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The House Boat - Day 05


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Watching my redheaded twin sister groaning, face flushed, her green eyes staring back at me with hungry desire, as my cock disappeared between her cheeks.

"Mmm." I grunted, driving in and out of her gently, "Fuck. Wife."

Her white knuckled grip against the edge, the ring with the stone the same colour as her eyes, proclaiming to all the world that she was taken. She was mine.

"How... Does it feel, Rin?" I asked her, "Your brother... Husband... In your ass."

Rin let out a long and guttural growl that became a scream as her orgasm hit her. Words lost in a timeless and passionate cry of joy.

Her ass clenched down, and for the second time that day I felt myself cumming. There was no warning, and no resisting it.

I slipping out almost immediately, balls feeling drained, cock instantly tired and limp. Falling against her, trapping her against the edge of the railing.

Both of us were sweaty, and breathless.

Rin laughed weakly, "Eh... There's something."

"Something? Like a tsunami of cum?" I groaned tiredly, unable to even think properly.

"More like... Someone." Rin said just as tiredly, "Some... Guy on the bank. I think he watched us."

I looked up blearily, and sure enough, there was someone standing on the bank, a little distance away. My stomach dropped, and not because I wasn't an exhibitionist.

"Rin... We need to get dressed."

She stood up shakily, "Aw, it was just a little show. Brother getting all shy, now?"

"He's a cop."

Her face melted into terror, "Aw, fuck."

The two of us headed downstairs, Rin snagging her clothes and running to the bathroom to empty me out of her, whilst I got changed and waited for the inevitable knock on the door.

I slipped the ring off my finger, but couldn't force myself to put it away. Holding it, hidden in my fist.

The man who came to the door didn't look any older than I was, but the grim attitude probably added about a decade to his face.

I slid the door open to greet him, "Eh... Noise complaint?"

"No, sir." The man replied stiffly, "I am Officer Renshaw, my partner here, is Officer Hill."

Hill was a woman, a little bit older than both of us. Her attitude was similar to Renshaw's, except it felt even worse. Like maybe Death had given his cloak to her or something.

"Hi." I stated cautiously.

Renshaw smiled tightly, "We're here to speak to Rin Thomas. We believe she was the woman you were just... Manufacturing a noise complaint with. Is that the case?"

"Rin!" I shouted grimly, "They want you. For some reason."

She emerged timidly from the bathroom, hands behind her back, and not approaching. Standing at the far side of the houseboat, in hearing distance, but that was it. "I'm Rin."

Renshaw sighed heavily, "Then you'll be Chris. Look... We don't care who is fucking who. That's your business. Not why we're here. Miss Thomas, this is about Mr. Adley."

"Oh, fucking fuckshit fuck." Rin said in terror.

Renshaw waved a hand, "Do you want to talk outside about it?"

"You can say whatever in front of Chris." Rin said quickly, and held onto the pilot's chair, "He... Probably cope better than I will. What did Rob do?"

My stomach fell further, and I felt like I might be about to throw up in my mouth.

"Are you aware, Mr. Thomas, that Miss. Thomas has a protective order against Mr. Adley?"

"I found out. Recently." I said cautiously.

Renshaw nodded slowly, "I'm afraid I need to ask the two of you to leave town. Mr. Adley was seen at the local gun club, early this morning. Attempting to buy ammunition, but the clerks turned him down."

"What the fuck!?" I yelled.

Rin just hyperventilated.

Renshaw winced, "Problem is, he hasn't broken a law yet. He hasn't come within two hundred meters of this place, so he hasn't violated the order, either. But we do think he may try, given the opportunity. It'd be best if you just left."

"How is that supposed to fix anything!?" I said incredulously, "River only goes two damn ways. If he was here this morning, then he knew the schedule of our stops. He had to get that from family. How is Rin safe, if he knows where we're going to be, and wants to fucking kill her!?"

Hill held up a hand, "I need you to calm down, sir. We have taken this into account, and all involved want to ensure the safety of Miss. Thomas. We're not your enemy."

"How do we protect Rin?" I demanded.

The woman smiled tightly, "With your permission, we will escort you to the bus terminal. We have someone who will drive the houseboat to its destination. If Mr. Adley follows, then we will have clear charges to present against him."

"The bus. We disappear. Rob gets stalking charges." I breathed in heavily, "Fuck. That... This is fucked up. Someone told him where she was."

"Not a crime, unfortunately." Hill said smoothly.

