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An Exotic Neighbourly Favour

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Former ROH wrestler Mandy Leon hooks up with a neighbour.
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WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction. The events are completely made up and did not happen, and there is no true reflection of the characters, promotions, wrestlers, events etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. All characters depicted in this fiction are over 18 years of age. I do not own ROH or any other wrestling promotion, or any current or former wrestlers/characters.

Starring: Mandy Leon (former ROH)

An Exotic Neighbourly Favour

An erotic pro wrestling fan-fiction story.

Written by DaxG2001

Codes: Cons, MF, oral, inter, anal.

* * *

Jay was not a fan of pro wrestling one bit. He didn't see the appeal compared to some good old football or the like but didn't hate it enough to dismiss it as fake or the like. But he knew one thing for sure. The smoking hot girlfriend of his next-door neighbour who also lived in that home with him was a fellow pro wrestler and was fine as hell.

Former ROH wrestler Mandy Leon. The woman nicknamed The Exotic Goddess was a pretty much perfect package. Dark-toned skin from a background of Cuban and Puerto Rican descent, long dark hair, a juicy ass and nice big tits. The only issue of course, with a lot of women in the world, was being 'off limits' due to being in a relationship and in fact, engaged to that lucky man. Now Jay of course had come into contact with her a few times, but just small talk and passing conversation. So she assumed anyway. But what she couldn't know, and the same went for her future hubby, was that Jay had taken a small vested interest in Leon's career specifically. Not to support her or even buy merchandise. He just wanted to bang her brains out. So any ammo he could get to charm or otherwise fool his way into her panties would be a score for him as long as her man was nowhere in sight.

As it went, one random day midweek on a boring afternoon of doing chores Jay finally got his opportunity. He'd just stepped out into the backyard of his property to put some trash out when he heard a thud from the other side of the fence, followed by the annoyed yell of a female voice that sounded familiar. His interest quickly perked, he grabbed that can to put alongside the fence to use it to climb up onto so he could peer over the top. Without thinking, he let out a wolf whistle of approval when he saw Leon's thick backside on display in a bronze bodysuit while Mandy was trying to set up a tripod for her camera. No doubt she tried to do an easy photoshoot against the backdrop of the fence and the stairs leading up to the wooden porch on the back of her and her man's home. A sign perhaps that she was home alone today if her other half wasn't there to help.

"Huh?? Hey!!" Mandy heard the noise and turned around to stare in surprise at the 'peeping Tom' with an instinct to cover herself up a bit.

"Hey, sorry Mandy! I just heard a yell and wanted to see what's up!" Jey said with a smile. "Let me hop down..." He said before he stepped down and went to the fence that divided the properties. Unlocking it at his side before Mandy did the same on hers to allow him to open up.

"It's OK. Just didn't expect to see someone able to look in on, well, all of this." Mandy said with a smile as she motioned across her body. Knowing that after seeing her seconds before, there was no reason to cover up after he'd almost seen more than she planned to show off for this shoot.

"My bad on that." Jay claimed before he motioned to the tripod and camera on the ground. "Having some trouble with that?"

"Yeah..." Mandy admitted with a sigh. "Usually I'd have my boyfriend help me with little shoots like this... But he's gonna be out of town probably the whole day taking care of some... 'Stuff'." She claimed but made it sound like she didn't want to talk about it. "But I didn't want to wait with the sunlight being so good today in case the weather turns tomorrow, you know?"

"Oh, I know that. I was gonna do the lawn later today myself." Jay claimed. "You know, Mandy? I'm not gonna claim I'm any kind of pro photographer or anything like that. But if it's as simple as point a camera at you and take some shots? Maybe I could help you out?" He offered, but mostly because he saw a chance here to score now that Mandy had just said her man was out of town.

"You would?" Her smile returned, and she completely bought the friendly tone her neighbour used to think he just wanted to help and nothing more. "That would be so awesome if you could... Would be saving my bacon here!"

"Oh, no problem! I wasn't doing anything today anyway." He lied again as his planned cleaning was put on indefinite pause so he could charm his way into seeing what was under her costume. The camera picked up so he could check it was on and ready to go. "Besides, you're doing all the hard work here. Looking so good in that costume and all." He said to flatter her and start to hit on another man's woman.

