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Shannon and Mark's Story


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And then the thoughts would turn external. Would Jason be mad if he knew I was doing this? Would Ashley be mad? I tried not to think about those last two, but they always popped up from time to time.

"Alright. You can take a break." He said, ending my train of thought.

"Already?" I asked a little surprised.

"What do you mean already? I went a few minutes extra. I thought you'd be dying for a break by now." He smiled. "You're a natural model, I guess."

How did he do that? Go from casual conversation to making me blush in an instant. "Thanks." I said softly. "Can I see?" I asked before grabbing his flannel and covering up again.

"Of course." He said as he wiped off his slightly charcoal covered hands with a rag.

I was speechless. It looked so incomplete but it was so clearly me. I saw my posture in the drawing. The way my arms hung, the curves of my thighs. And yet it was still barely an outline. A blend of lines and curves, nothing complete. But it was me. I couldn't explain it.

He walked up behind me and gently rubbed my shoulders. "How are you holding up? Standing still for long periods of time is harder than people think."

His fingers melted away some tension I didn't even know was there. "I'm good." I sighed a relaxing moan. I could feel the flannel slide an inch or two up the back of my legs as he kneaded my shoulders deeply.

"Glad to hear. The next pose will be the long one. I'll have you stand in a pose for 30-minute durations. You're sure you're up for it?" He asked kindly.

I turned around, now facing him. I wasn't holding the flannel closed, and my inner cleavage was just sticking out. If he looked down he could have clearly seen my slit. But I was standing too close for that and he was looking me in my eyes like a gentleman.

"I'm up for it." I said softly, looking up into his caring eyes. I slid the open flannel off my shoulders, and now stood completely naked with less than foot between us. "Just tell me how you want me."

That statement generated the same sly smile again. He eyed me up and down, clearly not hiding that he was looking at everything. But in this situation it seemed justified.

He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "I want you from behind."

I blushed instantly. Did he really say that?

"Here, I'll show you." He quickly offered and guided me back to the posing area with his hand on the small of my back. That would have felt like an innocent gesture normally, but since I was completely bare and his hand was only inches from the top of my butt it sent a shockwave of sensations through my body.

He pointed where to stand, so my back was facing him. "Look down and to your left and shift your weight slightly to your other foot. "

I did as he instructed. He walked around me. It felt like he was a wild animal circling his prey. I was a helpless bunny waiting to be devoured.

He slightly moved my arm and stepped back. "Beautiful."

I smiled even though he couldn't see it since my back was facing him.

"Try to remember where your feet and arms are. After the next break, you'll have to get in that same position." He said as he turned on some gentle music in the background, probably more for me than him.

Slowly the time passed, and he didn't say much. I realized probably no one in my life has stared at me naked for so long in one duration. Even with Jason or boyfriends before him, we were naked at times, but it wasn't like they were just looking at me.

I could almost feel his eyes weighing on me. Examining my curves and intimate details. It was exhilarating.

Finally he called for a break. "You can relax now." He said wiping off his hands with a rag.

"This was just to capture the placement of your figure. Next I'll get some more solid lines down and start to add in shading to really capture your beautiful curves." He said softly.

I blushed again. I couldn't tell if that was the artist or a flirty side talking. Either way it was nice to be noticed. I glanced around at his walls looking more closely at some of his other artworks. And I noticed a painting of a beautiful girl. "You paint as well?"

"I do. That adds a whole new dimension of difficulty compared to charcoal."

"How so? Isn't it just the same thing but with color?" I asked purposely sounding a little naive.

"Technically. But getting the color right is a challenge all by itself."

"I can only imagine. What color do you use for skin? Some kind of peach?" I knew that was wrong, but wanted to hear him discuss it more.

"Ha! Yes. I just pull out the old peach paint tube and paint away. Simple." He joked.

"No really. What would you use to paint my skin color?" Now I was intrigued.

"It differs with every person, but I generally use yellow ochre, carmine red, black and titanium white."

"That would end up looking like my flesh?" I asked as my flannel shirt fell open and I looked down at my stomach.

"If I blended in the right amounts of each color it would. But that's just the base color, I would have to add in more colors to capture your curves and the way the light hits them."

