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Recession Blues Ch. 02-03


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But as before, she did not cum... She knew she could never explain to her husband how she was so excited that she had to have him the moment he was home, but was not sufficiently aroused to get off even once before he was through. She had forced any thought of the big bouncer out of mind as Tom humped into her, focusing on the heat and passion she shared with the man she loved, and desperately trying to get to the peak. Then, it was too late, Tom went stiff, pushing against her with all of his might. So she faked it again. And prayed he did not see that she was acting; she certainly was not going to complain that he did not last long enough.

Instead, she jerked and gasped and moaned, pressing against him, while trying to deny that she wished she could feel him erupting inside of her. The thought triggered another forbidden memory of Tuesday, the night she was beginning to think had ruined her, and which enflamed her need, just when Tom was absolutely unable to take care of her.

Unable to get herself off after they were finished, the perpetually aroused housewife stammered through the meal Tom had brought from her favorite little bistro, so obviously distracted Tom had decided he had done a particularly good job pleasuring his wife. Ann helped herself to most of the bottle of wine he had brought, and somehow, nipping at Tom's neck and undulating against him, naked, when he chose to go to bed immediately after they had finished dinner, she had been delighted to find that her husband, the man she loved, was again hard and ready to go.

Their second coupling Thursday night had been more heated if that was possible. It became a blur of friction and heat. Ann surrendered to the feelings, unaware of anything else, including who she was or who was with her. And it had been amazing; the housewife had climaxed quickly and repeatedly. Panting quietly after Tom had succumbed to the sleep of the thoroughly fucked, Ann had smiled certain that she had finally figured out what had happened. Sleep had claimed the young beauty, as well, but not before the kernel of an idea had sprouted.

Ann had awakened Friday at Tom's kiss goodbye. She had pouted, wishing she could again enjoy the passion and pleasure they had shared hours before just once more before he left for work. And she had been unsurprised by the need she felt from the first moment she was awake. She got herself off with practiced ease, and slipped back to sleep.

It had been the middle of the afternoon, when the beautiful housewife was finally awake, in the shower getting ready for her shift, when she remembered what she had realized the night before... It had to have been the alcohol. Or more accurately, she convinced herself that the indescribable pleasure... a pleasure so delicious it had kept echoing itself in demanding need in the days since... was because of the alcohol.

'He probably isn't even that big,' she snorted to herself, denying the tickle of need that she still felt at even that tangential thought. A need that did not abate, and had her masturbating against the sink, envisioning the big bouncer's pounding shaft before she could dry off. Frustrated, Ann had to admit that knowing why her memory of the night was so vividly exaggerated did not ease that need.

By the time she left for work, she had masturbated three additional times, and the maddening need was still there, threatening to blossom again. Reluctantly, she told herself there was only one thing to do... She needed to let Jacen fuck her again while she was stone cold sober. When she saw for herself that he was not the Adonis of her memory, her body would stop betraying her, demanding more. Life would get back to normal and she and Tom could begin their family.

Killing the motor in the club's parking lot, she paused, and remembering the second Plan B pill, the pretty housewife told herself she had known it all along.

But Jacen was not working the door, and Ann did not see him as she wandered the club, trying not to look like she was looking for anyone specific. After the meeting with Les, she circulated again, still not finding the big bouncer. And of course, the more she looked, the more she became aroused. Confused at his absence and the continued response of her body even though she knew her memories had to be lies, the housewife found it difficult to concentrate. Downing her pre-set drink, she realized she had forgotten to tell Justin not to spike them for her.

She used the arousal in her set, pleased that the movement and the attention of the patrons were enough to build her excitement, which she took as proof of her theory. She giggled as the third song ended, because the big bouncer was leaning against the back wall, openly watching her. The shiver of pleasure, she told herself, was the result of all of the men watching her, not just Jacen's attention. She proved it to herself by staying in the dressing room after she had changed rather than rushing out to find him. When she went out onto the floor, she stopped at the bar to make sure her drinks were no longer spiked for her shift. Only then did she go looking for Jacen.