"Well, that's no bad thing! These pics will be for my fans after all!" Mandy said and didn't sound too offended by the compliment. "I've got some poses in mind, so just take like three or four snaps for the poses I'm in then we can move on to the next one, OK?"

So for the next ten or so minutes, Jay got the great, close views of Mandy posing superbly in such a stunning attire for future merchandise pictures and a set for her exclusive content site. Fooled that this man only wanted to help out and not that he was leering over her as he'd been doing for weeks and more. So much more comfortable now along with his praise about how the shots looked hot and nice (and he didn't need to lie about that) it made Leon ask for him to wait a moment so she could nip inside and change. Figuring he's seen a lot of her so far she might as well not hold back, and it would help nail two planned shoots in a day to save her some time.

When Leon returned not long after, Jey's jaw dropped at a costume even hotter than the one before. A tiny, neon green bikini with tied straps for the bottoms to barely contain her thick thighs and juicy ass. While the top was a size too small for the large and rounded tits that Mandy had so there was a delicious tease of some underboob shown off. A look topped off with a black, leather jacket and a dazzling necklace along with the thick red lipstick she wore.

"Oh, your fans are going to love this..." Jay said with a grin. "I know I do if that means anything!"

"Oh, so you like? My man thought it was a little too much..." Mandy smiled back and seemed to appreciate the compliment again.

"It's fantastic. Looks good." He repeated but made a mental note that it sounded like she and her future husband were at odds on a few things. Which would work well for him if he got to try and make a move on her. "But let's get these pictures in the can as they say before we just talk about how good you are, as much as I'd love to do that too."

"Oh, I could do with hearing that too! But yeah, let's get these snaps done and checked out." Leon agreed.

The second half of the shoot went as smoothly as the first. Leon showed her modelling background before she entered pro wrestling by knowing how Jey should be for the best lighting and shots of her against the fencing and stairs. Along with how she handled that hard part of just looking so damn good and doing smouldering looks that would thrill fans and earn some big bucks along the way. His plan in turn was working nicely to disarm her and make her think there was nothing wrong with a neighbour doing a favour here. To the point that when this shoot was done, she even invited him back into her home so they could check on his work to get those snaps done. Alone in a woman's house while her man was gone for hours? This was exactly the situation he'd hoped for.

"Oh, this one's good... I'll keep that to make for a promo pic to sell at shows..." Mandy smiles as she checks through the camera reel as they sit at the kitchen table.

"Glad I could help!" Jay claims even as he sneaks a look at her rounded tits that slightly hang while she leans forward to view the pics on the camera. He's spent so long doing just that, it's left a tent in his pants from the arousal of seeing her hot body so close. "Speaking of which..." Hearing her mention shows allowed him to put the 'research' into her career into effect to start the next step of the plan to get a piece of her. "I was sorry to hear about your old company ROH closing up."

That sudden statement got the exact reaction he'd hoped for. The surprise caught her off guard so she almost dropped the camera to the floor, but held the straps to put it safely on the table. "W-Well, yes. It wasn't an ideal situation." Mandy said after she'd composed herself. "The company got sold and myself and some others got dropped. It, you know, happens in this business." She turned her head to look at him and put on a forced smile. "But it's not the first setback I've had and it won't be the last! And both myself and my man are still gonna get booked and go places regardless of the fact we... We aren't on TV any more." She claimed and that last line was especially telling of how she truly felt.

"It doesn't seem too fair though, does it?" He saw the opening again to push her buttons while her hands fidgeted with the camera strap. "He gets to go out and take all these bookings, go out and do training and seminars and all that, while you get stuck along and end up struggling to take bookings these days." He points out as Leon's fake smile fades at the awkward home truths being spoken here. "I mean, look at this. He's left you all alone to take pics for yourself. If things were going so well you wouldn't be stuck having to sell thirst-traps online to horny guys if you could get to go out and wrestle every weekend like before."

"That's... It's not..." Mandy tries to come up with an excuse but exposes a moment of weakness that a skirt-chaser like him can easily pounce on.

"He's let you down, basically, right?" He claimed without even knowing the full story. "Promised you a lot, said that you'd be a TV star forever and when it all went down the pan you're stuck at home while he's out making money. Just like today."

