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Aquata Cove Ch. 56


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"Alright..." Adam huffed as he stooped down a little, and began to give slow, deep thrusts into Merrick, "Tell me what you need~"

"Your cooooooocccckk," Merrick moaned in a hesitant push inside his anus, as if he was waiting for a chance to think clearly. Adam pulls back, and slowly impales him again with his hard dick, "I need iiiiitt~!" Merrick added from another slow thrust.

"U-UHHH yeah..." Adam moved his lower body back and forth, forcing Merrick to be pushed forward along with him, even backing up as Adam pulled his dick to the edge og his sphincter before shoving it back in.

"Ghhh! Ahhh~!" Merrick's arm jacked quickly as his prostate was probed once again. His eyes clench shut, his mouth gapped the squelching sound of his pre-soaked hand squished around his dick, "AWW! OHHH!" Merrick's buttcheeks clamped around Adam's rock-hard dong as Merrick's own rod convulsed in his hand, and felt a gush of wet heat spill onto his palm and in between his fingers.

"God, you feel so amazing when you cum..." Adam moaned as he still humps into his blonde boyfriend. Something about release somehow loosens Merrick's ass in a way just feels so warm and comforting.

Merrick moans as he lays down, spent, and awaiting for Adam's hot, melting load to erupt inside of him. Though really, he also likes Adam being inside him - the closeness it creates as Adam shares his body with him, somehow welcoming each other in a very intimate, personal way.

"Mmmm... Hoohhhh yeah..." Adam thrusts slowly and deliberately into Merrick, just loving the relaxed muscles surrounding his member. A couple of minutes later, Adam pushes his thick, hairy crotch into Merrick's bottom, and paused as his whole body tenses up. He grunts, and moans wantonly as his balls tightened, and flooded his penis with hot, thick love, and poured it into the hungry ass of the merman.

"Ooohhhhhhhhhhhhh" Merrick whines with pleasure and exhaustion as he feels Adam fill him up with his gooey seed. Adam groans as he slowly pulls his tired penis out from Merrick's well-used asshole. They pant and quietly murr as Adam lays his hairy, moist body lazily on Merrick's sweaty frame. Both of them close their eyes peacefully as their hearts softly beat inside them, full of contentment and satisfaction as they slowly enter into the coma of the afterglow.



Both men jump from the sudden roar of the foghorn.


Adam and Merrick huffed with an annoyed groan from the realization that they now have to get up instead of cuddling.

"Dammit..." Adam took a deep breath, and crawled to the edge of the mattress. He groans as he lazily moves his legs over the bed, "Alright... Lets get going." He stood up as Merrick rolled onto his back.

"Can't we stay a little longer? She said we had two hours." Merrick complained.

"Naw, we better get going." Adam replied as he squat down to stash a few discarded items and clothes into one of the suitcases.

Merrick puts a hand on his chest, and realized that he's... Wet? He brought his hands up to his face to see, and saw a thin layer of moisture on his skin. He sat up, and felt his smooth abs a little, realizing that he's slightly wet around his body as well.

"... Adam?"

"Yeah, babe?" Adam idly asked as he packed up their items, carefully wrapping up his Golden Lover award, and placing it in the velvet box he was given to store it.

"... Did you put any water on me earlier?" Merrick asked, starting to see his whole body feels a little greasy and stuffy, even feeling his hair, he sees that it is half soaked in liquid.

"No. Why?"

"Because I'm kinda wet... But I'm not transforming." He noted that he's not wearing his scale necklace. Adam turned to look, and felt and rubbed Merrick's shoulder.

"Ah, you're just sweaty, that's all." Adam dismissed.


"Yeah. See, when people exert energy, the skin starts to make its own water in order to cool itself off. You've seen me sweat all the time, right?"

"Yeah... Sort of..." Merrick felt around himself, feeling this new sensation around his. He doesn't like it.

Merrick stood up, and walked to the bathroom sink. He held his hand under the faucet water, immediately transforming his hand into blue and silver webbed flesh. "... Still a fish..." He muttered before he picked up his necklace, and put it around his neck. Adam came up behind him, and kissed his cheek.

"C'mon babe. Lets take a shower." He gave a playful pat on Merrick's bottom before going into the cramped cubicle, and turned on the showerhead. Merrick shook his head and just placed it out of his mind, and turned to follow Adam into the shower...


"Ah! Hey!" Syrinx and Kevin slowly make their way in the crowd, still on deck as everyone edged to the exit-docks of the ship, "God, why are gay events so damn crowded??"

