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A Ride to Heaven and Back Pt. 02 Ch. 03

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Dev finds his queen of the jungle, Reni meets her real dad.
3.9k words

Part 10 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/18/2022
Created 06/05/2008
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Author Note: Thanks for all the great comments and scores you been giving me for my stories lately and while i am running a little behind due to others things clogging my brain, i am working to get caught up. I would really love some serious feedback though, because i write these stories to be either liked or disliked and sometimes silence is nerve racking.

Remembering 9-11 and hoping that it never happens anywhere again




Reni heard him come in and sat up on the couch where she had fallen asleep. A clink of glass on glass and she knew he was having a drink. Considering that this was the third night in a row Dev had been working late, she understood. It seemed that the harder he worked to solve the problems at DM Trucking the worse it got. He walked into the living area and looked as her as he sat down in the easy chair. "Did I wake you?"

"Yes, but its okay, how did it go today?"

"Know the old saying "ignorance is bliss?" I was better off being ignorant. From what Hack in accounting was telling me, from all appearances the company is going great, we're making the deliveries on time, being all I hoped it would be, but under the surface, someone is taking a substantial amount from every contract, every investment. The money is appearing to be going back into the company, but is being diverted to this bank account, this supplier. He's got four of his best people auditing every invoice, every work order, every log and record we have for the last five years. He doesn't think it's that old, but he can at least get an idea of when it started."

"Are you hungry? I have your dinner in the microwave."

He shook his head. "We had dinner brought in. Honey, you know how you talked about just getting in the truck and running off into the sunset? Let's do it, just cash it all in and go off to some deserted isle in the south Pacific, build a hut and spend the rest of our lives making love in the sand. Build our own garden of Eden..."

Reni wished they could, the time they had been back had been hard on him. Getting up, she walked over to the chair and knelt down. Every day she grew to love him more and more and if she could take all his stress away she would. Reaching up, she pulled his tie loose and let it hang down as she unbuttoned his jacket and opened it to let him feel less pressured. She felt his hand on her cheek and turned to kiss it softly.

"Reni, you are so good to me and for me, how did I ever survive without you?"

"I've been asking myself that since the day we met. All the time I was traveling, I told myself I was doing it for the book, that once I had all the knowledge I needed I would be content to go home, write the book and get on with my life. Then I met you and all I could think of was how good you made me feel, how much I loved being with you. I knew I had to go home, but at the same time all I wanted was to just spend the rest of my life in the cab of the truck with you. Going from place to place, meeting this person or that one." She began to unbutton his shirt and when it was open she leaned forward to kiss his throat and chin. "Have I ever told you how hot I get just being in the same room with you?"

"Hmm, I know just how you feel, another advantage to going to a deserted island, we could run around nude all day and make love in every way and place possible."

Reni licked her lips. "You mean there are ways to make love that we haven't done yet?" She tried to look surprised. "I was sure that chart you brought home was totally checked off. Oh, except the one with me standing on my head and you swinging from a trapeze?"

Dev chuckled. "It looked possible to me. Now of course there is the one underwater..."

"We'd both drown and besides, the water in the Sound is way too cold."

He nodded and downed the rest of his drink, sitting forward; he slipped off his jacket and took off the tie. "It is kinda warm in here, now that I think about it, must be thinking about all that tropical sunshine beating down on my body and yours on some pristine white sandy beach somewhere."

Reni moved back from the chair as he moved down to face her and worked to take off his shirt at the same time. "Dev, you were supposed to stay the way you were..."

"That was before I got in a jungle frame of mind, now the only decision I have to make is if I want to be Tarzan, King Kong, or Leo the lion. Admit it; you would love to see me in a loincloth wouldn't you?"

"It has possibilities. So should I be on my hands and knees, back, or standing on my head?" She still wondered where he had gotten that damn thing; it had to be physically impossible for some of those positions.

He licked his lips this time, and bent over to look at her behind. "Oh hands and knees, definitely, and you better be bringing that delicious behind of yours over here for me play with. You got till I get these damn slacks off to do it."