My cheek twitched, and I turned to stare back at Rin who was still just leaning against the chair, breathing hard. Not crying, not screaming. Just looking like all the strength had been ripped out of her.

I turned back, "I'll pack our bags."

"Don't. It'll give it away." Renshaw shook his head. "I need you to go with Officer Hill, now. Take nothing. We'll get it back to you once this is resolved."

I stepped over, and held out my hand to the terrified woman, "Rin?"

She took a deep breath and stood up. Ignoring my hand for the first time since I'd kissed her. Looking the world that had bent her over directly in the eye as she told it to fuck off.

She walked passed me silently, and out onto the verandah.


The bus was uncomfortable.

The chairs were too close together, so that my knees were inside the back. Rin still managed to curl up inside hers, though. Head hidden, in a tight ball in her seat.

The curtains were pulled, and she was against the window seat. As close to safe as I could make her feel, especially in the insanity of this situation.

There were exactly four people in the world who would have been able to tell her ex where we were going to be, ahead of time. The route that we were taking back to the beginning.

If it had been yesterday, Rob might have just guessed. But there were multiple ways to go from where we stopped then, and he had arrived in town before us.

Hill had helped us board the bus, given us a little cash, and told us that another officer would meet us once we got to Melbourne. Things would probably be resolved by then.

It didn't feel like it, though.

I fiddled with my ring, looking with concern at Rin. She hadn't said anything, since. Ignored me if I tried to hug her. She was just a complete blank.

She was still wearing her ring. Spinning it around her finger as she stared at the back of the chair. Steadying her breathing, trying not to lose control.

"We're going to be okay. You're going to be okay." I offered, for what felt like the millionth time.

"Second." Rin finally said.

I cocked my head, feeling the bus jerk away as we headed down the road. "Second? You need a second?"

She shook her head and took a deep breath, "This is... The second time he's ruined my wedding. First to him, and now this. I'm cursed. Cursed and fucking hated by everyone."

I grabbed her hand, "If you try and dump me again, I don't think I'm going to handle it that well. Not right now."

"Idiot." She gave a distant half-smile, still not looking at me. "I... I'm not okay. And that's okay. You shouldn't be either. But no, I'm not stupid enough to break up with you."

I went fishing for something reassuring to say, and lighted on a childhood memory, "Hey, Rin? Do you remember how when Dad yelled at you, you used to hide in the attic? Only place no one could find you."

She nodded silently.

"Everyone except me." I continued, "You'd be up there in the sweatbox for hours. So one day, I put a fan up there for you. Remember?"

She gave a tiny nod.

"Then, the next time you ran up there, you took a blanket, to build yourself a bed to lie on."

She gave a half-smile, "I remember, Chris. Built myself a decent little fort."

"Safe place, where no one could hurt you."


I rubbed her shoulder, "If I was smart enough to help you build a safe place when we were all of eight years old, then what do you think I'm capable of, now?"

She swallowed nervously.

I sighed heavily, and forcibly took her left hand in mine. Pressing them together tightly as I felt the stone digging into my palm. "We're running away, together. Not the honeymoon we'd planned. Not the wedding, either. But now nobody knows who we are. Where we are. And no one is going to, either. We can be us. The real us."

"Chris... I love you. I also want to die, right now. So shut up."

I swallowed, "I -"

"Give me some space." She replied, pulling her hand away and turning around in the seat so I could no longer see her face.


"Rin." I shook her shoulder quietly.

She jerked as she pulled her head off the window, "Wha?"

"Interchange." I said quietly.

She gave a small nod, and then picked the jacket off her and held it out to me. I shook my head, and the two of us headed down and got off the bus.

I checked the timetable, "We've got about a half hour before the next bus. Need the bathroom?"

She finished shrugging herself into my jacket and wrapping it around her. She smiled at me sheepishly, gave a nod, and headed off silently to the bathroom.

Which had me immediately taking advantage of it and dialling the first person on my list.

"Oh, wow. Two calls in two days. I suppose you don't hate me altogether." Vincent said sarcastically.

"Are you the one I'm going to kill?"

He coughed, "Eh... What? I didn't say anything about the two of you to Mum and Dad."

"Someone told Rin's ex where we were. So. You the one I want to kill?" I said stiffly.

Vincent laughed, "If her ex caught you together that's your business."

"Vincent." I said firmly, "Answer the fucking question."

