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The New Shower Ch. 01


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Leila slowly turns over on her left side and lies on her stomach, not to make any sudden movements to alert the tentacles. The purple tentacle still had a grasp on her but it seemed to have relaxed a bit. Leila tucks her left arm under her chest, lifting her head to face the half open door. She takes a deep breath then uses her right leg to kick off the floor while pushing herself up with her tucked arm, lunging forward to the door. She falls flat on her stomach, halfway out of the bathroom as she desperately tries to grab the knob with her left hand that was close to the knob. The tentacles realize what she was doing and the purple tentacle starts squeezing her foot while yanking her backwards. Leila uses all of her might to kick again as her left arm was still extending while trying to grab the knob. Then the green tentacle appears from the left corner of her eye like a whip and coils around her left wrist. Leila's breathing sped up more as she tries to tug away from the slimy green tentacle but the numbing was affecting her hand. The white tentacle moves in and grabs her already limp right wrist while the yellow tentacle grabs her thrashing right foot, digging its spikes into her as it quickly numbs. Then her only fighting hand numbs up, falling limp as she has now lost all senses in her hands and feet. Her breathing becomes even more rapid as she starts to panic.

"Help, someone help me!" She screamed, but no one could probably hear her. Knowing that her mother wasn't coming back for hours, she just kept screaming as the tentacles slowly pulled her back into the bathroom. She starts to cry, watching as her room got farther away knowing this was the end for her. The blue tentacle had enough as it coiled around Leila's neck, tight enough that she stopped screaming but still being able to slightly breathe. The suckers were pressed up against her as the numbing starts to affect her neck. Leila was now back inside the bathroom while the red tentacle coils the knob and closes the door, sealing her in. The tentacles stop dragging her to let the red tentacle do its work. Still struggling to break free, it starts to move all around Leila's body, coating everything in slime. It begins by using its tip precisely to slide around her face. It doesn't touch her eyes but slides across her lips while Leila closes them and then moves to her hair, knocking the hair tie out, letting it fall loose. With less precision it slides to her shoulders, arms then her body as it squeezes between the floor and her lower breasts, stomach and vagina, making her moan a bit as they were sensitive. Finally it slides on her back, between her buttcheeks and legs. She felt every part of her body numb up, her blood slowed down as everything became too heavy for her. Still on the floor, she was now only twitching in the tentacles grasps as her body still tries to fight the paralysis that was affecting her.

"P... Please help," she said in a lone heavy voice as her lips became numb. After a minute of spazzing on the floor, Leila stopped moving. She was still very conscious as her heart continues to pump blood to her brain and lungs but her body wasn't responding as they seemed to have only shut down certain parts of her while ignoring her vitals. With Leila silenced, she felt hopeless and lifeless wondering what they were going to do to her next.

The tentacles in unison dragged her body back inside the shower. The red tentacle closes the glass door as the tentacles relaxed for a bit while she was on still her stomach in the shower. The tentacles turned her body around and placed her upright. The tentacles let her go and they retracted a bit back to their separate spots in the wall. She was now slouching towards the faucet as well as the 6 tentacles but couldn't see them as her neck was too heavy, she could only stare at the wet tub floor. The red tentacle moves in close, takes its tip and attaches itself to her forehead, pushing her head against the wall. She was now staring at the monstrosities as her thoughts were spiraling out of control, she could only cry while thinking about her mother, her accomplishments and her possible death.

The tentacles knew that their prey was completely vulnerable to them. They seem to communicate by their sways as they started to sway in unison again except for the red tentacle. The green tentacle moves in closer to Leila's mouth.

"Oh shit, is it really going to enter my mouth?" she thought.

The tentacle moves past her numbed lips and into her mouth, coating it in slime. It made her mouth numb up while the green tentacle travels deeper into her as the tentacle was making its way to her throat. Leila started to gag and spit, she wasn't good at blowjobs. But when the tentacle kept going, it slowed down to let the numbing take effect. Eventually Leila stopped gagging and couldn't feel her throat anymore. The tentacle kept going down more as it finally reached her stomach. The green tentacle started to make sucking noises as her stomach started to rumble.