Reni giggled. "You know, Maria is asking me about all the clothes she keeps finding when she comes in to clean the condo."

He stood up long enough to drop the slacks and step out of them, and then sat down to pull off his shoes and socks. "What do you tell her?"

"That I have no idea, but that I would ask you about it." She ran her tongue over her lips and swallowed hard. He was fully aroused and a part of her wanted to take him in her mouth and suck on him so bad. "Dev, can I have just a taste, please, I been thinking about this all night..." She moved to the chair on her hands and knees, slowly like a cat.

He chuckled, and sat back in the chair, stroking his cock now that he was aware of what she wanted. "Do I ever deny you what you want? Not that you ask for very much, you still won't let me replace that cheap ring I got you in Reno."

Settling between his legs she raised her upper body up to be able to give him the pleasure she wanted to give him. "No, I love this ring, and I love the fact it's the ring you put on my finger when we got married." Bending forward, she slapped away his hand and replaced it with her own. "Hmm, he looks so tasty tonight, what have you been thinking about today...?"

He grinned. "Well there was that little redhead in accounting who kept giving me the eye, and that hot blonde dispatcher who just started. Not to mention..." He felt her graze the head of his cock with her teeth and shivered. "Hmm, I'm surprised you didn't bite him off..."

"You know better Dev, I never thought I was the jealous type but it's there..."

Yes it was and he knew it. "I know how you feel honey, it's the same way I felt seeing you surrounded by all those truckers at the motel. But you know what, I love your jealousy, I love knowing that you would scratch the eyes out of any woman that you saw as a threat." He ran his fingers over her face. "But believe me baby, I might look, but all they do is remind me what I got waiting for me at home and just make me all the more happy to be here with you. I know why they would want me, and I know exactly why you are here. And your reasons are the main thing that I wake up in the morning for. It's your love honey, the love I see in your eyes and the love that I feel when we're together, the same love that I feel for you and will always feel for you."

"You have been reading romance novels again..." She teased him but found she liked to hear it too.

He chuckled. "The meeting with Hack was boring; I needed something to keep me awake. Oh Reni, we are so perfect together, I wish the rest of the world was as easy to deal with."

"It is, sit back close your eyes and relax and I will take all your troubles away for now..." She licked the full length of him and began to swirl her tongue around him like an ice cream cone on a hot summer day. Her mouth never got tired of having him in it, just like her pussy and her ass never got tired of feeling him slide in and out of them. Tonight though she wanted to suck him until he begged her to stop, to taste him as his semen slid down her throat and explore the small slit at the top, then go all the way to the base and bury her face in his pubic hair. He felt and tasted so good to her, and she never got enough.

His moans of pleasure were like music to her ears and she shivered with pleasure when he told her all the things she made him feel and want. Dev was a very vocal lover and he liked it when she did the same, but sometimes she just wanted to be silent, to let him feel her pleasure or let her touch tell him. Other times she could cry out, tell him to fuck her harder, or bite her clit instead of just sucking on it. She especially loved to be vocal when he was fucking in her ass and had her bent over some table, or even the chair he was now sitting on. One night not long ago, they had been on the terrace, and she had cried out so loud as she came that the neighbors on either side had come out to see what was happening. That had been fun.

Mrs. Porter, an elderly lady who was a widow had been entertaining long time friends and the next day she had looked at Reni as they rode in the elevator together. Without saying a word, she had smiled at Reni and winked. As she was getting off in the lobby, she did stop and turned to look at her and smile. "You husband has such a nice ass dear, all the ladies agreed on it. I do hope you take care of him very well..."

Reni had still been blushing when she met with the real estate agent an hour later, which was something else that had been put on hold for now. With the state of DM Trucking at the moment, all new business had been put on hold, personal and business. Instead her sister in law Kelly was coming by and helping her decide how to redecorate the place on her own. The first to go would be the living room in black and white.

Coming back to the present, Reni looked up and saw Dev smiling down at her. His eyes were filled with a fire she knew so well and he spoke in a tone that held no sign of being willing to argue. "Enough, on your hands and knees honey, I need to be in the jungle and take you like a lion takes his mate."

