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A Family Affair


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"Of course she would."

"What about Mom?"

"Her too."

"I think she knows," Maddie said. "I think she knows what we do."

"Later," Josh said. "We'll talk later." He climbed over her and came back from behind. Pushed his head between her legs so his chest was against her ass and his cock rested along her spine.

"Mm, this is fun," Maddie said.

Josh used his tongue on her pussy, his fingers of her clitoris. He dipped into her, teasing once more, judging the fine play of tension within her. Then he allowed his tongue to drift backward onto the narrow shelf between her two openings.

"Ah," Maddie said, emitting a gasp of delight. "Is this what you do to her? Lucky Hannah-baby."

Josh's tongue caressed her cleft, probed within, returned to the teasing area and continued onward to where he knew he wanted to be. He ran his tongue along the valley of her ass, directly over her asshole and Maddie jumped. She was suddenly breathing hard.

"Don't," she said, and he stopped, surprised when she said, "You'll make me come too fast if you do that."

Josh kissed the globes of her ass and inserted two fingers into his sister's pussy, his thumb on her clitoris. He didn't move, simply left them there, knowing if he did any more Maddie would tip over.

He licked her ass again and this time she didn't jerk. Josh took it as a good sign.

He used his spare hand to reach around and hold a breast. It was heavy, potent. Maddie wasn't as big as Mom, he'd noticed that, but there was more than enough to keep a man satisfied for a long time. Maybe for ever. And he wondered what the future held. What they were doing, this thing, it changed everything.

He began to move his fingers inside Maddie and she undulated against them.

"I think," she said, "I'm pretty much about ready now."

Josh didn't increase the pace, kept it slow and gentle, but Maddie began to work harder, thrusting against his hand.

He returned to her ass, fascinated and aroused by it. His tongue circled the sweet budded opening that lay there. He wetted it, then made his tongue stiff and pushed the tip inside. Not far, hardly at all, waiting for an objection. None came. Far from it. Maddie pushed back against the pressure and his tongue entered deeper.

Now he started to work her harder. His fingers inside her pussy. His tongue dipping in and out her ass. And the combination worked because Maddie cried out, her voice loud, and she shook hard, arms and legs thrashing, belly drawing taut.

"Yes!" she yelled. "Yes, yes yes!"

Her climax seemed to last for ever. Wave after wave engulfed her, but eventually her body stilled.

Josh withdrew his fingers, withdrew his tongue, and climbed across her. She rolled into his arms and put her face close to his. Her breathing came fast, each exhalation lifting the hair that had fallen across her face.

"Whoo," she said. "That was something else."

"Glad to be of assistance."

"No, really, that was..." She shivered. "Do you do that to Hannah, what you just did?"

Josh shook his head.

"Why not? It's fucking incredible! I have never come so hard in my life."

"I take it nobody's ever done it to you before."

"I think I'd have remembered," Maddie said. "Are you safe to kiss?"

"I think so."

"I think so too." She kissed him.

"OK?" he asked.

She nodded. "What was it like, putting your tongue in my ass? Was it icky?"

Josh shook his head.

"Not even a little bit?"

"You appear, sweet sister, to have a very clean rear end."

Maddie giggled and kissed him again. "Now, dear brother, who has violated me in such a wonderful way, I am going to give you your reward." She pushed him onto his back and straddled him. Reached back and gripped his cock, then lowered herself. "I take it this is what you want?"

Josh nodded as her mouth closed over his. His cock slid inside her as if it was where it was always meant to be. She began to move. Her hands rested on his chest. Her breasts swung on each thrust he made and he stared at their wonder and beauty.

Maddie closed her eyes and took him deeper before lifting away. "I know this is meant to be for you, but is it OK if I come again too?"

"Be my guest." He had been about to release, the tension of what they were doing almost too much to bear, but he held back now, held back hard as Maddie rode him.

"You are... you fill me so... so good... I want to do this for ever."

"Forever's a long time."

"Uh," Maddie grunted. "You can come now, Josh. Come inside me."

So he did.

The release, held back too long, was almost painful. Maddie's eyes snapped open as she felt him jet into her. She jerked, rose up, trying to take it all and failing. Josh poured himself into her, coming harder than he ever had before.

Slowly Maddie's body lost every tension it might have ever held and she slumped against him. His cock softened inside her but they remained joined.

Something moved beyond the door. Josh remembered closing it when they came in, but it stood ajar now. He stared at the gap, into the hallway that was lightening as the sun rose. At first he couldn't make out what he was seeing, and then his vision coalesced in a sudden rush.

