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The Reinvention of Beth Raines

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Mature woman meets younger man and rediscovers herself.
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Beth Raines sighed. Looking in the full length mirror, she appraised her 45 year old body. Old, fat and ugly, she thought. The thought was not uncommon. It arrived inside her head the day her husband had left some ten years earlier. Somehow, Beth had decided to blame herself for the divorce even though she was the petitioner. Her self worth left in the back of her ex-husband's car as she had watched it pull out of the drive that last time.

An objective observer would have drawn a different conclusion. Beth was not old. She looked old. Becoming introverted can do that. She was certainly not fat. Beth had that thickness that comes with maturity. There are not many, if any, lithe 45 year-olds slinking around the sidewalks. A petite 5' 3'', Beth saw herself in the mirror through hazel eyes that had once been brighter. Her face was framed with thick red hair that had just recently adopted a few inevitable strands of gray. She had given up dressing for pleasure a long time ago, preferring casual clothes around a house she rarely left, except perhaps to pick up groceries. Then she would wear light make-up and make some attempt to present a better appearance clothes wise. At work she simply rotated the same outfits.

Her dress to impress clothes hung in the closet waiting for the odd invitation to family functions, church, or rare special occasions.

Tomorrow's September Saturday was a kind of a special occasion. Beth always shopped early for family Christmas gifts and tomorrow was the day. She eyed her body once more, taking in its overall form. The 36c breasts had, thankfully, not yet sagged too far, and she had maintained the shaved mons her husband once loved. Beth sighed once more and wandered naked to her shower.

When she returned, her body wrapped in a thick towel, Beth went to the closet and picked out a light green, pleated, skirt suit, that complimented her hair and eyes, a slightly darker green bra and panty set, and a mid-green, translucent nylon blouse. She finished drying herself, sprayed a light body spray over her naked form and donned a comfy pyjama set. Beth had not slept in the marital bed for a long time. This though, was as much because it had become uncomfortable as for any emotional reason. She moved to the couch she now used as a bed, lay down and drifted off to sleep.

Saturday arrived crisp, minimally cloudy, and quite breezy; Beth awakened quite enthused at the prospect of the Christmas shopping. She ran her list through her mind as she dressed, brushed her hair, and applied her make-up. Rising from her dresser chair, she turned, checked her purse and headed towards the front door. Stepping out of the house Beth surveyed the morning sky and reached down as a wind gust played at the hem of her skirt. She went to the white Grand Prix she owned, got in, and headed to the mall some 6 miles away.

When Beth arrived at the mall it was all but empty. The doors had not yet been opened and the parking lot was dotted with just a few of what Beth surmised were employee vehicles. She looked at her watch, almost 9:00 a.m. Nothing will be opening till ten, she thought; she parked the car near a Denny's, one of the many restaurants that circled the mall and went in to eat breakfast before beginning her expedition.

The restaurant was not too crowded. A few office workers sat talking or reading the morning news. A utility crew surrounded a table, talking animatedly, laughing and joking. Beth picked a seat, and when the waiter came, ordered coffee and a cheese omelette. She ate, and observed the comings and goings at the restaurant. People grabbing breakfast on the go.

Beth too was being observed. The man had entered after she had and had chosen to sit at one of the few seats out of Beth's field of vision. He too watched the restaurant activity as he ate.

Jeff Parks was a tall, strong, rugged, journeyman carpenter, travelling the country, staying in motels, and picking up construction jobs where he could. His last job had finished just yesterday. His billfold bulged with pay, and he had come to the mall to buy a few clothes to replace those worn out during his travels. He was just over five feet ten inches tall and bore the tan of one who worked outside a lot. His sandy-blond hair was tousled, sitting atop a forehead that sported a half-inch white line angled above his left eye and ending at his hairline, one of the many 'war wound' scars on his upper body gathered on the job. His face was covered in a light stubble. His muscular frame was clothed in a denim jacket, plaid shirt, jeans, and boots. He looked comfortable. He should, he wore little else, except perhaps for the rare special occasion he was invited to attend.

Jeff rose from his seat, exited the restaurant and walked across the mall parking lot to one of the doors that would soon be unlocked. He leaned on the wall, lit a cigarette, and waited. It was 9:45.

Beth, done with her omelette, paid her bill, went to her car and piloted it across the lot to a parking space near the doors. Looking at her watch, she sat and listened to the radio, inventoried her list, and periodically checked the mall doors.

