted, "But usually I don't play with myself until after I'm done." Knowing that the other woman had been dancing longer than she had, Ann was tempted to ask how many of the others did more than that, but she heard the crowd cheering and jumped up, rushing to the curtained alcove behind the DJ's stand to hand him her songs.

"Thought you were gonna leave me hanging," the DJ whispered, deftly slipping the cartridge into his equipment, "Better get into place back there, it's a pretty good crowd tonight." Ann turned, jumping down into the dark corridor and hitting something solid where there usually was just a place to walk. She gasped, but strong hands caught her, keeping her from falling back onto the stairs she had skipped, pulling her a second later against what she had hit. She shivered, somehow knowing automatically that it was Jacen.

"Wow," his voice was a rumble, even when he whispered, "I'd heard of women throwing themselves at guys before, but..."

"I'm sorry," Ann gasped, her body responding to his presence, making it hard not to simply press against him. "What were you doing back here?"

"I thought you'd gotten lost," the bouncer smiled, and she could see the faintest glint of his teeth in the near total dark. "We need to get the lights fixed back here so someone doesn't turn an ankle on those stairs." Ann nodded; she had thought the same thing getting up to give her music to Deon before. "I just thought..."

"Thought what?" Ann was aware that her heart was beating like she had already been dancing. She heard Deon start to announce her set.

"Thought you'd changed your mind," Jacen said, "Thought maybe you wanted a quickie before you went out there to strut your stuff." Ann gasped, pushing him away.

"I told you," she hissed quietly, "Last night was a mistake." The big man shrugged.

"OK," he did not argue, "But it was an amazing mistake... I just thought maybe you wanted another taste." Ann shook her head, pulling away from him unsuccessfully.

"I have to go, Jacen!" she whispered fiercely.

"So you didn't like it?" he taunted her, "I know you came like crazy." Ann blushed, aware that her body was responding to the memories, too.

"I did," she admitted, "It was amazing."

"So you'll want to play again after you're done." She shook her head, amazed that the man could be so blind. Suddenly she was staggering backwards, toward the curtain; he had let go the moment she had tried to pull away.

Ann burst through the curtain right on time, but facing away from the crowd and off balance, nearly falling onto her ass on the glossy black stage. She reached out, catching the back pole, and as the music began she turned it into a backward spin, that the crowd applauded. She turned, managing to work the move into her planned routine without breaking stride.

She threw herself into the dance, trying to deny the truth that she had burst onto stage nearly dripping wet, she had been so excited. By the end of the first song, she was wondering if any of the other dancers had ever gotten off rubbing against the pole during a set, she was so hot. She blinked away the thought of the men along the rail reaching up to finger her as she prowled the edge, giving glimpses of her nipples and pussy, depending upon the bill being waved and whether the admirer at the rail was a regular.

It was as if the crowd sensed her arousal, clapping and cheering and urging her on. Instead of pumping her pelvis at the edge of the stage as she usually did to end her set, Ann stayed at the pole, humping against it repeatedly, making all but those who had hoped to get a close up of her pussy in their seats at the end of the stage howl in approval. It embarrassed the wife that the image that came to mind as she imagined the big pole pushing into her flowing sex was of Jacen taking her on the same stage the night before.

Panting, on the edge of an orgasm, she stood, crossing her ankles, and bowed straight-legged, showing her glistening, naked sex from behind to everyone in the audience as she hit the points of the compass in her 'thanks,' the last directed more toward Deon than the blank curtain at the stage's rear. She collected the last stray bills, waving coquettishly, and then pranced through the curtain.

"Nice set," the next dancer praised her, seeming a bit jealous at the crowd reaction, and sauntered out as Deon began her introduction, rather than waiting for the music to start. It was a trick the dancers used to 'steal' some of the good juju from the crowd whenever the last dancer had had an especially good set. Ann stayed in the darkened hallway, pressed against the wall to the club beside the pass through, panting in arousal. She was ashamed to admit that the thought of Jacen fucking her with his big cock in the private rooms was playing repeatedly in her mind... knew that if the big man was there and asked, she would not have argued, even if he wanted it there beside the stage. Desperate to get off, she pinched her right nipple with her left hand while fingering her dripping pussy with the other, pressing firmly against her swollen clit and shuddering through a quiet orgasm as the next song played.

Relieved of her need at least for the moment, Ann returned to the dressing room and changed to work the floor. She found herself wishing there was another drink, and wondered why there was not, since that was customary for all of the dancers. She tried to remember the last time there had not been a drink, scolding herself for being so childish, since there would be a drink with her next lap dance. And there were always men wanting lap dances after her sets.