"My curves? You mean my breasts?" I asked as my shirt fell open a little more, revealing my left breast.

"Well yes, but really all of your body is a series of beautifully connected curves. But for simplicity's sake, yes your breasts would require multiple colors." He said softly as he glanced at my exposed breast and then regained eye contact.

"What colors would you add to capture the curves of my breasts in this light?" I asked walking a little closer and slowly moved my shirt a little for him to see. Why was I doing this?

"Well just look at them for a moment." He glanced down at my full body, then focused on my breasts and continued. "The top portion is where the light is hitting it. I'd use a lighter yellow, a hint of red. Maybe some more white." His hand lightly pointed out the top of my breasts above my nipple without actually touching it.

"But look as it curves here. Under your breasts are mostly shadows, but still look like flesh."

His finger followed the curve of my breast around the bottom of it. I might have felt a finger graze my skin, but I might have imagined that.

"And then there is the nipple." His finger traced the outline of it without touching and my nipple grew harder right before our eyes. "You have incredible light pink nipples, but I couldn't just use pink. It'd look like you had a strange, flat birthmark instead of small, beautiful nipple reaching out from atop your lovely breast. Right here would be a light pink." His finger barely grazed the top of my areola.

"But look right here, the way it's erect and sticking out toward me...it's causing a shadow."

I felt his finger graze my skin for sure now, as I leaned my own body in half an inch to almost force the issue. "I'd have to use a little blue, red and yellow." His finger got a little bolder tracing the outline of my nipple. "The flannel shirt is causing some reflective light color too. Notice how there's a hint of red over this whole side of your breasts?"

His hand lightly cupped my breast without squeezing. My heart was beating out of my chest and I'm sure he could tell. I didn't know how to respond; all I could think about was his hand gently touching my intimate curves.

"Bzzzzzzz" The alarm on his phone startled me and snapped me out of my trance.

"Break's over." He said as he slowly removed his hand from my breast and returned his gaze to my face. "Please take your position again. Remember where your feet were."

I tried my best to remember exactly how my feet were placed, how my elbow was, the angle of my head, but that was hard to get it exactly.

"Slightly move your left foot forward, and put a little more weight on that side." Mark instructed.

I tried, but clearly I wasn't close enough. Marked walked over and placed his hand on the back of my elbow. "Tuck that in just a bit."

He placed a hand on my left back hip. I nearly jumped. "Just a tad bit this way." He said pressing my hip in the direction he pleased.

"Like this?" I asked.

"Beautiful." He said and returned to his easel.

There was that word again. I had ample time to think about all that just happened. I realized other than doctors, no one has touched me in so many places without it being sexual. Or was it sexual? It certainly seemed like it to me. But maybe that was just wishful thinking.

Wishful? This is all backwards. I should not be wishing this is sexual...I should be wishing the opposite. But I wasn't. My mind raced with guilty thoughts. I couldn't deny how much I liked this attention. The feeling that someone noticed me. Appreciated me. Who was I kidding? He just liked that I was the only girl in town willing to pose for him. No wonder he's being kind.

"All done." He called out neither pleased nor displeased.

"So soon?" I asked.

"Soon? You've been standing like that for a while. I'm surprised you didn't ask for a break."

"I guess I was just lost in my thoughts." I said softly. "May I see it?"

"Of course." He said warmly.

I walked over, completely forgetting to cover up with the flannel. I peered around the edge and finally gasped when I saw it. I covered my mouth with flat palms trying to hold in my reaction.

"I know I'm a little rusty. But hopefully it's not that bad." He said reacting to me.

I nearly started to cry. "No, it's absolutely beautiful." I said unable to hold it back. I lightly began to cry. "I can't believe it."

"Oh. Uh, thank you. I'm glad you like it." He placed a hand on my back shoulder and rubbed softy to soothe me. "My drawings have never made anyone cry before. I guess that's a compliment?" He laughed quietly letting me soak in the drawing and the emotions I was experiencing.

"What made you decide on this pose?" I asked as I wiped away a tear. Maybe he was just an ass man, I thought.

