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A Proper Young Woman's Guide to Anal Etiquette Ch. 17

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Laura & Cora wash off after an exhausting workout.
3.5k words

Part 18 of the 21 part series

Updated 03/26/2024
Created 09/08/2012
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A Proper Young Woman's Guide to Anal Etiquette - Chapter 17

By: Lord Odie

The Obligatory Disclaimer

The following is a work of pure sexual fiction and is intended for adult audiences ONLY. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading NOW and go tell your parent and/or guardian that you need stricter internet supervision. Any physical resemblance to a real person that any fictional character herein may bear is probably intentional and is meant as a compliment. Furthermore, all fictional characters in the following fantasy are consenting adults over the age of 18. They are also BDSM professionals and good at what they do. So please, don't try anything that you're about to read at home, if such things were even physically possible. If you still insist on trying things at home, please send all pictures and feedback to me about the experience. If I can't stop you, I can at least make sure you're doing it right. Consider yourself disclaimed.

Locker Room Talk

"I mean, seriously!" Wanda said with earnestness. "Where is the government censorship for television these days? Isn't live TV supposed to have like a ten second delay to catch things like that!?"

"It is. But sometimes they just miss things," replied Laura to her workout partner with a frown.

"Well, I hope some incompetent producer gets fired over it!" continued the other woman.

Laura and Wanda were discussing a wardrobe malfunction that occurred during a Prime-Time movie awards ceremony the previous night. The favored contender to win best lead actress, Claudia Onassis, was interviewing on the red carpet. She was flashing her flawless smile as she effortlessly plugged her newest movie and talked about her favorite charity at the same time. The tight bodied, immensely chesty blonde woman wore a spaghetti strap, nearly sheer, deep burgundy evening gown with a plunging neckline down to her pelvic bone. The thin material came over her shoulders and only spread out to cover her large nipples - albeit just barely - but everything else of her award-winning bosom was on full display. Her side view as she had talked to the cameras allowed the audience to see all her under-boob behind the loose-fitting dress. The outline of her obviously clamped and rock-hard nipple was clearly discernable - if not visible - through the thin material. The back of her elegant dress plunged down to the crease of her large, shapely ass, leaving the top couple of inches of her black panties visible as they came out of her crack and contoured over her cheeks. In and of itself, the gown was pretty run of the mill for red carpet attire.

However, bad timing and a gust of wind had come at just the wrong time - or maybe, the right time? - as she did a little twirl to show off her designer gown. The left side of her dress fell from her shoulder. She had managed to turn away from the camera and catch the material before a nipple slipped out on national television, but as she did so the back of the dress dropped down half a foot to reveal her gaping bottom hole. Claudia's black panties had actually been six-point gaper panties that pulled her raw, red sphincter into a large hexagonal shape. She had lost her composure instantly and apologized repeatedly to the reporter and the home audience, but the tabloids had immediately had a field day with it. Within minutes of the mishap, every seedy internet publication - and even a few of the semi-reputable ones - had close-up, high-definition imagery of Ms. Onassis's widely gaping asshole plastered all over their front pages. One of the country's most popular podcasts had even devoted their entire morning show to the incident. They'd dissected the video to determine that Claudia's asshole had been gaped to exactly 7.35" wide and that she'd last been recently fucked by a medium- or heavy-grit punishment dildo of roughly the same diameter. It was their highest rated episode so far this year! Even the normally conservative and considerably more regulated television networks reposted the imagery as well, although with the actual taboo bits censored out.

By mid-morning, most of Claudia's sponsors had dropped her over the scandal and she'd lost a good deal of her upcoming movie roles as companies distanced themselves from her. She'd probably recover eventually, but her immediate career had taken a heavy hit. The whole fiasco once again proved that in the United States, you don't talk about anal dilation. You just practice it privately in the comfort of your own home, or semi-privately in certain acceptable locations where it couldn't be hidden.

It was quite an outrage, and it was all Laura had heard about all day. Quite frankly, she was getting tired of hearing about it. Wanda - on the other hand - was all into celebrity gossip and would probably continue talking about it for days - if not weeks - to come. So, Laura just sighed mentally and went with it.