"Then why did we go to a gay cruise in a first place?" Kevin asked, "We're not even bi, and we're pretty much strictly monogamous."

"Not the point!" Syrinx dismissed. Kevin rolled his eyes as they went, turning his head, and seeing a familiar shiny blonde head along with a dark-haired guy, a black man, and a shorter, slender Mexican dude are greeted by a young Asian woman and man, along with a young Asian teenager as well. They hug each other as everyone else filed in their own directions.

"Hey! There he is!" Kevin slapped Syrinx's shoulder, and pointed to the land. She turned, and spotted them. No doubt about it, that blonde twink getting hug-tackled by the Japanese teenager is the same merman that's been on this cruise!

"Hey! Hey you!" Syrinx shouted, but to absolutely no avail, as they are surrounded by chatty people, "HEEEEEY! BLONDIE!" She yelled as the merman began to leave with his friends, "WAAAAIIIT! HEEEEEEEEEEEY!" People began to turn as she shouted louder, "STOOOP! HEEEEEY, FISHBOY!!"


"Hm?" Adam turned around, "Captain?" He looked, but couldn't find the fat old boss of his anywhere.

"What's wrong, Adam?" Yuri asked.

"You see the Captain anywhere?" Adam replied as he looked all around, "I thought I heard someone say, 'Fishboy'."

"I think you just wanna get back to work." Jamal said, "It's been like, what, a month and two weeks since you actually got in, right?"

"Yeah..." Adam groaned as they went, "I'll be surprised if he actually keeps me after all this time away from my job."

"He gave you the time off himself, didn't he?" Yuri said, "It's not like you skipped on purpose. The police already reported to him that you were abducted for the month that you were gone."

"Yeah, and then I go away for ANOTHER two weeks for a cruise."

"That was on your Vacation Days." Yuri said, "According to him, you had a slew of vacation time that you never really bother to touch. He was at least reasonable enough to pardon the previous month anyway."

"Yeah, but I need to get back to work yesterday." Adam said, "That whole month, I went without working, and I only got paid for half of it."

"Sadly, yes. We're doing fine right now, Adam," Yuri reported, "But yeah, things are going to be a little tight right now financially."

"Wow, you really on top of stuff, gurl." Jamal admired.

"We all need to be on top of things, Jamal," Yuri said with a snide leer, "I just happen to do it clothed and sober."

"Aw snap!" Jamal snickered.

"Nnnhhh..." Merrick winces as he tries to avoid Fumiko, Ryo's little sister as they went to the parking lot. After a whole month missing, and then another two weeks at sea, Fumiko INSISTED that she come with Yuri and Ryo to welcome them home.

Nothing's changed at all with this girl, she's still Merrick's stalker. Even as he walks around the group, pretending to take in the sights of the port, Fumiko keeps trying to hold his hand. Merrick winces as he can sense her coming with his Triton intuition, and move away from her just before she can get him.

Ryojin snickers as he notices his sister still trying to get Merrick to like her. He hasn't even bothered to tell her that Merrick is gay, let alone what homosexual really means.

"Rrrggh" Merrick grimaced, "Ryojin, could you please tell your sister to stop it, please??"

Ryo chuckled as he nodded to the young school girl, "Fumiko, kocchi no ki te kudasai."

Fumiko pouted as she looked at Merrick, and went away from him. He grumped as he then went back to Adam, who then took his hand into his.

Fumiko frowns and fumes, 'Why does he get to hold his hand, but not me?! His true love?!'


"HEEEEEEEYYYYY!!" Syrinx called, but it was no use. "Dammit."

"Well fuck." Kevin said as his shoulders slumped. "I don't suppose you caught his name, did you?"

"No, I didn't." Syrinx said as she scowled, "I THINK I know is boyfriend's name though. I think it was... Adam? Adam Brian, I think? Adam Bright?" She pondered, "Adam B-Something..."

As they made their way through the crowd, Syrinx groans silently as a dizzy spell started to waver inside of her skull. Her skin feels a flash of mild heat, despite the warm weather. She coughs a little before bringing her water bottle up to sate the dryness in her mouth.

The dehydration is getting worse and more frequent. She's almost at her limit. Her hazel eyes looked toward the direction of where the blonde merman disappeared.

That's just one more reason why she's starting to think she should have talked to him sooner.

--The Next Day--

"You're actually writing a lot better than I thought you would," Yuri said as Merrick writes his home address on a sheet of paper, "You really taught yourself to write only a few days ago?"

