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The Lifeguard

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Lap swimming, name calling, mild domination, reluctance.
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This story contains lap swimming, name calling, mild domination, reluctance, mind games, clear violation of the 1990 Antioch Sex Offense Prevention Policy and clear violations of the posted rules for conduct in the pool area.

Carmen drove recklessly through the rain in rush hour traffic with her car stereo blasting. She weaved through the other cars and pushed the speed more than was wise, given the conditions. "Meatloaf" and the soundtrack from "Rocky Horror" were her background music as she cursed the traffic and sang along. "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" faded into "The Time Warp" and Janet, Columbia, and Magenta wailed "Touch-a touch-a touch-a touch me, I wanna be dirty!"

Carmen was rushing from work to the University aquatics center to try and squeeze in a swim before the early closing time on Friday evening. She was exhausted from a long work week and hoped that 1600 meters of freestyle would soothe her spirit and allow her to get a decent night's sleep. As she parked in the lot, she rested her forehead on the steering wheel, sighed, and prepared to beg the lifeguard to let her swim past the official closing time.

"I'm sorry, we close at 6:30."

Carmen pouted and smiled as she gazed intently into the young man's eyes. "After everything we have been through? You won't let me swim? don't you want to be my ... personal lifeguard?" she purred.

They had not "been through" anything together, of course. Nothing other than the young man working regularly at the aquatics center where Carmen often swam.

Carmen loved to swim. It was her release from the crushing wheel of daily life. For 45 minutes to an hour, several times a week she was unburdened by gravity, legalese, taxes, work demands, insurance payments, paperwork, or social anxiety. Carmen so looked forward to gliding through the clear water of the 25-meter lap pool at the University. When she swam she felt as though she were flying. She thrilled with confident determination as her arms sliced into the water, catching and pulling, and she was propelled by the strength and agility of her whip-like kick.

Carmen stood about 5'1" with dark eyes, dark hair in a short buzz cut, and pale skin. She was curvy and athletic. Her wide hips and round ass usually got her more attention than she appreciated, but she did not mind being noticed once and a while. For the moment, she was kind of hoping the lifeguard would give her special treatment because she really wanted to get in a swim before the weekend. She figured she had a shot because the young man certainly liked staring at her when he thought she wasn't looking.

Maybe it was the joy and release Carmen gained from swimming, but she frequently seemed to lower her inhibitions when she interacted with this young man at the aquatics center in the evenings. She totally went out of her way to flirt and make small talk with him. Carmen had even been so bold as to accidentally drop things that needed picking up and stretch unnecessarily in the lobby before a workout.

The young man in question was a bit shy and ruggedly handsome. Carmen guessed he was 15 or 20 years younger than she, and he was a bit of an attractive mystery to her. He stood about 6'1," shaved head, and looked to be about 185 pounds of lean muscle. He spoke softly and slowly with a Russian accent. Usually the lifeguard appeared quite easily charmed and a little embarrassed by Carmen's shameless flirting. He smiled nervously and indulged her as she teased him. This particular Friday night it seemed that he was not to be so easily played with.

"I'm the only one here. It's late. No one is allowed in the pool without a lifeguard and there will be no one to work the desk."

He slowly rose from his desk chair, walked loudly in his flip flops to the door and locked the deadbolt. A small smile crept across Carmen's face as she watched the college boy's ass while he walked across the room. He turned off the lights in the front desk area so that only the back hallways were illuminated, creating the impression that the facility was now closed.

"Oh, come on, sugar..." she begged in a playful pout. Carmen decided to take her chances. She coquettishly sighed "I thought you liked me."

"I cannot take responsibility for your safety after hours. Anyway, my shift is over and I'm tired. I'm hungry and ... I have plans."

Carmen distinctly got the impression he might be lying about that last part.

Carmen found herself thirstily studying the lifeguard's body as he sauntered back to his desk. He wore a "muscle" tank top emblazoned with the university logo that showed off his impressive shoulders with a pair of Lycra "jammer" swim trunks that accentuated his powerful thigh muscles, and ...frankly, left very little to the imagination. Abruptly she forced herself to stop staring at the young man's cock; barely hidden by his shorts.

The lifeguard sat ungracefully in the rolling desk chair, reclining with a yawn, his legs splayed, practically inviting her to stare at his quadriceps, his abs ... and his package.

