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A Favor for a Friend Ch. 05

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Chase was in a new relationship.
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My friend Chase's helplessness from the aftermath of his car accident was over, but the changes it had made in our friendship carried on. It had been a normal friendship for years up until then, but things had taken an interesting turn after his accident.

It started with a simple but extremely unusual request, a favor for a friend. That favor had been a handjob. A one time only thing had become multiple times. That had changed due to a near miss on a wet tile floor, or quite possibly a Freudian slip, into blowjobs. Even that had changed into full on intercourse due to a bad bet during a poker game.

Every time I drew a line in the sand, it got washed away and I had to reevaluate my limits, and a new line would be drawn, only to be washed away again. More recently my own mistake led to another favor for my friend, which ended with me doing favors for a friend of my friend.

It always started out innocently enough or with good intentions, but kept pushing past my current boundaries. I wasn't even certain what boundaries I had left. Even though the sexual component was still kind of new, our friendship itself remained intact. We still hung out, watched movies, watched TV, played video games, played pool, went out to eat, went to the gun range, and helped each other out if needed.

The sex had recently dropped off, as Chase had met somebody. It wasn't surprising to me, as I knew he liked to play the field. It wasn't even surprising that it was a woman, as Chase played for both teams. It was a little surprising that this woman seemed to have some personality and substance. Chase usually liked 'em shallow and transient. He didn't want a long term relationship, he wanted to have his fun and move on. Our 'thing' was not a relationship, we were friends, and we hung out and had our fun as friends, so the short term limits didn't seem to apply with me.

I had met her a few times by now, this girl named Chrissy. She seemed nice enough, cute, friendly, and had a steady job / career. They had met in the DMV, waiting in the endless sea of registration and license renewals. Chase and I still hung out, but the frequency had dropped off somewhat. It wasn't a big deal. I had seen this cycle plenty of times before. If the cycle held, one of them would end it before too much longer.

I had inadvertently walked in on them once. It was my day off, so naturally I headed over to Chase's house. I had text him letting him know I was grabbing a couple steaks for the grill for later, and would be by shortly. On my arrival, I knocked on the front door and let myself in as normal. Chase wasn't in his living room, so I was about to plop down on his couch and turn on the TV, when I heard noises from his bedroom. It wasn't Chase calling me, as I had heard that often enough in the past. I couldn't quite place it so I headed back, following the sounds.

Chase's bedroom door was only half closed and beyond it was the source of the noise. I stopped short of pushing the door open and walking in when I saw what was going on. Chrissy was reverse cowgirling Chase on his bed. I saw his bare legs sticking out front and she was on top of him, bouncing up and down. The bed was opposite his door so he couldn't see me, even if he wasn't preoccupied. She was facing me as she gyrated on top of him but her attention was elsewhere as well.

Just as I was about to turn around and walk away Chrissy opened her eyes and focused on me in the doorway. She didn't scream, rush to cover up, or give any indication that I was there. She was looking right at me, so I knew she knew. As she continued fucking Chase she winked at me, showing me that she knew that I knew that she knew. I retreated back into the living room as Chrissy's voice followed me.

"Come on Chase! Give me that hard cock!" she demanded. "I wanna feel you cum!" It seemed like she was being louder then normal, making sure I heard her clearly.

I didn't stop in the living room either, but continued right out the front door. I didn't want to be in there when they finally emerged from the bedroom. I did text Chase again saying that I had been called into work and would be over with the steaks the next day. Unless Chrissy said something Chase would be none the wiser.

It was after that encounter that Chase had stopped initiating any kind of sex with me. I understood and it didn't bother me except maybe that I didn't get to cum as often now. Chase was pretty exclusive when he was in his usual short term relationships.

The incident between Chase and Karl with a 'K' was because I hadn't been around for a couple months, plus ours was not one of his relationships. We were friends, had been for a long time, and saw no reason why we wouldn't be a long time in the future. As friends, he liked bouts of stress relief. As his frequent outlet for that, I also enjoyed it, but was not trying to keep him to myself or anything. Like I said, we were friends.

The following day I text Chase again to let him know I was on the way over. He immediately answered, saying he had rented a couple movies that all three of us could watch. At least now I knew who was going to be there and what I was walking into.

I arrived, knocked on the front door and let myself in. Chase and Chrissy were already situated on the couch. She was randomly flipping through the channels as I put away the steaks and grabbed a drink. I settled into the recliner, giving them their space. The conversation flowed easily as we watched TV. Once we got into the first movie, we all turned our concentration to that, and the back and forth stopped for the moment.

As it got later, Chase asked if I would fire up the grill while he took a shower. Outside I went, taking the cover off the grill, turning the gas on, and preparing for the meat. Chrissy came out of the house with the steaks on a plate. As she handed them to me I grabbed the plate, but she held on, not letting go. I looked at her questioningly.

"He's fucked you, hasn't he." she said. It wasn't a question. She was certain she knew.

"No." I said flatly in denial.