In the lot, the wind gusted, rustling the early fall trees, bowling the odd piece of litter across the tarmac, and disturbing various birds. Beth watched as the parking lot began to slowly fill.

At 9:55 Beth turned off the radio, unlocked the door, and got out of her car. Her purse and list lay on the passenger seat of the Grand Prix; Beth leaned across to reach it. As she bent into the car to reach the purse, a capricious wind gust swirled behind her lifting the light green skirt high up the back of her legs. High enough that an observer would see the translucent, darker panties and the shadow of cleavage between her fleshy buttocks. Beth felt the gust, and heard the wolf whistle from behind her. She grabbed her purse, closed the car door, locking it, and repositioned the skirt with her free hand. She turned toward the mall doors. One person stood there, his boot extinguishing the remains of a cigarette on the sidewalk. Inside, Beth roiled. She was embarrassed and slightly angry. Outside her cheeks flushed a little. She inhaled, steeled herself, grasping at her bag, and strode toward the mall doors, inwardly praying that they were now unlocked. She glanced at the man leaning on the wall and as she passed him, she hissed, "Rude!", and entered the mall.

Beth was an organized person, and headed for the toy shop located at the far corner of the mall from the doors through which she had entered. She would work through her list and back toward those doors. As she walked she considered the incident in the parking lot. By now, her flush had subsided, along with her anger at the man's whistling at her exposure. She half smiled. He had whistled at her. Perhaps it was not as rude as other possible things he could have said or done. She tried to remember the last time she had been whistled at that way. He was ruggedly good looking too, she opined. The smile broadened a little, warming her insides.

How the man had got ahead of her Beth didn't know, but there he was, sitting on a bench at the crossroads of the mall. She walked toward her destination. As she approached the bench, the man rose and walked alongside her.

"I am sorry ma'am," he said, "it was a compliment. My whistling. I in no way intended to offend you."

Beth glanced sideways and quietly harrumphed.

"My name is Jeff," said the man, "Forgive me please?"

Beth kept walking. Jeff kept walking with her.

"What if I tell you I don't whistle at unattractive women," he commented.

"You embarrassed me," Beth half snapped back at him.

Inside, her other half was warming again. Did he just say I was attractive, she thought.

"I didn't mean to," said Jeff, "What I saw was attractive, very attractive."

"Oh," said Beth, looking at him again. "And just what did you see?"

Jeff smiled at her. "I don't need to tell you that," he said, "nor do you need to hear it. Suffice it to say that what I am seeing in this moment is interesting and attractive."

Beth looked at him. "You find women your age are unattractive?" she asked.

"Pretentious," Jeff said, "still figuring out their own nature."

"But they are sexy," Beth proffered.

Jeff was ready for her.

"Sexy - um what is your name? - is an attitude. That's why you felt embarrassed; you don't have that attitude."

Beth was stunned.

"My name is Beth," she replied, "and I have no idea why I am even having this conversation."

Jeff's confidence grew as he observed an uneasiness in Beth's responses. Beth felt both nervous and strangely intrigued by this man.

"I, I have to go in this store," she stammered.

"I'll come with you," Jeff said, inviting himself.

Beth did not object.

Beth took the list from her bag and began traversing the aisles in search of the listed gifts. Another reason she liked to shop in the early part of the day was the lack of people. Since her divorce she had often grocery shopped at 5 or 6 a.m., before work. It seemed that she, Jeff and a lone register clerk were the only people in the store. Finding one of the toys on the family Christmas wish list, Beth reached for it stretching her 5'3' frame and dropping the list in the process. Jeff, who had said nothing as Beth looked through the aisles, bent to retrieve it noting the firm, tight calves that supported Beth as she reached for the toy. On rising to hand it to her he caught the edge of the clipboard under the hem of Beth's skirt raising it some way above the knee. Beth looked down at him as she toppled the toy from the shelf, catching it, and Jeff freed the clipboard and rose all the way to face her.

"Oops," said Jeff, half smiling at her.

"I suppose that was an accident," said Beth.

"Well..." started Jeff, surprised when he was interrupted.

"Oh well," said Beth, also half smiling, "It's not like you didn't see a little more than that in the parking lot."

"Now that was almost sexy!" exclaimed Jeff, getting over his surprise.

"It was?" Beth asked.

