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A God Called Bruce Pt. 02


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"Not here," said Hestia and took my hand. "We have provided enough entertainment for one day." There were some disappointed looks from some of the Gods who had been listening in.

Addressing Gadeirus, who had been sitting through all this looking like a stunned mullet, she said: "Go and mingle a little, socialise a bit, we are going for a walk."

Leaving the atrium we went out into the gardens holding hands. Hestia obviously knew her way around. We wound up in a small grassed area surrounded by bushes and other greenery, making it very private. She waved her hand and manifested a blanket and some cushions. I loved that neat trick that the Gods had at their disposal, it made life a lot simpler. We lay down. Hestia put her head on my chest and asked me to put my arm around her. I did.

"Well then," she began. "The story of Demeter.

"The trouble started when Demeter started to grow tits. Both Zeus and Poseidon got very interested in her and tried to screw her, each in his own way. Zeus, being the gentler of the two tried wooing her to win her favours. Poseidon chased her wherever she went, often naked, his prick as rigid as a Doric column. Demeter was not interested in either of them.

"One day, when Poseidon was chasing her, she changed herself into a mare and tried to hide in a herd of horses. Poseidon was not fooled. He changed himself into a stallion and raped his sister while the other horses looked on. The result of that union was Arion, an immortal horse with the power of speech. He also fathered Despoina with her. Zeus, not wanting to be outdone by his brother put her in the family way with Persepone and Zagreus. It is doubtful that Zeus raped her, that was never his style. It is more likely that Demeter gave in to him after having been despoiled by Poseidon.

"Anyway, since then she has been running around with a painted tit sticking out of her dress saying that since her brothers had treated her like a whore, she might as well look like one."

Olympus really put Peyton Place to shame in every which way. I felt sorry for Demeter. Even the Gods have their problems, I thought.

Hestia was snuggling up to me, rubbing my chest and nibbling my ear. My dick responded immediately. Before long I was playing with those cute little tits of hers, kissing her and stroking her sex, well, what I could get at, because she kept her legs together. She moaned as she came several times. She played with me and my dick erupted all over our bodies and clothing. Hestia cleaned the mess up with a wave of her hand.

"Thank you," she said when we were both spent, "I wish I could let you make love to me, but that is impossible."

"I understand," I said.

"No, you don't understand. Why do you think I am still a virgin? Don't you think my brothers would have impregnated me by now if it was possible?"

"Why is it impossible?"

"Look," she said, spreading her legs, showing me her vagina. "Don't be shy. Touch it. Have a good look."

At first it looked like an ordinary, common garden twat to me. That was until I tried to stick my finger inside. She had what is colloquially known in Australia as a thimble-mick; a severely constricted vagina, that made intercourse impossible.

"This can be fixed," I said.

"No, it can't," she insisted. "Many powerful Gods have tried to release me from this curse, all have failed, including Zeus."

"Gadeirus tells me that sometimes technology is more powerful than the Gods. Even Zeus acknowledges that. I know a surgeon in Sydney who corrects such problems routinely. This condition is not all that uncommon."

"Do you think he could help me?"

"There is a good chance. He would be able to tell you after an examination. If you want me to I'll take you to him."

"Let me think about this for a while. This is all very new to me."

"Any time you are ready."

She kissed me very tenderly and said: "We better get back to the party now."

She disappeared the blanket and pillows and we walked back to join the others. Again we got some strange looks. Hestia introduced me to some of the Gods. I pretended interest. The only one I took to was Hermes. He was a bit of a scatterbrain, but a lot of fun to talk to. At least he had a sense of humour.

By now the Gods were getting half pissed and some of the formality came off with some of the clothing. In one corner a fully blown orgy was in progress. Ares was copping it up the butt from Malabubu with his sister giving him head at the same time. He looked cruel, even in the throes of passion.

"Not two of my favourite children," said Hera who had evidently watched me and guessed what I had been thinking. "They are necessary though. But come, drink with me. I feel lonely."

She hugged Hestia and gave her a kiss on the cheek. There seemed to be a lot of warmth between the two. "Let me have him for a while, Sister, you've had your fun." With that Hera dragged me away.

