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A Family Affair


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She returned to the bed and clipped up the bra around her waist, turned it and tucked herself in. She pulled on the straps, seating the weight of her breasts in the cups. Then she drew the panties on, clipped the garter belt around her waist. It felt deliciously wicked sliding the stockings along her legs and clipping them on.

She went to the mirror and checked herself out. Damn—even she wanted to fuck herself. Another smile. She'd hold that thought for later, when the kids were asleep.

She slipped into the dress and reached around to zip it up just as a knock sounded at the door.

"Are you decent?" It was Maddie.

"Come in, sweetie, zip this up for me."

Maddie padded in on stockinged feet as Angie turned.

"Wow," she said. "Who's the lucky guy?"

"You told me his name was Greg," Angie said, puzzled.

"Of course. And he looks reasonable on his pic on the website. But I hear some people cheat."

"Oh gosh, Maddie, what if he's ninety and weighs four hundred pounds?"

"Then run, Mom, he's not gonna be able to catch you, is he."

Angie giggled and Maddie hugged her. Then she stood back. "Turn around, I want to see the complete effect."

Angie spun, feeling light headed. Was she really doing this? Was she twenty-four hours away from a date with a total stranger?"

When she stopped spinning Maddie nodded then looked toward the bed. "Let's start with picking the right dress, then we'll work on the lingerie."

Her words brought Angie's good mood crashing back to earth with the cold water of reality.

"Should I even bother with lingerie?" she said.

Maddie grinned. "What— you want to go naked under your dress? Now that's a date, Mom."

Angie swatted at her and Maddie darted back, laughing.

"Come on, next dress."

"Turn around then."


"Before I undress. You should turn your back on me."

Maddie rolled her eyes. "Mom, I saw you buck naked in the bath only last week!"

"You did, of course you did, but that was an accident, wasn't it?"

Maddie had tripped in bringing a glass of wine, sat on the edge of the bath while Angie lay unmoving for fear of exposing even more than she already had.

"It was still naked," Maddie said. "Mom, I'm your daughter. We don't have secrets."

Don't you be so sure, she thought. But Maddie was right and Angie turned so her daughter could unzip her.

Ten minutes later they had (mostly Maddie had) decided on the blue dress with tiny yellow flowers. It buttoned up the front and, according to Maddie, displayed Angie's cleavage to perfection. Whether that was quite what she had in mind she wasn't sure, but if she was going on a date she guessed she needed to make an impression.

Two minutes after that she stood in nothing other than black lingerie trying not to cover herself with her hands while Maddie walked around staring hard at her as if she was some piece of stock in an auction.

"Well?" Angie asked when she grew embarrassed at how her daughter's eyes took everything in.

"Let me see you in the red."

"This time you have to turn around."


"I'm not stripping in front of you," Angie said.

Maddie huffed, but she turned her back. Angie stripped buck naked and pulled on the red bra and panties. Maddie turned back as she was pulling on the pale red stockings. Maddie sat on the edge of the bed and something in the way she stared made Angie self-conscious, but she tried to carry on as if she was alone.

"What do you think?" she asked. She could do blatant too. She spread her arms and pirouetted.

"Pretty f—freaking hot, Ma."

Angie smiled and let the slip pass.

"Try the blue. I think the blue might be best."

This time Angie unclipped and let the bra peel from her breasts. She knew Maddie was watching but she had nothing to hide. They were an open family, always had been, and Angie had tried to raise both of them without fear of their own bodies.

Once she was naked Maddie said, "What are you going to do about the... you know... the rampant growth?"

Angie looked down at herself. "It's not that rampant, is it?"

Maddie sniggered.

"You think I should trim a little? Or..." She took a breath and saw Maddie's eyes follow her breasts as they rose and fell.

"Or what, Mom?"

"You know what," Angie said.

"Take everything off?" Maddie grinned.

"I've read it's quite common now." Angie stared at her daughter. She wanted to ask and couldn't. But she saw Maddie knew what she wanted to ask, but she also saw she wasn't going to help out.

"Up to you," Maddie said. "But I expect it doesn't matter tomorrow unless you intend to let him see the all the goods on a first date."

"Pass me the blue."

Maddie tossed it over. As Angie tucked herself into the bra Maddie rose and came toward her and Angie said, "Can I ask you something, Mads?"

"Depends what it is, but try me."

