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A God Called Bruce Pt. 02


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"Bingo," said Bruce. "let's see where this fucker'll take us."

There were only two buttons on the inside, one above the other. The top one was blue, the other yellow. Guessing that the top one meant up and the bottom one down I pushed the yellow button. The lift door closed and we descended. When the doors opened we stepped into a much larger space than the control room. This place was massive. Like the upstairs area it was deserted.

It was all there as Bruce had expected, dunnies, workshops, storage areas with spare parts, machines, a kitchen with a huge lunch room, crew quarters, the works.

We sat in the lunch room, Bruce whipped up some beer and we had a drink. We needed it after this. There was a fairly large open area outside the lunch room. I could not even guess what it had been used for, but it sure was handy.

"We still have all that computer gear out in the tunnels where anyone can get at it," I said to the technicians. "Could you guys get that shit in here where it is safe?"

"Good idea," said Darrin. "Let's do it boys."

All three of them left to do the job, leaving me alone with Bruce.

"I wish Hephaestus could see those workshops," said Bruce.

"Who is he?"

"You probably know him better by his Roman name. They called him Vulcan. He likes that name better, he never liked the Greeks very much, he got on better with the Romans."

"You mean the Blacksmith God, the only God who likes physical work?"

"Yep, him."

"Why doesn't he like the Greeks?"

"Vulcan has a bad leg. He is lame. The Greeks and most of the Gods thought him an abomination. Gods have to be perfect in body they said. The Romans didn't give a shit. They loved him because he is such a superb craftsman. He would be ecstatic with this shit here."

"Do you think he would work with us on this project?"

"Like a shot. Do you want me to ask him?"

"You know him well then?"

"I am probably the only real friend he's got on Olympus. He likes a drink. We go on the piss together and play chess."

"I need to talk to Zeus first."

"Do that, but be diplomatic. There is a lot of history in that can of worms. Whatever you do, don't mention him to Hera."

"Why not?"

"Because she is his mother, They say when he was born Hera called him ugly and threw him out of Olympus. He landed on earth and broke his legs. That's why he is lame. I don't know if it's all true or just rumour, but there is discord there. Zeus might tell you, he seems to get on with him alright these days."

The boys came back.

"All done," said Darrin. "How about we call it quits for today. I've had enough."

We all agreed it was a good idea and went home.

When I stepped into my house the little fawn was there to greet me. She got her scratchies and went to the fridge door, looking at me expectantly. It took me a minute to realise she wanted some more of the bean sprouts. I gave her some.

The Ambrosia had worn off, I was tired again and went to bed. The Fawn followed and curled up next to me. I didn't mind. I gave her some pats and was soon asleep.

It had been an eventful day.

Chapter 19: Demeter

She came to me in a dream. I was standing naked in a meadow. It was warm, the air laden with the fragrance of jasmine. There was a gentle breeze and the sound of far away church bells. I felt well. Demeter materialised in front of me wearing that cheap chiton again, her right breast naked, the nipple glowing with red greasepaint just as she had appeared at Hera's party. She stepped up to me, and put her hands on my shoulders.

"I told you at the party you could kiss me again sometime. That sometime is now."

I looked at that beautiful face of hers with those pouty, oh so kissable lips. "Seeing we are alone, I might do a lot more than kiss you," I breathed.

"I was hoping you might........"

She was about to say more but by that time my lips were locked onto hers and we were in a passionate embrace. I closed my eyes, lost in the kiss. There was an intense feeling of vertigo. When I opened my eyes to shake that feeling off I found myself lying with her on a pile of soft furs in a cave. Candles on bronze stands were the only illumination.

Demeter's chiton was gone and her nakedness brushing against me caused an instant response. She was wet and tight, contrary to what Hestia had foreshadowed. I had expected a wild romp and was pleasantly surprised at her gentle and tender lovemaking. She just melted into me and I into her. It was wonderful and seemed to go on for hours. In the end we went to sleep; spent, but still joined.

I woke up in my own bed. The fawn had gone. I felt happy, refreshed and rearing to start the day. What a wonderful dream. When I saw myself in the mirror as I entered the shower I noticed the red greasepaint smudges all over my chest and face.