"I wouldn't say that," Merrick said just as Adam came in, pulling on his leather jacket, "It just sort of... Came to me when I signed up for a contest. Like I already knew how to write."

"Morning, babe." Adam said as he came over and kissed his ear and feeling through his golden hair.

"Morning, Adam." Merrick replied. Adam looked over the few pages of paper laid out before him - it appears to be some official-looking documents.

"What's that you got there?"

"It's a job application." Merrick said. Adam's eyes brightened from that.

"An application? To where?"

"Lovers - that sex shop Nick works for. Yuri's helping me fill it out and... Creating something called a resume, was it?" He asked as he turned. Adam shifted his eyes to Yuri's laptop, and saw a Word Document open with Merrick's name, address, the Social Security Number Erin arranged for him, along with a number from a cell phone Jamal purchased for Merrick 3 months ago, but has never used.

"He's actually doing better than I expected," Yuri said, "He's only written one other time on the cruise, but his penmanship is already as good as mine."

"Wow, that's great, honey!" Adam bent over and gave Merrick a hug, "I'm so proud of you, sweetie!"

Merrick smiled happily as those strong arms pressed around him. "I have heard that money is going to be a problem around here..." Adam blinked and looked down, "I want to do something other than doing chores and waiting for you to come home."

"Aw sweetie..." Adam kissed his head affectionately, "You don't need to wor-"

"Yes, we do, Adam." Yuri said, "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I've been counting the numbers for our finances, and things are going to be tough around her for a while - this month, maybe even two if we're unlucky. Jamal's already picked up some extra shifts at the Dream Waltz, and I've been moonlighting at the local clinic for some extra scratch."

"I want to contribute, Adam." Merrick said as moved his head back to look up at his lover, "I can do so much more than just vacuuming and washing dishes. Besides, I want to go to the Lovers store a lot often to see what they got."

"I suppose you're right, baby." Adam said as he kissed him again, "Speaking of which, I have to get to work. First time in a month and a half." He kissed Merrick's lips one more time, before picking up his helmet, "Good luck, babe. See you later, Yuri."

"Bye, babe!"

"Later, Adam." Yuri said. Soon, the rumbling of Adam's motorcycle roared to life, and rippled away to the distance. "Ok, now for references..."


Kevin slips on his uniform polo shirt, sporting the colors of red and white in a checker pattern, getting ready to head for his job as the Assistant Manager at the Checkeroni Pizzeria of Italian food and classic board and arcade games.

"Off to work, Pizza Boy~?" Syrinx asked with a teasing smirk.

"Why do you gotta be such a ball buster?" Kevin asked as he sees his girlfriend lounging around on the couch.

"How else can I make sure you worship me~?" She said with a devious smile, "And besides it's fun."

"And don't you have to go to work too?" Kevin flopped one of the throw pillows onto the mermaid's face.

"*Pffffhh* No," She tugged the pillow off from her face, "I still have until tomorrow before I go back to the coffee shop." Syrinx yawned for a few seconds, before shaking her head. Kevin notices that she's looking a little more... Pale than usual, not to mention that she looks tired, even after sleeping for half of the day.

"You ok, sweetie? You're looking a little down there."

"I'm fine..." She groaned as she lay back, "Just tired, that's all."

"You just woke up a couple of hours ago," Kevin said, "Maybe I should stay home and make sure-"

"I'm fine, Skull-Face." Syrinx groaned, "I think I might be catching something..."

"I thought merfolk don't catch colds." Kevin said with a quirked brow.

"That's just something I say to poke fun at humans." She dismissed.

"Ok, but... You sure you'll be-"

"Yes, Kev! I'm fine already," Syrinx persisted, though her dizziness is suggesting otherwise.

"Ok, ok, take it easy, Breezy." He replied, "I just worry about you..." He looked down on his girlfriend with a calmed look, "From the looks of you, I think it's about that time again..."

"... Probably..." Syrinx responded, "I'm not at my limit yet though. I'll be ok for a while longer."

"Ok, baby..." Kevin leaned down, and kissed her lips a few times, "I love you."

"I love you too, Beanstalk."

Kevin snorted as he stood up, and grabbed his keys, "Take it easy, baby. I'll see you tonight."

"Thanks for the warning." She replied flatly as her mate walked out the door, and left for work.


"Wait, Captain!" Adam said as he followed the old, pirate-like man.

"Can it, Fishboy," Captain dismissed as they went, "That's the way things have to be for now."