"Is it sucking up my stomach acids?" She thought.

After 30 seconds the tentacle retracts out of her mouth, dripping some spit onto her chest and moves down to her crotch.

"Oh god, it's going to fuck me now," She thought as she could only watch.

The green tentacle took a second to examine her holes. It slowly entered her numb outer pussy and penetrated her tight vagina while clenching against it before numbing and loosening up. It was hard for her to make any noises but still made her moan a bit as the tentacle reaches her cervix and stays there for a second. She felt a lot of pain but then it subsided as it moved into her womb without her feeling anything and pulls out. Finally it enters her butthole, once again letting the slime do its thing. She has only been anally fucked once but didn't like it but was still softly moaning. The green tentacle was having some trouble going through her tight butthole while making the same sucking noises when it was in her stomach.

"Gross... it's sucking out my shit," she thought as it must have been 5 minutes before it retracted out of her again.

With her body cleansed, the tentacles started shaking as they shook there slime off as it splattered on the walls. The red tentacle then starts to sway with the blue tentacle, Leila couldn't see what was going on above her but something began to crawl around her forehead. The red tentacles released smaller red tentacles, thin as q-tips and were attaching themselves to her skin. The tentacles started to send tiny shocks to Leila's forehead as she began to feel like she was getting shocked.

"What the fuck is going on?" She thought, "Please, I don't want to be part of this anymore, just let me go. I want t-" Then her pleas stop as she blacks out.

Leila's head felt fuzzy as the shower got bigger and wider while everything started to spin, her body no longer feeling heavy but felt really light as if she was floating above the ground. She slowly felt a sense of calm wash over her as she just kept sinking deeper in the shower while the tubs walls got higher. Leila couldn't understand what was happening; her thinking pattern was incoherent, as if she wasn't in control of her mind. As the shower kept getting bigger, the numbing started to fade and she could feel her body again. Every part of her became warm as it started to make Leila forget the torment she just endured. Then her mind became filled with a colorful glow, she could only stare at it, like it was calling her name. The glow kept only getting closer as it was speaking to her. Leila couldn't help but listen to what the glow had to say...

To the tentacles it looked like Leila was staring at nothing as her eyes were constricting and widening in unnatural motions. Then it halted and Leila started to drool uncontrollably as her whole body began to twitch, startling the tentacles while the red tentacle was still doing its job. After a minute of this the red tentacle finally detaches the tiny tentacles from her forehead and retracts from her making Leila's head lob to the left as she closed her eyes. The tentacles were observing Leila for a while as she was still lying their unresponsive.

Leila awoke to what it seems like she just took a nap as she lifted up her head to suddenly remember everything that just occurred. She saw the 6 tentacles watching her; she didn't know how long she was out but knew it wasn't a dream. She started to shiver a bit from the cold water, realizing she had sense in her body again and was no longer paralyzed. Without her saying anything, Leila got up to make another attempt at escape. She was about to open the glass door but then from the corner of her eye she saw something light up and she quickly sat back down.

"What's happening to me?" She said out loud to the tentacles while struggling to get up.

She tried to move her legs and hands but then it hit her that she wasn't in control of her body anymore. She then had the urge to look at the red tentacle that was illuminating some kind of RGB from its tip. The RGB was the tentacles bioluminescence and it was making rapid blinks to Leila, as if it was communicating with her mind to move her body. With more rapid blinks Leila starts to lean forward with her legs spread apart against her will and she opens her mouth making her drool. Leila then understood that they were in control of her body as she spoke with her mouth agape, "Oh my fucking god."

The tentacles knew they succeeded in making Leila obedient when she opened her mouth. The purple tentacle was the first to make its move to Leila's inviting orifice. Its tiny numbs started to harden up as it laid itself on her tongue but Leila didn't want to be used like a toy and grabs the purple tentacle with both of her hands, trying to pull it back. With the red tentacle giving commands she told her arms to stop as they dropped to her sides, no longer in control. By force she starts to swirl her tongue and lightly sucks it, teasing it a bit while Leila's drool was flowing in a stream, unable to stop as it coats the tip of the tentacle.