I grinned and realised how much I liked Olympus. It was my kind of place.

Not bothering to make breakfast I went straight to Bruce. The whole gang was there including Marge and Lil. Marge told me that Zeus had declared Shagger's Paradise open to all and sundry and that they were unbelievably busy. She and Lil apologised for neglecting me, but they were very pushed for time. They left shortly afterwards.

Gadeirus told me that he and the boys had decided to leave the control centre alone for the time being and wanted to get one of the workshops downstairs running.

"We can do all the testing we need there with components from the storage rooms. This way we can't stuff up anything in the main system," he said.

I agreed that this was a good idea. I also told them that for them the place was no longer off limits without my presence and they could work whenever they wanted. They thanked me and went to work."

"Just us chickens again," I said to Bruce and helped myself to some food and coffee.

"Not exactly," we heard before Zeus materialised. "I take it you boys want to talk to me."

Zeus grabbed some food and a beer and sat down. "So, what do you want to tell me?"

I filled him in on our latest discoveries and asked if it was alright with him to ask Hephaestus to join. I told Zeus about the workshops we found and that Bruce thought they would interest his son very much.

"You couldn't ask for anyone better suited to the task. Let me talk to him about it first."

With that Zeus vanished, taking his can of beer with him. Ten minutes later he turned up again, his son in tow. In spite of his crippled leg Hephaestus was an imposing figure, powerfully built with large, strong hands. A man's man with an open face, an engaging smile and clear eyes, a no nonsense man who would and could turn his hands to anything. I immediately took a strong liking to him.

Zeus introduced me to his son and we had a few beers together while I explained the project. To my surprise Zeus stayed with us. He laughed when Hephaestus told me he wanted to be called Vulcan.

"So when are we going to see this place?" asked Vulcan.

"Right now, if you wish and if it is alright with your father," I said. Turning to Zeus I added: "Why don't you come with us, Chief? After all, it is your project."

Zeus seemed to be taken aback a little at my suggestion, but soon caught himself.

"Why not indeed? Let's go."

We teleported into the tunnels. I explained the procedure for getting in and out of the complex to Zeus and Vulcan. Minutes later we were inside. I could tell the place made quite an impression on both. I felt their excitement when I showed them the control room and explained what we had found out about it so far. Next we went downstairs. The Technogeeks stopped working when they saw us and came to pay their respects to Zeus and to greet Vulcan.

I asked Gadeirus to give them a tour of the downstairs section since he knew a bit more about it than I did. When they were through we sat down for a beer in the lunch room.

"I am very pleased with all of you," said Zeus. "You have my blessing. But now I have other matters to attend."

He went on his own to the lift and left the way I had shown him. Bruce and Vulcan decided to have a closer look at the workshops, the others wanted to go back to work. I wanted to go home. I made my apologies and a short time later I was back in Sydney. I grabbed my wallet, which I had not used for quite a while, went to the Earth space part of my house and then into the street. I felt strange. Shaking the feeling off I caught a cab to Paddy's Market.

I bought some Alfalfa sprouts and some bean sprouts for the fawn. On my way out I saw a box of cherries. I knew deer go absolutely crazy over them so I bought that as well, for a treat. I was going to eat something in one of the outdoor places in Chinatown, but the noise and the city smells got to me. I bought a Chinese barbequed duck instead and took a taxi home.

I was greeted by the fawn when I entered the kitchen. I put the food in the fridge, but filled a bowl with cherries first. I put the bowl on the floor for the fawn. She licked me across the face as if to say thank you before starting to eat.

"This is my brother's fawn. What is she doing here?" I turned around to find out who had spoken to me. It was Demeter.

I hardly recognised her. She wore an elaborately embroidered chiton, properly fastened, no exposed and painted breast. She looked stunning.

"She comes to see me occasionally," I replied. "Sometimes she sleeps next to me on the bed."

"You are very honoured. She is no ordinary fawn. She is a creature of magic. Something very special."

"I bought some cherries for her, she seems to love them. But tell me, why are you dressed like this. No more statement to make?"

"I don't want you to see me as a whore, not after last night. Will you come with me?"

"I would be honoured."

She took my hand, things blacked out for a moment, there was that feeling of vertigo again and then, as abruptly as it had started, it was gone and my vision cleared.