"I've been out of the dating scene too long. What's expected these days on a first date? Is he going to expect me to put out? Or is there a line?"

"What line?" Maddie moved close and put the fingers of one hand under the bra strap and lifted it. She used the other hand to run under the cup, her fingers against her mother's skin. "I like this one best," she said.

"Might he expect..." Angie breathed deep. This had gone too far for her to back off now. She made a movement with her hand and Maddie laughed.

"A hand job?" she said.

"Yes. Might he be expecting a hand job? Or..." Angie pushed her tongue into her cheek and Maddie doubled over, guffawing now. She grabbed onto Angie's arm. Angie felt herself shaking from the touch as she stood there in nothing more than a bra with her obviously over-hirsute pubic hair right in front of her daughter's face.

"Mom, you're priceless. I love you to pieces and beyond." And she hugged her. Hugged her tight like she wasn't almost completely naked.

Then she turned away and picked up the panties and garter belt and handed them across.

"Well," Maddie said, "if you think you might get lucky wear the panties on top of the garter belt. It'll make it easier to get them off."

Angie tried to glare at Maddie but knew her heart wasn't in it.

When she was pantied and stockinged Maddie crossed her arms and examined her. Finally she nodded. "Definitely the blue, and the blue dress. Although perhaps I should get Josh in to confirm it. This is a big moment, Mom, and you might want the opinion of a man.

Angie's mouth dropped open. "I can't show myself to Josh like this!"

"Why not? It's not as if you're trying to seduce him or anything. All you want is a man's opinion. You showed more in your bikini at the beach the other week."

Before Angie could offer any more objection Maddie twirled away and darted out the room. She heard her talking and a moment later the pair of them came in. Josh stopped dead in the doorway, started to turn. Maddie grabbed his arm and turned him back.

"Mom wants a man's opinion on the outfit."

Angie had grabbed the dress but hadn't had a chance to pull it on. She stood there with almost all the goods on show. Josh, bless him, had the good grace to blush. But she saw his eyes flicker, taking in everything there was to see. And she, in turn, felt her face flush as her nipples responded to his gaze and peaked inside the bra. She saw them both take note of the peaks, but refused to cover herself.

"Well?" Maddie said, digging her elbow into Josh.

"I think..." He pulled a breath deep into his lungs, let it go in a rush. "I think Mom looks fantastic," he said. "Beautiful."

"So do I." Maddie walked across to Angie. She tugged at the straps, the garter belt, her fingers brushing against her mom's breasts and belly. At one point the back of her hand slid across an erect nipple and Angie gasped. Her entire body was afire. Then Maddie turned away and said, "You'll do, Mom. This Brent is one lucky dude, I tell you." She linked her arm through Josh's and led him out. Just before he disappeared he looked back, his eyes taking in once more what was on display.

* * *

Angie took a long shower, pulled on pajamas and climbed into bed. An hour later she was still wide awake.

She rolled over and stared into the corner of the room that was never quite dark, the street lamp outside always providing a wash of white light.

She rolled onto her back and put a hand over her breast. It felt good to touch herself. She hadn't done that in a while.

She unbuttoned her top and drew it open before tracing a fingertip from neck to her nipple. She jerked when it touched. She burrowed her other hand into the pajama bottoms.

Her bush remained mostly intact. Trimmed a little, nothing more. A blade applied on either side and across the top to neaten everything. But she had shaved her labia completely, and when her fingers ran across them they were so sensitive Angie had to bite down on her lip to stifle a cry.

She needed release and knew how to get it.

She rolled out of bed, dropped her pajama pants and padded naked to the dresser. She knelt and pulled the drawer out, reached in and withdrew the the tin box that had once held cigars and now held memories. As she walked back to the bed something rolled inside, knocking against the side.

Angie lay down and turned on the bedside lamp.

She took out the polaroids and flipped through them one at a time. Chris going down on her. She remembered holding the camera in her hands as his long tongue worked her. She was shaved in that picture. She remember after the flash he refused to stop, making her come hard as she watched the image slowly appear on the photographic paper.

Angie reached into the box and pulled out the vibrator.

She had bought it a year ago, but hadn't been able to pluck up the courage to try it out for three months. When she did the floodgates burst. Almost literally. She came so hard she thought she might had peed a little. Something came spurting from her, anyway. It had been too long without release and she went a little crazy, using her new friend every single night. Damn, using it six times in one day once. And then she stopped.