"The network has already been fined by the FCC several billion dollars for the slip," Laura pointed out.

"A drop in the bucket!" Wanda shot back. "It's just not... not... proper! Showing a woman's bottom like that! If that had been me, I'd have died of embarrassment right there on the spot!"

Laura decided to try a different tactic; one she hoped wouldn't backfire against the fiercely conservative brunette. "Don't you ever think this whole thing is just a little bit... hypocritical?"

Wanda paused in thought for a second before replying, "What do you mean?"

Laura had to stifle a full-throated guffaw at her friend's confused expression. Seriously? Laura exclaimed to herself.

Currently, 43-year-old Wanda, her 20-old daughter Jill, 46-year-old Laura, and her 18-year-old daughter Cora, had just finished working out at their local gym. The quartet were currently in the communal shower in the woman's locker room washing off the sweat from their strenuous hour-long workout. There was no hiding the fact that almost the entire female population practiced 'secret' extreme anal dilation in a locker room, or a shower - and certainly not in a locker room's shower! So rather than try and hide or downplay something that physically could not be, health clubs catered to it. Enema equipment, lubrication dispensers, daughter changing stations, complimentary plug washing services were commonplace and were all included in the price of basic memberships.

At this very moment, both Laura and Wanda were on their knees in the shower behind their respective daughters. Jill and Cora were pressed up against the shower wall next to each other with their asses sticking out and their legs slightly spread. Each young woman reached back to spread her ass cheeks widely. Their mothers held a rubber enema nozzle in one of her hands. Those hands were currently buried deeply into the girls' rectums.

Laura was meticulously rinsing out Cora's rectal tract with pleasantly warm water. Her hand gripped the nozzle's handle firmly as she rotated it in this direction and that to flush out every nook and cranny of Cora's deep colon. Her daughter's perfect ass cheeks were currently wrapped around Laura's elbow as she went about her task. The mostly clean water escaped from Cora's butt past the opening between Laura's arm and the rubber hose as they both disappeared into the teenager's body. Laura's other hand was busy furiously working her daughter's sensitive clit to keep her relaxed throughout the procedure. It was still considered impolite to cum in public, so Laura would slow down whenever she sensed her daughter was getting too close.

Wanda was similarly treating her daughter Jill to a near identical cleansing. Although, the slightly older girl was a little more experienced than Cora and was getting a little more advanced attention. Wanda was several inches past her elbow up her daughter's obviously well-trained sphincter, and her whole first was sunk into the younger woman's cunt. Her hand made a soft squishing noise inside the drenched hole as she worked it in and out and in quick, half circles. Glancing upwards, Laura noted that the effect on Jill was obviously pleasant. The young sandy haired blonde woman had her eyes closed and was moaning softly as she bit her lower lip to keep from crying out too loudly.

Cora was similarly trying to keep her obvious enjoyment of the thorough backside flushing and clit fingering as low key as possible. Both girls moaned and gasped as softly as they could manage as their mothers worked over their holes while touching the most sensitive parts of their young bodies in ways that only loving mothers ever could.

Despite the dirty water splashing onto the shower's floor, the plethora of shower heads raining water down on the women quickly washed it away. The smell wasn't as issue either as warm, scented air was constantly being circulated through the room.

"Hypocritical. Like that our entire society is so uptight and ultra-conservative that everyday women's issues like our anal health and wellbeing are such taboo topics that no one can even mention them outside of the home, the doctor's office, or a locker room? Look at Europe! They embrace it, and their happiness levels are considerably higher than ours are!"

Wanda still looked confused at the very idea of hypocrisy in any form. Jill made an annoyed sound after a few seconds as her mother paused to consider the idea. "Sorry, honey," she said and resumed the workout she was giving her daughter's ass and pussy.

"I'm still not sure I follow you..." Wanda continued. "There are just things that shouldn't be discussed in public."