This time we had not landed in a cave. We were in a hayloft instead. This chick really had a penchant for kinky places to root in. We were lying on a blanket spread on the hay. Surrounded by sweet smells, with the soft light filtering through the cracks between the wall boards and the gentle creaking of the timber structure providing the background music, I had to admit it created a very romantic setting. We were naked of course. I studied her body, especially that hairless pudenda of hers. It was difficult to imagine how a horse could have been born via that cute little thing, but apparently it had. She was wet.

Again she was sweet, gentle and loving. We didn't fuck, we made love. It was intensely satisfying. When it was over we just lay there holding each other caressing, kissing.

"You are bold, brash at times, irreverent and adventurous, but when you make love to me you are gentle and considerate. You act as though you care deeply about me. No other lover has ever done that. Why is that?"

"You touch something in me that I am only dimly aware of. I sense vulnerability in you and I respond to that. It is ridiculous, of course, you being a Goddess and all, but it is there. I can't help it."

"We both know there can never be more than a stolen moment every now and then between us, and yet, I wish deeply it could be different." She sighed and waved her hand. Moments later we were back at my house, fully dressed. The fawn was still enjoying the cherries. Wherever we had been, time had been different there.

She put a chain with a medallion around my neck.

"Take this, my love," she said. "Whenever you touch this and think of me we will be connected. You can talk to me, wherever I am."

"Just like a mobile telephone," I quipped.

"You are impossible." She laughed and was gone.

The Fawn was finished with the cherries. Evidently she'd had enough, she didn't pester me for more. Now she demanded her scratchies, which I gladly provided. She was such a sweet little thing, cute and vulnerable. I realised I felt about her the same way I felt about Demeter. I wondered what that meant.

The fawn left, I heated up some of that Chinese duck in the microwave and had it in the back yard, washed down with some beer. It was good.

When I finally went to bed the fawn was already there, fast asleep. I lay down next to her and was off in no time. Another day in Paradise.

Chapter 20: Vulcan

The fawn was licking my face again. It was just gone five in the morning. I thought she might want some cherries but she didn't get up. She seemed agitated. I asked her what was wrong and she twisted her ears as if she was listening to something. I paid attention to the noises around us but there was nothing unusual except some sort of rapid tapping sound, like a woodpecker makes. It appeared to come from the backyard.

I went to investigate. The fawn did not follow me. When I looked through the kitchen window to see where the noise was coming from I saw it. It was indeed a woodpecker trying to drill a nest into my blue gum tree in the yard. I found this strange. Woodpeckers do not occur in Australia. How did it get there?

I skipped the shower, got dressed and teleported to Bruce from inside the house. He and Vulcan were having breakfast when I got there. Bruce, always the perfect host, put a plate of food and some coffee in front of me.

"You look worried," he said "What's wrong?"

"The fawn woke me up this morning and drew my attention to a noise. Turns out a woodpecker is building a nest in my backyard."

"You've made a mistake. There are no woodpeckers in Australia."

"That's what I thought. I didn't make a mistake though. I saw it."

"Come again," interrupted Vulcan. "You are telling us that a fawn woke you up and drew your attention to a woodpecker in your yard? Have I got this right?

"That's exactly what happened," I said.

"What is Kia doing in your bedroom?" Vulcan gave me a strange look.

"Who is Kia?"

"Kia is the name of my father's fawn. The name means rising out of Asia. I don't know why he called her that."

"Is that what she is called? Zeus never told me her name."

"So how come she woke you up. What is she doing at your place?"

I didn't want to tell anyone of Zeus' shagging room in my house so I told him what I had told Demeter, that Kia visited me occasionally and slept next to me on my bed some of those times.

"Kia might look like a fawn, but there is a lot more to her than that. You are much favoured if she comes to you." Vulcan studied me, then reached out and pulled Demeter's medallion up from under my tee shirt.

"So that's who Demeter gave it to."

"How do you know that?" I was puzzled.

"I made it for her. She asked me to. She would have told you what it does."

"Yes she did," I said.