Of course, work got in the way. She entertained a bachelor party for several songs, and then two of her regulars after the guys were ready for new dancers to take a turn. Making sure there were no other patrons wanting her company, the young housewife paused at one side of the club, looking for Jacen. She saw him across the seating area, his arm braced on the corner where one of the halls joined the main seating area of the club, and hurried over, telling herself to relax.

She slowed, though, several steps away from him, when she realized that he was talking to one of the new dancers Les had mentioned on Wednesday. The younger woman, a red head named Hilary, was obviously enjoying the big bouncer's attention, and the shameless way he was flirting spurred Ann back into motion. She did not stop to consider that what she was feeling was jealousy.

Jacen glanced up at her and smiled, except Ann saw that it didn't reach his eyes; he was mad that she was interrupting. 'Good,' she thought triumphantly.

"There you are, Jacen," she batted her eyes, stepping close, leaning against him, arm curling around his muscular bicep with exaggerated familiarity, except that it really was not exaggerated, "I thought maybe you had the night off."

"Ann," the bouncer shook his head, most of his attention remaining on Hilary. "I'm here. I've just been working the privates... Les wanted me to make sure nothing improper was going on." Ann blushed, wondering if Jacen knew that she had complained to the club owner. She remembered that he did not want to interfere in the girls' side business, she suddenly wished she had stayed quiet.

"Are you doing anything special after close?" she asked, pressing her thighs tight at the knowledge of what she was asking. Jacen winked at Hilary.

"Well," he shrugged, "I was trying to talk Miss Hilary, here, into joining me and my buddy for an early breakfast, and," he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Hilary giggled, licking her lips. Ann pointedly rubbed her chest against Jacen's arm, surprising herself.

"Oh," she hesitated, embarrassed at her behavior, especially since they were not alone, "I was sort of hoping we could... do something after close," Ann's blush deepened, and her arousal grew.

"So you're horny again, then?" Ann was horrified at how brazen Jacen was being with another dancer standing right there." His smile was a leer, "I told you, they always come back for seconds." Ann could not keep from looking at Hilary, who was staring at her in obvious surprise. But at least she had Jacen's attention; he completely ignored the younger dancer. "Well?" Ann stamped a heel, and tried to deny that she was incredibly horny. Jacen shifted, bringing his left arm around in front of Ann and pressing his open palm against her crotch. The housewife shuddered; it was a struggle not to moan, and she could not keep from pressing her sex against his teasing fingers. He flexed his long third finger, teasing the edge of Ann's bottoms as he stared intently at the young wife.

Ann knew she should stop him, and could not believe she was willing to let him finger her on the edge of the floor... but she was. He relented though, his smile wider if that was possible.

"Sorry, Hilary," he shrugged, "I guess I have plans after all." It was the younger red head's turn to stomp her foot. She held a hand up, though, two fingers raised.

"You said you were meeting a buddy," she countered, "We'll double." Jacen shrugged, looking at Ann. She almost said 'bring the bitch along' but managed to hold her tongue. Ann nodded, relieved since Hilary could keep Jacen's friend company. A part of her wanted to hold the bouncer's hand against her sex as he pulled it away. And part of her worried she was so wet her thong would be soaked through if she looked down.

"Well don't leave it all up on stage," Jacen said with a wink, "I'd better get to work. And you girls had better see about making Les' customers happy."

The next guy to get a lap dance from Ann must have thought he had died and gone to heaven; the married dancer truly ground against him, albeit unconsciously, driven by her need for release. Ann blushed, only realizing after she was done climaxing that her moans and shivering body had also carried her admirer over the edge, although the guy clearly did not mind, based upon the tip he added when she slipped off of his lap.

Of course, her relief did not last long. By the end of her second set she was practically rubbing her bare sex against the pole, unconsciously imagining that it was Jacen. The pressure had the opposite effect of what she hoped. It also had the guys nearly climbing onto the stage. The walkway was littered with bills she had been too preoccupied to collect when she finished, It was almost time for her third set before she had finished shaking her aroused ass over the men interested in lap dances from the hot married stripper.