"I... No. I haven't told anyone, anything. Why does it sound like you would seriously kill me if I had?"

I took a deep breath, "Because her ex is trying to kill her. Literally. With a gun. Cops told us to get the fuck out of town."

"Shit." Vincent swore, something I almost never heard him do. "Shit. Eh... Do you guys need a place to hide? Something?"

"I don't know if I trust you, Vince. Four people knew where we were going to be. Four. And now Rin's not even talking, just scared out of her head." I said angrily, "So, yeah, we're hiding. Rob is probably already arrested by now, but this... Someone just tried to control Rin's life, and nearly got her killed, because none of you assholes ever cared enough to ask her first."

"I didn't do it, Chris. I didn't. Wouldn't." Vincent said firmly, "Whatever you need, I'm here for that. Even if what you need is to never hear from me, ever again. If that's the only way I can prove I care about her, I'll do it."

"I don't have time for the bullshit. You, Mum, Dad, and Kate. You're the only ones who knew enough. Bring me their head on a silver platter, and I might consider maybe trusting you. One day." I replied.

Vincent spoke sympathetically, "If they're going to hurt my baby sister, I will bring you their head, Chris. I will. I might not love her the way you do, and I might be a total piece of shit, but no one is hurting Rin. Ever."

I hung up without saying anything else.

Something he had said, had got to me. I could understand Rin not telling the others about Rob. What he had done to her. But... I couldn't understand why she'd kept it from me.

Kept imagining if our family holiday had gone as planned, and I found out none of this. Rin would go home, back where he knew she lived.

I would have woken up one day to my sister's murder on the news. I was certain of it.

I looked down as a tired head fell into my chest. She didn't say anything, and her hands were in the jacket pockets, not looking to reach out.

"Can I hug you?"

She gave a small nod.

My arms went around her, and I found myself almost immediately choking up. Struggling to only hold her gently when I wanted to drag her into me and never let her go, again.

Frightened tears began rolling unbidden down my cheeks.

It didn't make sense.

The cops had probably already sorted out Rob, and he wouldn't have a clue where to even start looking for us, anyway. All the same, I was terrified I was about to lose her.

How close I had coming to losing her forever, and never even known it.

Terrified of the way she'd shut down on hearing his name.

Nothing I said or did seemed to make anything better. I couldn't tell her that I loved her, or that we were safe. I couldn't fix any of this goddamn shit.

Even our rings didn't feel like a comfort, right now.

I cried silently. Able to keep pretending that I was strong, so long as she couldn't see my face. That I might be holding myself together, for the both of us.

"I want a drink." Rin said quietly.

I fought against myself until I could speak, my voice coming out hoarsely, "Can't, yet. Once we're off the next bus."

"Chris?" She looked up, and I jerked my head sideways so she wouldn't see it as easily. Rin's hands tightened on my chest, "No. No! Don't you break on me, you bastard. I need you."

"I'm right here." I said more firmly than I felt, "Between you, and this fucked up world. Always. Even if you are too stubborn to ask for help."

"I wasn't being stubborn, you idiot." She understood me, like she always did. Leaning into me and giving a breathless little sigh. "If I told you about him, you would have done something. Then you'd be the one under arrest."

"How long, Rin? How long has he hurt you?"

She sighed, "It started slow. Just... Emotional crap. Calling me names when I screwed things up. I tried to break up with him... More than once. I just... I don't know why I kept going back. Right up to the day he fucked my ass and I finally understood he was never going to change."

"Oh." I realised, "That's why you wanted to give it to me. Prove that I wasn't going to turn into him when you weren't watching."

"For an idiot, you're not half smart, sometimes." Rin snuggled in tighter, "So... What are we going to do?"

"He's probably already in handcuffs." I reassured both of us, "So... It's Melbourne. Dinner on the Yarra. Warm and comfy hotel beds."

"Beds, plural?"

I shrugged, "Depends on you. You don't seem to want to be touched, right now."

"Getting over it." She whispered, "Uhm... I think... I'm feeling a bit better, Chris. You're going to laugh at me."


She took a deep breath, "When I went to the toilet, I was feeling exhausted and terrified, and... Like I might do something stupid. But then... When I stood up, I saw your cum in the bowl."

"I have no idea where this is going." I said at the absurdity of the last statement.

"I know. I'm weird." Rin said with irritation, "It... It just kind of reminded me. Told me that I'm yours, and so none of this shit even matters in the first place. I've got this perfect guy willing to do whatever it takes for me. Not even thinking before he dropped everything to be my knight escort. Fuck the world, I've got a better one standing right in front of me."

