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A Family Affair


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"As good as Hannah-baby's?"

He put his head to one side, judging.


"Bigger? Smaller? Rounder, flatter... what? What color are her nips?"

"Darker than yours. With you I can barely tell what's nipple and what's breast they're so pale."

"Except when they stick out this hard," Maddie said. She lifted a hand and pulled on one of the erect nipples. Pinched it hard, almost hurting, an ache flashing down to spark between her thighs.

"I like 'em," Josh said.

"I like 'em too," Maddie said. She pulled on the nipple again. Cupped her breast and squeezed. "Bet you'd like to be the one doing this, wouldn't you?"

Josh nodded and reached out. She swatted his hand aside.

"Aw, come on, Mads. You touched my cock, it's only fair I get to touch your boobies."

"You're a guy," she said. "Anyone could touch your cock."

"Not anyone."

"Sure, anyone." She dropped her hand and circled his girth once more. Maddie was growing impatient to see what he'd got, how hard he was going to come. She leaned across and pressed her nipples onto the head of his cock and Josh groaned again.

"Shoot, Mads, that feels good."

"It's meant to." She rubbed a nipple against the tip of his cock, wetting it with his pre-cum. "Can I make you come now, dearest brother?"

His eyes moved from what she was doing to meet hers, and Maddie knew calling him brother had flicked some switch in his head. She waited to see which way it had gone.

"I want to see you naked," he said. "I want to put my fingers inside you. I want to put my tongue and my cock inside you, Mads. I want to fuck you so much."

Maddie smiled. "Think on that while I do you, brother. Think on maybe I might let you someday."

"Someday soon?"

She laughed. "Lie back and let me do this."

He lay back. Hands behind his head again, out of the way of danger.

Maddie began stroking him with serious intent. Her boobs swayed and shook and she felt their weight pull against her as she worked him. She wanted the same thing Josh did. She wanted to strip out of her jeans and straddle him. Wanted him to take her.

She straddled his knees and leaned over. Let her hair hang down so it brushed his balls and the underside of his cock.

"How long does it take Hannah-baby to make you come, Josh?"

He shook his head. Not going to answer.

"Does she still use her hand sometimes?" She watched his eyes as she spoke, her hand busy, her breasts jiggling. She shifted so they hung one either side of his cock and then pushed them together around his shaft. "Does she titty fuck you like this?" His length slid between the globes, the tip appearing, slipping away.

Maddie shifted again and kissed the underside of his cock. Ran her closed lips along it, over the tip, tasting for a moment more pre-cum before pulling away and using her hand again.

"Does she let you put it in her mouth? I bet she does. I bet she lets you come right inside her mouth, doesn't she? I bet she lets you fuck her anywhere you want."

Josh groaned. He rolled his head to one side, but his gaze remained locked to what his sister's hand was doing.

"I bet she gets on all fours and takes it in the ass, doesn't she? Takes this long cock right inside her tight little asshole."

"Mads," Josh grunted.

She pulled her hand clear and his cock slapped onto his belly.

He reached out for her and she slapped him away.

"Fuck, Mads, please, I'm nearly there."

She grinned and circled him again. Stroked once, twice, three times. Let go again.

Josh made a sound deep in his chest. "What the fuck... please, make me come..."

Maddie touched him. Something changed inside his cock. It hardened, and she saw his balls pull tight as the moment approached. She knew exactly what she wanted but the timing was tough. She had to do this thing exactly right. She rubbed some more. Stopped. Kissed along his cock. Used a nipple on him. Circled his cock and stroked.

Josh jerked and she sat back, her hands flying clear. She sat on his knees and stared as his cock twitched and a jet of thick cream erupted from the tip.

Maddie gasped. There was so much of it! And then he came again, without her touching him, without touching himself, splashing across his belly, jetting so hard some landed in his hair, another jet across his cheek.

"Fuck, brother," she said.

His hips jerked like something wild was dying. His knees shook between her thighs, pressing against her mons and she almost came herself.

Josh slowed.

His eyes closed and his body drained tension like a balloon leaking air.

Maddie lay across him. Rubbed her nipples into the warm slipperiness of his emission. She slid along him and kissed his mouth and he put a hand behind her head and pulled her against him, his lips parting, tongue coming out to push past her lips into her mouth.