"You think I don't know that?!" Leon finally snapped with a glare cast at her neighbour. Before she sighed and shook her head, holding up a hand. "I'm sorry... It's just... I love him and all but it's so frustrating... People don't want to fucking book me because they think..." She motions towards her gorgeous, curved body. "That I'm all just good looks and no skill." Mandy states, and she sounds like she's read plenty of the reviews about her somewhat lacking in-ring ability.

"Well, we both know that's a bunch of bullshit." He claimed to flatter her.

"Is it?" She snapped a bit and stood up from the chair. "I've worked my ass off like a bunch of other women but I get fucking judged because I show off my body or that I dated the booker of the company? Fucking sucks!" She said with an angered tone to her voice.

"You know, Mandy..." He more calmly stood up. Standing in front of her to give her bikini-clad body a look over. "If I was lucky enough to be your man? I would never let something like this happen..." He claimed but just to tell her more of what she wanted to hear. "Leave you alone, so pissed off and all that when I was out making deals and paychecks? I'd be the kind of guy to treat a fine babe like you real right." He said to reach down and try and stroke her hair.

Instead, her hand came up and grabbed his wrist. A narrow-eyed look before she glanced down. "Would you now..." She questioned with a look at his pants. "Someone's been real enjoying my bikini up close, haven't they?" She said, seeing a noticeable bulge in his crotch.

"Guilty as charged, babe." Jay just smiled without any hint of shame.

"You know, usually my fucking asshole of a boyfriend asks for at least a blowjob after snapping some pictures for me..." Mandy bluntly said with a bitter tone before her smouldering eyes locked onto him. "You didn't even ask for anything back for payment for helping me out today." He noted.

"Guess that's what a good neighbour does, right?" He claimed, but he liked where this conversation was heading.

"...I think I know exactly how to repay you." She decided and kept a hold of his wrist while her other hand grabbed the camera. "Follow me... I'll let you see what that bastard, future husband of mind gets!" She stated before she led him through the home. Missing the wide grin on his face to show his plan had worked perfectly to provoke her into being so pissed off she'd cheat on her man.

* * *

Only minutes later, and with his clothes from footwear to his shirt in a messy pile on the floor, Jey has a wide grin on his face as he stands naked in front of Mandy Leon while she's perched on the edge of the bed she presumably shares with her husband. Just her jacket removed and the camera left on a dresser -- which he noted also had on it a couple of bottles, one of which was of high-grade sex lube. Her attention was on the sight of his fat, long white cock that was rock-hard to point at her Exotic features and ready for her to grip. The nice lean of her body showed off her tits nicely as she slowly stroked his size and had that clear angered look in her eyes to show she was being fuelled at the idea of both payback for the 'crimes' she now thinks her boyfriend has done to her and the sight of a huge dick like this. Clueless to the fact she's just been played and that his asshole doesn't care about her career or relationship status all that much and just wants a piece of her.

"Sooooooo much fucking bigger than my boyfriend's..." Leon said with a purr, and even with her provoked anger towards her other half it didn't sound like she needed much convincing to admit this fact. Narrowed eyes cast up at this man while her head leaned in for the first brush of her tongue across the bulbous crown of his too. She didn't go about the task with any slow sort of pace either. Quick swirls around the head and a little down the side while her eyes remained locked up at the grin on her neighbour's face. "Mmmmm... I bet you can fucking longer than he can too... Fucking asshole..." The insult was aimed at her future husband rather than this cock stud. She'd been well played to give up this kind of action without realising it. The mere laps from her soft, wet tongue got groans out of him as the light bit of saliva was left on his crown.

"Fucking come get a taste and find out, babe..." Jay encouraged not just with his words, but a hand on the back of her dark-haired head to bring that stunning face closer to his member. No objections from her as shown when she all too eagerly parted her lips to let that dick slip inside. The first telling sign of the size difference between this cocky hunk and the smaller dick she's used to is just from the first stretch of her crimson lips when he pushed in. It didn't take long before she actively bobbed along that length to make him properly moan, and a muffled groan of her own accompanied the first slurp. She began to ease back and forth with a sway of her hair and those big tits did the same as she remained on that all fours position and her thick ass raised.