I squeezed her tighter, "Even if its broken?"

"I married it, didn't I?"

I kissed her forehead, "With the least romantic wedding vows, ever."

"Agree to disagree." She said, lifting her green eyes to mine, and pulling on my chin so that she could kiss me properly. We heard a couple of cat whistles, but Rin didn't seem to care.

Just showing me that whatever come, good or bad, she still loved me.


After we got onto the next bus, Rin didn't take long to swing into her usual, more playful, mood.

"Sooooo... What's going to be for dinner?" She said, snuggling up beside me and half-climbing into my lap as she did.

"Depends. Do you want to order in, or eat out?" I asked her, "Also on what hotel we end up at."

Rin kissed at my cheek, "I wanna go on a date. I mean, I know this whole thing has been like one long date... But I wanna go on, like, an actual date."

"So... A movie, a meal, and then back to our place, together?" I asked her, fishing for details.

She thought about it for a moment, "Second thought, I'm actually shitting myself at the idea of a crowd. Getting separated from you. Seeing anyone. So... Night in?"

I pulled up a hotel's website on my phone, and brought up the room options. "Why don't we get something where you can watch a movie in bed, have a spa or something, and then fall asleep with me?"

"I don't have my onesie. Fuck." Rin pouted, "Fuckin' asshole ruins everything. Guess I'll just have to settle for skin-on-skin."

Her eye twinkled mischievously at the last bit, smiling and not really seeming annoyed at all with the prospect.

"Or that fire underwear set. I never did get to see you in it, again, like you promised." I teased her lightly.

Rin grinned deviously, "Too bad, mmm. But... I could still blow you. Wanna see your cum, my mouth, and my stud?"

"Not so loud."

She leaned up to my ear, one hand grasping at my groin, "No, you're the one who has to be quiet."

We might have been further from other people, but we weren't alone on the bus. "We're not in the great outdoors, Rin. I... Don't do public stuff."

She nipped at my ear, "Oh, I'm pretty sure you will do what I want. Won't you? If I say... Pleeeease?"

I flexed involuntarily against her hand, but spoke warningly, "Rin."

"Just tryin' to set the mood." She grinned and began to massage my dick through my pants. "I want you good and steamed by the time the date ends."

"We've got three more hours on the bus." I pointed out.

She nodded, "Exactly. Which means you're totally going to give in, and give me what I want, before we get there."

Turnabout seemed fair.

I leaned over and gently bit her shoulder to a surprised and loud groan, causing Rin to flush and punch me. I looked at her innocently, "What you want? I don't think you're quiet enough for that."

"Asshole." She glared, and then grinned, "But, point taken. Don't think the bus driver wants to hear your name being shouted at 'em."

I smiled as she snuggled into me. Rin sighed, "Fine, I suppose I should daydream about the rest of the date... Hey, this is going to sound spoiled... But can we have that room?"

The one she pointed out was somewhat pricey.

King sized bed, spa in the room, a glass balcony overlooking the city from the fortieth floor. Actually, looking at it, it wasn't just some little balcony. More like a glass-walled lounge room jutting out into the air.

There was a bar, cafe, and indoor pool available too, which sounded like fun. I hadn't managed to actually swim and mess around with Rin, yet. Only time I'd been swimming had been to chase her down.

"Any particular reason?"

Rin bit her lip sheepishly, and pulled out her own phone, and went into the history to drag up a page about how the hotel also had a ballroom that could be rented out. "It's... Pretty?"

"When exactly did you suddenly start looking at wedding venues?" I asked her in surprise.

"My vows." She shrugged, and saw my face. "Dude, you snore. So... I don't sleep as well as you. Just because I'm me doesn't mean I'm not a girl. I just figured I... Couldn't... Have a wedding. Until you said you'd sort of arranged one... And now we really can't..."

"Now, you want the wedding package without the wedding." I said in surprise, "Bridal suite and champagne?"

Rin tapped the picture of the glass lunchroom on my phone, "Could we... Have our vows, in a place like this? Even if it's just us... I have been trying to write mine, like you said. What about you?"

I hadn't. Been planning to, but I had been calling people and sleeping and driving, and every spare moment had been taken up with her.

The first free time I'd had was spent watching her silently cry herself to sleep on the bus, and I hadn't even thought about it.

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