Maddie ground against him, his cock now slack between her thighs but solid enough she felt the pressure against her. She hadn't meant to go any further, but Josh put both hands on the cheeks of her ass and pulled her down. He kissed her harder.

Maddie ground down, rubbing herself against him, more than ready, ready since the moment she walked in. Seconds, that was all it took, and then she bucked, jerking against him while his fingers dug into her ass and their mouths crushed each other's.

Then it was over for them both.

Maddie twitched as aftershocks ran through her.

Josh ran a hand along her naked back.

Maddie rolled to her side, kissed his cheek where the cum had splashed him, then kissed his mouth. She could see in his eyes he knew what she'd done, but he kissed her anyway and she loved him even more for it. His hands found her breasts and explored them and Maddie allowed it. Only when they moved lower and tugged at the fastening of her jeans did she stop him.

Maddie sat up.

"Are we going to do this again, Mads?" Josh said.

"Do you want to?"

He laughed, so soft it came out like a purr. "Course I do. And more."

"Me too."

"Really? How long have you wanted this?"

"How long's a long time?" she said.

Josh smiled and in that moment she knew he'd wanted the exact same thing. He was home until the Fall. They had seven long weeks to tease each other, to draw this thing out until they gave in and indulged what she knew they both wanted.


It was Mom. On the stairs or out in the hall even. Maddie rolled off the bed, scrabbling for her sweatshirt. Josh grabbed his jeans and tried to pull them up.

"Madison..." The voice again, definitely closer this time. Maddie glanced at the door. It was still ajar, not fully closed, and she knew if Mom reached it she'd come in and Josh still had only one leg of his jeans on and Maddie's bra was hanging off the bedpost. She ran to the door and went out.

Mom was at the top of the stairs. She smiled. "There you are. Dinner in ten minutes. Pop back and tell Josh, sweetie. And after we eat I need you to do me a favor."

"Sure, Mom," Maddie said. "What is it?"

"I'll tell you later. Go tell Josh about dinner." She grinned, dark curls covering her face as she shook her head. She turned and went down the stairs. Maddie watched her go. Mom was beautiful and sad. She'd been single now for three years after Pop died, just now starting to date and finding it tough. Maddie ached to help her any way she could without knowing exactly how.

She turned and went back into Josh's room. He must have heard them talking and known he was safe because he'd given up on trying to pull his jeans up and lay with his cock splayed across his thigh. He looked good enough to eat. Every inch of him.

"Why brother," Maddie said, "you look very al-fresco this evening." She plopped on the end of the bed and stroked his cock, not with any particular intent but because it was there and she wanted to. "Dinner in ten, by the way."

"I heard. What does Mom want with you?"

Maddie shrugged. "Maybe something to do with this date Saturday."

"Maybe," Josh said. "And you so experienced in the ways of the world, who better to consult."

Maddie squeezed his balls hard and Josh yelped.

* * *



"Earth to Mom, earth to Mom."

Maddie's voice pulled Angie Spencer back to the present. Back from the brink. Both kids were staring at her, Maddie with an amused expression, Josh with a line creasing the gap between his brows.

"Penny for them," Maddie said.


"Your thoughts. Penny for your thoughts."

"Oh," Angie waved a hand, "that would be charging way too much. I wasn't thinking of anything at all."

"I was worried about you," Maddie said. "You looked like you'd gone AWOL for the duration."

Angie couldn't tell them what she'd been thinking. Couldn't even start to tell them. So she told a partial lie, because it was also partial truth so it was easier that way. "I was thinking how much Josh looks like his father."

Maddie turned her head to look at him. They were both sat across the table from her. They'd finished dinner but there was apple pie if either wanted. Angie was going to resist. She felt she needed to watch her weight with this date coming up Saturday.

"He looks like Dad? Are you sure?"

Josh pulled a goofy face at her and Angie laughed. "Just like his Dad," she said, and they all laughed. She started to gather the plates and Maddie reached out to help. They took them to the counter and as Maddie stacked the dishwasher Angie went into the family room and came back with a picture in a frame.

"Who wants apple pie?" she asked.

Josh put his hand up. Maddie followed suit.

"Ice cream on top?"