She released him from her mouth and did as he asked, but not before moving on the rug like a female cat in heat might. When she was how he wanted her, he wasted no time gripping her hips and pushing his way into her. God that felt so good, she felt him everywhere and he pumped in and out fast and hard. "Oh Dev, yes, like that, it's how I need you tonight."

"It's how I want it to be honey, my lioness, my she-cat. This is how I see us when I'm at work, how I want to be with you all the time. You feel so good, so soft and hot." He began to caress her ass cheeks and bent down to kiss a trail along her spine. "Come for me my lioness, my queen of the jungle. Let me feel your pussy go tight around me and flood me like you've never flooded me before."

As if she could prevent it, from day one she had found his touch to be like someone had hooked her up to a car battery and it was constantly running electricity through her. It got even better as he shoved his longest finger up her tight ass channel and began to match it with the strokes he was taking in and out of her pussy. Dev was not the only one who felt so invigorated by their sexual encounters. They were seldom the same twice in a row, and lately they had been experimenting with things like handcuffs and paddling. She thrilled when he took control of her body and he loved it when she teased and flirted with him both at work and when they were out in public.

She loved him in and out of bed and she loved hearing from complete strangers how well they complimented each other. It had happened not long ago in a very expensive restaurant where they had been eating dinner with his parents who had been in town for a few days. An elderly couple had approached the table and the man had looked at Dev with a knowing smile. "My wife and I couldn't help but notice how well the two of you look together, reminded us of our younger days and we just wanted to thank you for bringing back some very wonderful memories."

Dev had stood and shook the man's hand and invited the couple to sit and have an after dinner drink with them. The woman had looked at Reni and after a few moments, had smiled. "Excuse me dear, I can't help feeling I know you from somewhere, are you from Seattle."

"I grew up in Portland, my family lives there."

"Your mother and father must be very proud of you, growing up so beautiful and being married to such a handsome man, can I ask who they are?"

"Charles and Sylvia Marks."

The woman's face paled and for a minute Reni had wondered if she was going to have a heart attack or something. It had passed but it hadn't been long before the couple left and until now it had been forgotten.

"Reni, what's wrong, you went totally dry all of a sudden..."

He was right and she wondered why that particular thought had such an effect on her. Never had that happened to her before. She felt Dev withdraw both his finger and his cock and she shivered. How could she tell him her mind had drifted so far afield when they were making love? It bothered her though, why had it drifted and why to that particular couple. Free of him, she turned and saw the worried look in his eyes.

"It's this room I think; maybe we should go into the bedroom."

He nodded. "Are you sure you're alright?" He drew her to her and she felt his warmth. "Reni, you're freezing, it is this room, it's like a damn snow bank, tomorrow you call Kate or mom, get one of them over here to help you change this place around."

She nodded and let him draw her down the hall to their bedroom. There the process of getting themselves back to the fevered pitch that seemed to be a natural part of them was accomplished and this time when her king of the jungle entered her she was soon cumming all around him and feeling him fill her deepest recesses. As she drifted off to sleep in his arms, she had one final vision of the woman and her face and decided that his sister in law and mother would not be the only ones she called once they woke.

Devlin looked over the latest report on the shape of his trucks and gave a deep sigh of relief. Thank god they were finally getting back in business, it had taken replacing over half his mechanics, two people in purchasing and replacing one or two drivers, but he was happy that it was done and he could spend more time working on who the hell was trying to drive him under. As the phone on his desk beeped, he pushed the button that connected him with Noreen.

"There's a man here to see you Dev. Says his name is Cain McGovern. You have an appointment with him?" She sounded a little put out that she had been unaware of it, but he was being cautious and Mr. McGovern liked his privacy.

"Send him in, and see that we're not disturbed will you Noreen?"

"Yes sir, but I will remind you that you have an appointment at four with your in-laws and the priest..."

