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Shari Hits the Shower...Again!


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"You might say that." Velma replied brusquely. There was an obvious gruff pitch to the masculine woman's voice. As if by instinct, Shari shuddered at the sound of it. A sudden rash of goosebumps prickled the blond beauty's skin and she fought to suppress the devious grin threatening to spread across her full pink lips.

Velma continued: "I have some bad news for you, Shari. You were tardy to my class three times last month, and last Tuesday you did not participate because you said you forgot your gym suit. As far as my grade book indicates, you have not completed any make-ups for my class. You know you will need to complete at least one make-up to pass this quarter."

In an instant, Shari recognized the role she was expected to play. She strained to see past the Amazon woman, hoping no one was standing nearby to hear what they were saying. Velma broke character long enough to tell her not to worry. Miss Lusby and Mrs. Horton already finished changing their clothes and were heading home. The boys' PE office was on the other side of the gym. The men weren't likely to bother them if they were still around.

Satisfied by this, Shari relaxed back in her seat and looked at Velma quizzically. "But Miss Blount," she replied hesitantly, her pretty face clouded with a puzzled frown. "I've already completed two make-ups last week!"

"I'm sorry, Shari. I don't have any record of it in my grade book. If you can't give me a good reason why you haven't completed any make-ups, I'll have no choice but to fail you."

Now Shari abruptly stood up. Her beautiful face reddened and she balled her fists up. "That's bullshit and you know it!" She blurted. She was standing very close to Velma, close enough she could feel the old dyke's breath against her face.

"Excuse me, Miss Keefer..." Velma seethed. The older woman's hoary blue eyes were piercing. Suddenly the gorgeous blond realized that she just shouted at her gym teacher. She instinctively started to back away from the masculine giantess, but came up against a filing cabinet and this startled her. "You know that I don't tolerate that sort of language in my class!"

"I'm sorry, Miss Blount." Shari stammered. "I didn't mean to say that. But I don't think it's fair that I'm in trouble now when I know I've completed two make-ups already!"

Now Velma gazed hungrily at Shari. Without a word, she clasped a large bony hand on the girl's shoulder. "No need to get so upset about it, Miss Keefer." She said. "If you don't object, we can take care of one make-up right now."

The towering gym teacher brushed Shari's gorgeous blond tresses away from her face. She gently caressed the girl's cheek, and then her slender neck. Shari shuddered a little, unsure of what to make of the situation. Her nipples hardened further in response to the unexpected, yet welcome attention.

This impromptu game was exciting, and Shari wondered just what her wife had in mind. "I—I...have a class next hour...I'll be late!" She softly stammered.

"I will write you a pass for your next class, Miss Keefer." Velma tersely replied. "Come with me."

Shari followed Velma out of the PE office and down a small flight of stairs to the girls' locker room. The prodigious woman produced a set of keys which she used to unlock the door. Once inside, the blond angel nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the door close sharply behind her. Now she heard the lock being jiggled; she wondered what on earth she'd gotten herself into. She was about to find out.

Velma ordered Shari to head towards a bank of lockers in the back. Velma selected another key from her bulging keyring and unlocked one of the lockers in the top row. Now she told Shari to wait there, and after a minute or so, the butch gym teacher returned with a couple of those dreaded school towels. She tossed them onto the bench and pulled a large shampoo bottle and a sponge from the locker.

The blond beauty became aware of Velma Blount's admiring stare. Shari's lissome body stiffened once the towering old dyke approached her. For several seconds both teacher and ex-student stood around in awkward silence until Velma ordered her young wife to take off her clothes, and instantly Shari's vivid blue eyes widened in mock panic.

"You—you've always just had me run laps in the gym, Miss Blount." Shari stammered. "Why did you bring me down here?" Shari was about to say something else when Velma brought a finger up to her lovely pink lips.

Shari's heart was racing now. She could feel her excitement gradually bubbling up to the surface. By the looks of things, Velma felt it too. The gorgeous blond knew just which buttons to push. The masculine giantess had always been a very dominant and aggressive sort of woman, always drawn to beautiful girls like Shari Keefer. Velma liked nothing more than being in control—both in and out of the classroom. Seeing Shari in such a vulnerable state never failed to drive her mad with lust, even if the girl was faking it.