His hand massaged my neck gently. "This is the pose I first saw you in."

"What? I did all kinds of poses for you. Most were facing you." I was confused.

"No, not today. A while back." He said, as he looked me in the eyes.

"I don't understand." I replied.

"When I first saw you...at the campsite...in the shower." He said trying not to blush.

"Oh! The first time you saw me naked." I tried to tease him.

"No. Well technically yes. But I mean it was the first time I saw you. Really saw you. Saw your emotions. Saw your fears. Saw your sadness, your desire for something more. I saw so much in that moment."

I hugged him without hesitation even though I was still nude. I leaned up on my tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. "No one has ever noticed me like that. No one." I didn't mean that to sound like an insult to Jason. But in so many ways it was.

He kissed my cheek and held me tightly with his hands resting just above my butt. "I'm glad you like it. I'm honored you were willing to share this with me. It's not easy...opening up to someone like this. Thank you."

I'm not sure which one of us leaned in, but before I knew it we lightly kissed on the lips. Softly at first, mouths closed but gently parted after a moment. We both froze.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." He said.

"I'm sorry, too. I should go." I suddenly felt very naked again and raced off into the bathroom and got dressed.

When I came out he had put on a nicer shirt. "I really didn't mean for things to get out of hand." He apologized.

In reality I thought I was more to blame, but he was such a gentleman, trying to rid me of the burden. "Think nothing of if." I said while knowing it was advice I was surely not going to follow. All I would do is think about this for a while.

"Normally I would pay the model at this point. But that just feels...wrong."

I was a little insulted at the thought of getting paid. "This was my gift to you. It was my pleasure. No money is necessary." I said a little irritated. Was this whole thing just a business transaction? I wondered.

"Please, let me take you out to dinner tonight. I feel awful. Let me make this right." He said genuinely. He must have picked up on how the offer to pay made me feel.

I contemplated it and thought it was actually a horrible idea. This would only make things worse, not better. "Okay." I somehow found myself saying against my better judgment.

"Great. I just have to cancel something first." He said as he grabbed his phone.

"Not feeling well. I'm just going to stay in tonight. We'll hangout later this week." I saw from the corner of my eye. He must have texted Ashley. He lied to Ashley to hang out with me. Oh boy. This is bad. Really bad.

We went to dinner and barely even discussed what happened. I think we both felt too guilty to bring it up. The server came by and poured us a glass of wine.

"To us." Mark raised his glass waiting for me to join him in the toast.

"Us?" I gulped.

"Together we created something beautiful." He said gently.

"That was you who created it." I said.

"You're giving yourself too little credit. I know what you did was hard. Especially considering..." He trailed off.

...Considering you're engaged to my boyfriend's roommate. I finished the thought in my head. "Yes, that thought did cross my mind while I was posing there." I said feeling a little guilty, but relieved to finally get it off my chest.


"Good? How is that good?" I asked.

"It means you felt something. It added to your emotions. That's why the drawing turned out so well. Because I captured what you were feeling, not just your lovely curves." He said as he sipped his glass of wine without breaking eye contact.

God it was like he was trying to have sex with my mind by flattering me. And my guilt. Like he gave me permission to feel bad, and that mad me feel good. Who is this guy? I blushed as a surge of thoughts flooded my head.

"To us." I finally finished his toast and sipped my own glass as well.

"I think you awoke something inside me I had long forgotten." He smiled.

"I know what you mean." I said, and immediately sipped my wine to avoid having to say anything else.

"It's nice to feel passionate about something. Makes you feel alive." He said like he was deep in thought.

Passionate about something or someone? I wondered. This was getting too heated. I needed a safer topic to discuss.

"Where are you guys going on your honeymoon?" I asked, changing the subject completely.

"We've talked about a lot of places, but we haven't quite decided. It probably won't happen for a while after the wedding." He said sounding a little disappointed.

I wasn't sure if he was disappointed they weren't taking a great trip right away, or disappointed that I changed the subject to him and Ashley.

"Well I can help you plan it. Get you a pretty great deal, too." I offered casually.

"How so?" He sounded intrigued.

"Well I do work at a travel agency...it's kinda what I do." I laughed.