"Thanks for helping her to get off, the poor thing has little enough joy in her life."

I was stumped. "How did you know?" I stammered.

"Hestia is by far the sweetest amongst us siblings. I love her dearly. We have always been very close. I can feel what she feels. You've made her very happy."

There was a look of love and affection in Hera's eyes when she said that I had thought her incapable of.

Ignoring any strange looks we were getting, she took my hand and led me to the bar. We got into the drink.

Chapter 17: Back to work

I woke up in Hera's bed. I had no idea how I got there. Hera stirred next to me. We were both on top of the bed, naked.

"How the fuck did we wind up here?" I groaned.

"To use your wonderful Australian vernacular, we got pissed out of our fucking skulls. That's how."

She cupped one hand over her twat, coughed a couple of times and brought it up clean.

"No come," she said, "we didn't fuck."

"I need some of Bruce's brew," I groaned.


"To piss off that fucking helicopter that's trying to land behind my eyeballs."

"He's got a hangover cure?"

"He sure does. He is a God of booze. He has an antidote."

She concentrated a little, waved her hand and next thing Bruce was standing there with two bottles of his magic mix, bursting into laughter when he saw us. We sculled the stuff and, suddenly sober again, Hera realised what Bruce was looking at.

"If you breathe a word of this to anyone I'll turn your cock into a poisonous snake," she growled at Bruce, "and stop staring at my cunt."

"It would be a crime not to admire a pussy as beautiful as this," said Bruce and got the hell out of there before Hera could do something to him. I expected Hera to do her block. Instead she burst out laughing. I had never seen her laugh. She looked wonderful. It suited her.

"We must be one hell of a sight," she giggled. "I can't be mad at Bruce."

"Bruce is pure gold," I said, "he will never tell anyone, though he might needle us about it in private at some time."

Now that I was sober again looking at Hera, lying on her back with her legs apart, displaying the divine coat of arms in all its splendour my dick got up in a fury. Hera noticed and threw herself on me, pushing her dripping sheath over my dong and rode me like an equestrian at a competition. She kissed me wildly, bit my shoulder and screamed her tits off every time she came, just like Lil. I had to do nothing, in fact I couldn't do very much at all, she was that wild. Eventually she was spent and so was I. She collapsed on me, the area between our thighs and the bed underneath a soggy mess from our combined juices.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked after I had calmed down somewhat.

"I think I have just woken up from a life long nightmare," she breathed into my ear and kissed me tenderly and sweetly.

We lay there, entwined, for a long time, while I was wondering what I had got myself into.

After we had showered together we had breakfast with Ambrosia instead of fruit juice to restore our energy levels. I needed to get back to work. I thought she might be upset, but she was very understanding.

"We all must do our duty, whatever the Fates have decreed that might be. We will talk some other time. I wish you well," she said just before I went to see Bruce.

He was alone in his yard, playing with his barbeque. Grinning from ear to ear he handed me a beer, trying very hard not to make a comment. In spite of his grin, something was bothering him. I let him stew for a little while until the tension got a bit too high for my liking. I broke the impasse by saying:

"Alright Bruce, what's niggling you?"

"Are you nuts? What do you think Zeus is going to do to you when he finds out you've been knocking off his Missis?"

"Zeus knows," I said. "He has known for a while."

"So I was right. You did root her that time."

It would have been silly to withhold the story from Bruce any longer, considering what he had witnessed, so I told him how I'd humped Hera after she'd interrupted my root with Lil. When it came to the bit where Zeus had watched my cream running down Hera's leg, he cracked up.

"And now I guess Hera is pissed off at me seeing her like this." Bruce was worried. I could tell. "That bitch is famous for carrying grudges."

I told him that Hera had thought it quite funny and had actually laughed.

"She is not miffed at you at all, quite the contrary. She reckoned we must have been some picture for your sore eyes."

"She's got a beautiful Mickey, I give her that." Bruce was grinning again. "What else have you done?"

I told him about Demeter and Hestia. There seemed to be no reason not to, since half of Olympus had witnessed it. I did not tell him about Hestia's problem; that was too personal.