Buzzed from ninety minutes of uninterrupted arousal, the housewife leaned over the bar and Justin obligingly spiked the last cranberry juice she received from a customer. Sipping the drink, Ann sauntered through the crowd, reveling in the attention, telling herself it was proof that it wasn't just Jacen. It was the club, and the excitement of dancing bare for strange men that had led to her making that mistake. The pulse of need that throbbed deep in her stomach at the knowledge Jacen had agreed to meet her after work went unrecognized—she had been on the edge of an orgasm most of the night. Twice after her second set she had actually gotten off while rubbing against strangers doing lap dances.

When she strutted out onto the stage for her third set, Ann saw Jacen leaning against the corner of the bar, watching her intently. She moaned at the way her sex flooded, and after trying to ignore him and her need during a pass around the edge of the stage, during which Ann lost her bra much more quickly then was normally the case, she paused at the rear pole, eyes finding the big bouncer and fixing on him. Licking her lips, she dropped her head, arching her back and running her hands up her bare torso, balancing with one shoulder against the pole. Ann tweaked her erect nipples, then raised one arm over her head, gripping the pole for better balance as she thrust her right hand inside the front of her thong. Eyes closed, mouth open, the aroused wife worked two fingers up and down her seam before pushing her hand in deeper, curling them up into her dripping sex.

Ann applied pressure to her clit with her palm, spasming visibly to the delight of the crowd. Actually, Ann was no longer aware of the men staring up at her on the stage. In her imagination, she was on her back, legs spread, as Jacen drove into her, pushing her into a climax. Blinking, the housewife blushed as she registered the shouts and cheers almost drowning out the music, and belatedly interrupting the fantasy that had taken control of her performance.

She pirouetted around the back pole, using the momentum she built to leap gracefully forward, catching the other pole and reversing direction, spinning sexily to the ground. She rolled to her back, crotch pointed off angle from the end of the stage toward Jacen, and bracing her feet, the white housewife pumped her pelvis up, as if meeting a lover's lunge. She cupped her sex with one hand, tearing the thong away, baring her glistening, aroused seam to the crowd. The men were howling. Several wadded bills were thrown toward her crotch in an obvious attempt to 'score a goal.' Ann held her ass high, drawing two fingers up her dripping slit and then licking her fingers as she sat up, crossing her legs, and catching hold of the pole to help as she unwound, 'spinning' back up onto her feet. Stark naked, Ann stalked the edge of the stage, pausing every few steps to bend at the waist and spin, hands squeezing her breasts as she shimmied her ass teasingly. Her inner thighs were damp, she was so hot by the time the song ended.

Two of the other girls came out, scooping up the bills covering the stage, while Mandy, the next dancer, shook her head. She caught hold of the aroused housewife's arm.

"Girl," she paused, popping her gum, "I don't know what's gotten in to you tonight, but that'll be a bitch to follow." Ann blushed but nodded, starting to apologize. Mandy interrupted her with a laugh. "Don't worry," she caught hold of the curtain, "I'd make good money after that even if I just stood there." She pulled the curtain wide, her lithe body undulating against Ann's. Her music started, but instead of strutting out to begin her dance, Mandy caught hold of Ann's bare breast, groping it openly as she pivoted in front of the shocked, naked housewife. Mandy's free hand was at the back of Ann's head, and then the women were kissing passionately. The men surrounding the stage went wild.

After a moment the bottle blonde spun away, the finger she had slipped into Ann's dripping sex the last point of contact between the women. She strutted along the left edge of the stage, her expression daring the men to try to steal Ann away from her as she held her wet finger out over their heads before pausing at the far end of the stage to lick her fingers clean.

Ann was hidden by then by the fall of the heavy curtains, but she watched the next dancer's impromptu moves through one of the peep holes. Her entire body was sparking at the unexpected goose of her arousal caused by Mandy's kiss. Struggling to get control, she staggered into the dressing area and collapsed at her station. She tasted the drink on the counter to be sure it was just juice before downing half of it, crunching on a piece of the ice as she considered using more on her sex to cool off. She absently picked up the stack the other girls had left on her counter and began to count. She was surprised at how many fives and even tens there were.

House rules were that each girl turned in her take and then could get it at the end of her shift. One of the more experienced girls had warned Ann early on to always count her money before turning it in. The worst set she could remember had been a meager $41. It was usually at least one hundred dollars. Ann stared at the stacked cash... there was $443 from just that set.