"I know you've been staring at me during class, Keefer. You flirting with me or is this just some sort of pathetic cry for attention?"

Shari audibly gasped. "Are you crazy? Why would I flirt with you anyway? You're my gym teacher!" She snapped. "Are we here to do a gym make-up or not?"

Velma sneered. "It must be so exhausting being such a little tease. You know besides being constantly late for class, I noticed you've been avoiding the showers, young lady."

"I—I didn't want to get my hair wet..." Shari muttered.

"Likely story, kid, but I'm not buying it." Velma replied. "Get out of those clothes and hit the shower. Come on, hustle!" Velma held a familiar object in her fingers. Shari saw a glint of flashing silver light as the gym teacher brought the whistle to her lips. Even though she was prepared, Shari was startled by the ear-splitting 'thweeeet!'

Shari Keefer took a deep breath, hesitating for a second before finally taking off her t-shirt. With trembling hands, the girl unzipped her jeans and slowly pulled them down after kicking her shoes off. A sudden phantom breeze of cold air kissed the girl's bare skin as she stood there in her bra and panties. She started to cross her arms over her chest, but Velma wasn't having it.

"Remember when I told you, Shari, that the Lord made you in his image. He doesn't make mistakes. Uncross your arms and get those panties and bra off. We're in the locker room...no reason to be ashamed."

Shari reached back and unhooked her bra before shrugging the lacy undergarment off. Now she hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her panties and slid them off. Velma snatched these up and shoved them in the open locker. She left the girl's jeans, t-shirt, and socks which were gathered in a small pile on the bench.

Shari stood there completely naked, and the towering gym teacher stared admiringly. Even though she was no longer Velma Blount's student, the gorgeous blond possessed that same classic, innocent sort of beauty she had as a teen. Her flawless fair skin complimented her lissome little body, made more alluring with her soft womanly curves.

She stood about 5'5", and her breasts, though small, were plump and perky with small puffy little pink nipples which stood fiercely erect. And after all these years, there was still a sort of shyness to the girl that Velma found irresistible. The old dyke fought the urge to snatch the naked little angel. A guttural sound escaped her lips as she cleared her throat.

"Since you—ah—have been avoiding the showers, young lady, I'll need to make sure that you do it right. Undress me, Keefer." Velma's voice cracked a little when she said this. It was obvious she was having trouble keeping up the charade. "Start with my shoes."

Shari replied with a silent nod and slowly sank to her knees while the Amazon woman gazed down at her with a lustful sneer. The girl fondly remembered how she sometimes feared Miss Blount when she was a student. But as they slowly got to know each other during her senior year, her fear slowly transformed into infatuation with the powerful butch gym teacher. Miss Blount's unwavering confidence, the pitch and intonation of her gruff voice, and her alarming butch appearance was incredibly attractive—and erotic to Shari.

Shari's classmates saw in Miss Blount a hard woman with little patience for laziness; an arrogant and sometimes detached individual interested only in her own classes and high school sports. But Shari knew Miss Blount was always firm but fair. She loved her job and she cared for her students as if they were her own children. Velma Blount wasn't perfect; she was a woman, however mannish, like any other. And even though some of her students saw her as another uptight old fossil, Shari knew in times like these that Miss Blount could love...and she loved Shari Keefer more than life itself.

Velma remained standing while Shari reached for her feet. The girl untied the butch woman's shoes and pulled first the right, then the left shoe off and set them aside. Next she slowly peeled the sweat dampened socks off and gazed for a few seconds at Velma's feet. They were large and incredibly bony like her hands. Her fair skin was a milky sort of white, almost translucent with a large network of veins bulging over the tops of her feet to her bony ankles. Shari felt the old dyke's cold blue eyes on her, watching for a reaction as she shifted her stance. She briefly flexed her toes, and she was sure by now that the odor must've hit the girl's face.

Shari caressed her lover's slim calves, hardened from years of long distance runs and playing sports. As she stood, she began to untuck the butch woman's shirt. With a little help, she managed to get it off. Now Velma silently turned her back to the girl, and in seconds, her bra was off. Shari unfastened Velma's shorts, pulling them down along with her plain cotton panties.

"Glad to see you can still follow instructions, Keefer. Keep up the good work, and I might give you a little extra credit."