"There will be those amongst the Gods who'll love what you're doing. You are bringing a bit of excitement and humour to Olympus. You'll also make a lot of enemies, especially from Ares' camp. He'll hate you. People who laugh are not easily seduced into fighting, and strife is what this prick and his cronies live for."

At that moment Gadeirus, Marge and Lil turned up. They all looked a bit worse for wear. Gadeirus especially was wobbly on his feet. Bruce had to break out the Ambrosia to steady him. Marge and Lil went into the house, giggling.

"What have they done to poor Gadeirus?" I looked at Bruce for an answer.

"Turned Mister Neverfuck into Mister Justgotrooted. When they found out Gadeirus had never been screwed they just grabbed him and frogmarched him to his joint. You can imagine those two tarts letting loose on him."

What a wonderful place this Olympus was. In just over a day I had fucked the arse off Hera, had been pulled off by Hestia and was on a promise with Demeter. The three most powerful Goddesses in the universe were after my dick. I said as much to Bruce.

"Look mate," he said, "there has been little to do in this place for a long time. The only things that were of any entertainment value at all were fights, fucks, food and getting pissed. Same old, same old, same old. That's what you're looking at. Then you come in and stir things up and get their juices flowing again and the most powerful turn up to feed first. There'll be a queue soon."

"So what do I do?"

"Go to work. You have opened up places where even the Gods can't follow. Use them. I'll call Darrin and Algenon, then we have some lunch and after that we'll move. Alright with you?"

Without waiting for an answer Bruce put some meat on the barbeque and called the boys.

I had asked Gadeirus to tell us how he wanted to proceed. He went home to fetch his tablet and showed it to Darrin and Algenon who had not seen it yet. After quickly explaining its capabilities he told us what he had in mind.

"Don't be fooled by it's size," he said, "this little machine is more powerful than anything that has been built using binary technology so far. What it lacks is access to the huge data base it once had, similar to Earth's internet. That was destroyed with their civilisation in a huge cataclysm. When the internet was developed I decided to connect to that. To do this I had to teach the machine English since the internet runs on that language and to build an interface that connected me with the servers.

"I can operate this device with any of three languages, English, old Atlantean and Xonnian. The machine Alec discovered runs on a language that is related to Xonnian. I, and therefore this little device here, can read and understand some of it. That gives us an entry point. My idea is rather than us all studying whatever language the system is using we will teach the big system English instead. The trick is to communicate directly with the artificial intelligence that controls the entire set-up.

"To do this we need to connect my little tablet to the system, and here lies the challenge. We have to built an interface and develop a communications protocol that will enable the two devices to communicate, using language components that are common to both systems as a starting point. Are you with me so far?"

"This is going to be a big job," said Darrin. "We know little about the technology and nothing about the protocols that govern the information flow. It will take years to work all that out."

"I am hoping to get some help from the AI running the system," said Gadeirus. "It might be an unpalatable truth, but the AI controlling this thing has to be smart, very smart; in fact smarter than the lot of us combined. I believe I know enough of the language to establish contact and ask for help using the terminals in the control centre to communicate. That might not take very long at all."

"Wow," said Algenon, "this gets better by the minute. What are we waiting for? Let's get into it." His excitement was palpable.

A short time later we were back in the tunnels.

Chapter 18: Looking for the Dunny

The Technogeeks, as Bruce called them now, after Computerpoofs proved to be a poor description, were at one of the terminals. Gadeirus was explaining the function of some of the buttons. There wasn't much for Bruce and me to do so we were guzzling beer and having a smoke. After a while I teleported out and returned shortly afterwards.

"Where did you go?" Bruce looked at me, not understanding why I had left.

"Look," I said, "I'm only a Demigod. After a few beers I'm busting for a piss."

"Well I'll be fucked," said Bruce in amazement, as if I'd just told him some great secret that had come as a complete surprise.

Bruce got up and walked around the room. He examined the walls closely, checked the spaces around the terminals and came back shaking his head. I had no idea what was going on. He whipped up some more tinnies, took one popped it and had a sip.

"Eh Technogeeks," he yelled, "get over here, I want to ask you something."

The three looked up, surprised. Gadeirus started: "Not now, we......."