"We've already talked about certain things that he said he wanted me to know. I know he enjoys the company of both men and women. I know that he likes to play around and doesn't think he wants anything serious. I also know that he's wrong. He wants to settle down, he just hasn't found the right person yet. Which means that it's not going to be you, but it will be me."

"Good for you but Chase is my friend. I know he swings both ways, but not with me. We're just friends."

She stood there staring at me unflinchingly, attempting to gauge my honesty. Finally she let go of the plate and turned to go back inside. Apparently Chase had not told her everything yet, if he ever would. Anything between Chase and I specifically was none of her business in my opinion. The rest of the night went by uneventfully. After the movies and dinner, Chase went back to use the bathroom. After a couple of minutes Chrissy stood and headed in that direction. I remained alone in the living room watching TV. Soon I heard the unmistakable sounds of sex. Chrissy was being loud again. I suspected that it was for my benefit.

"Come on Chase, bury it all the way in me!" I heard her encourage. "Yes, oh yes! More Chase, more!"

I heard Chase shushing her, trying to be discreet. I'm guessing that was for my benefit too. Chase liked being verbal during sex, but wasn't one for verbally broadcasting his activity for non-participants.

I decided to go home, texting Chase that it sounded like he was done socializing for the night and that I was heading out. I knew he would read it later and understand.

Surprisingly this relationship was lasting longer than usual. It crossed my mind that Chrissy was right. Maybe she would be the one to make Chase change. There was something about her I hadn't liked since we met, and more so since the time we spent at the grill talking.

After a couple months, it seemed like I was always the third wheel when I was there. I lessened my visits and waited to see what happened. When I was over there it was all three of us most of the time. Here and there Chrissy worked late and couldn't join us, and things were still pretty normal between Chase and I as friends. Video games, gun ranges, movies, pool, and TV. We were our normal selves when it was just the two of us, but that amount of time was less and less. I noticed that Chase's home started to change as well. The heavy dark curtains were replaced with light, airy, see through drapery covering fashionable blinds. Artwork of a different nature started adorning the walls. Chrissy was definitely changing my buddy, probably more than he realized.

I was out and headed to a late evening movie at the theater on one of my days off. I preferred company on these types of forays but with Chase otherwise occupied by Chrissy, I would have to either go alone or find someone new to go with. Not being a people person made that a little more difficult.

After getting my ticket, I headed inside to grab some popcorn before the film. As I waited in line, I saw Chrissy a few people ahead of me. She was alone in the line as it slowly but surely shuffled forward. As she got to the counter, she was no longer alone. A guy, not Chase, joined her just before she ordered. It could have just been a platonic friend until he spun her around and kissed her as she giggled. Obviously my interest was piqued and as they paid and left the counter I followed. They went into a showing that was not the movie I had chosen. I discreetly followed, keeping my distance but making sure I didn't lose them. I stayed several rows behind them and kept watching. To me it was clear that they were a couple. They were pretty much all over each other all during the movie. I was able to get some pretty good action shots of them surreptitiously with the camera on my phone. I made sure I was not given away by any flash photography and by the end of the film I had decided I definitely didn't like my buddy's new girlfriend or her choices in movies.

I felt I needed just a little more evidence though so I followed them out after the movie, hailed a taxi, and had him follow them to their destination. I was lucky that it ended up being a house rather than an apartment. I was worried about that. I would have either lost them or been spotted in an apartment building.

I waited and watched for a while on a bench near the corner after I had sent the cab away. The lights behind the curtains went out and I still waited a few minutes more before I moved. In a classic peeping tom move, I tried peeking in the windows around the perimeter of the house. All of them had the blinds closed. I stopped at a window when I heard the classic sounds I was hoping to hear. I clearly heard Chrissy's voice as easily as I had heard it in Chase's house.

"Oh yes!" Chrissy moaned loudly. "Just like that Corey! C'mon, eat me you bastard. You always make me cum so hard! Lick me 'til I scream!"

Luckily for me she was loud in the sack. That was enough for me and the app I was using to record her. I hurried left before I wound up getting arrested.

I text Chase to see what he was up to. He immediately answered, saying that he was solo since Chrissy had to work late again, but that she would be over later. I let him know I would be over soon to hang out until she arrived. I grabbed a taxi back to my car and then went straight to Chase's house.

On my arrival I text Chrissy, asking when she would be headed over to see Chase. It took a minute but she answered it would be about twenty minutes. I sent her the pics and audio and then turned off my phone.

As usual, I knocked on the front door and immediately let myself in. Chase was on his couch in his pajama pants. He hadn't bothered with a shirt since it was a warm night.

"Hey!" Chase greeted. "It's been a while. I haven't seen you around much lately."

"Well, I wanted to give you some time with Chrissy. How's all that working out?" I asked.

"She's great. She's hot, funny, caring, and honest. Just something seems a little off recently." he admitted.

"Well, something's a little off with me too. Since you've been with her, you haven't really been with anyone else have you?" I asked.

"No, but you should know that's how it works with me. You've known me long enough. Why? Are you missing a little of the Chase action?"

"I'm not saying I do or don't, but if I did, what would you do about it?"

"No, not what would I do Brad. What would you do?"