"Yes, it was," said Jeff smiling. "It was you taking pride in yourself and your body. That is the attitude I was trying to describe."

Beth was flattered and strained not to show it. Whether Jeff was flirting or just in a matter of fact way discussing an intimate subject didn't matter to her in that moment. She felt better than she had in a long, long time.

Jeff raised his hands, placed them on Beth's shoulders and looked right at her.

"I'm going to make some adjustments," he said, "don't panic!"

Beth nodded uncertainly.

"Pretty," Jeff said. Beth smiled.

"Now, here's pretty and confident," he added, gazing at her.

He reached and undid the top and bottom button of the three-button suit jacket, pulled the blouse collar from beneath the jacket and laid it neatly above it, twisted free the top two buttons of the blouse and spread the collar a little wider. The beginning of Beth's cleavage was now in view. Reaching for the cuffs of the jacket he scooted the sleeves up Beth's arms, undid the wrist cuff buttons on the arms of the blouse and folded them back. He looked her over.

"There," he said smiling, "almost a new woman. Now, straighten your back, add some purpose to your step, and smile!"

Beth nodded, her eyes, inexplicably, she thought, on his.

"Right," said Jeff looking at the clipboard, "Pony farm kit, check! On to the Easy Bake Oven."

Now Beth was following him. A conflagration of thoughts crackled in her mind. Not least of which was the one of visual appreciation transported there by her eyes, which had been closed to his physical appearance until now. Others were questions. What was he doing? Why was he doing it? Why did she feel so good about it? She followed half a step behind him concentrating on his instructions. She felt happier and stronger.

"Ah, here it is," said Jeff, reaching, pulling the item from the shelf and tucking it under his arm. "That seems to be all on your list for this store."

He looked at Beth and smiled. They went to the register. Jeff noticed the clerk admiring Beth as he rang up the items. They checked out and went back out into the mall. The mall was a little busier with people now. Beth walked alongside Jeff as he clutched the clipboard and announced that Beth had listed 'Old Navy' as their next stop, adding that he wanted to go into 'Claire's' on the way there.

When, they reached 'Claire's' Jeff scooted inside, saying, "I'll be right back out."

Just a couple of minutes later he returned with a small bag in his grasp. Reaching into the bag he pulled out a pendant. Looking at Beth he unclasped it, and hung it around her neck. "I hope you don't mind," he said, "I just felt something was missing. You look beautiful!"

Beth looked down at the pendant, it was a little faux emerald clover that hung to just above her cleavage, the green blending perfectly with her outfit. She smiled. Then, unconsciously and instinctively, leaned in and kissed Jeff's cheek. Jeff was a little surprised at the action but recovered quickly as Beth said, "Thank you, it's lovely."

"You're most welcome," said Jeff.

The morning passed with amiable chat, each telling the other of their lives, jobs, and the usual interchange of background information. As they walked through the mall, filling Beth's list, several people could be seen to glance at the well dressed 45 year-old female chatting and laughing with the younger jeans and denim jacketed man. Some of them likely surmised that she was with her son since they could not hear the conversation. Jeff helped carry bags, and watched as Beth's confidence grew. He smiled as men of all ages eyed the briskly walking, beautiful woman going about her business. Already this was a different woman than had entered the mall some 3 hours ago.

Beth was smiling. She found it hard to stop. Those questions had dissipated and she was enjoying what had begun as a chore on a "to do" list. Moreover, she was enjoying herself, and the attention, not only from Jeff, but from mere passers by. Beth had not felt so vibrant in a very long, time.

Soon, Beth and Jeff had completed the Christmas list. Jeff had purchased more shirts and jeans for his work, and they were outside and headed towards Beth's white Grand Prix. Beth opened the trunk and they placed the bags of gifts in it, Jeff retaining his purchases.

"Well, thank you, I guess", said Beth, not wanting things to end so abruptly. She wasn't about to ask for more though. Those skills had long been lost. She looked at Jeff and he didn't miss his cue.

Reaching out and taking her hand he turned back towards the mall.

"Come on Beth Raines," he said smiling, "there is one more thing we have to do!"

Beth skipped to catch up with him, and they almost ran back into the mall, her hand clasped in his.

"Where are we going?" Beth asked him.

Jeff winked at her and said, "I told you I am a carpenter. I build things from bits and pieces. You're not complete yet."