Carmen looked up at his sad and serious face.

"I'll buy you dinner," she said mischievously. "You know you are so good looking ..."

"You don't even know my name" he spoke somberly.

"Ok, Sugar, what's your name?"

He smiled hesitantly when she called him "Sugar."

"My name is Andre, ... miss...?"

"Ms. Denton. But you can call me Carmen. Come on Honey, let me go for a swim ... and you'll get to see my new bikini," she said in a lilting sing-song, wondering if she was going too far.

Oddly enough, Carmen did have a daring new bikini in her bag, but she had certainly not been planning to wear it lap-swimming at the university pool. Lap swim was generally a "one piece" situation. Carmen had bought the trashy bikini on impulse and merely had it in her bag because she liked fantasizing about wearing the outrageously slutty little thing. Carmen had not even tried it on yet. She was afraid her new friend, Andre, might insist on seeing her in this untried article of ... clothing (if you could call it that).

Andre stared at her; his curiosity piqued.

Carmen felt she had him now. She dared to fan the flame.

"I really like you Andre. Why don't you want to be nice to me?"

"Why are you teasing me?" He sounded a little sad and frustrated.

"Oh, baby, I'm not trying to tease you..." she pouted again.

"Come closer to me, then." he said softly but firmly. "If you are not teasing me, come closer and tell me again that you like me."

Andre was making her nervous now. He was telling her what to do and he was testing her boundaries. Nevertheless, Carmen cautiously took a few steps closer to Andre, her mouth slightly open as she surprised herself by following the younger man's orders.

Now Andre smiled in a challenge to Carmen.

"Ms. Denton," he was now clearly looking her up and down, not even trying to be subtle about checking out her body, "turn ... around ..." he sounded a bit less sure of himself as he tried to order her about.

Carmen stared back at him, somewhat in shock.

"A second ago you said I could look at you in your bikini. Now you won't even let me look at you ... in your jeans?"

Carmen cleared her throat. Slowly she turned around as her cheeks went pink. She was a little annoyed ... but unexpectedly a little excited as well.

"Nice" he murmured as Carmen stood with her back to him. "You have an amazing ... ass."

"Ok, stop treating me like a piece a meat, you idiot. Are you going to let me swim or not?" she snapped at him as she spun to face him, humiliation getting the better of her.

"First you tease me, now you insult me. I should put you over my knee and spank that fantastic bottom" he said boldly, as his eyes dropped to Carmen's hips again.

"Andre!" she burst out, half angry and half giggling "don't get carried away, you big ... idiot ...," her voice trailed off sounding more uncertain.

"But Ms. Denton, I thought you liked me? Do you want me to be nice to you or not? Why don't you come closer to me, tell me you like me again, and ask me nicely if you can swim in the pool all alone with your own private lifeguard on duty?"

Carmen regained her composure and sidled up to Andre. She was preparing to make a show of buttering him up and coyly asking for a swim. Andre shocked her again by pulling her into his lap. She gasped and squirmed as he murmured with his lips to her ear, "tell me you like me ... act like you mean it" with his arms wrapped firmly around her waist.

Carmen was surprised how husky her own voice sounded as she spoke, her full lips merely inches from his face, "I like you Andre ... let me take a swim. Just you and me, Sugar." It didn't make it any easier for her to maintain her composure that she could easily feel his hardness pressing firmly against her intimate areas.

Andre shoved Carmen to her feet as he boldly let his hands caress her luxurious bottom.

"Let's see you change into that bikini, then, you little ..."

"No, no, no!" she silenced him with her finger. "You are definitely getting carried away if you think you can start talking to me like that ... calling me names, young man."

"You would not like it if I called you names?" he asked, sounding disappointed. "Are you sure about that? I would enjoy it very much. I would really like to call you ... names" he said smiling shyly.

Carmen nearly gasped. She stared at him, her eyes wide and cheeks flaming with embarrassment. "what ... names ..." she said breathily.

Andre took Carmen's stunned, pretty face in his hands, looked into her eyes and said slowly and emphatically, "Cunt. Hot little cunt. Fucking Cock-teasing slut. You want to be my filthy little fuck-toy?"

He stopped talking, his face inches from hers. Carmen's heart was pounding. She was breathing like she had just run up a flight of stairs. Then she kissed him, warmly, openmouthed and let her tongue find his as his arms held her tightly.