Now she switched it on and inserted the shaking end into herself. She teased her clit with the nub, then knew she couldn't wait any longer and thrust it deep inside. Her release was instantaneous, her body craving it, and as she shook and trembled something hot and wet splashed across her hand. She lifted it to her face, sniffed. It didn't smell like pee. She licked a little onto her tongue. Didn't taste like pee either.

The vibrator was still inside her, still doing its work, and before long she started to shake again.

Then Angie turned over and stuck her ass in the air. She put the dildo into her mouth and made it wet, then reached back and found her budded rear entrance with the tip. It was she who had asked Chris for this the first time, and to this day she still don't know if he only did it because she asked him to or if he enjoyed it too. He never instigated anal sex, it had always been her. When Angie felt the need—and it was a need, a deep urge to experience herself filled—all she had to do was roll onto her front and lift herself a little. Chris knew. Chris was great that way.

Now she eased the dildo inside, its vibrations pulsing through her entire body as she bullied it deeper.

"Fuck me," she moaned into the pillow, hoping her words were too muffled to carry. Would Brent want to fuck her ass? Could she love a man who wouldn't? Angie didn't think so. But then, just getting laid in the ordinary way would be a start at the moment.

Angie's fingers on the bulbed end of the dildo were right in her cleft now, the vibrating head buried somewhere far inside. Her belly fluttered, the climax different this time. She rolled onto her side and used her fingers on her clitoris until she came again. She lost count of how many times. All she knew was she needed release. Deep release.

Finally she drew the dildo out and laid it on the nightstand. Angie lay on her back, breathing heavily. Slowly the rising and falling of her chest slowed and she stretched as sleep crept toward her.

* * *



It was Friday evening so of course Hannah came around, same as every other Friday when they were both home from college. Josh slouched across the chair pretending to watch TV but in reality thinking about what he'd witnessed the evening before.

His Mom in skimpy lingerie. His Mom with her perfect skin and heavy breasts, flat belly and slim thighs, her rounded ass... no, too much thinking. Way too much thinking.

And then there was Maddie. What exactly was he meant to do about Maddie? He knew what he wanted to do, but what should he do?

When Hannah came in without knocking, because why would she, Josh rose and went to her. Took her inside his arms and kissed the top of her head because she was looking down.

"Hey, Hannah-baby," Maddie said.

"Hello Hannah," his Mom said. "Are you two going upstairs?"

Josh knew his Mom knew they made out, as much as Hannah allowed, anyway, but nobody was going to come right out and say it.

"I don't know," he said. "Do you want to stay down here and watch... what is it?"

"Idol," Maddie said.

"Watch Idol, or we could look for something on Netflix."

Hannah shrugged. She never said what she wanted. Always left it up to him. Except Josh knew he only had to step over some boundary Hannah had in her head and she'd be quick enough to stop him then.

"Let's go upstairs," he said.

They dropped onto the bed and Hannah came inside his arm, her own across his belly. Josh rested his hand against the side of her breast and she let it stay there.

"You didn't really want to watch Netflix, did you?" Josh said.

Hannah shook her head and Josh moved his hand so it cupped her breast and still she allowed him. Josh hoped there might be more tonight. He and Hannah had been going out together, on and off because of college, since they left high school. He'd never asked if she'd been seeing anyone else while he was away. Never told her of his own experiences, such as they were.

In the past Hannah had used her hand on him but never her mouth. But she liked it when Josh went down on her. They'd never had full sex or even gotten naked with each other. Josh knew it was a strange relationship, but it was convenient for both of them, he thought, when they came home.

Josh rolled onto his side and kissed Hannah. She put her hand behind his neck and opened her mouth to his tongue.

Josh undid the top button of her shirt, stopped.

When they broke for air, Hannah said, "I saw Maddie at the Mall today." Hannah worked in the Piggly Wiggly over the summer. "It was my break so we grabbed a coffee. She cracks me up, your sister."

"Yeah," Josh said, "she's weird all right." He kissed Hannah again, untwisted three more buttons. Still no objection. He pressed his thickening cock against her thigh so she'd know he had more in mind than just kissing and feeling up her titties. "What was it today?" Meaning Maddie.