Her drool started to run down her cheeks and onto her chest, Leila was struggling to stop while making slight muffled grunting noises but her mouth wanted more as it started to enthusiastically suck the tentacle. The small bumps were somewhat pleasurable to her and were better than any dildo she practiced with. The tentacle wanted to speed things up as it started to leak something from its hole, most likely precum as it was making her mouth feel hot. It was dripping out her mouth along with the drool. It glowed fluorescent blue and was the thickest and sweetest precum she ever tasted as her mouth continued enjoying the tentacle but she wasn't. She tried to pull back but the red tentacle was still sending information to Leila and her left arm moved down to her pussy and she started to lightly rub her clit. Leila hasn't played with herself in a week as she was too busy at work to think about self-pleasure.

"Oooh noo... fuck," she thought as she cooed, "I wasn't ready for this," while her grunts became muffled cries.

The red tentacle ceased blinking and made its way to her left nipple alongside with the green tentacle that followed to her right nipple. Without realizing that the red tentacle made her breasts more sensitive, she cried out again when they began to tug her nipples. The tugs were unlike anything she felt before as it was so intense that she started to shutter. The red tentacle had its smaller tentacles fondle her left breast as if it was groping her while the green tentacle wrapped itself around her right breast in a swirl as tiny teeth stuck out from its hole as it bit her nipple lightly. Both of her nipples hardened up fast from the tugging and biting as they synced with the purple tentacle. Her cries were turning into moans she couldn't help but keep going, her body was enjoying what was happening to it.

The purple tentacle started to push deeper, making Leila gag again. She thought she was going to puke but then her gagging stopped, she figured that the red tentacle told her to stop gagging. This allowed the purple tentacle to go deeper in her mouth. Leila's jaw felt like it was going to unhinge as she tried to pull her head back to get some air in but it just kept pushing forward.

"Oh god I can't breathe," she thought as her tongue stuck out.

Spit and precum were coating her chin and nose as they produced so much that it ran down her thighs, dripping into her masturbating hand. Her breaths became sharp as it entered her throat, her head was against the wall and any effort to pull back was halted as the tentacle kept extending down her mouth until reaching her stomach. The extending didn't seem to end for Leila as she could only moan from the forced pleasure, begging for them to cum already.

The tentacle was now really in her stomach. She could feel the thing press up against her stomach wall as if she just ate a lot of food. It stopped extending and started to fuck her mouth without any resistance. The tentacles were enjoying themselves while Leila was on the brink of passing out from the spit and precum blocking her airways however something kept her awake, whether it was her mind resisting to faint or her bodies forced enjoyment of this unreal pleasure. She clenched her toes as the constant forced rubbing of her pussy was making Leila squirm but she couldn't cum as if they didn't allow her to cum just yet. The tentacles then sped up faster than they started to pulse in her mouth while painfully pulling and biting her nipples.

"Oh fuck it's going to cum down my stomach," she thought as she felt the entire tentacle sway in her. The nipple play became so intense she thought they were going to be ripped off. Leila's rubbing sped up more with abuse, she was ready for them unload their fluorescent blue seed in her stomach and onto her nipples. Leila closed her eyes and whined for the blue prize.

Then it came. The tentacle simultaneously undulated as they unloaded their seed everywhere. Leila's pussy was pulsing uncontrollably as she started to rapidly convulse, she was cumming with the tentacles as if they were one being. The immense of amount of blue cum that was shooting down her stomach felt like she was being hit by a gushing fire hydrant. Her breasts were being hit with the same force that they were being pushed back into her chest. Its cum was so thick that it had trouble going down the drain. Leila threw her head back as her stomach started to bloat up, her body couldn't hold anymore as it was traveling back up her throat. The cum started to spray out of her mouth and nose making Leila lose control of her rubbing as her armed dropped, her eyes were rolling back into their sockets, almost fainting from the unearthly pleasure. She couldn't resist it anymore as she let thing fill her expanding stomach with its endless thick blue spunk.