Devlin slapped his forehead, how had he forgotten? The wedding of the Century, which was what they were calling it up and down the West coast, most saw it as a business merger, until they saw him and Reni together, then they realized that it was more. The love match of the Century was what the romantics called it. To make it worse, the thing was totally disrupting their privacy. More than once, both of them had considered telling Sylvie to cancel the whole damn thing. It was getting out of hand. "Noreen, call Reni, have her meet me here at three-thirty will you, and have her bring me a clean shirt and a more sober tie, and please have Mr. McGovern come in will you?" He disconnected and stood up to button his jacket and fix his tie.

He had never met Cain McGovern in his life, but the minute the door opened and the man himself entered the office, Dev had a feeling of knowing him and wondering why he looked so damn familiar. True, he had met the man's mother and father by chance at a restaurant a while back, but in person it was almost as if a feeling of Déjà vu washed over him and would not go away.

The man who entered his office was tall, as tall as Devlin, maybe even a little taller, husky built, but as well formed and while he had a harder, more ruthless look to his face and eyes, it was the color that threatened to send Dev reeling. Only once had he ever seen such deep emerald colored eyes like his in his life.

To his shock, Cain McGovern grinned. "I thought the eyes might throw you a bit, must be hard, seeing them in my ugly mug when you look in them every night."


"Is that her name, I never knew. Must say I was a bit shocked when my father called me in New York and told me he had met you and your wife by accident. They tell me she's a beautiful woman, but then so was her mother. I'm surprised Charles and Sylvie adopted her, me being just a lowly college student fresh from the military, and her mother being who she was." He looked down at the newspaper in his hands. "She is your wife right; this news article says you've a wedding coming up..."

Devlin swallowed hard. "We were married in Reno, nothing fancy, but Sylvie...Lord, where are my manners." He walked around the desk and extended his hand to the owner of McGovern Investigations, and it seemed his father-in-law. "Please sit down, can I offer you a drink, coffee...?"

"Scotch on the rocks if you have it," the older man sat and looked around the office. "Nice place you have here, great view. And relax Devlin; you had no way of knowing when you first contacted me. I wasn't even sure until I did some checking. I like knowing who I am doing business with and you came back exceptionally clean. To be honest, that made me dig a little deeper and to find that not only were you the first truly honest businessman I had met in the last twenty years, but you were engaged to my daughter. I guess I will have to update that to married now." He took out a notebook and scribbled something in it. "No, don't use Blackberries, iPhones or any of that techno junk myself. I leave that to my people. I'll have to notify my accountants that this will be a reduced rate case as well, can't have you paying your father in law his full fee can we?"

Devlin shook his head. "No reduced rate, I hired you because I hear you're the best, and I pay top dollar for the best in everything I do. If later on you want to reduce it, or send me a phony bill fine, but upfront, we go on the agreed price."

Cain nodded. "Knew there was something I liked about you, now, getting down to business, I know what you told me on the phone, but let's run through it one more time..."

Time slipped away and it was Noreen buzzing him to say Reni had arrived that ended the discussion. Cain had made it clear he didn't want Reni to know he was her father until a later time and for now would strictly be introduced as a business associate. Still there was no missing the paternal pride in his eyes as she came in, dressed in a fine fitting denim skirt, one of his pure white dress shirts hanging down past her hips and unbuttoned just enough to reveal her spectacular cleavage, and one inch heels; she seldom wore anything more drastic unless it was a special occasion, or they were playing in the bedroom. He had learned how spectacular she looked in stilettos and a corset just the other night and the memory filled him with lust.

Reni looked a little disappointed to discover he wasn't alone but shook hand with Mr. McGovern and apologized for interrupting their meeting. Then she did something that surprised them all. "We're having a party on Friday, to celebrate the redecoration of the condo. Just family and a few friends, but I hope you'll come as well."

Cain looked taken back. "That's very nice of you Mrs. Morris, I had planned on staying a while, this is my hometown you see...but even if I wasn't, how could I refuse such a gracious invitation?"

When he had left, Dev began to change his shirt and tie, but couldn't resist asking the question. "Why did you invite him to the party Reni...?"


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