Laura looked around her. Beyond the two mother daughter pairs she was a part of, there had to be at least 25 naked women in the spacious shower room. It was late afternoon, and this was the gym's peak hour. Every single one of them either wore a thick workout plug or had already discarded their plug for their showers and their empty anuses gaped open obscenely. Including Jill and Cora, half a dozen women were currently receiving enema fistings. Three showers down to Laura's right, a hard-bodied blonde woman in what looked to be her late thirties was administering enemas to two younger versions of herself at the same time. The two younger women were positioned side by side as their presumed mother worked each of her hands and arms deep into both of their well-trained nether holes simultaneously. Across from them, two very attractive twenty-something women - whom Laura assumed were a couple - were in the process of changing places after the first had already been thoroughly cleaned out. Turning her head, Laura saw two other women who were just introducing themselves to each other. She could only make out bits and pieces of their conversation over the sound of dozens of showers running, but she got enough to understand that one woman's normal workout partner couldn't make it today and asked if the stranger could clean her out. The other woman nodded pleasantly before picking up an enema nozzle and kneeling down to get to work. The first woman gasped softly as her thick plug was pulled free and handed up to her. She dutifully began licking it clean as the second woman's hand, wrist and arm disappeared up the standing woman's backside with little effort.

"Hypocritical as in we're not allowed to talk about anal dilation or plugs in decent company. While at the same time being dilated and plugged. Hypocritical in that the female news anchors who are ranting about the state of moral decay in our society as they discussed Claudia Onassis's wardrobe malfunction, have their own backsides just as widely dilated as they sit behind their anchor desks. Hypocritical in that the slightest visible bulge of our abdomens from the huge plugs we all wear on a daily basis could get us arrested for indecency?" Laura explained as she worked her arm slowly down and out of Cora's now squeaky-clean rectum.

Wanda considered what her workout partner had said as she worked her own hand and arm out of Jill's bottom. "No. I just don't see it," she finally concluded. "I think you've been watching way too much liberal biased media, Laura," she added.

Laura gave up!

She reached up to turn the enema's flow off just as her fist and the nozzle popped out of Cora's dilated sphincter, causing the young woman to jump slightly and groan in protest at her suddenly empty ass. Cora's half ruined hole looked like a gaping, puffy, vertical slit of muscle as excess water continued to drain out of her body. Laura reached up to help her daughter spread her cheeks to admire her second youngest's pretty, red sphincter. She could remember when each of her older daughter's assholes each looked this young and untouched - before proper training ruined them for good. Now, Amanda, Mary and Naomi's nether holes looked just like their mother's: destroyed, dilated, and atrophied; never to close naturally again.

Laura couldn't help herself. She bent forward into Cora's spread cheeks and tongue kissed the slightly open hole, causing her daughter to jump in surprise. She suckled at the delicious hole for a few seconds before breaking away.

Wanda laughed at her friend's display of motherly love - albeit, somewhat improper for the semi-public shower room. "You're incorrigible, Laura! Save it for the family room!" she said giggling loudly.

By this time, Jill and Cora had recovered enough to help their mothers stand up. Laura quickly pulled her daughter in close and kissed her deeply. The young woman's rock-hard nipples - pointy and engorged at her excitement despite the warm air of the shower - almost ticked Laura's breasts as they poked into her. Mother and daughter embraced each other tightly as their tongues met in a loving dance and the warm water from the shower heads cascaded down over them.

A sharp gasp from Jill caused Laura to open her eyes slightly. Wanda and Jill were engaged in a similar public display of mother daughter bonding just a few feet away under the adjacent shower heads. The reason for the gasp was that Wanda had just sunk her fist into her daughter's well stretched anus as she kissed the smaller woman greedily. The other mother's eyes were already open and watching Laura and Cora make out. Wanda smiled at Laura as she broke her kiss with her daughter.

"We'll have more than enough time for that when we get home, baby," Wanda said to her offspring as she popped her closed fist out of her daughter's sphincter. "Daddy is gone for the weekend on business, so it's just you and me!"

"I know! I'm really looking forward to it, Mom!" Jill replied as she stepped away from her mother to rinse her shoulder length hair.

Laura admired how the water ran over her friend's daughter's small but perky, 32C breasts, down her toned abdomen, to her shapely butt and finally down her long, lean legs. Her body was midway between Emily and Cora's body: taller and with slightly larger breasts than Emily, but shorter and smaller chested than Cora. All three young women were well built physically though. Jill was a kicker on the football team, Cora was a cheerleader, and Emily was on the varsity swim team. While Laura could admit to herself that Jill was pretty, she preferred her own two daughters. Although, she was sure her preference was more than a little biased.