Beth was bemused by Jeff's obtuse answer but also intrigued by it. The glint in Jeff's eye made what was happening exciting. She was having fun. That hadn't happened in a long time.

Jeff stopped at the 'Ann Taylor' store and almost dragged Beth in through the doors. The clerk was by a rack unpacking a case of new merchandise. She greeted the couple then returned to her task. Jeff sat Beth in a chair, ran his eyes over her frame guessing at her size and said, "Wait there, I'll be right back." Then he walked over to the dress racks. Beth watched him, both excited and amused. Within five minutes Jeff returned with three dresses over his arm, all of them black. With the other hand he raised Beth from her chair. "Try these on," he said and pointed to the changing rooms. Beth took the dresses and went towards them. Jeff followed and sat in a chair nearby. Beth looked at him and he nodded toward the cubicle urging her to go in. Beth smiled and entered the changing room. Jeff waited, and watched as one, then two, then a third black dress appeared draped over the top of the changing room door. Jeff hoped this didn't mean his taste had failed him. Then he heard Beth's voice.

"Jeff? she queried, "Can you hear me?"

"Yes Beth," he said.

"Can you take these back please?" asked Beth, "But I really love the one on top, it's just a size too small, can you bring the next size up back to me please?"

"Sure", said Jeff, rising from his seat and picking the dresses from the top of the cubicle door, "Be right back."

Jeff got the dress and returned to the cubicle. He handed it over the top of the door. "There you go," he said, smiling.

"Thanks," said Beth, "Be right out"

Jeff returned to the nearby chair and waited. He saw the dress lifted above the door then lower again as Beth tried it on. Momentarily he heard her voice again.

"Jeff, can you come here, please?" she said.

Jeff went to the changing room door. To his surprise, it opened inwards half way in front of him. Beth was there, her back to him. The smooth flesh of her back outlined in the open V of the back of the dress down to the waistline of her panties. Jeff gazed at her beauty. Beth glanced back over her shoulder.

"Zip me!" she asked.

Jeff stepped into the cubicle, his body lightly pressed against her rear as he held her waist with one hand and eased the zipper up her back with the other. Beth looked in the mirror as Jeff zipped her up. She loved the dress, and also snuck a glance at Jeff's face over her shoulder. She could feel the light pressure of Jeff's body against hers, and it warmed her. Jeff placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her, stepping back slightly. He looked at her as she stood in the dress he had picked out. The pleated v-neck satin plunged to halfway down her cleavage, a 3 inch wide satin belt complemented her waistline slimming it. The diamante rectangular clasp buckle broke up the blackness of the skirt and bodice, as the skirt, light and flowing, spread from her hips. Beth glanced down quickly seeing tightness in Jeff's jeans. She shivered inwardly, quietly excited that she had such an effect on the younger man. Jeff looked at her and whispered, "Beautiful." Beth smiled as her cheeks colored slightly.

"That's the one," said Jeff. He leaned in, kissed her cheek lightly and turned to leave, tossing back, "Leave it on!"

Beth did feel beautiful and took one more look in the cubicle mirror before gathering her clothes and bringing them to the check out where she found Jeff had already paid. She looked at him and said, "Thank you, Jeff. It is beautiful." She leaned in and up returning the kiss on the cheek. Jeff smiled.

"You're most welcome, pretty lady," he said, "Come on, one more stop!"

He put her other clothes in a bag the clerk had provided. He took her hand and led her from the store. Beth was almost floating. Jeff guided her across the mall and into a shoe store. This time he did not do the choosing. He sat in a chair and said, "Go find them, Beth."

Beth beamed and set off to find the perfect shoes. The skirt billowed as she moved. She looked and felt radiant. Jeff pondered his renovation project silently, smiling as he watched her enjoy the search for the shoes that would complete the vision begun by the lovely dress.

Shortly Beth returned holding a polished, black, ankle strapped shoe. The heel was a safe but elegant two and a half inches, the toe pointed, but not overly so; the ankle strap bore a small rectangular diamante buckle that perfectly complemented the buckle on the dress. Beth was smiling broadly. "This one," she said. Jeff nodded approvingly. The clerk approached them, took the sample shoe and disappeared behind the stock wall. Jeff pointed to a chair opposite him, in front of which was a fitting stool. Beth sat in it, removed the shoes she was wearing, and smiled across the space at him as they waited for the clerk to return.

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