"You are a strange bird," he said to me. "You wear Demeter's charm, Kia sleeps on your bed and father likes you. You are like the fawn, there is much about you that is not visible. And now you have a woodpecker in your yard. That is not good."

"Why isn't it good?"

"Eagle owls, vultures and woodpeckers are the messengers and spies of Ares. He is watching you for reasons of his own. It is never good for peaceful creatures to come to the attention of Ares." Vulcan seemed deep in thought.

"Tell me," he said after a while, "why are you so important? What is this project of yours exactly? It must be big to have my father so excited."

"It is bigger than Olympus."

"Nothing is bigger than Olympus."

"You need to brief Vulcan," interrupted Bruce. "There hasn't been time until now. Why don't you tell him everything and give him the guided tour. I'll go to work, you don't need me for that."

"Lets all go. I would rather talk to Vulcan in the lunch room. Ares and his spies cannot follow us there. Who knows how many informants of his are lurking around here by now."

Vulcan and Bruce agreed that this was a sensible precaution. A short time later I sat with Vulcan in the lunch room with a generous amount of beer provided by Bruce. I started with meeting Lil and how things had progressed from there. When I came to the bit where I explained to Zeus how to get around the hex Vulcan burst out laughing. "That would have got his attention," he said, "the old goat will do anything to get laid." I told him how I had discovered what the power spots did and how in turn this had led to finding the complex we were in now.

Vulcan had become very thoughtful. We sat there for more than half an hour in silence. Finally Vulcan finished his beer and said: "This explains much. I understand now why Ares is hanging around. He must never know of this place. Can you imagine what he would do if he had that kind of power? He will be watching you, all of us. What he probably thinks is that Zeus is grooming you for something. He wants to find out what that something is. My brother is a bloodthirsty, paranoid madman. He will fear that you are meant to challenge him in some way. Eventually he will make a move against you. Be very weary of him and his cronies."

"I figured something similar. I don't like that group. But enough talk, lets go on a little journey."

I took Vulcan to the primordial world we had discovered and showed him the blue dinosaurs. He was delighted.

"You are right," he said after we got back, "this is bigger than Olympus. I am glad you have invited me to come along. For that I offer you my friendship."

Vulcan stuck his hand out. I took it and said: "I am honoured to be your friend. Let's go to work."

"You guys finished for now? Come on, I want to show you something." It was Bruce. He was excited. We followed him slowly because of Vulcan, who walked with the aid of a stick because of his leg. Bruce showed us a clear area of about forty by forty feet on the far end of the complex. I had no idea what he was trying to show. He must have seen the confusion on my face because he said: "I forgot you can't see them yet. This is a power spot."

"That changes a few things in our favour," I said. "I take it we can get in and out of here without having to go through all that rigmarole again? Have you tried it?"

"Yep, works like a charm. Look." Bruce stepped into the area and promptly disappeared. A minute later he was back.

"That will stuff Ares up," said Vulcan. "It had me worried that we had to touch the building where anyone could observe us every time we came in here. Ares simply could have stationed soldiers around the structure to prevent us from coming and going, once he found out we needed to touch the building in order to travel. Now he is rooted, as Bruce would say."

"I'll have to teach you proper Australian yet," said Bruce. "Now he is fucking rooted is the proper Aussie way of saying it."

Vulcan laughed. "Talking about rooting," he said, "when do I get to see this famous Shagger's Paradise of yours?"

"Now there's a thought," Bruce was grinning. "Alec, you go get the technogeeks, you stay here Vulcan. Back in a flash." He stepped onto the power spot and was gone. It took him about ten minutes to return.

"All fixed comrades, come in here and let's link hands."

We had found out a while ago that if we travelled in a group all we had to do was link hands and one of the group pictured the destination. This got us all there. That solved a lot of problems when only one of the group knew what the destination looked like.

We wound up in one of Marge's orgy rooms. Lil and Marge were waiting for us with half a dozen tarts. Vulcan might have a gammy leg, there was nothing gammy about his dick though. Lil was screaming her tits off in her usual manner as he ploughed into her. Soon they were all into it, except me. I looked at the scene and found it rather tacky. My dick, usually always ready, curled up in a corner of my pants as if to say carry on without me. Since screwing with a limp dick isn't much fun I got the hell out of there and went home.

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