"Can we play with the sex swing tonight?" Jill asked her mother.

"After your training, baby," replied Wanda.

Jill tried to look sullen at having to wait, but the smirk in the corner of her mouth told everything there was to know about how she felt about her anal training.

"Business before pleasure, eh?" asked Laura playfully as she and Cora broke from their embrace as well.

"Something like that," agreed Wanda. "Although it's more like pleasure before pleasure."

Laura laughed. "So, where's Jill at in her training?" Laura inquired as she positioned herself against the wall, just as her daughter had been a few minutes ago. The coolness of the rough tile caused the nipples on her 34FF breasts to stir to life.

"Tonight, we're going to practice double fisting," Wanda replied as her own tanned, 34E tits made contact with the shower wall. "She can take two of my fists, but not very deep yet. However, she can take her father's fist all the way to the elbow, which is pretty good considering her age and the size of Sam's arms!"

"Mom!" replied Jill quietly but firmly, as she and Cora took positions behind their mothers. "We're in public!"

"Quiet, baby," soothed her mother. "Laura is almost family and no one else can hear what we're discussing over the water.

"Anyway, Sam has been practicing rough fisting with Jill for the past couple months. She can almost take a full-force session!"

"Impressive!" Laura said truthfully. "As thin as she is, I would have expected something like that to be the topic when she's closer to twenty-one," she added, and then moaned softly as she felt her workout plug's largest diameter start to expand her sphincter. Cora was already behind her mother, working the large hunk of plastic out of Laura's stretched out anus.

"Well, she's been pretty motivated," Wanda replied. "Sam can get pretty rough with me when his both of his arms are inside my bottom past his elbows, and Jill likes to watch from the hallway when she thinks we think she's asleep."

Laura quickly looked down at Jill. The twenty-year-old sandy blonde woman looked like she had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar, or her mother's asshole in this particular case. The look on her face was priceless! Even Cora couldn't help but laugh out loud at the revelation.

"Don't worry, baby," Wanda said. "We don't mind, and it's actually pretty hot for me knowing that you're watching your father make love to Mommy's bottom."

Laura giggled too. Her laughing helped Cora pop the plug out almost too soon. Cora couldn't help but gasp as she felt cool air fill her rectum. She didn't care for the feeling of emptiness either; no proper girl should! A similar pop next to her told her Wanda was now unplugged too. Both daughters handed the slightly soiled plugs up to their mothers, who took the offered hunks of thick latex and began tongue washing them properly. When they had been thoroughly cleaned, they would be set out in the center aisle of the shower room, where an attendant would quickly scoop them up and carry them off to be washed. The cleaned and disinfected plugs would be in their lockers tomorrow afternoon when they came back to work out.

As the acidic taste of her own nether hole coated her tongue, Laura decided to try once more. "Nothing hypocritical at all?" she asked again.

Wanda paused her licking and sucking of the thick plug that had until recently been stretching her asshole to look around briefly. The hard-bodied blonde mother and her two daughters had traded places. The two young women now each had an arm buried up their mother's backside and were pounding the obviously very loose hole roughly as she moaned as quietly as she could so as not to make a scene. The two strangers who had started cleaning each other out had no such decorum. The first woman was now leaning back against the wall while the second knelt between her legs and drove her fist deep into the ruined asshole before her while she ate the woman's bald cunt out with gusto. Obviously, they had hit it off quite well!

"Everything looks pretty normal to me. I don't see anything out of the ordinary" Wanda replied with all honestly before resuming the tongue washing of her plug.

Laura just shook her head in exasperation and continued licking her own plug clean. She would have been a little more annoyed had the enema nozzle Cora was holding not hit a really pleasant spot deep inside her. "Right there, baby," Laura cooed. "Mommy is really dirty right there."

"Right here, Mommy?" Cora replied as she zeroed in on the spot. Her other hand was working three fingers into her mother's dripping cunt.


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