That was a far as he got, for Bruce yelled: "I don't give a shit. You come over here now. This is important."

I had never seen Bruce like this. The three technicians sheepishly followed orders. Bruce handed them a beer each and told them to sit down.

"You seem to know more about this fucking place than anyone else," he said to Gadeirus. "Tell me, where's the fucking dunny?"

Gadeirus stared at him open mouthed. "You interrupted what we were doing to ask where the toilet is?"

"Too fucking right," said Bruce. "You guys are so far into the fucking computer stuff, you miss the fucking obvious."

"I don't understand," said Gadeirus.

"Then let me fucking tell you." Bruce got up and was pacing around nervously. He was clearly agitated.

"Look at this place," he said. He pointed at the various terminals. "The system is on automatic now, but at one stage there were people in here operating this shit. Judging by the amount of terminals, anything up to a dozen or more. I don't know the function of this place any more than you do, but one thing is clear, it was meant to be operated by people, at least at some point.

"I say people, because that's important. The builders of this place were no Gods. Gods don't create that kind of technology, they rely on magic. Gods don't write things down as a rule, they don't need to. These people had files, written language and so forth and by the look of their keyboards and terminals, table heights and so forth we can reasonably safely assume they were a lot like humans.

"You with me so far?" Bruce stared at the technicians.

"Yes," said Gadeirus. "I think you are right in what you are saying. So what? Where does that get us?"

"It gets us to the missing fucking dunny, that's where. Look around again. There is nothing in here that sustains or supports a human type life form other than the air we breathe. I can't imagine the guys who worked here teleporting out to go shitting behind bushes, pissing against trees, having a drink of water or getting something to eat. They had to do all these things to stay alive. So where is the support system?

"There is not even a tap in here; I checked. A people with that kind of technology teleporting out every time they needed a drink? I don't believe it. There is a fucking door in here somewhere, leading to the dunny, the kitchen and who knows what else. Find the bastard! Now!"

We searched every inch of the place, to no avail. The building was hexagonal in shape, about thirty feet across. All terminals and other stuff were fixed to the walls, leaving no space for a door. Other than that the building was empty, save for a centre column about eight feet in diameter that presumably held up the roof. It seemed a bit of an overkill; a pillar that massive for such a small building.

When I had pointed this out to Darrin at the time he showed me a control panel on the column and said that he guessed the column, other than holding up the roof, probably housed the main computer. That made sense as it was central to the terminals and made all connections equidistant from the CPU.

Bruce decided we weren't getting anywhere right now so we might as well go to his place for a meal. We did just that.

Over the meal the others speculated that perhaps there was no door and that Bruce's theory, though plausible, might be wrong. Even Bruce was beginning to waver. I was certain that Bruce was right. Apart from Gadeirus, these guys had never been human and Gadeirus' time as a human was very long ago. They could not see what I could.

People always have toilets close by. Sometimes nature calls unexpectedly and quickly, leaving not much time for lengthy trips. Anyone who has ever had diarrhoea or needed to vomit knows there is not much warning. You have to get to a dunny quickly or face disaster. Architects know this and make provisions. A people with this kind of advanced technology would also know. It just had to be there. So why couldn't we find it? Perhaps we were looking for the wrong thing.

I was getting tired now, it had been a long day. I did not want to quit though. It felt as if I was getting close to something. I asked Bruce for some Ambrosia, explaining why I needed it. I sculled two glasses as Zeus had advised me and as I did his words on that occasion rang in my ears.

Go to the centre of the problem and meditate, he had said. That's when it hit me.

"We need to go back," I said.

"What? You want us to go back now?" They all stared at me.

"Yes," I insisted, "right now."

"You're the boss," said Bruce, "let's go."

Minutes later we were back in the control room. I pointed at the central column and said: "What if this is a lift?"

"Holy shit," said Bruce, "I never thought of that."

"Let's check it out," said Gadeirus.

He studied the panel for some time and then, having come to a decision pushed a button.

"Here goes nothing," he said.

Immediately there was a low hum that grew louder. It sounded like a lift coming up from a floor below. The humming came to a stop, a clicking noise and a panel slid back revealing a four foot wide opening. We had found our lift.

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