Without answering I headed towards the backyard. As I went behind the couch, I made sure to grab Chase's phone from the end table and turned it off before Chase looked around to see where I was headed. Then I opened the drawer of that same table and pulled out a bottle I knew was there before heading out. Curiosity got the better of him and Chase followed. I sat in one of the chairs on the patio and Chase took another one. I moved again, getting on my knees in front of him and reaching into his pajama pants.

"Whoa Brad, what do you think you're doing?"

"I thought you of all people would have figured it out." I said as I grabbed his cock and brought it into the open. "I'm doing you a favor."

I lightly stroked him a few seconds before my mouth descended over his pole. Chase was surprised but did nothing to stop me. As I swallowed more of him Chase placed his hands on my head, watching me.

"Oh yeah, I missed this." he said, tilting his head back. "I'll admit, you're better at that than she is."

I got to my feet, kicked off my shoes, and tugged my pants off. I went around and got onto my hands and knees on the picnic table. The landscape lights made it so we both could still see, and the privacy fence kept things private. Chase didn't hesitate, but came around behind me. I tossed the bottle I still held behind me. Without missing a beat, Chase caught it and opened the top. The smell of strawberries immediately made my cock hard. Chase made liberal use of the liquid and took his preferred position.

"Are you sure Brad? It's been a little while."

"Then I guess you should show me what I've been missing." I advised.

Chase spread my ass and held his knob at my entrance. "You wanted it? Now you've got it."

He eased in as I grabbed onto the sides of the table. The initial discomfort made me gasp, but Chase was used to my reactions and was still slowly moving forward. I stared straight ahead as Chase moved his hands from my ass to my hips, using the leverage to his advantage.

"Damn that feels good! You're a horny little fucker, aren't you? Hold tight 'cause you're gonna get it all."

I continued to watch the house directly in front of us. I had picked this spot for a reason, unbeknownst to my buddy. Chase had pressed his groin to my ass for only a moment before withdrawing, only to repeat his movements. The discomfort had dissipated and the warmth and pleasurable feeling had started to kick in. My cock continued to bob underneath me as I felt Chase's full length plunge in and out, again and again. He had quickly reached his preferred pace, and there was no stopping him now.

Then it happened. I saw what I was waiting for. There was movement inside Chase's house. The lights were dim inside but I could tell that Chrissy was going through the house looking for Chase. Behind me I could hear him growling and grunting, getting closer to his grand finale. I kept watch as Chrissy came back into view. She had just come out from the back of the house, not yet locating her target. She finally noticed the movement outside on the picnic table and had paused to see what was going on. Even at that distance I could see her eyes widen as she took in the scene on the other side of the glass doors. She saw me watching her as Chase kept thrusting behind me. Chase was oblivious to anything else as he grabbed my shoulders and fucked me harder than before. I winked at her before raising my voice.

"Come on Chase, give me that hard cock!" I demanded. "I wanna feel you cum!"

That was all it took. Chase used his leverage to slowly pull himself in one final time and held still just before his cock started shooting. The familiar thrill of feeling his tool pulse and contract as he unloaded thick ropes of cum into me sent chills up and down me. Chase kept himself firmly planted as he emptied his balls and only then slowly thrust in and out to ensure my ass milked his member dry.

"Come on Chase, bury it all the way in me!" I encouraged.

He plunged back in and held himself there as he hunched over on top of my back, his chest slick with sweat and his breath heaving. I saw Chrissy stalk away from the window and I could hear the front door slam behind her.

"Did you hear something?" Chase panted as he struggled to move.

His energy drained, he was able to move back and collapse into a patio chair. I crawled off the table, moved up alongside his chair, and turned his head towards me. He opened his mouth in surprise and I fed him my raging hardon. I held him still as I pumped in and out of his mouth, getting closer to losing control. Chase had recovered enough by now and grabbed my ass, pulling me farther in. I held onto the back of his chair as I raced to my own climax, and the events caught up with me quickly, causing me to send my own cum down my buddy's throat. Once I was spent, I stepped back and just lay back on the picnic table, not sure if I could make myself get up again.

"We shouldn't have done that." Chase finally said. "You know I've got this thing going with Chrissy."

"Yeah...about that. Let's go back inside. I think we need to talk." I said.

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Bluepoohstar08Bluepoohstar088 months ago

Can't wait for the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Great! There will be a next chapter?

Exluke1Exluke111 months ago

Brad found a good way to get back at Chrissy that’s for sure, even using her exact words. I am a bit surprised that she even came over right away knowing that Brad had the proof of her cheating and that he would be there. Did she think Chase would believe her over his best friend And the pictures?

Either way Chase is free from a cheater and Brad can continue to explore with Chase. Who knows what the future holds for them-only you author?

MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFer11 months ago

Great chapter, it had some nice drama as well as the hot sex. I originally thought this was heading toward a MMF three-way, but after the attitude Chrissy gave Brad at the grill, I glad you went this way. Of course, Brad still hasn't shown Chase the video of Chrissy with Corey, so we don't know how he'll react yet. But looking forward to finding out. Five more *s.

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