The blond beauty gazed admiringly at her lover's middle-aged body. Though Shari could hardly deny Velma had a face that could stop a watch, the rest of her was in fantastic shape. Her fair skin was lightly tanned in all the places where clothes didn't reach. Her breasts were pale little swells of flesh; barely a handful with equally small areolas.

Shari's sapphire eyes traveled down over Velma's washboard abdomen. From the navel, a thin, but obvious trail of light sandy hair extended down to an incredibly dense thicket of untrimmed pubic hair which hid the older woman's sex from view. With each breath she drew, the girl noticed a pungent, distinctly earthy aroma of sweat and female arousal emanating from the butch woman's body.

"Come here, beautiful." Velma growled. She seized Shari, grabbing a fistful of her lovely light blond tresses. She delivered an aggressive, almost violent kiss. Their tongues furiously dueled while the Amazon woman's body began grinding against the girl. After a minute or so, Velma broke the kiss. "Something tells me you've been avoiding the showers after class because of me. Were you afraid I might pounce on you, or were you hoping deep down that I would?"

Now Velma gestured for the girl to sit on the bench. The prodigious woman propped one foot up on the bench, and at once, Shari's eyes went to the source of a particularly acrid odor that invaded her nostrils. That dense, patch of sand-colored pubic hair, matted from sweat and Velma's panties hovered mere inches from the blond beauty's face.

The butch woman's sex parted open like a flower, and buried in the jungle of pubic hair were the swollen outer labia. Shari sucked in a deep breath, savoring that primal odor of female musk. She detected a faint whiff of urine which intrigued the blond beauty and fueled her excitement. Suddenly the girl reached around the towering gym teacher's taut waist. Her hands cupped Velma's ass cheeks, pulling her in.

"Oh my—Shari—" Velma let out a shocked moan. "What on Earth are you doing—Oh my—mmm..."

The girl pressed her face against Velma's damp, hairy snatch. Her tongue slowly emerged, tracing its way along the cleft, and suddenly a burst of wetness flooded her mouth. Shari backed away for a moment, and with her fingers, she spread those hairy outer labia apart, revealing at last the slick pink folds of her inner labia.

Another soft moan prickled the skin around Shari's ears, and Velma's breathing began to slow. The blond beauty pressed her lips against the butch woman's vulva and delivered the sopping wet flesh a tender kiss before she began licking. She heard a loud gasp, and Velma's body flinched as though she'd received an electric shock, but Shari persisted. That alluring strong odor of female musk and sweat mixed with a faint, yet distinct odor of urine. The smell drove the girl wild as her tongue searched for (and finally found) the clitoris.

"Oh my goodness—fuck!" Velma let out a startled gasp that faded to a whimpering moan. Shari continued with her oral assault, her tongue fluttering against the sensitive little nub of flesh, making the butch gym teacher whimper and sob. The Amazon woman's thighs quivered, and twice they had to pause long enough to reposition themselves to keep from falling over. Shari firmly clutched her lover's hips now, trying to keep her steady as she worked towards bringing Velma Blount to a shuddering orgasm.

The girl's persistence was soon rewarded. After a few minutes, Velma's body became very rigid and her breaths became more shallow and ragged. "Uunnggh..." Came another moan, and then Velma brought her hands up to her mouth. Shari got one glimpse; maybe two as the old dyke shut her eyes and threw her head back in a silent scream. The tendons on her slender neck were visible from the stress of her climax, and for a few seconds, she was sucking in quick little gulps of air as she tried like hell to keep quiet.

When Velma's body finally stopped convulsing, Shari pulled her face away and gazed up in rapt admiration at the butch woman she called her wife. The poor girl was a mess, and Velma fought the sudden urge to burst out laughing at the sight. Shari was panting and her face was bright red. The girl's face was shiny with Velma's wetness, and a few stray pubic hairs were plastered around her swollen lips. Now the towering old dyke pulled Shari up and tenderly embraced her.

Neither of them said a word to each other as they fought to catch their breath. Velma gently grasped Shari's chin and lifted her lovely face up to meet her gaze for a second before kissing her deeply. Velma pushed her tongue into the girl's mouth, savoring the raunchy musk clinging to the skin around her mouth.

"I like a student who goes above and beyond." She said. "Shows initiative...A plus, Keefer."