She was not wrong. Instead of the usual two or three lap dances, Ann already had five suitors paid up and waiting when she came onto the floor as the next dancer started her set. She laughed, thanking the first guy for her drink when the song ended, gasping that she was parched. She tossed the drink back, thanked him again, and moved on to the next customer. Because of the alcohol, she did not drink much of the next post dance glass, instead carrying it with her to her third customer, knowing that as she danced the waitresses would carry it away and return with a fresh one. The lingering arousal she had felt persisted, so that by the time she had finished her first five and another four successive lap dances that her performance on stage had attracted, Ann was again grappling with the thought that if Jacen was back working in the privates...

The waitress arriving with her drink also had a slip of paper, alerting Ann to the fact that she had a waiting customer in Private 4. She emptied the glass, thanking the younger woman and headed for the suites, trying to guess if Jacen would be the man waiting for her. Her arousal spiked as she entered the dark corridor, noting that the curtain to booth 4 was already closed.

She opened the heavy velvet, striking what was meant to be a sexy pose by way of an entrance. She blinked, finding the patron—not Jacen—was lounging in the plush seat with his pants open. Her eyes locked on his erection... he had an impressive cock.

"What are you doing?" she managed, covering her breasts and crotch with her hands, even though she was wearing a bikini.

"C'mon, Ann," the man wheezed, "You know you want it," he waved his cock, fingers gripping the base. Ann shivered, aware that part of her DID want to fall to her knees and begin slurping at his ready equipment. She knew she had done a lap dance for him after her first set, and was surprised he had not been handsy... He had not done anything that would warn her to expect this. She realized she was still in the doorway, staring at his crotch. "That's not allowed," she frowned, "Put it away or I'm getting Jacen." The man glared at her.

"Get out, you cocktease," he growled, "Send Ivory in." And that quickly, Ann knew that her fellow dancer would not be upset or refuse the man what he wanted... two of Les' dancers she knew now were doing more than dancing at the club.

"Of course," she nodded, adding, "Don't get too excited now," as she backed out and closed the curtain.

"Arrogant cunt," she heard the man growl, which pissed her off. She considered not getting Ivory, wondered about warning Les what was happening. She opted instead to alert the younger dancer, who smiled, deftly put her long white blonde hair into a pony tail with a hair band she had on her left wrist, and headed for the private booths. After considering what had just happened, though, Ann also went to Les' table.

"Boss," she said, "I'm going home." The lanky older man frowned.

"And why is that?" Ann sniffed,

"For the second time in two nights a guy has exposed himself, wanting me to blow him." She decided not to say anything about what she had seen or that Ivory had been okay with doing it. Suddenly Ann was worried... what if Les demanded that he show her who had been causing a problem. The club owner sighed.

"I'm sorry, Ann," he shook his head, "We post signs... we warn the guys who are getting out of control, but sometimes they think that this is more than just something for them to watch." Ann nodded stiffly. "It's usually later," he went on, still frowning, "When they've had more to drink." She knew he was correct. "You said it was in the privates?" She shook her head, and his eyes widened.

"I didn't say," she explained, "But yes, it was in the privates." Les was visibly relieved.

"Well, at least that way we won't have the city coming down on us..." He paused, thinking for a moment, "OK," he shrugged, "I guess I can't very well make you stay... You know I wouldn't let just any girl go home for this?" Ann nodded hesitantly, "It doesn't happen often, but it's sort of an expected problem you'll face once in awhile," he warned, "It's why we have Jacen and his crew." Ann nodded again. Les managed a smile, "And if you see I'm a reasonable guy, maybe you'll be more likely to agree to three days a week." Ann nodded before she really thought about what she had just agreed to.

"Thank you," she managed, "I'll see you Friday." The club owner nodded, then spoke into the microphone she knew he kept in the collar of his suit. Ann beat a hasty retreat to the dressing room, scooping up her things and leaving before any of the other dancers could ask her what was wrong.

She hurried home, shocked that two nights in a row someone had done that, after weeks without any such problems. She was also shocked at herself, aware that part of her had been more than aroused at seeing the man in the room, confidently expecting her to blow him. She pulled into the garage more than a little horny, and pleased that it was still early enough that Tom would not be asleep.