His Mom was sitting on the floor, knees raised. She was naked. Her right hand lay between her thighs. Her eyes were open, locked on what had just happened on the bed. Her body had the same softness as Maddie's and Josh wondered how long she had been there, what she had witnessed. And why she had come to his room. Why she hadn't interrupted what they were doing.

As he watched she raised her hand and pushed hair away from her face. She rolled sideways onto her knees. Leaned a hand on the wall and rose. She looked back once then walked from sight.

* * *



"Hey, Mrs Spencer. Is Josh upstairs?" Hannah pecked a quick kiss on Angie Taylor's cheek. She looked distracted, staring out the kitchen window at the back yard. There was nothing there Hannah could see to offer such fascination.

"He's..." She waved a hand holding a peeler. "Yes, he's upstairs, I think. Maddie's in the family room."

Sunday afternoon. The kitchen filled with the scent of a roast. Josh's Mom—the delectable Angela Spencer as Hannah's Dad always referred to her, but only when his wife wasn't in hearing distance—carried on peeling potatoes.

Hannah wished she was half as beautiful as Angie Spencer, but Josh didn't complain. Not about her looks, anyway. She'd come across today half decided to let him go further than she had so far. Not completely decided. Not yet. But she was almost there.

Hannah knew Josh didn't understand. But then she'd never tried to make him understand. Not sure if she wanted to. How could she explain to him that although she loved him it was his sister who attracted her more. His sister and his Mom.

Hannah glanced back and gave a little shiver as she thought about them both, about the three of them together, her and Maddie and her Mom naked, their bodies writhing, mouths and fingers busy.

She wondered if she would ever have the courage to come out.

Not that she didn't like Josh. She wasn't completely lesbian. She liked what he did to her. She just wasn't sure exactly what she wanted to do to him.

Maddie was draped along the couch watching some stupid quiz show.

"Hey, Hannah-baby." She grinned, white teeth, sunshine hair. She sat up and patted a space she'd made.

"I'm going up to see Josh." Hannah nodded at the stairs.

"He's in the shower." She held her nose. "He was stinky. You don't want to go anywhere near until he's done. Come sit next to me."

Hannah glanced at the stairs then walked across and dropped to the couch. Maddie scooted over and hugged her, kissed one cheek then the other. Hannah kissed her back. Then Maddie curled against her and put her head against her chest.

"So—how's it hanging?"

"Mom's mad at me for not cleaning my room," Hannah said. "And Pop thinks I spend too long on the computer."

"Same old, then." Maddie lifted one of Hannah's arm and pulled it around her. She tugged on it until Hannah's hand rested against the side of her breast. She had nice boobs, not all big and floppy like her own, and Hannah often imagined how they would look naked. How they would feel in her palms. Maddie's Mom was a bit bigger, but they both had the same shape, heavy beneath with a weight to them. She pictured them together, their breasts touching. Shit! She shook her head. Get a grip, girl.

"How did the date go?" she asked.

"Go ask Mom, she'll tell you."

Hannah glanced at the archway into the kitchen. Mrs Spencer crossed from one side to the other, knee length skirt showing good calves and neat ankles. How come she looked so good while Hannah's Mom looked so gross? Ten years and sixty pounds, maybe.

"I want you tell me, Mads."

Maddie snuggled closer, tugging her hand again and all at once her breast filled Hannah's palm. She must know what she'd done but made no move and Hannah wasn't dumb enough to remove her hand. She had dreamed of this moment. Maddie was soft, pliant, warm.

"He was a dick," Maddie said. "Got Mom drunk and tried to do her out in the parking lot."


"Yeah, yeuw. He got his puny excuse of a pecker out too."

"So what did your Mom do?" Hannah was sure Maddie's nipple had stiffened and now pressed against her palm.

"Josh knocked him out cold."


"Yeah, you know Josh, don't you? Tall, good looking, bod to die for?"

"Oh, that Josh. I thought for a minute you meant your brother."

Maddie punched her. Left her hand on Hannah's thigh. A tingle started up in the pit of her belly. There was something different about Maddie today, something wild and unleashed. The whole house shimmered with a pent up tension and Hannah had no idea where it had come from.

"We had to stay with Mom half the night. Man, she was wasted. I mean, totally wasted."

"So not the best date ever."