"But I'm supposed to be full-time!" Adam said, "Why am I only working 25 hours this week??"

"Look!" Captain snarled as he turned around, "I've run the numbers by several times. The prices of everything have gone up, and it's just one huge bitch of a fuckin net! If Damien was still here, he coulda been able to step around. As you might know." He gave Adam a quick leer, reminding him why he had to fire a highly efficient but homophobic bookkeeper.

Adam grimaced, but persisted, "Look, but since that whole month fiasco of mine, me and my roommates are having some financial troubles. I need to work more hours!"

"Then git another freaking job!" Captain loudly answered, "I been hearin nonstop bitchin since this whole hour-cut thing started!" Captain sighed, and shook his head, "Look, fishboy, I'm havin to cut everyone's hours - hell, I even thought about layin off a few of the other fishboys, but I ain't got the patience to think about hiring and trainin new fishboys in the future."

Adam sighed, "... Fine, sir..."

"I can work with yer schedule if ye git a second job, but I can't give ya any more hours." He pat Adam's shoulder, "I'm sorry, Adam. It's outta my hands right now, and this is the best I can do without kickin anyone out." Adam begrudgingly nodded, "Now git to work."

"Yes, Captain..." Adam muttered as he turned and went to load up the first tank-cart while Captain went to tend to a few things in the office.

~~~Hours Later~~~

"Hello, I'd like to turn in a job application?" Merrick said, dressed up in somewhat casual/formal clothing - Yuri said most places might feel better about hiring him when he looks presentable to begin with.

"Alright." Sasha said. The British chick peered at Merrick a little closer, "Hold a moment, do I know you?"

"Yeah. A long time ago, I did some modeling for you in a bunch of sexy thongs."

"Aw yeeaaahh!" Sasha beamed and nodded, "I rememba you!" She glanced at Merrick's application and freshly resume, "Aw yes, you're Merrick, aren't you?"

"Yes," Merrick nodded, "I was hoping I can have a job here? This is... Sort of my first time having any kind of job."

"I see..." Sasha said, "Well, I believe we arh hiring at the moment, if you'd like, I may spot you for an interview right now with the managah."

"A-Ah, yes, that'd be great!" Merrick agreed with zeal.

"Right then," Sasha got up, taking Merrick's forms with her, "This way, and I'll tell the managah you're waiting for him when he's done with his break."

"Thank you so much!" Merrick quickly followed her to the backroom. This is going a LOT better than he previously thought.


"Mmnnnhhhh..." Syrinx whines as her hand rests on her forehead, "Why won't the room stop spinning... Don't tell me those Pixies at the cruise have delayed backlash..." The mermaid pulls herself off the couch, and walks slowly to the kitchen.

The more steps she walked, the more her surroundings blurred all around her. She grimaces as she tries to push every effort just to feel her feet press on the tiles of the kitchen floor. Syrinx feels herself sway before her hands clapped onto the nearest surface, trying sorely to stay balanced.

"God... Feels like gravity went right out the window..." She whimpers as her vision begins to fail. A wave of heat surrounds her skin as her heart pounds in her chest. Her whole body shakes terribly as she edges along the kitchen counter towards the refrigerator, virtually blind, just two breaths from fainting.

She finally gets to the fridge, her eyes still spinning as she pulls at the handle, and opens the cold door. Syrinx gasps as she falls to her knees, unable to keep herself up from just opening the door. It barely occurs to her that she forgot to grab a glass to have some filtered water, but that doesn't seem to matter at all as she fumbles on the floor.

"Nnnhh... HhhHhhHhhHhh..." The poor girl starts to wheeze as her fingers swipe at the plastic tub of cold, clean water, just a button-press away from her.

Her arms shake as she quickly loses strength, and finally collapses on the kitchen floor. She heaves pitifully as she is unable to move anymore, paralyzed with weakness. Her eyes close as everything fades away from her.


"Aw man," Jamal says with his cellphone to his ear, "That really sucks." He's currently on lunch, and he is talking to Adam in regards of his hours getting cut in half.

"I know," Adam said on the other side. "Yuri says that we can barely scrape by this month, but we're not going to have much money for groceries."

"Hmm... I think I got an idea."

"Ok, shoot. Wait, are you going to suggest I apply to be a stripper at the Dream Waltz? Because I'm not down for that."

"Psh, no man!" Jamal said, "But we are always lookin for performers to do fill in spots. I saw you on the cruise when you and Merrick got back together, you good."

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