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Alex Ch. 02

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Alex goes out and finds love.
2.8k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/18/2017
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Alex and Anna lay on the bed, on their stomachs, reading the local newspaper; each held the upturned corner of a page as they scanned it for anything of interest. Their legs rubbed against each other as they read the "interesting neighbourhood news".

"Boring! There's nothing at all that's even vaguely interesting." Alex said as she languidly let the page drop from her fingers.

"It's all pretty usual stuff, nothing ever happens that..." Anna stopped and looked again at the small headline at the bottom of page seven.

"Oh My God!" She intoned, slowly, "Alex I think you had better read this!" She pointed to the headline and Alex looked at it a little closer.

"Local lad becomes lass." She read, fear welling up inside. Reading quickly she absorbed the article and its implications. "Oh Fuck!" came out finally. Grabbing the paper she screwed it up and threw it across the room, hitting the rim of the wastepaper basket and dropping in.

"Mum and Dad are going to go apeshit when they see this." Anna said, "They don't name you, but the description and details certainly point at you," she added, rubbing Alex's back with her hand.

"Everyone will know now," she wailed and Anna moved to cuddle her sister.

"Look it will be OK, you see, we're in the twenty first Century now, it's OK,"

" yeah, 'til some troglodyte sees me and decides I'm fair game for a bit of baiting or worse." Alex said. Rolling on her back she pulled Anna to her and stroked her hair. "Not everyone has been as tolerant and lovely as you, sweet girl." She kissed Anna's lips softly; Anna smiled and returned the kiss.

"Come on let's not worry too much. There's a whole world out there to explore, and I intend to be your teacher. Let's change and go out. We'll tell mum we're off out and we'll have a drink and a meal, maybe a drink and a bop. Come on!" Anna tickled Alex until she began to laugh.

"I need to sort you out an outfit, come on gorgeous, let's go party." Alex found she was being dragged by her younger sister towards the wardrobe.

As they opened the door and looked in, they heard the doorbell and their mother answer, a voice shouted something and then the stairs boomed as two feet crashed up them at speed.

"Pam!" the two said together, just before the bedroom door exploded inward. Pam Sanders, Anna's best friend since forever appeared bearing the same newspaper they had discarded and a beaming smile.

"You're in the paper Alex," she screamed and looked triumphantly at them as she held up the rag, turned to page seven.

"We know," they said in unison, before laughing, at each other.

"You two are beginning to be a bit weird," Pam said, "Finishing each other's lines and saying the same stuff at the same time, weird!"

"But you love us," they said together and grabbed hold of Pam, tickling her and bundling her onto the bed. They rolled over her and each other, Pam eventually giving way and laughing as she joined in. Hot and exhausted, all three lay back on the bed, heads touching, but at angles to each other, legs dangling off the sides and end of it.

"We're thinking of going out, you in?"

"Of course, I have masses of homework, it's Wednesday and I'm fairly broke, but hey yeah, let's do this. I need to change of course, and I see that we're all three the same'ish size, so I get to raid your wardrobes, right?"

"I guess you have us there, OK, let's get going. Alex, bring anything you think is suitable in here, Then we'll sort through."

"Half my stuff is your cast offs sis, so perhaps, you'll want to just rampage through Anna's stuff, Pam?"

"UH UH!, I have my eyes on that old 'little black number' you gave Alex." Pam said with a grin.

"Hands off doll face, I am wearing that!" Alex grinned, "Try again."

"You know I always fancied you when you were a boy, so indulge me, wear a shirt and trousers," Pam's eyebrow raised and she licked her lips.

"I have absolutely no interest in you, so there" Alex said archly before grinning and giving Pam a wet sloppy kiss on the lips.

"Brute, I hate you for that," Pam said and hugged Alex tightly. Alex's arms went round her and she let her head rest against Pam's. She felt a little strange after the kiss, a tingle she had never felt before, was this normal?

"I do love you Pamela, you know that right? I always have, so you know I have two very special people in my life, you and Anna. Without you two and the love you give me, I think I would have probably have finished myself off before now."

"I still fancy you, you big Jessie, nothing will change that, not even the boobs and lipstick. You're very special to me. Anna's my best friend, but you're a very close second. Now put me down you munter."

"Munter yourself! Look at you; you have let yourself go darling." Alex arched an eyebrow and winked slowly.

"Ladies, are we going out or are you two going to bicker all day?"

"Right, what's in the store next door today please?" Pam said, am arm round Alex's waist.

Anna held up a shirtwaister, Alex and Pam went "Nuh", Anna pulled out a blue A Line knee length Dress, Alex and Pam went "Nuh", Anna sighed, pulling out several more items, and got the same reaction. By now Alex and Pam were unable to hold on any longer and started to laugh. Anna was furious, but their laughter was infectious. She pulled out an old School skirt, from probably six or seven years ago, Alex and Pam went "Nuh", Anna threw it on the floor and jumped on it. They collapsed in a heap on the floor, tears of laughter rolling down their faces.