Maddie laughed and twisted, came up and kissed her. Hannah jerked away then stopped. Isn't this what she'd always wanted? But why now? And why on the couch with her Mom in the kitchen who might see them any moment? Despite that Hannah's hand squeezed the softness of Maddie's breast and when she tried to kiss her a second time she didn't pull away. Maddie's mouth tasted of cherries. It was almost a chaste kiss, but there was promise there as well. As the pressure of her lips eased the tip of Maddie's tongue came out and slipped into Hannah's mouth.

Maddie sat back, grinning at her. "What — don't tell me you didn't enjoy it."

Hannah glanced toward the kitchen. She could hear Mrs Spencer singing a tune, something old from the eighties.

"Why did you do that?" she said.

"Because I wanted to. You wanted too as well, didn't you. I've wanted to kiss you since you started going out with Josh."

"I didn't know you were..." Hannah's voice trailed off to nothing.

"A lesbian?" Maddie laughed, delighted.

"Are you two having fun in there?" Mrs Spencer came to the archway and looked in on them.

"Hannah-baby thinks I'm gay, Mom."

Mrs Spencer looked at Hannah, looked at her daughter. "Does she? Whatever gave her that idea? Have you been teasing Hannah, Madison?"

"Only a little bit." Maddie held her fingers close together.

Mrs Spencer smiled. "Are your folks expecting you back to eat with them, Hannah?"

"I said I'd probably eat here."

"Stay over if you want. I'm sure Josh would like that."

Hannah knew Mrs Spencer knew what they did in his room, but she had never stayed beyond 10pm and Angie Spencer had never said anything like that to her before.

"Could I?" Hannah said.

Maddie put her arms around her. One hand covered a breast and Hannah knew exactly what Maddie was doing. "Yay, a sleepover. Can I put my bunny 'jamas on, Mom?"

"You wore those out when you were six," Mrs Spencer said.

"I guess I'll just have to wear nothing, then." Maddie hugged Hannah tighter and kissed her cheek. Her hand massaged Hannah's breast, making her breath come short. Mrs Spencer remained in the archway, leaning on the side, arms and ankles crossed. She watched them with a soft smile on her face and something trembled deep inside Hannah at the strangeness of the day.

A sound she hadn't been aware of stopped.

"Josh has finished his shower," Mrs Spencer said. "Why don't you go on up, Hannah?"

She was content enough where she was, wrapped inside Maddie's arms, but knew it would look odd if she stayed. Maddie made a fuss of trying to keep her on the couch, but she was laughing as Hannah climbed the stairs. She glanced back to see Mrs Spencer take the place she had vacated. Put her head together with her daughter. They spoke, but their words were too soft for Hannah to hear.

She went into Josh's room. It was empty because he was still in the bathroom drying off.

She stood looking out the window onto the street and wondered whether to take her clothes off. She needed someone to make her come, and if Maddie wasn't available Josh was a good substitute.

She felt bad making him go down on her without returning the favor. It wasn't so much the idea of his cock in her mouth as what that would lead to. She couldn't let him come in her mouth. She'd barf, she knew she would.

Hannah sighed. Maybe it would be easiest if she just let him fuck her.

She had started to lift a hand to unbutton her shirt when the door opened, but when she turned it wasn't Josh who came in but Maddie.

"He's not here yet. Still drying himself."

"Fluffing up for you, I expect," Maddie said. She strode across the room and came right up to Hannah. Her hand went behind Hannah's head, her mouth covered hers, and her prehensile tongue bullied its way past any resistance even before Hannah knew she was meant to be offering any.

Hannah tried to push her away but only succeeded in place both hands over Maddie's breasts.

"Yeah, Hannah-baby, squeeze 'em."

She pushed, but it was half hearted. She was scared Hannah's Mom might come in, or even worse Josh. What the hell had she gotten herself into? But she didn't care. All she knew was the raging need flowing through her.

Hannah angled her head and opened her mouth.

Maddie's hand clutched at her ass while her other began to unbutton her shirt. She was voracious, a force of nature, impossible to resist.

"Your room," Hannah gasped, coming up for air. "Take me to your room. Josh might—"

"I want you here, now, on Josh's bed. He takes ages, and I know you'll take no time at all." Maddie pushed and Hannah stumbled backward. Her legs caught on the edge of the bed and she went down. "I love you in these leggings," Maddie said, tugging at them. "They're so tight. I can see everything you got. I bet Josh likes them too, doesn't he?" She kissed between her legs through the material and it was like she was naked.

"Stop it, Maddie. Please." Hannah offered a token protest, but already her body was responding and she knew if Maddie pushed it further she'd be unable to resist. She wanted her so bad her body was on fire.