Hannah laughed, and Josh took the opportunity of her good mood to slip his hand inside her shirt and cup her right breast.

"She wanted to talk about you. About us. Mm, that feels nice."

Josh massaged the breast some more. "What, this?"

Hannah nodded.

"So what did she say?"

"She wanted to know about our sex life."

"Maddie did what?" Josh reached around, searching for the clip on Hannah's bra and struggling. Why did they always make the things so damn hard to undo?

Hannah reached up and pulled at the bra strap, but instead of loosing it she let it snap against her skin. Josh wondered if it was an invitation. It had to be, it was such a strange thing to do otherwise, and he went back to his fumbling. "What did she want to know?"

"She never came right out with anything. I think she was curious about us. About how far we go."

"You didn't tell her, did you?" Josh had finally managed to work out where the clip was and had two of the three clasps loose. He pulled, fumbled, and the third popped free. He lifted Hannah's bra from her breasts. Still no objection. He stroked one with his hand, pulled on the dark nipple there and watched as it came stiff beneath his touch.

"Of course I didn't tell her." Hannah moved, performing that almost magical trick of taking her bra completely off while still keeping her shirt on. She dropped it over the side of the bed. "You can undo the rest of my buttons if you want. I was amused more than shocked that Maddie should ask such a thing."

Josh undid the buttons and pushed her shirt open. Hannah's skin was pale. Shadowed veins showed along the sides of her breasts and he leaned in and kissed one, pulled the nipple against his tongue.

"Was there any reciprocation?"

"Big word!" Hannah said.

"Well, was there? Did you ask about her sex life?"

"Of course I did."


Hannah giggled. "You don't really want to know, do you? Your own sister?"

"Why not? If she asked about us I want to know about her."

He sucked on her nipple again and Hannah arched her back. Her hand clasped the back of his neck, pulling his mouth against her breast.

Josh ran his hand down her belly to the top of her jeans. Pushed his hand inside.

"What are you doing?" Hannah said, but her voice was soft and there was no resistance in the words.

"You turn me on so much," Josh said.

"When I talk about your sister? You can unzip me if you want, Josh."

"What else?"

"Unzip me first and we'll see." Hannah giggled again. "It kind of turned me on talking to her. Hearing about what she's done and what she wants to do."

"You did have a conversation, didn't you." Josh had Hannah's jeans unzipped now, and when she lifted her hips he pushed them down to her knees. Hannah kicked her legs, freeing them. "These too?" Josh touched her panties.

"I guess."

It wasn't a no so Josh tugged them down. It was, he realized, the first time Hannah had been naked with him. He stroked his fingers through her bush, pushed down and opened her cleft. Hannah was wet. Aroused. He could smell her arousal and it made him even harder.

"So, you going to feel me up or you going to get naked too?"

"I want you to get me naked," Josh said. He rolled onto his back and put his hands behind his head, a sudden memory surfacing of being in exactly the same position two nights before with Maddie. "Maybe we need to get her a boyfriend," he said.

"Or a girlfriend," Hannah said. "Maddie said something about liking girls too." Hannah sat up and began to loosen his jeans. She tugged them down, her hand delving to release his cock. "Mm," she said, stroking him. "It's not so much a thing these days, is it? Girls with girls. Boys with boys. Sexuality is so much more fluid. Threesomes, foursomes, all kinds of things go on that never used to happen."

Josh laughed as Hannah began to stroke him, her hand rising and falling. He watched her breasts sway as her arm moved. He reached out and slid two fingers inside her.

"Or maybe people didn't talk about things the way they do now. So what turns you on?" Josh asked, trying to keep his voice casual.

"Oh, you know what turns me on. What we're doing right now turns me on."

"It does?" He kissed her breast, the neglected one. "Me too. I mean, don't you ever think about other stuff? Like you talked about just now?"

"Threesomes, stuff like that?" Hannah giggled. "What, do you want a threesome, Josh? Is that what this is about?"

"Hey," he said. "It was you raised the subject. I was perfectly happy touching you up and hoping for a little more."

This time Hannah came over for the kiss. Her hand gripped his cock tighter.

"More what, Josh?"

"Well... you know... more..." He still couldn't work out why she withheld that last gift from him. He wondered if she put out in college, or was it just with him? Unless... but the thought was too ridiculous. Or was it? Unless she thought they had something more and putting his cock inside her was something she wanted to save.


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