"I need to pee, I need to pee!" Alex said desperately. The other two chorused me too" and a frantic race erupted.

Eventually all three were in the toilet, with Alex desperately pulling down her jeans and knickers. Pam looked in wonder at him, the tiny childlike penis all that remained as a vestige of her previous life, he sat and they heard the relief as she relaxed her bladder. Pam and Alex fell silent, Pam transfixed, Anna, however, was worried.

"Alex?" Pam enquired, "I know you have legally changed to a woman, but are you going to transition through surgery?"

Alex looked up and smiled, "I really haven't thought that bit through yet. I mean I am a woman legally and almost physically, but I don't know if I want to go the whole hog."

"It must be difficult, I mean, they can do so much, but..."

"What?" Anna said, alarmed.

"Well... you know... Um, you might have an approximation of female bits, but..."

"Pam!" Anna said icily,

"She's right Anna, I can be a woman legally, mentally, but not physically; I can only be a token woman. I won't have periods, or a functioning womb, so no children, but happily no PMS or that sort of thing. However, if they get it wrong, I'll have no means of physical relief, and probably a lot of bladder problems." Alex sniffed and stood, pulling her clothes together. Flushing she turned to the basin to wash her hands. Pam seizing the moment dropped her jeans and panties and sat, blowing out her cheeks as the pee erupted down below.

"That's really sad; to have all the feelings and yearnings we have, but being unable to fulfil those desires. I'm sorry to have asked Alex."

"No reason to be Pam, it's probably in most people's minds but they never ask. I've talked to Anna about it a lot and she understands, but... sometimes it is a bit, well overwhelming. I mean I've got so far and yet..." Alex trailed off, Anna came over and hugged her, and they stood locked together. Pam finished, wiped flushed and washed her hands. Reluctantly Anna released Alex and dropped her jeans and knickers too, sitting she looked at Alex and a single tear dropped down her cheek.

"I think you're really brave and honest. I adore you, whether you're a boy or a girl. I'm fascinated by your transition, but I'm afraid of being too intrusive." Pam held Alex in her arms and Alex moved to hug her back. Pam kissed Alex's cheek as Anna finished and pulled her clothes back together. Flushing she washed her hands and they turned to leave. Outside on the landing Anna and Alex's father stood quietly against the railing round the stairway.

"I might have known; you girls are always together, come on, my turn. He hugged them all as he went into the bathroom. Stopping at the door, whilst hugging Alex, he said,

"Alex, I think you're very brave too, I'm so proud of you." He kissed Alex's cheek, released her and went into the bathroom. Alex eyes had tears in as they walked back to Anna's room.

"I love your Dad," Pam said and pushed ahead into Anna's room.

Anna's mobile rang and as she answered it Pam and Alex stripped to their underwear as they began to rummage through Anna's clothes. Anna finished and smiling looked at the other two, helping each other on with the clothes they had chosen.

"That was Moo, apparently some of the others have had the same idea, we're going to meet at Bennies, they've managed to get a space upstairs, sounds like everyone's going to be there. Come on Ladies let's get organised."

An hour later Jeffrey Redmond was driving his car through the light traffic towards the restaurant. He looked in the rear view mirror and saw the girls chatting happily away. Well this would be a big test for his son, no daughter, following her decision to transition. He looked and saw three strikingly beautiful young women and knew that things had a way of working out right, more or less.

At the restaurant, upstairs a gaggle of young women were talking excitedly as the three mounted the stairs. A cheer went up as they arrived at the top and soon they were entangled in a flurry of hugs and kisses. Alex felt himself swept away by the sheer exuberance of the situation. He "halloed ", "air kissed", actually kissed, and hugged all the girls in turn, as did Pam and Anna. Finally escaping they stood to one side with two others. Anna introduced Muriel Wu, known as Moo and Evelyn Shepherd, known as Sheep. Anna it turned out was known as "Ra Ra", her initials reversed and doubled. Alex grinned as people had shouted "Ra Ra" at her when they arrived.

"You might as well know they call me 'Muff'," Pam said with a sigh.

"Why?" asked Alex curiously,

"Because she has the fluffiest lady garden round here." Said a tall blond girl with long hair, braided and tied on top of her head. She held a hand out, "I'm Patricia Fuller, pleased to meet you."

Alex took her hand and gently shook it. Patricia manoeuvred herself between Alex and Pam. Alex had the unnerving feeling of a hand stroking his bottom and from Pam's look she felt the same.

"Well it's lovely to meet you finally, Alex, in the flesh, or maybe that's for later, ciao." Both Alex and Pam yelped as Patricia nipped their bottoms. Patricia walked away without looking back to disappear into the throng further over, draping an arm over a shorter dumpy girl.