Smiling in pride, the aroused housewife pulled a plain white cotton halter and thong out of her drawer and slipped them on. She stepped into the clear plastic four inch heels that were more comfortable than the stack heel she had worn on stage, and scooped up the cash, deftly putting a rubber band around it before she headed down the dimly lit back corridor to the dancer's window at the rear of the cash booth.

She was surprised to find Jacen and Hilary were standing in the hallway. The other woman wore a sequined two piece bikini with matching heels and an almost demure wrap that covered her hips and upper thighs.

"Ready, Ann?" Jacen held out his free hand. Ann had already noticed that his other arm was draped around Hilary. Her eyes flashed with jealousy.

"I have to go work the floor," she pursed her lips, "We should both be out there." Jacen just laughed.

"Les said you can take off early." Ann was obviously surprised. "I pointed out that your last set was so hot we would have guys trying to grope you and worse." Ann blushed; she had not considered that. "And there are a couple of 'undercover,' inspectors in the crowd tonight." Jacen went on, using his free hand to add the air quotations. Ann's eyes went wide—she knew her last set had been beyond what she could legally do on stage, but the girls usually stripped bare, in disregard of the law, since it meant better tips. Jacen laughed at her reaction. "Don't sweat it," he waved a hand dismissively, "They're with the program. But if you went out on the floor, they might want you to do a private, if you know what I mean..." Ann could guess what he meant. She nodded, then smiled.

"So you thought my set was hot?" The big bouncer's smile widened.

"Oh yeah," his head bobbed, "I didn't know you had it in you to do that on stage," He rubbed his chin, "Well, now that I think about it, I knew you could...I just didn't know if you'd do it for the crowd instead of just me." Ann's mouth dropped open, shocked again that he talked like that in front of Hilary, but the other dancer did not react at all, and belatedly Ann realized her fellow dancer was obviously interested in having sex, so she would not think Ann's similar goal was unusual. She wondered if all of the other dancers were as casual about sex.

She knew most did not really enjoy dancing that much... it was strictly a job. But it involved sex, and she was learning that at least some of the dancers were comfortable doing more than just dancing. The thought left her uncomfortable, as it had before. It also seemed to spur her arousal. Ann told herself it was just the knowledge that she was getting off early, and was going to prove to herself Jacen was just a man like Tom.

"Besides," Jacen went on, "There's only another ninety minutes before close, anyway." He was right, Ann thought, aware that she usually went earlier in the rotation of dancers. "Go on and cash out, and we'll see about having some fun." Ann nodded and stepped up to the cash window in the hallway.

"You had a great night," Webb, the cashier smiled at Ann through the window, as he counted the bills she had already gone through. He entered the number, "$791 doing three sets... If you danced five you would've cleared a grand on stage alone." Ann nodded; she knew Les had most of the girls dancing at least four sets, but he had assured her she did so well on the floor he was not going to push her to do more on stage then she was comfortable with. "And with your lap dances tonight..." he checked his notes, "Damn girl, you did 30 in the window between your second and third sets." Ann just smiled... Ten in an hour was really busy. "$1340 from the floor..." He whistled, "I haven't seen many better single shifts." He pecked at the computer's number pad as he spoke, "Thirteen forty and seven ninety one... twenty-one thirty-one... less thirty percent... fourteen ninety-two." He shook his head, glancing up at Ann, "That's a lot of money to be carrying out of here."

"Hell, she'll be with me," Jacen said, feigning indignation. Ann giggled.

"I'll take two hundred fifty," she told the cashier, "Put two hundred into the staff kitty," the cashier beamed, since he would get some of that, "Could you direct deposit the rest?" Webb nodded, then went about filling out the requisite forms, which Ann signed before collecting a dozen crisp twenties and a matching ten note. She had heard some of the girls grumble about paying thirty percent to Les, but someone else had pointed out that they did not have to pay for stage time, had always had to pay ten percent to clubs, with more to recognize the non-performing staff, and that Les was paying their health insurance and providing a dancer kitty so there was some money even a girl had an off night. They even had a retirement plan at the club. Having heard horror stories from dancers who had worked independently at clubs, Ann was happy to be Les' employee rather than a contract dancer.

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