When she finally pulled back gasping, she laughed, "what the fuck was that? Goddamn Andre. You are some kind of fucking pervert, aren't you?"

"Put on your bikini ..." he paused as if suddenly too nervous to say it, "put on your bikini ... whore."

Carmen was feeling quite off-balance with excitement and apprehension. She could feel warmth flooding her body, and she would definitely need to change her panties later. But ... she told herself ... she was just going to put on her bikini and swim some laps. That was it. If Andre wanted to hook up later ... well, who the hell was she kidding. She probably would not be able to say "no" to this gorgeous idiot.

Carmen began to walk with a purpose through the dimly lit hallway towards the women's changing room. Andre followed, silently studying her figure as he watched her walking. She put her hand on the door and pushed to find it locked.

Of course it was locked. Andre had the keys in his hand. He held the door open and waited expectantly, watching her.

"I want to watch you change" Andre said bluntly.

"No!" Carmen exclaimed.

"Let me watch you change. You know you want me to watch you take your clothes off," he insisted.

"GET the FUCK out!" Carmen squealed; a bit more shrilly than she had intended. Her hands seemed small as she placed her palms against Andre's chest and shoved him out of the door. She was breathing heavily again.

Carmen was tense with apprehension and excitement. Somehow, she had accidentally waded into the deep end of crazy. Was she actually going to wear a skimpy, barely-there bikini to please this perverted but handsome young man she did not know ... just because? Was she going to let him call her names and spank her and ... and ... was she going to ...? No. No. No. Absolutely not. Andre was not going to get in Carmen's panties tonight. Maybe she would give him a handjob. Whatever. For the moment, Carmen was going to swim some laps, damn it. If that hot young idiot in his speedo jammers wanted to stare at her tits while she got in a workout; so be it.

Carmen pulled the tiny, canary-yellow pieces of stretchy fabric out of her bag. The side-tie, low-rise thong bikini bottom had a little triangle of lycra that *barely* covered her pussy, while shockingly exposing far too much of her mons veneris. She squirmed realizing anyone could easily see with certainty that she had gotten a full Brazilian wax. Somehow wearing this thing was more outrageous than just going bare-ass naked. Her ass was completely exposed with just a brightly colored piece of string pulled snug between the voluptuous cheeks of her shapely bottom. The simple bikini top tied behind her neck and shoulder blades, though it was also cut to be quite risqué and covered very little. Carmen adjusted the top several times to make sure her areolae were not exposed. She studied herself in the mirror and felt ridiculous. There was very little coverage, to say the least. She really was not sure if she had the nerve to walk out of the locker room. Carmen would probably feel less embarrassed if she was naked. This bikini was just a neon sign with an arrow pointing at her pussy. Nevertheless, the idea of Andre seeing her so exposed was really making her libido hum happily along. She just hoped he did not laugh at her. Carmen modestly pulled on gym shorts and wrapped a towel around her torso, planning to shed them at the poolside.

Andre was sitting silently in the lifeguard chair with his mirrored sunglasses on, though it was nighttime, and they were indoors. Once again, he slumped in a vulgar posture with his thighs open and one hand draped rather close to his crotch. Andre appeared to be staring at Carmen, but she could not see his eyes and he did not move or say anything as she walked tentatively to the pool area. He slowly shook his head "no" when he saw her.

"Come here" he demanded in a cold, stern voice.

Carmen tentatively obeyed the younger man. As she stood in front of him, he seemed to exude cool disappointment.

"Closer. Look at me."

She obeyed while making sounds of exasperation.

"Now remove that towel, you filthy little cock-tease." He was trying to sound like a tough guy, but Carmen could hear his apprehension at playing this role.

"Andre stop being such a bully. Of course, I was going to take off the towel before getting in the water."

"Take it off now, ... slut." Andre demanded.

Carmen could hear how he struggled to say the word "slut." She couldn't help teasing him "that's all you got, big guy? S-s-slut?"

"Take off the towel, Ms. Denton. Are you wearing gym shorts!? Take those off and stop being such a tease."

"I thought that's what you liked about me, you fucking pig." Carmen boldly stood in front of Andre and dropped her towel. He stared slack jawed at her barely covered breasts. Carmen felt in control again as she slowly turned her back to Andre.

Andre cleared his throat.

Carmen unhurriedly bent from the waist and teasingly slid her shorts to her ankles.