A minute seemed like forever to Leila as her orgasm finally ceased and the tentacles finally slowed down with her, making small spurts of cum every couple of seconds until they had ran dry. As they relaxed, the shower was covered in a fluorescent mess. It dimly lit up the bathroom as Leila was drenched in the blue cum, twitching from the amount of force her stomach and boobs endured as she could hear her stomach gurgle. The purple tentacle slowly retracts out of her throat while the red and green tentacles detach themselves from her hard nipples, leaking excess cum. She finally moves her head forward and starts to cough up cum. She couldn't believe what her body looked like as if she was already 8 months pregnant. The blue cum was illuminating though her stomach but without any distention as she thought that the tentacles somehow made her body more elastic to take on their unreal sex.

Leila licked off the sweet cum from her lips, "Even though I feel violated... I have to admit that orgasm was the best I've had in awhile," she thought while wiping the blue cum off her still sensitive pussy. Leila coughs were turning into pukes as her body couldn't hold the amount of cum that was violently forced into her.

After a bit of constants pukes her stomach almost returned to normal as the 3 tentacles that just raped her were hanging low to the ground, clearly exhausted. However the yellow, white and blue tentacles were leaking, ready to go at her next.

"No, this is over," she said not knowing if they understood her, "You had your fun raping me but I'm out of here and contacting pet control."

As Leila was getting up again, the tentacles didn't like the back talk as the blue and white tentacles lunged at her thighs, coiling around them as they lifted her legs while spreading them. She was fully now on the tub floor, no longer able to move now that the white tentacle was also blinking bioluminescence.

"So you can understand me?" she said in a harsh tone, "Well there's no way are you fucking my pussy."

The tentacles knew by this that she didn't accept them yet as they had to break her in more. The yellow tentacle moved in and was about to start rubbing her clit with its spikes.

Leila leaned up to get a better view, "Wait no! You're going to make me bleed with those spikes!"

The yellow tentacle laid down on her clit to realize that they weren't hard as spikes but like soft toothbrush bristles. Leila let out a loud cry, "No don't... Ah!"

The yellow tentacle started to move back and forth on her clit, making her quiver. She wanted to grab it and pull it back but could only push her hands against the sides of the tub. The rubbing was too strong as it made her cum again. Leila threw her head back whining only after seconds of pussy foreplay. She started to drool on her own. Leila's body loved it, but her mind didn't want to yet. The yellow tentacle stops rubbing her as it knew she wanted it without say. The yellow tentacle slowly presses into her inner labia.

The bristles were making her crotch tingle as she moved her head forward, letting out another cry without thinking, "Please fuck my pussy right now!"

The tentacle obeyed as it penetrated her. She couldn't believe what she said now that it was inside her. It was already better than dick as the bristles were something she never felt before. Leila threw her head back again, staring at the ceiling mouth agape as her breathing was halted upon penetration as she desperately tried to grip something. She found herself gripping the approaching white tentacle as she started to masturbate it on her own. The yellow tentacle was slowly fucking her, allowing her pussy to loosen up to the bristles.

"What special thing do you do?" she said to the white tentacle.

The white tentacle opened its hole to reveal a tongue-like appendage that slid forward. Leila's eyes focused on the tongue as she figured it wanted to kiss her. She bit her lip and was hesitant but curious, she never made out with a tentacle or any animal, but she knew that she wasn't going anywhere so she played along. She pulled it in and they began to kiss. Leila closed her eyes as her tongue locked with the tentacle. She pretended she was making out with another human as the white tentacle was sucking Leila's tongue making it tingle. It amazed her that it was a decent kisser.

"I'm making out with a fucking tentacle," she thought as it leaked sweet precum in her mouth.

Leila suddenly pulled it out of her mouth as she tensed up, "Aah... Ooh... Mmm."

She was cumming again, her pussy was clenching up against the bristles that were poking her inner wall, she didn't know if it was making her bleed but she didn't care as she baked her cookie. After a few seconds she lifted herself back into a slouching position to get a better view of the yellow tentacle while her legs were still being held apart by the white and blue tentacle. When she leaned up she cooed as she saw the bristles coming in and out of her pussy like it was something she had only seen drawn online. Her pussy juices covered the wet bristles as they splashed against her inner thighs. She then noticed the leaking blue tentacle observing her anus, thinking about being anally fucked by a tentacle that was possibly thicker than an elephant phallus made her heart race in fear.

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