"I love you, Miss Blount." Shari replied with urgency. Velma favored the girl with a hard stare. "I—I've had a crush on you for the longest time. I'd do anything to make you happy."

"Is that so? We'll see how well you do in the showers then." Velma released Shari and delivered a playful swat to the girl's tight little ass. "Let's go."

The shower room, that once dreaded space, was blissfully empty and recently scrubbed in anticipation of the first day of school. It still looked the way Shari remembered it—there were no stalls or curtains, only a row of shower heads lining the tiled walls on either side. The space, though stark, was not without charm. Rows of small tiles came together on the floor to form an interesting checker board pattern with tile arrows embedded within larger lighter colored squares. This led to a doorway at the far end with another opaque glass door that opened to the pool on the other side.

The space was flooded with light from the large glass-block windows that lined the top of the left-side wall separating the showers from the locker room. Velma followed behind Shari as the girl stopped in front of a shower head and waited while the towering gym teacher took their towels and hung them on a nearby hook. Now Velma reached over and turned the shower on, and instantly they were blasted with an icy spray that sent Shari reeling backwards. The old dyke made a sort of tutting sound as she adjusted the temperature of the water.

Shari stared in silent wonder as Velma stepped under the water and tilted her head back into the stream. In seconds, her blunt sandy locks were soaked and plastered to her head. She slicked her hair back and reached for the shampoo bottle. The girl's eyes slowly followed the water as it cascaded over her strapping nude body. Smaller streams merged with the large ones coursing over her jutting collarbone, the slight swell of her breasts, and her rigid abdomen. The same stream soaked the large triangle of Velma's pubic bush, dripping steadily onto the tiled floor below.

Velma looked so powerful, so...macho as she stood there soaking under the hot spray. The haughty expression returned to her rugged face as she began soaping up her hair. In seconds, creamy white suds formed and started running down her forearms. The suds mingled with the water, clinging to her lean (somewhat boyish) curves. The towering old butch fixed the girl with her glacial stare while she continued to soap up her body.

"Remember that part of your grade is participation." She said. "Are you going to just stand there, or join in?"

Shari reveled in her subservience to Velma. She adored this rare opportunity to become her student once more—even if it was only for a very short while. "I—I'm sorry, Miss Blount." She stammered.

"Don't be sorry, be useful." The towering gym teacher handed the shampoo bottle to Shari. "Here, take this."

The blond beauty seemed to be lost in a trance as she took up the sponge and joined her former teacher under the spray. She poured a small amount of soap onto the sponge and slowly she began to scrub Velma's athletic body. She never noticed that the old dyke's hands had begun to wander over her body, caressing her face, her shoulders, her breasts. Shari's eyes were glued to the sponge in her hand as it slowly moved over Velma's breasts. The nipples were already fiercely erect, and as if by instinct, the girl pressed her lips against the right breast.

For a few minutes, Shari quietly nursed, alternating between the right and left breast. Her tongue slowly emerged to gently nudge the swollen tip of Velma's nipple. Another soft whimper prickled the skin around her ears. She continued to suckle, and then lost in the moment; Shari felt a sudden orgasm crashing over her. "Ohhh—Velma! Jesus..."

The girl bit her lip, and she wondered for a split second why in spite of her weakened stance, she didn't collapse. "I got you, baby, just let it happen." Velma's gruff voice, now softened to a low whisper, filled her ears. Shari closed her eyes as the second wave hit. She was clutching the old dyke's arms as they held each other, and the girl let out a loud ragged moan.

After a few seconds, Shari's legs turned to jelly and she collapsed in Velma's strong arms. Her chest was heaving as she sucked in shallow gulps of air. The spray from the shower head stimulated every nerve ending so intensely, her body was visibly trembling. She slowly looked down and saw Velma's large hand rubbing the space between her legs, working the soft bush of blond pubic hair into a thick, creamy lather. Now and then, the old dyke's fingers would part the cleft and gently tease the girl's pussy with small slow circles.

Velma brushed aside Shari's beautiful blond tresses, now soaked from standing under the spray. The towering old butch slowly leaned in and pressed her mouth against the girl's slender neck, kissing her tenderly. Slowly her tongue emerged; making contact with Shari's moistened skin, dragging upward to her ear. Now she began to softly kiss and nibble on her young lover's earlobe while the girl softly whimpered in response.

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