"I don't think I knew that about you." He said. "What kind of a trip would you recommend?"

"Well it's up to you. But I don't know a girl in the world who wouldn't want to go Paris. You know, city of lights, most romantic city in the whole world..." I said suggestively.

His eyes lit up. "I'm so terrible at planning. Would you help me?" He asked timidly.

"Of course, I'll even give you my employee discount. The hotel and plane will cost about the same as this dinner." I said.

"That's so generous of you." He said, touched by my kindness. He seemed to pause and looked a little curious. "But why are you doing this? I mean, why are you going out of your way for me to have a romantic trip with Ashley?"

It was a fair question. If I was being honest, the answer was guilt. I didn't want what happened today to get in the way of their relationship, and this was clearly me overcompensating. But I said, "I want to do something nice for you. You helped me get through a tough time on the camping trip. You made me feel appreciated, especially today."

That last part made us both avoid eye contact for a moment out of guilt. "Just consider it my gift to you both. My way of starting your married life together on the right foot."

"I don't know what to say." He said.

"Think nothing of it. I'll arrange everything, and get you your reservations this week." It felt good to do something nice for him.

He slid his chair over closer, and kissed me on the cheek. "You truly are a beautiful person, inside and out."

That was sweet to hear. Ashley was a lucky guy to have such a kind man.

"Let's keep this a secret. Try not to tell even Jason. I want it to be a complete surprise for Ashley." He said.

"Of course." I didn't think I would have trouble with that. I planned on keeping all of this a secret from Jason. Which is partially why it all felt so wrong. And exciting.

I saw two people in the distance who reminded me of Jason and Ashley. I squinted and looked closer, was it? Holy crap! It really was them. What are they doing? Where did they come from? I glanced around, and the only other building in the area was a fancy spa. Did they just come from a spa together? What the hell?

They walked off to their car and I don't think they saw us, but I saw them. My mind raced with jealous thoughts. What on earth are they doing going to a spa together? I tried really hard not to judge considering I just posed nude for half the day with Mark. But still.

I turned a little quieter after that and Mark and I finished our dinner without either one of us saying too much. Clearly we both had a lot on our mind. The dinner wrapped up, and we said our goodbyes.

"I can't thank you enough for all that you've done." He said as he gave me a hug and a polite kiss on the cheek, his lips lingered just a bit longer than a friendly peck.

"It's my pleasure. I'll be in touch this week with your tickets and travel information." Our hug lingered longer than it should have and eventually we went our separate ways.

When I got home later that evening, I got out of my clothes immediately and put on just a robe. I needed a night of stupid TV to forget about everything for a few hours.

My mindless TV escape was interrupted by a knock on the door. It was Jason and something was clearly on his mind. He never comes here anymore.

He was stressed and we discussed a lot of things.

"Look, I didn't want to say this but I saw you two at a restaurant today. What were you doing? Was it a date?" He asked with a sharp tone.

"What was I doing? How dare you? What the hell were you and Ashley doing coming out of the spa?" I said and noticed the look on his face change. "Yeah, that's right...I saw you too."

"I was helping Ashley pick out her wedding dress. Because she's getting married...to the man you were on a date with, apparently." He was irate.

"What about the spa part?" I asked, not really believing him.

"It was a long day and she wanted to thank me for my help. We got massages. Nothing more." He said defensively. "Now quit avoiding the question. What the hell were you two doing?"

"I promised Mark I wouldn't tell you." I knew that was the wrong thing to say as soon as it came out of my mouth.

"You promised Mark you wouldn't tell me...? What the hell, Shannon..."

"I was helping plan their honeymoon." I interrupted him.

"You were doing what?" He asked.

"I told him I could get him a good deal on their travel arrangements. I want them to be happy. That's all." I said looking down. It was a partial truth, but hopefully enough to calm Jason down.

"Oh. If that's true, I suppose that's actually a really nice gesture." He said trying to take it all in. "I'm sorry I freaked out."

"Me too. Sorry I accused you of getting some sexy massage together." He looked away when I said that. "Looks like we were both just trying to help with their wedding." I said meekly.

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