Josh lifted his other hand. Maddie slapped the top of his head and ruffled his hair and Angie gazed at her two beautiful kids and knew she was a lucky woman. She missed Josh when he was away, but he came back every vacation. She was going to miss Maddie too come the Fall, but she'd rather they both got an education even if it was hard for them to manage. She knew Josh worked at a bar when he was away, and he'd got his old job back at the hardware store over summer. Maddie was working as well, saving up what she could.

Good kids, the pair of them. Although Angie suspected Maddie had inherited her wild streak, the one she tried to hide these days, the one that scared her a little. But you can only hope your kids don't make the same mistakes you did. Not that either of them was a mistake.

She put the picture frame down on the table. Maddie bumped against Josh's shoulder to look even though she didn't need to. Angie knew she'd have done the same at her age. She still did.

"See—couldn't they be brothers?" she said.

Maddie laughed. "Instead of father and son?"

Angie smiled. "That too."

"He looks young," Josh said, leaning close to study the picture. "You both look young." He glanced from the picture to Angie, back to the picture, back at her. She felt something stir at the base of her belly and suppressed a shiver.

"You're gorgeous, Mom," Maddie said, putting her arms around her waist. "And Pop was so handsome, wasn't he?"

"It's why I married him," Angie said. Among other reasons.

"How old were you?"

"I was two days over eighteen and Chris was nineteen."

"Where are the other pics?" Maddie said. "After this one? This was your wedding day, wasn't it?

Angie nodded. "It was." There had been a new dress for the ceremony. Not a wedding dress, but a nice dress all the same. Chris wore a hired suit. "We've got a few more photographs, of Gramps and Gram and a few friends we invited. They're in a drawer somewhere."

"You look so happy," Josh said. "Both of you look so happy."

"We were." Angie touched his shoulder. "We still would be."

She moved away, feeling herself tear up, and started fussing around at work that didn't need doing. She thought back to that day. Yes, they were both happy. Unbelievably happy. What neither of the kids knew was that when the photograph was taken Josh was growing inside her. Nothing showed, she was only three months, but he was there sleeping away. They could work it out from the dates, no doubt, and maybe they already had.

"How come there are no pictures of you after this?" Maddie said.

"Of course there are."

"Sure, with us on too, mostly of us now I think about it. But I can't think of a single one with you and Dad, just the two of you."

"We couldn't afford a camera," Angie said. "And even if we could we sure couldn't afford to send any film for processing." She felt her face flush and turned away. There were other pictures of her and Chris but she sure as heck wasn't going to show those to the kids.

Chris had managed to borrow a polaroid camera from a guy at work. He'd gone to the drugstore and bought a pack of film. Twelve potential images. Angie had asked him why but knew the answer. It had been her who first raised the idea. A wild child. A wild bride too.

Chris thought she'd destroyed the polaroid images but he was wrong. Angie had them tucked inside an envelope inside a box in the bottom drawer of her dresser. She hadn't gotten them out in a long time. Not since three years before Chris died. And then afterward she didn't want the reminder. But she'd taken them out less than a week ago. She wanted to remember what it was like to be naked with a man. To hold his cock and put it in her mouth. To feel his weight on top of her. To straddle him. To go on all fours and beg him to fuck her from behind.

Angie smiled, remembering how they'd done it. Chris naked, his cock bobbing as he ran from her to the camera, set the timer, ran back and put himself in position. And then the wait while the image slowly emerged.

"Damn," he'd said as each picture appeared as if by magic. "You're gorgeous, Angie. I'm such a lucky man."

And she'd smiled and said, "Of course you are. Now I want one with your cock in my mouth."

He nodded and darted off like a puppy, came back as she went to her knees in front of him and a moment later the flash popped. The last one was the hardest. She wanted him to come across her face, but it wouldn't work with him running back and forth. So they'd brought the camera close enough so she could reach out to it. She knew once Chris got near to coming he'd forget all about it. It was their money shot, and it had worked out better than they could have dreamed.

Angie had sucked his dick until she knew he was almost there. Then she pulled back and used her fist. As the first blast of cum splashed onto her face she pressed the shutter. There was no timer this time. Chris jerked and gasped and when he started to go soft she sucked his cock again. She liked it when he went soft inside her mouth, slippery with cum.

Afterward they lay side by side and watched the image appear. Chris turned to her, gripped her chin and kissed her. He did that all the time. Didn't care if her face was clean or covered in cum, he liked to kiss her either way. Sometimes she wondered if he preferred it when he could taste his own seed on her mouth. She knew it turned her on when he did it. But just about everything about Chris turned her on. Which is why she felt weird tonight saying Josh looked like him. Because he did. Exactly like him.