Andre moaned softly. "Sweet Jesus ..." he muttered quietly. "Oh sweet mother of god..." his voice sounded like he was thirsty and lost in wonder as he stared at Carmen's lovely naked ass, accented by the bright yellow thong nestled between her gorgeous, round cheeks. She could hear him behind her breathing heavily as she stood and gracefully sashayed away from him towards the pool.

Carmen began her workout and tried to get into the swim. The nervous excitement gave way to a feeling of confident power. She focused on her breathing, her balance, her position in the water. She felt herself picking up tempo as she glided fiercely through the medium of the water, the stream of bubbles flowing over her ears.

As Carmen picked up speed, of course the string bikini would not stay in place for long. Sometimes the thong had slid halfway down her thighs before she'd reached the end of a lane. The bikini top was even more hopeless. Carmen was practically naked by the end of each lap, but she just stopped under water to pull everything back into place. She played it safe and stuck with freestyle. If she had tried butterfly, she would have come right out of her bikini altogether. Fuck it. She was swimming

Each time Carmen took a break between laps she glanced at Andre, her personal lifeguard, as he stared silently at her. She found herself smiling at him as he watched her. After 45 minutes and 64 laps, she climbed the ladder out of the pool and sat on the side to catch her breath again. Andre did not move as he continued to stare at her. Carmen's chest rose and fell as she breathed deeply, open mouthed. Finally, Carmen decided to get up and thank Andre for the private swim before hitting the shower.

As Carmen stood, the cool air raised goose bumps on her bare, dripping arms and legs. She knew her nipples were swollen and erect. With awkward modesty, she folded her arms over her chest as she walked to Andre's lifeguard chair. He continued to stare in silence.

Carmen laughed nervously. "Well, thank you for the swim, ... Andre. I guess I will see you next time!"

Andre said nothing for a long pause that made Carmen's anxiety spike. Finally, he spoke quietly, "put your hands at your sides. Let me look at you, Ms. Denton."

She laughed again. "fuck you, Andre. Stop treating me like a stripper."

Andre did not laugh. He removed his sunglasses. His eyes looked sad and serious, maybe even glistening a bit.

"You said I could see you in your new bikini. I want to look at you. You are beautiful. Now stop covering your breasts."

Now it was Carmen's turn to stare at Andre. She looked into his sad eyes and realized he was not joking. She was not sure what to do for another long pause.

Then slowly she placed her hands at her sides as he began to drink in her features with his hungry eyes.

Andre shamelessly stared at Carmen's body. His eyes traced the curve of her breasts, her swelling nipples, the curve of her belly and hips, down to her half-exposed mons and the tiny patch of lycra covering her sex which was beginning to swell with warmth as the water continued to drip slowly from her body onto the pool deck.

"Jesus, fuck!" she said to herself silently as Carmen felt annoyed for feeling so turned on.

"Stand up straight, Ms. Denton." Andre demanded softly.

Carmen surprised herelf again by obeying Andre. She stood taller, raising her shoulders, and arching her back slightly. As she did so she noticed André shifting uncomfortably in his chair. She could see him becoming visibly aroused. A mischievous feeling of power caught her fancy. Carmen arched her back a little more and leaned slightly forward as she watched the swelling grow in Andre's shorts with her every movement. He shifted again. She guessed those tight Lycra jammers must be a little constricting. Carmen smiled and suppressed a laugh as she relished the effect she was having on him.

Carmen continue to grin as she slowly turned her back to Andre. She looked over her shoulder at him as she arched her back again, thrusting her naked bottom towards Andre. He looked like he was fighting the impulse to touch himself. Carmen rocked her hips slowly in small circles as she watched him growing excited. She then stood with her feet an arm's length apart, arched her back even more, leaned forward from the waist, and placed her hands on her knees as she made her perfect, beautiful bottom dance slowly for Andre.

"Fuck!" Andre groaned out loud without meaning to.

"What's the matter, sugar? Are you feeling tense?" she giggled softly.

"Jesus ... you are so fucking hot ..." he groaned without a trace of subtlety or guile. "Jesus, Mary, and St. Joseph ... your ass is to die for."

Carmen smirked and turned back to face Andre though her smile faltered as she met his intense, hungry eyes. His eyes dropped from hers as he ogled her body again. He eagerly studied every curve of her dripping, nearly naked body.

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