"Mmmmmpphhh... Shhhhrrrlllppp... Mmmmmm..." A clear fire in her eyes and her gaze locked up at him while she sucked on that big white cock. A sexy contrast with her dark-toned, exotic skin. Her face moved along his dick at a smooth pace. A sign that this was far from the first time she's sucked some dick before. The lipstick slowly started to smear in time with more of her spit being applied to this thickness. "Mmmmm! Mmmmmphhh... Shhhrrrlllkkk... Mmmmm..." The beauty who has worked for ROH, Stardom and brief WWE appearances in the past groaned around that dick in between the pumps to take him past her lips and nicely deep into her warm and wet mouth. Her nipples were hard to poke through that sexy neon green bikini and her raised backside did a little sway for a display of how into this she is. No doubt that being able to see and feel first-hand that this hunk could last fuelled her even more than his manipulation to get a piece of her in the first place.

"Mmmmm... Fuck yeah, Mandy... Fucking suck that dick... Mmmmm! Fuck..." Jay's hand moved to stroke back that dark hair of hers to keep a full, clear view of that pretty face while she slid deeply along his length. The spit coated his rod to slowly drip towards the base and make him moan with how nicely wrapped around his prick her pouty lips were. Sinful rings of thick red were being left along his member at the points her mouth settled down on to blow and those marks gradually moved further along his size with each minute or so that passed. "Mmmmm... A hot fucking babe like you... Mmmmm... Wants to get fucking wild with a big fucking dick like mine, huh?" It was more of a challenge than just a suggestion. He quickly figured out that when it came to a sexy pro wrestler like this it wasn't just in-ring battles she could get fired up for if some hard-hitting action was involved.

As good as this dose of head was, he didn't complain too much when she lifted her head off to lick her lips and stare up at him. "Yeah... Yeah! I want to get real fucking wild..." Mandy found herself agreeing with his statement without thinking it through thanks to her anger clouding her judgement. "What you got planned for me, stud?" She purred to tease him with a smirk on those smudged lips to match.

"Fuck yeah... Come lay on your back, Mandy." Jay directed with a grin. "Head off the end of the bed. You're gonna fucking love this." He claimed, but truthfully his smile and the tone of his voice showed he believed it was going to be a blast for him regardless of what she felt.

"OK..." Mandy's voice showed she didn't quite see what the deal was but was so down to fuck right now that she didn't object. She lay back on her bed (and presumably that of her man as well) so that her long dark hair hung down so the tips brushed on the bedroom floor with her head off the edge and upside down while that stacked body was shown off nicely on the sheets. "So, now what do we... MMMMMPPPHHHH!!"

Her words cut off when that fat dick pushed not just back into her mouth, but deeply to take full advantage of her position. Her eyes went wide but then sinfully narrowed while she pressed her lips around his length. He began to thrust and went in deliberately deeper than the big amount of him that she'd blown moments before. The first nasty, lusty choke escaped her when he eased in just to pull out as her spit began to drip down from off of his length along with past her lips which left more bright red lipstick onto that pale shaft. Out of an instinct she didn't have before, her arms reached back and found his legs to grip the thighs while her mouth got used. Her eyes locked up at this man who was now doing a face fuck to those stunning features to make her head bob a bit and her hair swayed in time with his stiff thrusts.

"MMMMMPPPHHH! GAAAAAAAAAHHH... HHHHHRRRKKKK... MMMMMM..." A combination of lusty chokes and naughty moans from her. The result of her mouth being filled with an amount of cock unlike anything she's taken before and this hunk wasn't satisfied with just sampling her soothing mouth either. Those thick inches pushed in deeper to invade her throat and keep the gags nice and loud to make the multi-time Women's Champion of a few indie promotions jolt on her bed thanks to that dick being fed nice and deep between her lips. "GAAAAAAAAAAHH! MMMMMM!! GAAAAAAAAAHHH... HHHHRRRKKK..." She didn't let the discomfort of her oral tunnel being stretched apart bother her too much either. A slight dig of her fingers into his skin but the advantage of being a pro wrestler and used to some punishment (even if she was more known for her looks than any in-ring talent) meant she could take this throat bang like a porn star.

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