This date Saturday had better work out, because Angie knew she needed to get laid real bad before she did something she was going to regret.

Which is why she wanted to talk to Maddie. Not about getting laid, of course not about that. And definitely not about the other things that were increasingly on her mind.

No, she needed to know the protocol these days. She only hoped Maddie was old enough to be able to offer advice.

Angie wondered if her daughter was still a virgin, then shook her head. In the America of 2016 an eighteen year old virgin was a rarity. Especially when they were as hot as Maddie.

Angie knew Josh screwed Hannah in the house even though he didn't know she knew. She washed his sheets, after all. There had been no such signs in Maddie's bed but maybe she was just more careful. Girls often are.

She cut pie for each of them, added two scoops of ice cream to Josh's and one to Maddie's and put them on the table.

"I'm going up to check on stuff for Saturday," she said. "Come up when you're ready, Maddie."

Maddie nodded, mouth full, and Angie left them to it. They were close, the pair of them, and it sent a thrill through her to know they were both such good kids and loved each other like they did. She'd seen families who barely got on. Theirs wasn't that kind of house.

* * *

Angie's skin itched but she didn't know why. The closer Saturday came the worse it got. She'd have backed out of the date if it wasn't for Maddie and Josh, but it was those two who had nagged her into signing up to the website in the first place. Maddie who'd taken the picture on her phone. No, wrong—Maddie who'd taken a hundred pictures until she and Josh were happy with one that showed Angie at her best.

She smiled as she thought about Maddie and her phone. It was true what she'd told them, she and Chris hadn't even owned a camera, had had to borrow that polaroid. And now kids took selfies and gosh knows what else. Pictures of their boobs and dicks, pictures of other people's boobs and dicks. She hoped Josh and Maddie didn't do such things. Or if they did—and it was exactly the kind of thing she could imagine Maddie doing—they didn't post them up to Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or Snapchat or whatever else there was these days.

She knew she might have done so if they'd had the same ability back then. She had loved Chris's cock. It was the most beautiful thing in the world to her. She worshiped him, worshiped his cock. If she'd had a phone that took pictures back then she'd have taken one of his cock for sure. Lots of them.

Angie laughed as an image of the old dial phone in his folks' house came into her mind (her folks didn't even have one), and the idea of taking a picture with that.

It lifted her mood. So while it was up she went to the closet and took out three dresses and laid them on the bed. Then she went to the dresser and opened the drawer where she kept the polaroids, but it wasn't them, or what shared the box with them, she was looking for. She took out sheer hold-ups, a white garter belt, panties and bra. She laid them on the bed, stared at them for a while then put them back and took out the red, blue and black set.

Something shivered along Angie's spine and her nipples peaked. She shifted the straps on her bra, trying to settle her breasts to a more comfortable position, but they ached for a reason that had nothing to do with clothing.

She slipped off her pumps, unzipped the side of her skirt and let it fall around her feet. The blouse followed, then bra, and finally panties.

Angie walked to the full length mirror and surveyed herself from head to toe. Turned sideways. Not bad for thirty-nine years, some of those years pretty hard. She fluffed her bush with the tips of her fingers then did it again. Could she even ask Maddie that? Oh, dear daughter, should Mommy trim her pubic hair for this date? Or even shave it entirely? I hear that's all the fashion these days, to go naked to the ball.

Chris had done it to her a few times, sometime after Josh was born and before Maddie came along. Angie smiled, remembering the first time. She'd surprised him by shaving herself. He'd gone down on her and stopped suddenly, popped his head back above the sheets with a big grin plastered across his face. Next time he'd insisted he do the shaving. Those had been such good days. She hadn't shaved herself, not even trimmed, in ten years. Should she ask Maddie what the etiquette was now?

Anyway, the issue of the bush could wait.

Angie cupped her breasts, let them go. They sagged a little more than they used to, but were still firm enough. The pale nipples pointed skyward. Her belly was kind of flat. She twisted, surveying her ass. Hmm... not bad. It too was not quite as firm as it once was, but she kept herself in shape. Angie smiled. Whoever this date was would get himself a nice surprise if he was half human and half good looking.


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