"Honey, I'm home!" Ann shouted in anticipation as she came through the door. But there was no answer. "Tom?" Ann went through the house, but there was no sign of her husband. Frustrated she grabbed her cell phone and dialed his. He answered on the fourth ring. To Ann's dismay, Tom had gone out with friends from work; the men had picked him up after he gone home and changed, since he had assumed she would to be working until at least midnight. He was delighted she was off and promised to be home soon, but explained that he did not want to rush his new friends. Though disappointed, Ann understood. She made herself dinner, worked on laundry, and then watched television until the garage door opened just after midnight.

Jumping up, the lithe dancer rushed from the bedroom, jumping into Tom's arms. Her husband laughed, and the couple kissed passionately, his hands finding her breasts, which were unfettered beneath her T-shirt. Ann arched her back, murmuring encouragement into their kiss, her own hand slipping between her legs where she had cinched them around her husband's hips, gripping his swelling manhood.

"Mmm," Tom growled playfully, "You keep that up and we won't make it to the bedroom." Ann giggled, her arousal full, her need urgent. She nipped at his earlobe.

"Fuck me right here, baby." Smiling, Tom turned, and instead of walking past the kitchen through the living room, he moved to the kitchen table laying her back on the flat wood surface. Ann nodded, shimmying her hips so that her bottom was partially off of the table. Her hands eagerly opened Tom's pants. There was no foreplay... no finesse. Delighted at his wife's excitement after so long without, Tom stepped between her legs, sliding into her wet sex without hesitation or caution.

"Yes!" they said in unison. Ann's heels rose, crossing at the top of Tom's ass as he began to thrust in and out. She lifted her pelvis, welcoming each thrust.

"God," Tom panted, "You are... so hot..." Ann pulled her top up, baring her breasts, and her husband dipped his head to nip at her nipples, hips still pumping as he drove himself into her. Ann moaned in pleasure, arched her back, offering her chest to her husband.

"Harder," she gasped, surprising herself, "Fuck me harder, baby!" Tom increased the tempo, and too late Ann realized that he was getting close. "Oh baby, wait, I..."

"Aarrghhh!" Tom shouted, holding himself against her as he came. Ann moaned loudly, shivering beneath him, arms looping around his waist, pulling him tight against her. When he had calmed, he backed out, and still panting, looked down at his naked, aroused wife.

"Wow," he smiled, "That was amazing." Ann smiled, wiping a hand across her dry brow.

"Mmm-hmmm," she looked up at him, cupping her dripping sex with one hand while catching his shriveling cock with the other, "Think you can do that to me again in bed?" Tom laughed.

"You are insatiable." He shook his head, "I don't know if I can do that until tomorrow morning," He bent down to kiss her, "But I know it won't be a problem to give you a wake up screw." Ann nodded, stretching on the kitchen table, hoping the display would begin to re-excite her husband. "Did you have a better than usual night at the club?" he asked, zipping up, then moving to the fridge to get a beer. Ann reluctantly sat up, her shirt falling to cover her breasts.

"No," she shrugged, "But they let me come home early, so I was excited that you wouldn't be asleep." Tom apologized again for being late, but offered a wolfish smile and pointed out that he had certainly enjoyed how the evening had ended. He kissed Ann again, then padded down the hall, obviously expecting her to join him.

Ann grabbed for the paper towels sitting on the counter, then chose the Kleenex, instead, wiping at their mingled fluids as they leaked from her seam. She was incredibly relieved that Tom had not taken one look and said, 'Cheater!' She was also glad that he had not noticed anything was different as they were having sex... Because it had been very different for Ann. Oh, it had felt good... there was little Ann could think of that felt better than the pressure as a cock... She shook her head angrily—as Tom's cock—slid into her on that first stroke.

And she had been right there with him, loving every moment... except she had not been ready to cum yet. She had wanted to keep fucking. And she was embarrassed that she had faked an orgasm when Tom came. They did not always climax together... she did not always orgasm having sex with Tom, although that had never happened since she had started to dance. And she had never faked it, before.

She chose to use the front bathroom to clean up, afraid that Tom would ask why she was bothering, since they were trying to get pregnant. The idea of making a mess of the sheets, though, would have meant at the least she don panties. Looking at herself in the mirror, Ann scolded herself: she still needed to get the Plan B. It would have to be the next day. She was dismayed to think that she might be ending a pregnancy she and Tom had just created, but the risk of Jacen's seed having found the mark was simply too great.

Tom was snoring softly when Ann slid into bed just a few minutes after they had finished screwing in the kitchen. She lay beside her husband, still aroused, and wondered how she had gotten herself into such a predicament. She masturbated to a quiet orgasm, and then managed to fall asleep, her last thought that she would cum the next time they had sex.

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