"That! Is Puller," said Pam with exasperation, "She's a man-eater. Went through puberty and got consumed by her own hormones. She keeps count, remember my brother Robbie, she calls him two four seven."

"Ouch!" said Alex, "Makes me glad to be in a dress, you too?"

"Even in this I don't feel safe around her." Anna said moving back to join them. A waiter appeared and suggested they sit and he'd take their drinks order, and he dropped the menus at the table. Eagerly the girls sat and the conversation resumed. Alex found himself opposite Moo and next to Pam one side and a girl who introduced herself as Harriet. Alex nodded and soon the conversation drifted to what everyone was doing. Unlike Anna and Pam who were in the Sixth form College, Harriet had left and was working at a local newspaper. Alex gulped, he reddened slightly,

"It's OK, this isn't a set up Alex, I'm not here to talk about you and your transition, don't worry, we all know and I think you're very brave." Her hand closed on his briefly then she switched the conversation to holidays. Alex felt Pam's hand squeeze his thigh, he found her hand and held it tight; she carried on talking to Moo across the table. Anna was further along and every now and then she glanced over at Alex and smiled.

The waiter returned and they ordered, bottles of red and white wine appeared and the girls attacked them with gusto. Alex had a glass of Prosecco and Pam the same, Harriet had a gin and tonic, explaining that wine gave her heartburn, but gin seemed to be okay. As Alex looked along the table he saw Puller raise a glass of red wine and wink, she hoped it wasn't meant for her.

The evening was long and uneventful apart from that, until at about eleven they began to break up. They had split the bill evenly amongst themselves; some offering to chip in more as they'd had three courses against others having only two. Eventually they had agreed a common price and the waiter had taken both cash and credit cards until he had the correct sum plus a good tip. He thanked them profusely and disappeared.

Suggestions had been made to walk over to Spaghetti a local late night dance club, but Anna, Alex and Pam reluctantly said no, as Alex had work in the morning and Anna and Pam had College. Some of the others tried to persuade them, as they too had College, but they were firm enough to deter them. Alex shuddered as Puller winked and waved at her as they parted. Pam stuffed her arm through Alex's and huddled close.

At the stroke of eleven fifteen, Jeffrey Redmonds car came to a halt outside the restaurant, shortly after, the three crammed in the back seat. They sat silent until Anna said,

"Well that was a good evening; I think we'll do that again, maybe not with everyone though!"

"Definitely not with Puller," Alex shuddered and all three began to laugh.

At the Redmond's, Alex and Anna persuaded Pam to stay over. She rang her parents and settled in with Anna in her bedroom. They had often stayed over at each other's and had left night clothes at each other's for just such an event. As she settled into Anna's double bed, Anna touched her arm.

"Pam, is there anything you want to tell me, anything at all?"

Pam reddened and pulled the bedclothes up to her face, she mumbled something into the duvet, Anna impatiently pulled them away.

"Bloody hell Pam, you're my best friend, what is going on?"

"I think I fancy Alex. No! I know I fancy Alex." She felt her face flush crimson and tears streamed down her face.

"Oh well is that all, well why not go tell her?"

"You wouldn't mind, I mean, you know I..."

"I've known you since we were three, I know how you work, for ... heaven's sake. I've known you were gay or bi since you were... Well since a long time. If anyone would be good enough for Alex it would be you. Now get out of here and go tell her. I'll see you in the morning, goodnight." So saying Anna pushed Pam out of the bed.

"You sure you don't mind me..."

"Out, Out." Anna turned her bedside light out, tears appearing as she heard her best friend pad off down the hall.

Alex heard the commotion down the hall and leapt out of bed, just as the door opened and Pam appeared, he saw her tears and enveloped her in a hug immediately.

"what's wrong, haver you had a row with Anna?"

"She threw me out, because..." Tears streamed down Pam's face.

"What? What's wrong?" Alex looked into her eyes and saw her aching heart.

"Is it a boy? Was it Puller?" Alex asked,

"No!.. It's you, Alex I love you."

"You... how? I mean why? I..."

Pam reached up and gently pulled Alex into a kiss, a kiss that developed into a full bloodied lovers kiss, their tongues searching out each other's. They pushed against each other tightly, chest to chest. Hands roaming each other's back. The door opened a bit more and Anna stood smiling in the doorway. She backed out and closed the door after her.

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HunterShamblesHunterShamblesover 5 years agoAuthor
big jessie

A big jessie is a term of mild abuse. It means a weak or soft character, if said to a male by a male it often implies effeminacy. it originates in the North of England. An alternative expression is "a big girls blouse," again implying a soft, easy person with no backbone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Slightly Confused

First off, nice story. I like it, but who is "Big Jessie"?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

please can you continue this story . this had me wishing i could have transitioned earlier in life . but doing it now is great!!. lovely read.thanks.

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