Maddie rubbed her fingers across the junction of her thighs. "Mm, Hannah-baby's got such a plump little pussy. I bet you taste good too, don't you?" She slipped a hand down the front of the leggings, her fingers insistent. They brushed Hannah's bush, teased her clitoris, then found their target. "Oh my gosh—you are so wet! You want this, don't you, you want this so bad."

"Please..." But Hannah no longer knew what she was pleading for.

Maddie straddled her knees and pulled at the leggings until they were across her thighs.

"Oh, you naughty girl—no panties!" She dipped her head and kissed Hannah's naked belly, low down, just above the fiery patch of hair that cloaked her sex. "And I can smell you, too. This is going to be even better than I hoped."

"Please..." Hannah said again, but her hand reached out and cupped a breast. Feel a heft that promised pleasure beyond bounds.

"You wanna see mine?" Maddie lifted her skirt and flashed her panties. The front of them showed a large damp stain. Then she reached under and stripped them off, tossed them away. Next time she lifted the skirt Hannah saw her clearly. She was shaved. Completely shaved, not a trace of hair anywhere, and Hannah gasped.

"You're beautiful."

Maddie grinned. "I do have a hot pussy, don't I? But yours is sweet too. And I like the bush. Real fiery." She laughed. "Hot."

She lay down beside Hannah and her fingers came to their target. There was no foreplay, she simply laid her hand flat and began to work her fast.

Hannah moaned.

"Do me too, Hannah-baby. Girl on girl. You know it's what we both want."

Hannah reached across. Her hand flat on the silk of Maddie's belly. Then her fingertips drifted over her clitoris. It was plump, erect, far bigger than her own. Maddie shifted so her pussy was directly beneath her hand and Hannah pushed a finger into her.

"Oh shoot, that's good," Maddie said. And she was right. It was good, so good. Hannah's body fluttered with the coming anticipation of bliss. She turned her head and kissed Maddie's shoulder. Maddie shuffled across so they could kiss while their hands continued their work.

When Hannah opened her eyes Josh was standing in the doorway dressed in a towel and nothing else.

Fuck! She'd forgotten all about him. How could she have done that? She was suddenly self-conscious and wanted to cover herself even though there was nothing on display he hadn't already seen before. What he'd never seen was Maddie's fingers plying her sex.

Hannah sat up, covering herself.

"What—oh." Maddie's eyes had been closed.

Hannah expected fireworks, recriminations. What she didn't expect, what shocked her to the core, was when Josh walked into the room and let the towel drop. He was half-erect, his cock swaying between his thighs.

"No," Hannah said.

"Mm, yes," Maddie said. She tugged Hannah back down and for some reason Hannah allowed her to. Maddie's hand came across to her thighs and started their work again.

Hannah stared at Josh.

His cock filled even further. In the bright bedroom she watched it grow, knowing she was seeing him in a different way to before. Her hand jobs had often been under the covers, and even though she knew he wanted more she never offered more.

Her head felt stuffed with confusion, cotton-wool for brains. But Maddie's fingers were doing their magic and despite the presence of Josh, despite the undercurrent of embarrassment, Hannah knew pretty soon she was going to come.

"Come around the bed," Maddie said, "and let Hannah-baby suck your cock."

Josh shook his head. "She doesn't do that."

Maddie turned to look at her. The day got stranger still. Maddie's fingers inside her, her own inside Maddie, and suddenly they were discussing whether she performed felattio on her brother. Her brother who stood buck naked beside the bed watching them both.

Both of them!

The enormity struck Hannah like a hammer blow. What was she thinking? These two were brother and sister. What was happening here could not happen!

And then Maddie reached out. Her slim fingers circled Josh's cock and began to stroke him.

Hannah's chest heaved and for a second she was sure she was going to throw up. Maddie's fingers stopped having their effect and her entire body went cold.

She rolled away, pulling her leggings up, ashamed she'd worn them on purpose to entice. And, when she'd slipped them on, knowing the enticement was aimed at Maddie, not Josh.

"What do you think you are doing!"

Maddie turned her head, casual, unconcerned. "Well, right now I'm rubbing Josh's cock, but I was thinking about taking him in my mouth." She smiled. "Do you really not blow him?"

"He's your brother!"

Maddie lifted a shoulder. "You have to admit he has got a beautiful cock. Straight, see?" And her fingers held him lightly, angling his cock one way then the other, lifting. "A wonderful cock."


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